
MIKS World Cartoonist Annual Award 2017 „Golden Pencil Sharpener“, Croatia

MIKS World Cartoonist Annual Award 2017 „Golden Pencil Sharpener“ is awarded by the International Association of Caricature MIKS for the best artistic achievements in the field of cartoons in the World.
The prize is awarded in three categories;
1. as the Annual Award for Best Cartoonists of the World in the past Year,
2. as an Award for Life Work,
3. as a reward for the promotion of cartoons in the world to an individual / association that has achieved outstanding achievements in cartoon promotion in the world
a. The Annual Award „Golden Pencil Sharpener“ is awarded to Best Cartoonists for the best artworks that have been released, exhibited, displayed over the past year.
b. The Lifetime Achievement Award „Golden Pencil Sharpener“ is awarded to prominent world cartoonists who with their creativity marked the time in which they acted and whose creative journey was rounded off, and works and achievements remain a permanent good in the world of cartoons.
c. The Cartoon Promotion Award „Golden Pencil Sharpener“ in the world is awarded to organizers of international exhibitions of cartoons, magazine and magazine publishers, journalists and all other individuals and associations that have contributed to the Cartoon Promotion Worldwide as a stimulus for further work in a better promotion of cartoons in the world .
1. The annual award for best cartoonists consists of plaques, diplomas, invitations to the jury of the International Cartoon Exhibition in Sisak (MIKS) and solo exhibitions of Cartoons in Sisak (Croatia)
2. The Lifetime Achievement Award consists of plaques, diplomas, invitations to the Jury of the Sisak Cartoon Exhibition (MIKS) and solo exhibitions of Cartoons in Sisak (Croatia)
3. The Cartoon Promotion Award in the world consists of plaques, diplomas and invitations to the jury of the International Cartoon Exhibition in Sisak (MIKS).
Announcement of the winners
1. Awards will be held on June 29, 2018 during the opening of the 4th MIKS at the City Museum in Sisak (Croatia).
The prizes will be awarded to winners by mail, together with a invitation to participate in the work of the International Jury of the MIKS Exhibition next year.
The solo exhibitions of the winners of the "Golden Pencil Sharpener" award will be arranged in agreement with the laureates for next year 2019.
The winners will be nominated and selected by the International Jury composed of 20 eminent world cartoonists, organizers of international exhibitions, editors of magazine cartoons and art historians from all over the world.
We will soon publish a list of all members of the international jury and partner list.
Nenad Ostojić.


Topic of the Caricature Festival Gigla 2018: Famous Georgians

The Caricatures Portal gigla.ge organizes a Caricature Festival on the topic of “Famous Georgians” from 3 to 6, 2018, where any professional or non-professional artist can present a maximum of five caricatures of a famous Georgian person.
The winner will be awarded with the prize bonus and the 10 artist will receive memorable souvenirs.
Cartoon theme
Famous Georgians
Any famous Georgian (actress, sportsman, TV presenter, artist, musician, singer, writer, poet, scientist, philosopher, politician, etc.)
May 20, 2018
I prize: 1500 $, souvenir, electronic and printed catalog
II prize: 1000 $, souvenir, electronic and printed catalog
III Prize: 500 $, souvenir, electronic and printed catalog.
The next 10 best works – souvenir collection. Electronic and printed catalog.
Each contestant has the right to submit a maximum of 5 copies of the electronic version.
Maximum size 21X29. 300 dpi.
Return to works
The authors do not return the works.
All works will be owned by the portal gigla.ge and part of the international festival “Gigla”. At the same time, the author has no right to authorship, but without the right to work.
Consists of 3; 4; 5; On June 6 In Tbilisi
Free catalog
Every artist selected on the exhibition will receive a digital catalog that will be sent to the e-mail.
If the artist wants to print a printed catalog, it will be able to pay the cardholder after payment.
The works are sent only in a pressed manner
E-mail: administration@gigla.ge .
List of famous Georgians on source.
This report from Besik Dugashvili.


Results 19th International Festival of Aphorism and Cartooning, Strumica 2018, Macedonia

The International Jury of the 19th International Festival of Aphorism and Cartooning, Strumica 2018, comprised of:
Stoyan Dechev, Bulgaria - President
Mile Gjorgievski, Macedonia - member
Risto Filchevski, Macedonia - member
Aco Gorgiev, Macedonia - member
Aleksandar Filev, Macedonia - member.
On the day of 24th of January, 2018, reviewed the incoming caricatures and aphorisms at the 19th International Festival of Cartoon and aphorisms and granted awards, as below:
Golden Plaque - Milan Alashevic, Slovenia
Silver Plaque - Pawel Stanczyk, Poland
Bronze Plaque - Slobodan Butir, Croatia
Award of the Municipal Organizational Board of Strumica Carnival - Blazhe Dokule, Macedonia
Furkat Osmanov, Uzbekistan
Henryk Cebula, Poland
Miro Geogievski, Macedonia
Pitter Klaus, Austria.
Silver plaque - Code "Bus" Mane Maravic, Serbia
Bronze plaque - Code "Lenche" Milivoje Jozic, Serbia
Bronze plaque - Code"Chetvrtak” Milko Stojkovic, Serbia
Prize of the Organizing Committee of the Strumica Carnival - Code "Bujna Fantazija” Natasa Kjurciska, Macedonia
Code "Expert" Miroslav Bozhkov, Bulgaria
Code "TV" Valery Tarasenko, Russia
Code "1001 Nok" Ljupka Cvetanova, Macedonia.
See winning cartoons on source.


11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2018

11th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2018
Theme: “Child Brides“
Child Brides
Young girls who have not reached puberty are being forced to marry as child brides in some developing regions of the world. Child marriages are most common in India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Tanzania. Unfortunately, this issue is becoming more common in Turkey as well. Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibits child marriages and states that men and women of full age are entitled to equal marriage rights during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending parties. This statement does not specify the minimum age requirement unlike other conventions and it is subjective.
Globally, every 1 out of 5 females who is under 18 years old is being forced into marriage in exchange for a dowry.
Legislations and precautions that are already in place are not sufficient and non-government organizations have been heavily campaigning to increase awareness on this topic. The purpose of this competition is to bring awareness to child marriages around the world, to study and criticize this social phenomenon.
We have an important mandate but limited time.
We are calling all caricaturists/cartoonists around the world to contribute their work to raise awareness and come one step closer to solving this issue.
The Rules of Competition:
1) Participation in competition is possible only by Internet: childbrides@donquichotte.org
2) All submitted work should be participating a contest for the first time. With an offence, there's a risk of deprivation of the achieved prizes.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They can be black-and-white or colored; the coloured representation is exactly the same as the color technical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The closing date of the competition is 28 February 2018 (EXTENDED:) 10 MARCH 2018.
5) Pre-selective Jury will determine the 100 finalists between dates 1-2 March 2018. Finalists will be presented in social media and on DQ website for the following 2 days.
6) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 3 March 2018. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 4 March 2018.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 8 March 2018 in the municipal art gallery Maji/Istanbul.
8) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte's archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album.
9) Contest Album will be developed in pdf and, if sponsored, will be printed.
10) Awarded and best performing cartoons will be exhibited in various European countries.
The Prizes:
- First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Special Awards
- 10 Mentions
Jury Members:
- Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
- Farzane Vaziri Tabar (Iran)
- Elena Ospina (Colombia)
- Marilena Nardi (Italy)
- Martha Barragan (Mexico)
- Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
- Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
- Saadet Demir Yalçın (Turkey)
- Shiva Zamanfar (Iran).
Organizational Responsibilities: Don Quichotte/Erdoğan Karayel
Organization Partner: G&Partner/Gaye Donay.
Source: donquichotte.


23rd International cartoon exhibition Zagreb 2018, Croatia

The organizer of the 23rd International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2018 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
METEOROLOGY (weather, climate, forecast, etc.)
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 19th April 2018.
First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 29th May 2018.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2019).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2018, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
Download the Entry Form here
WEB: http://www.hdk.hr/.


7th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2018, Kyrenia - Cyprus

1. The contest is open to all amateur or professional cartoonist or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
2. Themes: Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
3. All Submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words.
4. All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5. Submission of materials, which has previously been submitted and or presented and or published elsewhere, is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed, however previously any award wining material cannot be submitted.
6. All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the contest. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If Plagiarism detected and or any previously award winning material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7. Entrants could submit more than one work, however no more than one award will be awarded to participants.
8. All submission must be received by APRIL 30, 2018 at the address provided below.
9. All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10. All prize winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in a album and displayed at the 17th International Olive Festival will be exhibited in the festival area in Zeytinlik village within the scope of 2018.
11. The results of the contest will be published thru media and prizing winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
12. Kyrenia Municipality will provide travel and boarding expenses for three prize winners and six special prizewinners as stated in the terms and conditions of the contest. The prize–winning cartoonist must respond to the prize ceremony invitation within 10 days. The responses outside of 10 days are not considered.
13. The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
14. All persons entering the contest agree that the rules of the contest as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
15. For the exhibition and album, digital works can be sent to the following email address: olivecartoons@gmail.com Digital works are excluded from awards.
1. Prize: 1,000 Euro + Gold Olive
2. Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive
3. Prize: 600 Euro + Bronze Olive
6 Entrants: Special Prize (Bronze Olive)
100 Finalist Prize
APRIL 30, 2018
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
7. Uluslararası Zeytin Karikatürleri Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 (Post Code: 99000)
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)


35th Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2018, Turkey

• Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by Aydın Doğan Foundation.
• The competition is open to the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
• The Jury is composed of the international members. The Jury will meet in June 2018.
• The award ceremony of 35th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition will be organized in November 2018 in Istanbul.
“Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” Award
While half of the world population is still underrepresented in the business, politics, science and academy and discriminated, it is impossible to turn the ideals of justice, freedom and equality into a reality. Only if women are empowered, the world can be more healthy, peaceful and prosperous.
One of the most essential steps towards eradicating the gender inequality which still prevails even in the most developed countries in the world is the girls’ education. It is an absolute must that all the girls in the world have access to uninterrupted, quality education so that they can make their own decisions, direct their own lives and they can reach the positions they deserve. However, this is not enough. Beyond access to education, each of us are responsible of providing all the girls and young women with the opportunities to realize their potentials inside and outside of the schools, to enable them to develop their knowledge and skills throughout their lives and to remove all the barriers they face when they participate in the workforce.
Aydın Doğan Foundation, being aware of this responsibility, works in the field of girls’ education and empowerment.
In this regard, one cartoon that will be selected among the cartoons that will be sent in the “Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” category will receive a special award worth of 8.000 US dollars.
1. Participants can select any theme.
2. Participants will submit the original copies of their cartoons. Cartoons sent as printouts should bear original signatures of participants. Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should not exceed A3 paper size (29.7 x 42 cm).
4. Completing the participation form attached or published on www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr, participants will send their cartoons together with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph of them to the following address: Aydın Doğan Vakfı, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No: 65, 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul/Turkey.
5. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage or for any late delivery of cartoons.
6. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to participants.
7. By completing the participation form, the participant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition; that he/she grants license in form of non-exclusive simple license to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means as defined under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that he/she gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to duplicate and publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations.
8. Where the cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition wins a rank and/or a prize; the participant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her rank and/or prize-winning cartoon(s) and that he/she transfers ownership of the original or the copy of cartoon, submitted to the competition, to Aydın Doğan Foundation; that he/she transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means he/she holds over the cartoon(s) to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; that he/she gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations; that he/she does not have any right of disposition over the financial rights subject to transfer and thus will not enter into any transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
9. The participant accepts and declares that the information included on the participation form completed for the competition participation will be processed and transferred with communication and competition participation purposes within the framework of the International Cartoon Competition of Aydın Doğan Foundation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law number 6698; that even if the application fails, the personal data will be kept by Aydın Doğan Foundation for the period of time set forth by the legislation; that the information related to competition participation will be shared with the jury, press and media organs and other relevant parties; that where a prize is won or where cartoon is published, his/her information as being author of such cartoon will be shared with the public; and that he/she is provided with required information in this regard.
• The participant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed before participating in the competition that he/she can learn his/her rights about his/her personal data and possible modifications on processing of this data from www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr;
• That where he/she has any request on processing of his/her personal data by Aydın Doğan Foundation, he/she can send such request in written with original signature to the address of Aydın Doğan Vakfı, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No: 65, 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul/Turkey;
• That he/she will provide clear and comprehensible information related to the right he/she requests to use during the application to be made; that he/she will certify his/her identity during the application to prove that the applicant is the relevant person and will send his/her identification information together with the application; and that it will be required to share also his/her contact information to receive the result of the application;
and that he/she has been informed about all of these issues before participating in the competition.
10. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning competitors for the award ceremony.
11. Cartoons that have not received any awards will be returned to their owners upon written application to the Foundation within 1 year. The responsibility of the Foundation ends after this period.
12. The deadline to participate in the competition is Friday, May 4th 2018.
13. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member.
14. The decision to upload the cartoons, submitted to the competition, on the Virtual Museum belongs to Aydın Doğan Foundation.
“Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” Award: 8,000 USD
Winner : 8,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Winner Award
First Runner up : 5,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation First Runner up Award
Second runner up : 3,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Second Runner up Award
Success Award : 500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Success Award
(In the event of a tie, the monetary awards may be shared equally among the winners.
A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)
More info in languages on source: PDF.


The 3rd International Contest Animal Cartoon 2018, Serbia

• Portal ANIMAL CARTOON, Belgrade (www.animalcartoon.net)
• FECO Serbia and
• Zoological Garden, Belgrade
are organizing cartoon contest on theme "Wild animals".
A. Participation
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world, over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education.
B. Cartoon theme: Wild animals
C. Entries - Send by e-mail.
Only the original cartoons (up to 5) in digital form to send with e-mail will be accepted.
Digital works (A4, 250 dpi, JPEG or TIFF, the maximum length per one cartoon 3 MB) with personal information (name, address, e-mail, a brief CV (.doc format) and photo) should be sent to:
The cartoons must not be previously awarded. Condensed file zip, rar, etc... not accepted.
Arrived submissions that passed the pre-selection will be posted on the same day on the portal Animalcartoon.
D. Deadline
Entry deadline is May 15, 2018 (EXTENDED:) 5 JUNE 2018
E. Prizes and awards
First prize 800 €
Second prize 500 €
Third prize 400 €
Awards are subject to taxation according to the current regulation.
The jury reserves the right to any prize eventually awarded on two winners.
It will also be awarded several special prizes and diplomas.
F. Exhibition
The exhibition will be staged in Zoological Garden Belgrade (BEO ZOO VRT) from July 12 to September 30, 2018.
The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad.
G. Catalogue
Award-winning cartoonists will receive a free copy of the printed catalog. The others participants of the competition will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our website.
H. Other conditions
The organizers reserve the right to use them for various purposes without any obligation to compensate for it. The works will be included in the permanent exhibition and archive portal Animal Cartoon.
By submitting works is considered that the authors accept these rules.
Arrived works remain the property of the organizers.
Spiro RADULOVIC, cartoonist
Manager of Portal Animal Cartoon
Jugoslav VLAHOVIC, cartoonist
President of FECO Serbia
info@animalcartoon.net .


The theme in Caneva Ride 2018, Italy: With the head on the clouds

Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the international award Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humoristic sketches and satirical costume about the theme “Con la testa tra le nuvole” With the head on the clouds.
The award is open to all cartoonists of the world from 16 years old. Participants can apply individually or in groups (in case of several authors, the referent for all communications with the award’s promoters shall be indicated).
Up to three unpublished works, realized by any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in other prizes. The maximum format shall be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
Works shall be submitted within 24:00 of 20 May 2018 at the address canevaridecontest@gmail.com, as a .jpg, .tiff or .pdf file with resolution of 300 dpi, and report all personal data (first name, surname, complete address, phone number, in case of minors the name of one parent authorizing the participation). Every single file shall not exceed 5 MB. If more than one single work is submitted, then send each by single mail.
5 - JURY
Sergio Tessarollo Satirical designer President of the Jury
Pietro Francesco Manfè Pro Castello - Caneva
Vicenzo Bottecchia Cultural Comics Operator
Giancarlo Rupolo Photographer
FIRST PRIZE euro 600,00
SECOND PRIZE euro 250,00
THIRD PRIZE euro 150,00. The Jury reserves the right to report further works, which will not receive cash prizes.
During the exhibitions of the works there will be the possibility for visitors to indicate their favorite work. The authors, participating in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the works on any support for promotional purposes of the Pro Loco Castle without having anything to claim as copyright.
Opening of the exhibition and prize giving will be held Saturday 3 June 2018 at Villa Frova, Caneva.
Source: Caneva Ride Official Page Facebook.


13th International Cartoon Biennial Humour & Vigne 2018, Jonzac – France

Conditions of participation
1- NAME: 13th International Cartoon Biennial - 2018 - Jonzac – France
2- THEME: VOLARE (“FLYING” with or without a link with the grape vine)
3- DEADLINE: 1st April 2018
4- PARTICIPANTS: cartoonists from all countries, of all ages, male or female.
5- ENTRIES: maximum 3 works. Preferably without captions.
Thank you to attach a card with name, address and other information from the author:
(a) by e-mail: JPEG 300 DPI digital card format
(b) by post: only good quality copies or DIN A4 digital works. They will not be returned.
6- REWARDS: In kind—mainly of a liquid kind, special invitations and trophies.
All artists whose artwork is selected for publication in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
7- COPYRIGHT: The participants allow the organisers to publish certain of their works in the media, with the sole purpose of promoting the artist and the event, without any restriction or request for financial participation. Any other copyrights remain the property of the artist.
8- EXHIBITION: from 29 June to 8 July 2018 - Cloître des Carmes - JONZAC - FRANCE
Saturday, 30 June: Opening ceremony of the festival and festivities.
(a) for entries by e-mail: vignumour@gmail.com OR : nolpeintre@gmail.com
(b) for entries by post:
6 Hameau Chez Dupas
17130 Tugéras Saint-Maurice
Source: http://h-et-v-2018.over-blog.com/.


International competition of caricatures "Shelter for the avant-garde" 2018, Russia

Art Centre Pushkinskaja-10 announces
International competition of caricatures "Shelter for the avant-garde"
Art Gallery "Art-League ", Partnership" Free culture", and Museum of nonconformist art, continue to draft "NOTA BENE or NOTE!"
The theme of the contest - the role and place in the public life of those artists who defend their creative freedom. Competition focuses on Russian independent commune of artists and musicians "Pushkinskaya"-10 and the Museum of non-conformist art. The motto of the competition: "Shelter for the avant-garde".
We hope that the cartoonists will find enough humor that would show us that the multifaceted, contradictory phenomenon, which is today a modern and contemporary art, the place and role of the artist in contemporary society.
1. To participate in the competition must send their work (Format-TIFF, JPG, resolution of at least 300 dpi) to the following e-mail address: uar@notabene.org.ru (c) the heading "Application for the competition". The letter must indicate the name, biography, equipment performance, and contact details. The format of cartoons - free.
2. Deadline of works reception - May 1, 2018 year.
3. Time and venue of the exhibition: June 30 - July 29, 2018, Art Gallery "Art-League ", Saint Petersburg, Ligovsky Prospekt 53. Site galleries: www.artleague.ru.
The works selected by the jury will be presented at the exhibition in Art-Center "Pushkinskaya-10" and will be included in a virtual album-catalogue. Nominees recognized according to the results of the competition carried out by the jury who took 1-3 place, as well as the competition audience award, receive awards and prizes. The audience award is determined by voting online at www.notabene.org.ru
Each exhibitor will receive a personal diploma.
Email address for inquiries and forwarding entries: uar@notabene.org.ru
The curators of the project: Victor Bogorad, Yuli Rybakov
Phone: (812) 764-5371
Галерея Арт-Лига .


Catalog of the 27th International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2017, Japan

Received yesterday the great collection book of the 27th International Cartoon Festival in Saitama, Japan. Having been invited to the festival the first time in 2017, I did participate in the event with two cartoons of mine, one on the theme Odoroki which means "Surprise" and the second one of free theme. Works by 50 Japanese and 50 foreign artists are included in the catalog of the exhibition which took place at Plaza North in November 2017.
Saitama City is the place where Rakuten Kitazawa - who is called the father of modern cartoon in Japan - spent his later years. The Saitama Municipal Cartoon Art Musem in the home to Kitazawa in his later years hold the Saitama-City Kitazawa-Rakuten Manga Awards competition each year. In 2017 they held the 32nd edition and the winning cartoons are included in this collection book of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon" which are also displayed on the museum website here.
The standard A4-sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2017" has over 100 pages, about 75 of them covering the color and the black&white cartoons participated in the festival and selected for the catalog. The remaining pages are the lists of the Japanese and the Foreign artists with their personal histories in both English and Japanese. This perfectly designed book of art is a best chance to compare the style and wit of the native and overseas manga/cartoon artists and enjoy the great humour in their works.
From Turkey we are nine cartoonists whose cartoons are published in the catalog; namely, Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Behiç Yalçın Ayrancıoğlu, Erdoğan Başol, Hüsnü Berkalp Üstün, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Özyurt, Musa Gümüş, Niyazi Yoltaş, and Seyit Saatçi.
Many thanks to the festival organizers and the staff of Plaza North who sent me this excellent collection book of manga/cartoon art.


11th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2018, Luxembourg

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden and Naturpark OUR
are pleased to announce their
1. Subject: Head in the Stars (space exploration, astronomy, astronauts, asteroids...)
2. Deadline: 25th March 2018
3. Prizes: 1st prize: 1500 €, 2nd prize: 1000 €, 3rd prize: 500 €, 3 honourable mentions
4. Entries: Each participant can submit up to 4 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: cartoon@caricature.eu. The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1,5 MB per picture. Out of these submissions, will be made a selection of 60-100 drawings. Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail. All these works will be shown as prints at the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size should be between A4 (210x297mm) and A3 (297x420mm).
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles.
6.Prizes and Exhibition:
The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 5th May 2018 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 5th May until 27th May 2018. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities or country.
7. Returns:
The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue:
The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail.
9. Results:
The results will be published on the website www.caricature.eu on 6th May 2018.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright:
The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities:
The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue, L - 9410 Vianden, Luxembourg
13.Further informations: cartoon@caricature.eu .


New Year 2018 : Osten World Gallery of Cartoons, Rep. Macedonia

OSTEN - art on paper
World Gallery of Cartoons
8 Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje
The Republic of Macedonia
T +389 2 3213665
M +389 71 225950
E cartoons@osten.com.mk
OSTEN is a recognizable brand in the field of art, emancipated thought and liberated creation since 1945. Great art admirer and passionate art collector, through the World Gallery of Cartoons and the World Gallery of Drawing, OSTEN makes room for the artists of the world. Museum of Drawing is the biggest achievement of OSTEN art on paper.

26th International Festival of Satire & Humor, Studio d'Arte Andromeda, Trento 2018, Italy

Enrolment conditions
Any italian and foreign artists can enroll.
The minimum age is 16 years.
Each participant is allowed to submit max 3 original works, not rewarded or reported in other competitions.
Artistic languages
Illustration / satire / humor: size A4/A3.
Cartoon max 2 pages size A4/A3.
Rules concerning the dispatch of works
The works must be sent in digital format to info@studioandromeda.net
Images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be saved in JPG or TIFF format at the highest quality.
Important: the images can be max 5MB, for images larger than 5MB use www.wetransfer.com .
Works must be received no later than April 15, 2018.
Selection of works
The international jury will select the works that will be exhibited in the exhibition and published on the website. The three winning authors will be hosted at the expense of Studio d’Arte Andromeda in Trento within three days of the inauguration.
Prizes Illustration/Satire/Humor
1° prize – 1000 euro
2° prize – 700 euro
3° prize – 500 euro
Prizes Cartoon
1° prize – 300 euro
Prize winning ceremony and exibition of works
The award ceremony will be in October 2018, the exact date will be announced later.
Rights and royalties
The authors, taking part in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the work in any medium for promotional purposes by Studio d’Arte Andromeda not having any claim as copyright.
WEB: studioandromeda .
Entry Form in PDF .


Maya Kamath Memorial Awards Competition 2017, India

Dear Sir/Madam,
IIC is happy to announce the 10th MKMA Competition 2017.
We request all the cartoonists to participate and win Rs.1 lakh cash prizes.
Please find attached the announcement posters.
Thanking you.
Managing Trustee,
Indian Institute of Cartoonists,
#1, Midford House, Midford Gardens,
Off M.G.Road, Bangalore-560001
Ph: 080-41758540, Mobile: 9980091428
WebSite: http://cartoonistsindia.com/htm/home.htm
E-mail: info@cartoonistsindia.com


Fax for Peace: International Competition of Faxes, E-mail and Net Video 2017-2018, Italy

It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of peace, tolerance, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights.
Each competitor may take part in two ways:
1) Fax [number fax +39 0427 40898] or e-mail, JPG format max 1,5 Mb [e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu] one or more pictures or works of visual art.
2) Send SHORT FILMS AND CARTOONS of maximum 5 minute lenght that could also be broadcasted in compressed format to the following e-mail address [istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu] or forwared by mail to [via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pn) Italia]. The videos can be realized in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, Real Video, QuickTime, Video for Windows ecc.).
Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Sunday November 26th 2017 at 8.00 a.m. until Wednwsday February 28th 2018 at 12.00 p.m.
On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or e-mail address, city, country. The works will be exhibited as they are received in an “in progress” exhibition which will open on Sunday 26th November, 2017 at 5.00 p.m. at the Istituto Superiore di Spilimbergo - Il Tagliamento (via degli Alpini, 1 - Spilimbergo, Pordenone, ITALY).
Students will also have to specify their school address and the class attended. Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and in different media for noprofit activities. The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. The exhibition will close on March 31st, 2018. A catalogue will be printed reproducing a wide selection of the works received and present in the catalogue which later will be sent to competitors free of charge, previous formal request.
The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 6 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness.
The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories:
- best work - Kindergarten and Primary Schools: € 300,00;
- best work - Low Secondary Schools: € 300,00;
- best work - Secondary High Schools: € 300,00;
- best work - Video or cartoon: € 300,00;
- best work - Artists: € 300,00;
- best work awarded to a satirical or humorous drawing inviting consideration upon human and civil themes dealing with the initiative: € 300,00;
Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento
via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia
tel. + 39 (0) 427 40392 - fax + 39 (0) 427 40898
e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu - www.faxforpeace.eu .
Source: isspilimbergo .

The 4th International Competition for Caricature "Bride's Veneration" 2018, Macedonia

The 4th International Competition for Caricature "BRIDE’S VENERATION" is realized as the author's project of Stojance Velichkovski, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and the municipality of Kriva Palanka, on the topic:
Darko Drljevic, cartoonist, First prize winner at the Ccompetition of 2015 (Montenegro)
Stojanche Velickovski, Master of visual art, graphic designer & heraldry artist, the author of the competition (Macedonia),
Natasha Kostovska, cartoonist (Macedonia),
Nichola Angelkovski cartoonist (Macedonia),
Borjancho Micevski the Mayor of the Municipality of Kriva Palanka (Macedonia).
Criteria for applying:
- One author can participate with maximum three (3) non-textual cartoons; - The participants may apply by fulfilling out an application form attached on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/International-Cartoon-Contest-Brides-Veneration-135323997139346/
- Any application which is not properly completed, will not qualify for further selection;
- By filling out the application, the applicant certifies that the piece of art is his/her own intellectual property and accepts to cede the copyrights to the organizer of the contest;
- By participating in this contest the author agrees that the organizer uses, exhibits, studies and publishes the pieces of art without limit for the media, the period of time or the place of its publication;
- It is desirable for the authors to enclose their short CVs;
- The pieces of art are supposed to be sent in electronic form (original or scanned ) via e-mail with resolution of 300 dpi in format A3 (29,7 x 42) to the following e-mail address:contest@velickovski.com
-Application deadline is on 25th of January 2018.
Process of selection and judging:
- All the pieces of art that were applied properly should pass the preliminary selection
- The jury will select the pieces of art that will enter the preliminary selection;
- The authors whose pieces of art will be selected shall have the obligation to submit their works in the original within 30 days after the announcement of the results of the organizer's competition.
Publication of the results:
-The results will be announced on the official FB-page International Cartoon Contest “Brides Veneration” https://www.facebook.com/International-Cartoon-Contest-Brides-Veneration-135323997139346/ and on the web site of the Municipality of Kriva Palanka (www.krivapalanka.gov.mk) not later than 24th of February 2018.
Stojance Velickovski
First prize – Trophy “Nevestulka“ 200$ +GOLD MEDAL, and a Certificate for participation
second prize – 150 $ + SILVER MEDAL, and a Certificate for participation
third prize – 100 $ + BRONZAL MEDAL, and a Certificate for participation
Special awards:
Plaque - The best collection.

New Year 2018 : Osten World Gallery of Cartoons, Rep. Macedonia


24th International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer: Golden Keg 2018, Slovakia

and The editorial Bumerang
24th International Cartoon Humour Competition
on the Topic of BEER
On Sunday, 1st April 2018, an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handing of prizes to the most successful authors of the 24th competition in accordance with the Jury´s decision will take place as follows:
GRAND PRIZE (Grand Prix) Golden Keg and 500 €
1st Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 200 €
2nd Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 150 €
3rd Prize Small Golden KEG and 100 €
The Jury of the competition reserves the right not to award some of the prizes, to modify the amounts of the financial rewards and/or to award more prizes and/or honorary mentions.
The organisers will accept for the competition all works that will be delivered at the address of the Šarišská gallery in Prešov by 3rd March 2018.
The organisers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to reinstall the exhibition.
The diploma and the exhibition catalogue will be received in print by every awarded author and in the electronic form by every participating author who also provides his or her e-mail address. Main prizes and financial rewards can be received by an awarded author only in person or through a person authorised by him/her.
Competition rules:
1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques.
2. The competition is open to anybody and everybody, and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The formats of the works should not exceed the A4 dimensions.
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author´s full address.
5. The rewarded works will become property of the BEER GALLERY in Prešov.
6. Send your works at the address:
(p. Fedor VICO)
ul. Hlavná 51
080 01 Prešov
Please clearly mark the envelope with the word „PIVO“.
e-mail: fedorvico@gmail.com .


The 20th PortoCartoon 2018 / Invitation / Clean the Planet with Us!

Dear artists of the humor,

Planet Earth needs a lot of cleaning.

And when it comes to cleanliness, we know that in the language of humor, there are different kinds of trash. With varying degrees of toxicity.

There is household trash.

There is industrial waste that pollutes the air, the rivers and the sea.

There is the rubbish of consumerism.

There is the rubbish of tax havens that unbalances the world.

There is the rubbish of corruption that involves top leaders in many parts of the world.

Sometimes all these junk is mixed in different layers.

Therefore, PortoCartoon 2018 wants to evoke cleaning the world, in this multiplicity of meanings.

Only with this latitude it’s possible to have a more democratic, cleaner and healthier planet!

In addition to this subject, there is the Free Theme and also the caricatures.
We propose two icons of the magic of music and cinema: Amália and Woody Allen.
Both have expressive faces and are rich in emotion.

Come then the best humor in the world, with intelligence and art!

Luiz Humberto Marcos,

PortoCartoon-World Festival
Museu Nacional da Imprensa
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300- 316 Porto, Portugal
Tel.: +351 22 530 49 66


8th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2018, Turkey

8th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2018
1.The competition is open to any cartoonist.
2.It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
3.Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No responsibility will be assumed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened.
4.All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum.
5.The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope.
6.The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 30th April 2018
Milas Belediyesi Ozel Kalem Mudurlugu
48200 - Milas - Mugla / Turkey
e-mail: info@milas.bel.tr
7.The results of the competition will be announced on 18th May 2018.
8.The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’.
9.The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album.
10.The reward ceremony will be held on 14th September 2018. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 1st October 2018.
11.Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants.
Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality.
Muhammet Tokat - MAYOR
Kamil Masaracı
İzel Rozental
Ruhan Selçuk
Rayma Suprani
Ali Şur
Eda Oral
Kemal Urgenç
Serter Karataban.
Winner: ₺7.500.00
Runner up: ₺5000.00
3rd: ₺3000.00.
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals.
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 12th May 2018.
Source: Milas Belediyesi.