
International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2021, Poland

International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2021, Poland
I. Participation conditions 
1. SATYRYKON 2021 International Exhibition is an open competition. 
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2019-2020), and qualified by artists to one of the following sections: 
I – theme: FAMILY 
II – SATIRE & JOKE (drawings without captions are preferred) 
3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the SATYRYKON competition. 
4. Works are to be delivered via e-mail by 31st December 2020 (no later than 11.59 p.m., Polish time zone) at konkurs.satyrykon@lck.art.pl 
5. Up to three works may be submitted for each section of the competition. Accepted work format: A3 (297x420mm) at maximum, 5 MB per picture, saved in JPEG format. In the case of objects that cannot be sent by e-mail (e.g. sculptures), please contact us: satyrykon@lck.art.pl
6. Works should be accompanied a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS). By providing their personal information, the authors consent to data processing and the public use of the image. 
II. Prizes 
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury. 
2. Jury will award the following prizes: 
* Grand Prix SATYRYKON 2021 – pure gold key and purse amounting to 10.000 PLN 
* 2 gold medals and purses amounting to 7.000 PLN each 
* 2 silver medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN each 
* 2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN each 
* and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each 
* Mayor of Legnica in amount of 4.000 PLN award 
* Director of Legnica Culture Centre in amount of 4.000 PLN award for a photography work 
The organisers are expecting extra awards for laureates: for the Author of THE BEST DEBUT and the Author of THE STUDENT DEBUT to be accompanied by a solo exhibition at the Satyrykon Gallery within the programme of SATYRYKON 2020 events. 
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, i.e. to change their number, not to award them, or not to award the Grand Prix SATYRYKON. Jury’s decisions are final. 
The index of works qualified for the post-competition exhibition will be announced on 29th January 2021 at Satyrykon webpage: www.satyrykon.pl
The qualified works will be presented at the post-competition exhibition on condition their originals are delivered by the Authors no later than on 18th February 2021 (works present at the organizers premises) to the following address: 
International SATYRYKON Exhibition – Legnica 2021 
Ul.Chojnowska 2 
Akademia Rycerska 
59-220 Legnica 
The competition results will be announced on 22nd February 2021. 
3. Participation in the competition is free of charge. The work originals will be returned on condition that the Author donates one of the works of her/his choice to the Satyrykon Gallery – as a form of compensation for posting costs. In case there is no clear Author’s indication, the organizer may post the work back on the Author’s cost. Details of payment and return will be arranged in individual e-mail correspondence. 
n o t e ! 
AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT REGULATIONS. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and their collecting the awards by December 15, 2021, or the awards can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author. 
III. Participants’ privileges 
1. Authors of the works qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue and a free-of-charge place in the catalogue. 
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2021 event on June 18-20, 2021. 
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in Poland and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2022. 
IV. Final provisions 
1. Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues. 
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery. 
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations. 
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to publication of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue. 
5. Legnica Culture Centre (+4876 72-33-700; e-mail: satyrykon@lck.art.pl,) is the organiser of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2021. 
S c h e d u l e: 
Work acceptance deadline: 31st December 2020 at 11:59 p.m.(Polish time zone) 
Qualification for competition exhibition will be announced on 29th January 2021 at Satyrykon website 
Deadline for work originals delivery: 18th February 2021 
Jury meeting February 19-21, 2021 
The competition results will be announced on 22nd February 2021 
Post-competition exhibition June 6 – August 30, 2021 
Return of the works after the exhibition cycle December 3, 2022.
Source: satyrykon.


The 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania

The 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania
Cultural Centre of Urziceni Municipality, Municipality of Urziceni and International website BestCARTOONS.net are very glad to invite you to participate in the 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania. 
1. The 14th ICC Urziceni is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge. 
2. Will be submitted not more than 5 works for the FREE THEME (portraits are also accepted) and also not more than 5 works for the THEME – ”MASK OFF!”.(Down with the mask!) 
3. Deadline: November 22 , 2020
4. The presentation of the cartoons must contain the entrant’s last name, country and the title of work (in English). Works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB colour mode, in JPG format, with a maximum size of 2 MB. 
5. Send your cartoons and your CV to the e-mail address: casadeculturaurziceni@gmail.com
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the Urziceni website, so the cartoonists can carefully study them, in order to prevent similarity, copying and stealing. Any similar, copied or stolen cartoon will not be awarded. The contest results will be announced on the Urziceni 2020 website . 
7. The International Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, regardless of their category: 
GOLD PRIZE – USD 500, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
SILVER PRIZE - USD 250, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
BRONZE PRIZE - USD 150, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
Ten EXCELLENCY Special Honour Diplomas and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
The Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 
The prizes can be paid in Urziceni or can be sent by post and the recipient will bear the cost of sending them. 
The organizer does not assume any liability regarding the taxes or bank charges. 
The originals of the winning cartoons should be sent by mail, within a maximum period of two weeks after the results are announced, well wrapped and protected against damages. 
8. By their participation, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the Urziceni International Cartoon Contest and for the website BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, mass-media advertising, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts offered by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors. 
9. For further information, please e-mail us to: casadeculturaurziceni@gmail.com
10. By submitting the works to URZICENI 2020 INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists undertake to comply with the decisions of the Jury and the above mentioned rules. 
Nicolae PETRACHE, Manager of Cultural Centre Urziceni. 


Online exhibition: Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2020, Japan

Online exhibition: Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2020, Japan
2020/9/11(Fri) 〜 12/25(Fri)
International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), one of the organizers of this exhibition, is preparing to hold the 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace, as a virtual-online asynchronous conference on September 16 (Wed), from Kyoto. This exhibition is planned as a part of the event, focusing on the expressive and expanding power of manga, with a purpose of “exhibiting peace” in a virtual space.
In the present-day peace studies, peace is redefined as absence of violence rather than absence of war, and here, violence implies a cause that obstructs the full bloom of human abilities. It can be starvation, poverty, social discrimination, suppression of human rights, environmental destruction, delays of welfare, education and medical care or others. In this way, violence in different shapes exists in our daily life, not somewhere removed from us. 
At this moment, a new type of violence is occurring in Japan and abroad because of the novel corona virus epidemic. There are many situations that threaten human life and dignity, such as discrimination and prejudice against infected people, pressure on medical facilities due to political situations, and deterioration of labor environments because of stagnating economies. 
In these circumstances, we decided to open this exhibition online to show manga works created with unfettered ideas, immediately and internationally. Moreover, submitted works during the exhibition period will be showcased on the webpage immediately upon arrival, instead of first collecting works and then opening the completed online exhibition. This is because people’s opinions on what is accurate could change daily and we want to represent contributors’ ideas as close to real-time as possible. 
No one knows by what kind of artists nor how many works this “Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition” will contain. It is possible that the exhibition will not be complete by lack of submissions. Nevertheless, we, organizers believe that the instantaneous and spreading power of manga can help us combat the virus.
Anyone in the world can submit their works for the exhibition. You might develop a fever for manga, but please join us in promoting peace through this project! 
Call for submissions 
We are seeking submissions of manga artwork to display at this online exhibition. 
Submission guidelines 
• ‘Manga pandemic’-themed manga or illustrations: 
o Any size and shape are welcome 
o The artwork format can be single-panel satirical manga, story manga, or illustration, etc. 
o File requirements: JPEG file not exceeding 10MB, and at least 2000 pixels on the longest side. 
o Language: Japanese or English. We will attach a Japanese-English translation for the exhibition if necessary. 
o Either monochrome or color is acceptable. 
o Submission method: Email preferred. If you would like to submit the original drawing, please contact us. 
o When applying please let us know: 
1. Your name (pen name is acceptable), including notation in Roman alphabet if your name is written in another script. 
2. Title of your work (Japanese and English) 
3. Nationality 
4. Date of production 
5. Your contact information (email address and phone number) 
Details 1-4 will be open to the public. 
• Qualifications for submission: Applications are open to both professionals and amateurs, living inside or outside of Japan. 
• Submission deadline: Monday, 30 November 2020
• Submissions and enquiries address: Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center c/o Mr. Ito, mandemic@kyotomm.jp  
o We cannot offer any form of monetary reward or remuneration. 
o Copyright is retained by the creator, but images of the work may be used for publicity (including on Twitter) or may be included in business reports.
Source: mangapandemic .

International Cartoon Contest, Beseder 2020, Israel: Money in the modern world

International Cartoon Contest, Beseder 2020, Israel
1. The contest is open to all entrants. 
2. Cartoons must meet the ethical and aesthetic standards of civilized society. No incitement to violence, racial or national discrimination, or scenes of violence and pornography. 
3. In the event of rule breaking or overt plagiarism, entries will be removed from the contest without further discussion. 
4. Method of execution is up to the entrant. Cartoons submitted in digital form will have the following formats: JPEG, A-4, 300 dpi. Author’s name, billing address and e-mail will be attached to the entry. 
5. Maximum of three entries per participant. 
6. Narration will be in English, but wordless entries are encouraged. 
 7. The contest will last for 2 months. Final submission date for entries is 4.11.2020 (EXTENDED:) 01.12.2020.. 
8. Entries will be published on the contest’s Facebook page and “Beseder?”’s website – beseder.ru 
9. As well as entering a file into the contest, authors whose works will be chosen for the exhibition, must send in the original or a high quality copy in A-4 format by 20.12.2020. 
10. Cartoons must be watermarked in digital form. 
11. Final results will come in on 20.12.2020. 
 12. An exhibition of the participants' works and the publication of a catalog are planned, as well as an auction of cartoons that have won the competition. 
13. By entering the contest, the author of an entry accepts the terms and conditions, and agrees for their work to be published on the website beseder.ru and partner websites, in promotions, social networks and the contest’s catalog. Having said that, the author retains their copyright for the work. 
14. The originals and copies participating in the contest will not be returned to the author. 
1-st place – 777 USD + honorary diploma 
2-nd place – 555 USD + honorary diploma 
3-rd place – 222 USD + honorary diploma 
10 works will be recognized with honorary diplomas. 
Address for contest entries: beseder.cartoon@gmail.com
 Address for originals: Beseder, P.O.B. 3233 Jerusalem 91030 Israel 
Source: beseder.
Deadline updated 04.11.2020 23:40.


The 4th International Cairocature Cartoon Contest, Egypt 2020

The 4th International Cairocature Cartoon Contest, Egypt 2020
Theme: No justice no peace (anti- normalization) 
Each participant can send up to 3 cartoons. 
Must send his Full Name, Post Address, Email Address & Phone Number via Word file. 
Sent cartoons must be 300 dpi resolutions, A4 & Jpg format. 
Golden, Silver, and Bronze prizes.
There will be Special Prizes. 
Cartoons can be used for any promotional purposes (Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards, etc.) without the permission of the artist and without any payment. 
PDF catalog for final selected cartoons. 
Deadline: 31 / 10 / 2020 
Cartoon must be sending to: cairopalestine@gmail.com
 The results and accepted works will be published on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cartoonandcaricature/ .


The 1st International Cartoon Exhibition, Tabriz 2020, Iran

The 1st International Cartoon Exhibition, Tabriz 2020, Iran
Dear colleagues:
We cordially invite all the professional and amateur cartoonists
from all over the world regardless of their age and ethnicity.
Theme: If I were a tourist in Tabriz
* Rugs made in Tabriz
* Kabood Mosque (Blue Mosque)
* Tabriz Bazaar
* El-Goli park
* Famous cuisine of Tabriz.
Please send your surname, first name, address,e-mail address, phone number, a photo and a biography.
Sent works should be in 300 dpi with 1500 pixel width or length and jpg format, A4.
Deadline: October 12, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 30 November 2020
Cartoons Must Be Sending To:
The exhibition will open in Tabriz.
The select works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue.
Leila Alaiy.
Source: tabrizcartoons.


The 60th International Cartoon Contest Golden Hat 2021, Belgium

All persons over 18 years of age are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants shall agree to the terms and conditions of the rules and the decisions of the jury. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies.
Participation is free of charge. Deadline 31.12.2020.
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This may be a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation, or simply a picture of a funny situation. The cartoon may consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. No moving images allowed.
Participants are free to choose the theme of their entries.
Maximum 5 submissions per person, black and white or colour.
The cartoons must not contain text.
Drawings can also be made digitally.
They must be packaged flat and not folded.
Works under glass, framed or in other materials will not be accepted.
They must not have been exhibited in Belgium or awarded in other countries.
Digital entries: min. 2480 x 3500 pixels (A4 300dpi). Allowed file types: jpg jpeg eps tif psd pdf.
Entries may only be sent by post after the form has been completed on the website and the form is enclosed with the entry. Dimensions min. 21 x 30 cm or max. 30 x 42 cm. The entrant’s name, first name and address must be written on the back of each cartoon.
Your participation is only valid if we have received your fully completed entry form on our website.
Entries are submitted at the expense of the entrants.
The selected cartoons wil be tramed with a passe-partout for the exhibition.
The sender remains responsible for the originality of his work. Discussions and possible claims concerning all forms of plagiarism are the responsibility of the contributor.
By participating, entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the “International Cartoon Festival” and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon festival organizers, calendar).
A professional jury will make a selection for the exhibition from the submissions received and will select 10 nominees. 
This selection will be checked for plagiarism after which the jury can decide to make a selection. 
The winners will be announced on the opening date of the festival.
All submitted works shall become the property of the organizing body related to the cartoon festival.
You can ask for a return of the submitted items on your expence. Submitted works will be stored for maximum 2 years.
In collaboration with “Davidsfonds” Leuven, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
Golden Hat 5.000 € *
Silver Hat 2.000 € *
Bronze Hat 1.000 € *
Audience Award 500 €
* + flight and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during the opening (one night).
City of Knokke-Heist / Culture House
Maxim Willemspad 1 , 8300 Knokke-Heist
Phone +32 50 63 04 30
Source: myknokke.

The 8th International Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts 2020, Romania

8th International Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts 2020, Romania
1.The competition is open to any cartoonist.
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition. 
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reposnibility will be assuemed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened. 
4. All cartoons must be 30x40 cm maximum
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope. 
6. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 15th September 2020
Street Virgil Oniţiu number 5, postal code 300238, Timişoara, Timiş România. 
Phone: 0040-(0)744 531 169. 
7. The results of the competition will be announced on the 1st of October 2020. 
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts'. 
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album. 
10. The reward ceremony will be held on the 16th of October 2020 The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts' for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until the 15th of November 2020. 
11. For participants the travel, accommodation and meals are provided by the organizers. 
Judging will be made online in 6 capital cities of the world by great artists around the world. 
13. PRIZES: 
There will be 4 prizes of excellence of 1000 Euros each.


Kartal Municipality International Covid-19 Cartoon Competition 2020, Turkey

Kartal Municipality International Covid-19 Cartoon Competition
1 - The competition is open to all amateur and professional illustrators. 
2 - The subject of the contest is in the form of "Covid-19 Epidemics", which affects the whole world. 
3 - Each artist can participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 works. 
4 - Technique is free for the participating works. The size of the cartoons should not exceed A3. The works to be sent should be at 300 dpi resolution and sent by e-mail. 
5 - There will be participation in the competition with works made with black-white or color technique. However, the works must be original and signed. 
6 - The deadline to participate in the competition is Monday, October 5, 2020. Works that do not arrive until the working hour are excluded from the competition. The jury meeting will be held between 5-10 October 2020 and the result of the competition will be announced to the press and social media. 
7 - The cartoons deemed worthy to be exhibited among the works participating in the competition will be collected in an album. 
8 - The e-financial address to send the cartoons: kartalcartooncontest2020@kartal.bel.tr Illustrators must send a photo and CV with their work. 
9 - All usage rights of the works participating in the competition and exhibited in the album belong to Kartal Municipality. 
10 - The cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted all the conditions. 
11 - Competition Jury: 
Adem UÇAR - Deputy Mayor of Kartal Municipality 
Vladimir Kazanevsky - Ukraine 
Massoud Shojai - Iran 
Marco de Angelis - Italy 
Hasan Seçkin - Hasat Art Workshop 
Oğuz Gürel - Turkey 
Ercan Akyol - Turkey 
Saadet Demir Yalcin - Turkey 
Huseyin Aslan - Turkey 
Yurdagün Göker - Turkey. 
10 - Awards: 
* First Prize 1500 $  
* Second Prize 1000 $ 
* Third Prize 750 $ 
* Honorable Mention 4 x 400 $  
* Kartal Municipality Presidential Special Award 
* Our Cartoon Masters - Bedri Koraman Special Award 
* Jury Special Prize 
* Harvest Art Workshop Award 
* Special Prizes (6). 
11 - The cartoons participating in the competition will be finalized as 100 finalist works by the jury in the first place. Copy, imitation, etc. studies are eliminated from the competition with the jury report and report. 
12 - Participating cartoons may have been published before, but should not have been awarded in any competition. 
13 - Competition Album will be sent to the artists whose works are published in the album. 
14 - The evaluation of the participating works and the award ceremony (considering the Covid-19 outbreak) will be held online. 
15 - The results of the competition will be announced to the public on 11 October 2020 at the latest. 
16 - Kartal Municipality Competition Participation Certificate will be sent to all participating illustrators. 
17 - The Award Ceremony and Competition Exhibition will be held at the place and date deemed appropriate by Kartal Municipality. The results of the competition will be sent to Kartal Municipality Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs along with the minutes of Saturday, October 18-11. 


29th International Festival of Humor and Satire, Golden Helmet 2021, Serbia

- Short story
- Poem
- Aphorism
2ND PRIZE...400 €
3RD PRIZE...200 €
You can send your works of creation until 25 January 2021.
Send only unpublished works of creation. Also you must send your short biography, address, contact telephone and e-mail address.
Written works must be sent by post in four (4) copies with the code!
Caricatures can be sent by post, but also by e-mail in JPG form (resolution of 300 dpi and a maximum size of 4 MB). Original caricatures must be sent, too. Computer-generated caricatures must be printed in A4 format, signed manually with the No.1 mark and sent by post, also.
The decision of the jury will be announced by 15 February 2021.
The Awards ceremony will be held at Final Night of the Festival - 1st April 2021.
The Organizaion of the festival will bear the cost of the trip and accommodation for the awarded authors. The official langauges of the festival are Serbian and English.
All artists whose works are selected for the exhibition and the catalog, will receive a free copy of the catalog. The works of art remain the property of the Festival. The organizer reserves the right to use the works sent for the competition in order to promote the Festival.
Address: Cultural Center Kruševac
International Festival of Humour and Satire "Golden Helmet"
Toplicina 2; 37000 Kruševac SERBIA
tel/fax: +381 (37) 423 025, 421 877
e-mail: goldenhelmet@ptt.rs 
WEB: www.kck.org.rs .
Entry Form (Above).
Source: zlatnakaciga .


International Cartoon Exhibition: Solidarity for Sustainability 2020, Turkey

International Cartoon Exhibition: Solidarity for Sustainability
Topic: Sustainable Life
Sustainable life defines a lifestyle that includes the efficient, careful, fair, and responsible use of the natural resources of the planet while meeting the vital, economic, and social needs of individuals and communities. Correct use of natural resources, environmentally friendly nutrition and food systems, use of environmentally sensitive technology, renewable energy use, a healthy environment, equal distribution of resources means as the synchronous providing of economic welfare and social justice. The inclusion of sustainability in lifestyle means that the choices of individuals regarding food, product and energy use both today and tomorrow and being aware of the impact that future generations have on their lives. Within the scope of sustainable lifestyles to slow down global warming by reducing carbon footprint: reach to healthy food, reducing food waste, supporting local producers, the hunger-obesity paradox, environmentally friendly transportation, recycling, being a producer without a consumer, use of second-hand items, reducing plastic waste, use of environmentally friendly products, conserving biodiversity, reduce ocean-sea pollution and protecting sea creatures, planting a tree, respect for all creatures in nature, rights advocacy of disadvantaged groups, equality in income distribution, in support of art and artist works which include may apply.
In the works, critical, awareness-raising expressions that emphasize the causes and consequences of the global climate crisis, emphasize respect for the living rights of other creatures in nature should be taken into account.
Why an exhibition instead of competition?
Sustainability is a concept that includes solidarity, not competition. This time, we will embrace our planet, which is on the point of extinction, with solidarity and create awareness with our drawings.
To create awareness, we believe that cartoon is one of the best mediums.
Covid-19 pandemic’s relationship with sustainability and solidarity drawings, which are on the agenda when we prepare announcements for the cartoon exhibition, will make the cartoon exhibition more meaningful.
Who can participate?
• The application is open to all amateur and professional artists.
• Applications will be evaluated in two categories: under and over the age of 18.
Rules for the cartoons
• The cartoons which sent for exhibition may have been previously published, but the works must be original, unique and produced by the applicant.
• The works should be prepared in A4 size, 300 dpi, JPEG or PDF format and suitable for printing. 
• If there will be text in the works, it should be in Turkish or English.
• The technique is free.
How to upload cartoons?
• For participation, the application form at the link below must be filled out completely and the cartoons should be uploaded by the down link, September 25, 2020.
• Applicants declare and undertake that all information they share is correct and that they accept all terms of participation conditions.
• Our institution is not responsible for the files that are sent in different formats and cannot be opened. • Artists can participate with a maximum number of 5 different works.
Evaluation for the Exhibition
• The cartoons that are evaluated and decided to be exhibited will be determined by SUYADER (Sustainable Life Association) and the Selective Committee to be determined by the Cartoon Workshop.
• Evaluation results – The owners of the cartoons found to be exhibited will be informed by e-mail on 
25 October 2020.
• The cartoons that are considered worth exhibiting will be published in an album and this album will be sent to the owners.
• All cartoons that are considered to be exhibited and not seen will remain in the archive of the organizing institution, posters, calendars, brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc. can be used in organs by giving reference to the owner of the work. In case of a right, the owner of the work will be informed. Those who send works to the exhibition are deemed to have accepted these conditions.
Recycled ecological papers will be used in album printing.
The cartoons that are worth to be exhibited will be exhibited in Ankara on a date to be determined depending on the flow of the pandemic process.
If exhibition halls are closed due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, an online exhibition will be held.
Emre Yılmaz -Cartoonist
Emine Aksoydan- Co-founder of SUYADER
Deniz Oslu- Engineer and sketcher
Çiğdem Demir- Designer and cartoonist.
Source: suyader.


XXII International Open Cartoon Contest with theme "Plastic" resolved!

Zielona Góra 2020
The Winners
GRAND PRIX –Mojmir Mihatov (Croatia) (Top)
1st Prize – Henryk Cebula (Poland)
2nd Prize – Julia Łuczak (Poland)
3rd Prize – Bernard Bouton (France).
About special awards we will inform later.


Freedom is the theme in the 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde 2020, Brazil

1 – REGISTRATION: AUGUST 15, 2020, TO OCTOBER 15, 2020 
The 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde is open to all graphic artists, whatever their talents, technique, or nation. Entries can be of any category, and each artist can compete in multiple categories. Categories are: Cartoon; Caricature; and Comic Strip/Comic book (the comic book must be a single-page story, and the comic strip may contain a maximum of 5 strips in a single page). Each entrant may submit a maximum of 5 (five) works total. The entry format must be 30 x 40cm and a maximum of 3 mb file size. Registration is free and online at salaodehumor.com. The artist will send his works through the registration form, through the link “Register”. The Salão de Humor will open on Nov 28, with all winners announced. 
2 – THEME 
The 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde’s theme is FREEDOM. 
A juror will select the winners between October 15 and October 23, 2020. 
Cartoon Winner: R$ 5,000 (five thousand reais). 
Runner-up: R$ 3,000 (three thousand reais). 
Medplan Caricature Prize (open theme): R$ 2,000 (two thousand reais). 
Medplan Comics Prize (open theme): R$ 2,000 (two thousand reais). 
Internet Prize: R$2,000 (two thousand reais). Public online voting will decide the winner. Voting goes from Oct 28 to Nov 06, 2020, at: salaodehumor.com 
Selected artworks will join our 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde traveling exhibition. Selected artists (copyright holders) automatically grant the 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde unlimited non-exclusive use of the selected artwork for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, concerning the contest, the exhibition, the yearbook, the public archive, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of the 12th Salão de Humor Medplan e Humana Saúde, without any remuneration being due. 
6.1 – Your artwork must be your own original artwork and not a copy of anyone else’s copyrighted material (If your image infringes upon another’s copyright it will be disqualified). 
6.2 – Your submitted artwork mustn’t have won other contest awards or any other prize. 
6.3 – All Medplan e Humana Saúde workforce and their relatives are not allowed to participate in this contest, nor any member of the organization of this event. 
6.4 – Plagiarism, infringement of the rights of others, or other violations of the Contest rules will result in disqualification, even if the artwork has already been awarded (in which case the jury will cancel the prize). 
§ 1º – By registering you automatically agree upon all terms and rules. For more information: +55 (86) 99975 2514. 
§ 2º – The results may be contested in four days after the event opening, with proof of any irregularities that the jury may not have known of. 
Kids age 06 to 12 are allowed to participate in our kids’ contest, Salãozinho. The theme for this year’s competition is “INDOOR GAMES AND ACTIVITIES”. You can submit up to two artworks in a 30x40cm format. Every technique and style is allowed in any category (cartoon, caricature, comic strips). The artwork must be submitted in a digital format at salaodehumor.com between August 15, 2020, and October 15, 2020. The winner will receive a cash prize of R$ 600 (six hundred reais) and the runner-up R$ 400 (four hundred reais). 


New deadline for the 9th Kyrenia International Cartoon Contest 2020, Cyprus: 31 August

Dear cartoonists, 
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, at the meeting we held after 6 months, we made the following decisions about the 9th International Cartoon Contest 2020: 
Works sent to the competition address until 31 August 2020 will be accepted. 
A) Olive Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Woman, Olive and Man, Olive and Child, Olive Trees Cartoons Against Cutting, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Olive's Benefits, Olive and Oil Mills et al. 
B) Free Subject Any topic can be drawn. 
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği 9. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması Posta Kutusu: 87 (Posta Kodu: 99000) Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey) 
Due to the restriction of travel abroad and the 7-day quarantine period applied to the country, the Members of the International Selection Committee will be formed by the Members of the Organizing Committee. 
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, only an exhibition will be held this year, there will be no award ceremony. Award-winning illustrators will be given their awards at the ceremony to be held one year later. 
We wish you healthy days. 


Deadline extended in SICACO 2020, Korea

Dear SICACO Cartoonist!
Welcome to you in SICACO 2020!
Thanks for sending me your original works by mail already!

We postpone mailing cartoons until Sept. 20th (deadline)
because of the Corona (COVID-19)

This main theme means "Feedom+Equality" // football, children, etc.

You'd better send me your original works by post mail (for Korean Museums).
Please don't send us cartoon images by e-mail.
You can send me your printed digital cartoons by e-mail.

See you in SICACO 2020!
Sincerely yours.

Dr.Lim, Cheong San, 
President of SICACO2020
Mobile 82-10-5425-6115


International Festival of humor and satire In Vinica Veritas 2020, Macedonia

The House of Culture „Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica and the Council of
the International Festival of humor and satire
(In caricature)
Theme: „On the edge of the abyss 2020
1. One author can take participation with 3 caricatures, but not more than 3.
2. The size of the cartoons should be A4 or A3, resolution 300 dpi.
3. The cartoons can be sent in their original version or via e-mail to:
4. The House of Culture provides the following awards:
– First prize: 300 euro
– Second prize: 200 euro
– Third prize: 100 euro
5. The works should be sent at the address: 
House of Culture „Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica, ul. „Bel Kamen“ 13, Macedonia, indicated for the competition „In Vinica Veritas“.
–  The works should be sent by 20th September 2020.
6. The authors will receive their awards at The Festival of Humor and Satire „IN VINICA VERITAS“ held from 11th to 16th October 2020.
7. The festival organizer keeps the rights to use the awarded works at any time.
8. The received caricatures will not be sent back to the participants of the competition.
9. After the announcement of the results, the awarded works from the competition need to be sent in original form because only in that way it will be paid to you.
Person for contact: Joviva Iliev, phone number: +389 (0)33 361-150, ++389 (0)77/957-864
e-mail: invinicaveritasfestival@gmail.com
Municipal facility
House of culture
„Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica, Macedonia.
Source: Makhmud Eshonkulov .

14th International Salon of Car Caricatures Zagreb 2020, Croatia

City Center for Culture and Information Maksimir (CKIM) kindly invites all candidates, cartoonists and aspiring artists to apply and take part at 14. International Salon of Car Caricatures Zagreb 2020 (SALON).
The participation at the SALON is open to all caricaturists and interested individuals.
The theme of this year’s SALON is: "ROAD RAGE"
Each participant may submit up to two (2) artworks in A3 or A4 format.
Other formats will not be considered.
Authors are required to fill out the application form.
Artworks are to be sent in digital (*.jpg/jpeg) A3 or A4 format, resolution suitable for print (minimum 300 dpi) at e-mail salon@cki-m.com. Each artwork must be clearly signed and dated. The artworks can also be sent to the organiser's address. Organiser’s address:
Centar za kulturu i informacije Maksimir, Švarcova 18, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia).
Deadline for submission of works is September 15, 2020, 11:59 pm.
The jury will award the following prizes at the SALON:
GRAND PRIX .................................... 2500 €
1st PRIZE ........................................ 1200 €
2nd PRIZE ........................................ 900 €
3rd PRIZE ......................................... 600 €
TWO (2) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......... 150 €
Besides the awards, the following honourable mentions are also given out.
Five (5) special written honourable mentions without monetary awards.
Selection of the best works for the SALON will be done by a jury appointed by the organiser.
The SALON will take place in the lobby of the City Administration of Zagreb in November 2020.
Propositions and application forms can be found in the link.
The exhibit will be under support from the Major of Zagreb.
The exhibit is supported by the City Council and is part of the program of cultural activities of the City of Zagreb in 2020.
Source: mojmaksimir.


17th International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition, Prizren 2020, Kosovo

Open Call for the 17th edition of
International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition in Kosovo
"We Believe in Culture"
08 – 11 October 2020, Prizren, Kosovo
1. Theme: 
1.1. The theme of the festival is "We Believe in Culture" 
1.2. ”Free Theme”. 
2. Participation: 
2.1. Right to participate at this competition have any author worldwide, regardless of gender, age, nationality or occupation. 
3. Conditions: 
3.1. You need to send us at least 1(one) up till 3(three) caricatures. (If you decide to send your work via e-mail, minimum resolution for scanned caricature is 300 dpi.) 
3.2. Caricature can be work from one or few artists. 
3.3. Caricatures can be in black and White technique or in color. 
3.4. Along with the caricature photos, should also be sent: 
-Autobiography – One photo – Contact details 
-Year of creation of caricature or comics 
-Did you apply before in other competitions 
-Have you ever won any prize at other festivals 
-Similar works will not be accepted and you will be disqualified 
-All caricatures should be signed with the artist’s name. 
-Works(Caricatures) without the above-mentioned details will not be considered valid. 
4. Deadline: 
4.1. Works(Caricatures) should be sent up till 20th of September 2020.
5. Jury: 
5.1. The jury will be composed from proffessional world artists which will make selection of works via internet no later than September 25th, 2020. 
6. Date of the Festival: 
6.1. The Festival will be held from 08th – 11th October 2020 in Prizren, Kosovo. 
7. Awards: 
7.1. Golden Stone Bridge 
7.2. Silver Stone Bridge 
7.3. Bronze Stone Bridge 
7.4. Four Special Awards and Diplomas 
7.5. Three awards from the jury and diplomas. 
8. Address:
 8.1. 17th edition of International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition in Kosovo "We Believe in Culture" and “Free Theme” 
8.2. Kosovar Comics and Cartoon Artists Association “Xhennet Comics” 
8.3. Address: Xhemil Doda # 3, 20000 Prizren, Kosovo 
8.4. Mobile phone: +383 44 288 791 
8.5. E-mail: xhennetcomics@gmail.com .
8.6. For more information: http://xhennetcomics.blogspot.com/ .


6th International contest of caricature and graphic humor, Noticartun Colombia 2020

6th International contest of caricature and graphic humor
"Tribute to Arles Herrera - Calarcá"
Cartoon Theme: And after the pandemic, what?
We present to all of you the convening of the sixth edition of the NOTICARTÚN COLOMBIA contest, which pays tribute to the Colombian cartoonist, artist, and maestro José Arles Herrera, better known as “Calarcá”.
José Arles Herrera "Calarca" was born in Armenia (Quindío), on June 23, 1934. He went to painting school in the 1950s, in the city of Cali, to the workshop of the Popayán’s painter Hernando González and later studied caricature and graphic arts in Moscow, at the Institute of Political Science and Graphic Communication. His time at the academy was not only for learning but also to create training spaces and to share his knowledge. This is how he is the co-founder of the National Cartoon School (in Colombia) and its teacher for 29 years. He has also been a workshop professor at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, the Industrial University of Santander, the Ricardo Rendon of Rionegro City Cultural Center, and Univalle University, among others; as well as in different social spaces in the country. Lastly, it is significant to highlight that Calarca´s work has been printed in important media in the world.
1) Open to all professional cartoonists in the world, preferably of legal age (18 years old).
Deadline:  September 30 of this year. 
2) There will be 2 categories: graphic humor and physiognomic caricature
A. Physiognomic caricatures of Arles Herrera - Calarcá (not portraits).
Images and information: concursonoticartun
B. Graphic humor: "And after the pandemic, what?"
Assuming we will overcome this coronavirus, what does the world have in store for it, after this one?
- caricature
: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions + 5 Honorable Mentions: Virtual Diploma.
Graphic humour
: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions + 5 Honorable Mentions: Virtual Diploma.
"Caricature Recognition and Graphic Humor Noticartún Colombia"
Besides, a virtual catalog will be designed to host the official contest site.
4) Each participant can present as far as 1 work per topic, and each work can only be awarded in one single category. Black and white or color cartoons are well received.
5) About the JURY:
It’s made up of renowned caricaturists and professional cartoonists from Colombia, Poland, and Costa Rica.
- Melissa Baena “Mel” (Armenia)
- Andrés gonzález“Gova” (Bogotá)
- Luis Eduardo León (Bogotá)
- Izabela Kowalska - Wieczorek (Poland)
- Luis D. Calvo “Mecho” (Costa Rica)
They may participate with works but only as a collaboration and not for awards. The works from their relatives or people with whom they have currently worked, may not be taken into account for the award.
6) The cartoons sent must have a maximum size of 30 x 40 cm. and jpg. 300 dpi.
7) You may send cartoons that have already been published or awarded previously. The selected works will be online so that if someone has a complaint about the originality of the work, the jury and the organization of the contest will review the case and select a new finalist work.
8) All the drawings presented must be made from original ideas drawn or painted, either presented in analog (scanned) or digital form. NO memes, photos, scanned photocopies, photomontages, collages, or 3D renders will be accepted.
9) Participants must send a brief a digital curriculum vitae with their contact information: name, surname, email, website or blog, and country of origin. Also, include a photograph or self-caricature.
10) Each author owns the rights to their work and only authorizes the International Cartoon and Graphic Humor Contest - NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA to use it in this online tribute and its promotional pieces or possible cultural exhibitions, without any financial compensation for the parts. Any problem with copyrights will be assumed by the participant.
11) The International Cartoon and Graphic Humor Contest - NOTICARTUN COLOMBIA, reserves the right to exhibit those works that may violate individual or collective rights and policies.
12) Participation in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
13) Works must be sent to concursonoticartuncol@gmail.com
Principal: Camilo A. Triana C. "TRIANA"
Vice-principal: Juan C. Lopera A. "JÚCALO".


The 5th International Cartoon Contest, Kolasin 2020, Montenegro

The 5th International Cartoon Contest, Kolasin 2020, Montenegro
Dear colleagues.
I would like to inform you that Cartoon festival "Kolagin 2020" has announced the 5th International Cartoon Contest.
CONTEST THEME: Humans and nature and FREE theme. You can send three works for both themes. Cartoons can previously be published or rewarded and should be creative, funny and amusing. Works have to be graphically convenient for printing on T-shirts. The participants may send a maximum of 3 works to compete.
Man is a part of Nature. Nature is a part of man. Without nature, human life is impossible. The planet Earth is our home to all people and all living beings. If we disturb harmony in nature, we destroy each living being.
We are witnessing that man is increasingly disturbing and endangering the environment. The main reason for this is money.
Money has become everything to man. Is money more important than nature, clean air, forests, rivers, lakes and the sea? Quo vadis, homine? How to protect ourselves and the nature around us? How to save ourselves from diseases and pandemics? How to return to our mother - the blue planet - the Earth? The only planet that gave us all life conditions: natural beauty, food, water, air. Let's try to send messages and advise the humanity through caricature and humor, how to save our mother - the planet Earth!
All entries must be sent by post address : Centar za kulturu Kolasin 81210, Crna Gora-Montenegro -/za medjunarodni festival karikature/
E-mail : festivalkarikature@opstinakolasin.me 
FIRST PRIZE: 500 Euro. Diploma
SECOND PRIZE: 300 Euro. Diploma
THIRD PRIZE: 200 Euro. Diploma
Seven special prizes: Honorable mention of the salon.
DEADLINE: August 20th, 2020
The international jury will choose the cartoons.
THE DECISION of the jury will be published on August 25th on all cartoon websites. Winners will officially be announced on August 25th of July and the announcement will take place in the Cultural Center in Kolasin. Award ceremony will be on August 29th, 2020, at 20.00 h in the Cultural center Kolasin. Festival organizer: Municipality Kolasin, Cultural Center Kolasin and Ministry of Culture of Montenegro.
Darko Drljevic.

The 15th International Cartoon Contest, Braila 2020, Romania

International Cartoon Contest, the XVth Edition
The contest is open to all cartoonists.
THEME: Pandemic (Covid) 
ENTRIES: max. 3.
The cartoons will be original and accompanied by a brief biography (including photo, address and phone number).
The making technique of the cartoons is free.
Deadline: The cartoons will be sent until the 06th of September 2020.
Mandatory technical conditions
Size: A3 (297 mm x 420 mm).
The cartoons will be sent in electronic format, JPG, 300 dpi, CMYK.
Each sent cartoon will contain in the name of the file the author's name and title of the work/the cartoons’ numbering.
Mailing address : cartooncontestbraila@gmail.com 
Participants must own all the rights to the cartoons entered in the contest.
The cartoon’s author gives the Organizer the right to use the cartoon which entered in the contest, according to the Romanian legislation, in order to promote the event, the institution and the city's image, unlimited, by any means.
The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for any breaches of copyright.
Exclusive responsibility lies with the one who sent the cartoon.
The Big Prize – 1.000 €;
First Prize – 800 €;
Second Prize – 600 €;
Third Prize – 400 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 200 € (each).
The Prizes will be taxed according to Romanian legislation.
Please note! To be able to receive their prize, winners must send the winning cartoon in original (with the author's signature on the back of the work) within 30 days from the winners' announcement and communicate the bank account in Romanian currency lei ( for the Romanian competitors) or the euro account (for foreign competitors ).
The winning cartoons will be mailed to the following address: Romania, Braila, Traian Square, No. 2, Postal code 810153.
The Organizer shall not be responsible for failure of a winner to receive the prize for reasons that are not related to the Organizer. If the competitor does not comply with the obligations imposed by this regulation, the Organizer is relieved of any liability.
Mention! In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is relieved of any liability.
The winners will also receive a catalogue and an awarding certificate.
Salon opening and award ceremony: the 2nd of October 2020, depending on the evolution of Covid-19, the Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of the contest, subsequent changes will be communicated to those interested.
Edition catalog will include a selection of the most valuable works in the competition;
The catalogue of the International Cartoon Contest - the XVth edition may be downloaded from the institution official website: http://centruldecreatiebraila.ro/ .
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
No. 2, Piata Traian, postal code 810153, Phone no.: +40.239.614.710, Braila, Romania
Source: centruldecreatiebraila.


21st International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine: Spirito di Vino 2020

21° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine
Spirito di Vino 2020, Italy
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge.
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2020 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old.
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The works shall be sent as hard copies and signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page.
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works
The works can be submitted from from Sunday 12 July to Saturday 31 October 2020. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website
www.spiritodivino.cloud, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form.
The hard copies of the works shall be sent (properly protected) by registered mail, together with a signed copy of the registration form filled in every section, to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine (Italy)
Only the works delivered within Saturday 31 October midnight will be accepted.
In addition, the works shall also be uploaded on the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format.
The hard copies received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. The organisers have no liability for any deterioration and/or damage to the works sent by mail or resulting from any other issue connected to the submission of the works (delays, no delivery, etc.).
Art. 5 – Return of the works
The hard copies of the works will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Exclusion
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted.
Art. 7 – Members of the jury
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable.
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic showing their manual designing skills, creativity and a precise technique. The works drawn using digital techniques will also be taken into consideration.
Art. 8 – Prizes
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows
1° prize - “under”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “under”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “under”: 25 bottles
1° prize - “over”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “over”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “over”: 25 bottles
Art. 9 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition
Due to the current situation we cannot guarantee the chosen pieces will be exhibited or awards will be presented in person. Further details will be sent to those selected as soon as possible.
Art. 10 – Copyright
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the non-exclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.
Art. 11 – Approval of the competition rules
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.
Source: spiritodivino.


2nd international Competition for caricature and aphorism "Me, Itar Pejo" 2020, Macedonia

Competition for caricature and aphorism on the topic "Me, Itar Pejo" 
The Institute of Culture and Arts at the International Slavic University
"Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin" - Sveti Nikole announces:
The second international Competition for caricature and aphorism 2020
Topic: "Me, Itar Pejo" and free theme
The aim of the competition is to stimulate artistic creation and to provide a platform on which people can express their opinions through cartoons and aphorisms.
From the materials received for the competition, the organizer will publish an electronic catalog of selected works in both categories. The obtained materials are published on the Facebook page of the Institute of Culture and Arts at the International Slavic University "Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin".
Aphorisms and caricatures can refer to the character of Itar Pejo or be on a free theme.
Terms for aphorisms
Up to 10 aphorisms in .doc or .docx format are sent.
An author can participate with one set of aphorisms.
Aphorisms should not be published in print.
All materials must be originals and previously unpublished.
A short biography of the author should be sent along with the materials.
All submitted works remain the property of the festival and the right to publish and exhibit them belongs to the organizer.
All submitted works are published on the Facebook page of the Institute of Culture and Arts at the International Slavic University "Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin".
Terms for cartoons
The format of the cartoon can be at the request of the author.
All cartoon making techniques are acceptable, including digital art.
Each author can participate with one cartoon.
All materials must be original and previously unpublished.
A short biography of the author should be sent along with the materials.
All submitted works remain the property of the festival and the right to publish and exhibit them belongs to the organizer.
All submitted works are published on the Facebook page of the Institute of Culture and Arts at the International Slavic University "Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin".
Submission of materials:
The works are submitted electronically to itarpejo@kultura.msu.edu.mk
All communication with the participants takes place through itarpejo@kultura.msu.edu.mk.
Works submitted to other addresses will not be considered.
Authors should submit their works no later than 30.09.2020.
Each participant must submit their full name, address and country.
The members of the organization and the jury have the right to participate only outside the competition.
The selection committee approves the received works for publication. For the awards, an international jury of 5 members is composed for each category separately, which selects the awarded and special awards from both categories.
Chairman of the Cartoon Commission: Jordan Pop Iliev.
Chairman of the aphorism commission: Mile Gjeorgjioski.
1st place - Gold plaque, gold statuette Itar Pejo, cash prize of 300 euros.
2nd place - Silver plaque, silver statuette Itar Pejo, cash prize of 200 euros.
3rd place - Bronze plaque, bronze statuette Itar Pejo, cash prize of 100 euros.
+ special prizes (depending on the works received).
Source: itarpejo2020.
(By Google Translate).