
Results Cartoo'n'Kite International Competition of satirical design 2016, Italy

Dear cartoonists,
We would like to thank all of you for your contribution to the success of
"Cartoo'n'Kite" International Competition of satirical design
dedicated to kite!
All the best!
Giulio Carducci, Nicola Bucci
Here the results
203 artists, 45 nations, 5 continents.
Alexander Yakovlev - First prize (Top)
Mehdi Azizi - Second prize
Alireza Pakdel (Iran) - Special mention
Giuseppe Maggiore (Italy) - Special mention
Finalist Artists
Alexander Yakovlev (Russia)
Alireza Pakdel (Iran)
Anas Lakkis (Lebanon)
Dima Timofeichev (Russia)
Ba Bilig (China)
Eckhard Lange (Germany)
Efat Amjadipoor (Iran)
Elifcan Kaya (Turkey)
Engin Selcuk (Turkey)
Ester Lauringson (Estonia)
Fakhredin Dostmohamad (Iran)
Giuseppe Maggiore (Italy)
Hao Wen Lu (China)
Istvan Kelemen (Hungary)
Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek (Poland)
Jiliang Wu (China)
Julio Carrion Cueva (Peru)
Maciej Trzepalka (Poland)
Manijeh Hejazi (Iran)
Mehdi Azizi (Iran)
Mohammad Akbari (Iran)
Mohammad Reza Nofar (Iran)
Mojtaba Heidarpanah (Iran)
Mustafa Yildiz (Turkey)
Raul Zuleta (Colombia)
Ricardo Ferreira (Portugal)
Seloi Peters (Brazil)
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Somaye Shoghi (Iran)
Wieslaw Lipecki (Poland).

Results of the 1st International Animal Cartoon Contest 2016, Serbia

Statistically COMPETITION ANIMALCARTOON 2016 with theme: ZOO
The competition came in 1115 cartoons of 384 participants from 56 countries.
In the pre-eliminated 34 authors.
Missed theme is on 465 cartoons.
In the competition for the award was attended by 606 cartoons.
Stefan Popa Popas (cartoonist, Rumunija)
Prof. Jugoslav Vlahović (cartoonist, Serbia)
Prof.dr. Špiro Radulović (cartoonist, Serbia)
Jovo Škomac (cartoonist, Serbia)
Vesna Milanović (kustos, ULUPUDS, Serbia)
Srboljub Aleksić (Belgrade ZOO director, Serbia)
1st prize is divided on two artists:
Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek - POLAND - 500 euros (Above)
Vladan Nikolić - SRBIJA - 500 euros (Top)
2nd prize is divided on two artists:
Sunnerberg Constantin Cost - BELGIUM - 300 euros
Slobodan Obradović - SRBIJA - 300 euros
3rd prize:
Istvan Kelemen - HUNGARY - 200 euros
Igor Pashchenko - RUSSIA - Diploma
Marija Popović - SRBIJA - Diploma
Jose Raymundo Costa do Nascimento - BRASIL - Diploma
Rasool Hajizadeh - IRAN - Diploma
Voroncov Nikolaj - RUSSIA - Diploma.


VII “Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan - 2016” International Cartoon Contest

The VII “Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan - 2016”
International Cartoon Contest.
Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union announces International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan - 2016”.
The VII International Cartoon Contest is held by the support of Azerbaijan Republic Culture and Tourism Ministry, Azerbaijan Artists’ Union and Federation of Cartoonists Organisations.
The year of 2016 was declared the Year of Multiculturalism in Azerbaijan by the Decree of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and in this regard “Molla Nasreddin Azerbaijan- 2016” International Cartoon Contest has been dedicated to this subject.
The Terms of the Contest:
1. The topic of the Contest: “Multiculturalism” (Tolerance).
2. Deadline of the acceptance of works: 15 October 2016 (EXTENDED:) 15 November 2016.
3. The Contest is held via internet.
4. Each cartoonist can send 2-5 works.
5. The size of cartoon works must be in 300 dpi on jpg.
Send them to this email: mollanasreddin2016@gmail.com
6. Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
7. A book consisting of the best cartoons of the Contest will be published.
I Place - gold medal and diploma
II Place - silver medal and diploma
III Place - bronze medal and diploma
Special Award by Jury.
Special Award by Azerbaijan Artists’ Union.
Bayram Hajizadeh
The Organizer of the VII International Cartoon Contest
“Molla Nasraddin - Azerbaijan - 2016” and
the President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union.
Address: AZ1009, Azerbaijan, Baku
Salatin Asgarova street 86 (Shirvanshah)
E-mail: azercartoon@gmail.com
www.azercartoon.com .
Entry Form .


22nd International Cartoon Contest Haifa 2016, Israel

Participation by E-mail: ronitculture@gmail.com
Entry form is above + Download in PDF.
Deadline: 27 June 2016 (EXTENDED:) 7 JULY 2016
Haifa Municipality, Culture Division, Ronit Eshet,
P.O.B. 4811 Haifa 3104702 Israel
or Adres2:
"Pencom" P.O.B. 45598 Haifa 3104702 Israel.
Info: Ms. Ronit Eshet
E-mail: ronitculture@gmail.com
WEB: http://www.haifa.muni.il/
Source: WEB .



Foundation "Imeon-Balkans" is organizing the 7th edition of the Cartoon Festival for Mail Art and Humorous Drawing under the patronage of the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications of Republic of Bulgaria.
General sponsor: Post Bank - Bulgaria.
The festival is open for all cartoonists and artists drawing humor from around the world.
• DESTINATION BALKANS, DESTINATION BULGARIA – The humor in the lives of the Balkan nations - yesterday, today and tomorrow.
• THEME OF THE GENERAL SPONSOR: DESTINATION FUTURE - THE FUTURE OF BANKING - mobile and internet banking, innovative technologies.
Competition program will run in to two sections:
1. Cartoon and humorous drawing related with the themes of the competition.
Parameters: mandatory size - A4 on cardboard, at least 160 g/m², originals or high quality digital copies with wet signature of the artist, with or without reworking on the digital overlay.
• 1st Prize - 500 € + statue and diploma
• 2nd prize - 300 € and diploma
• 3rd prize - 200 € and diploma
• 9 nominations with diploma.
2. Post Art / Mail Art:
The cartoon must be drawn on an envelope in A4 size, which can be hand made, sent by traditional mail, and bearing all postal attributes (stamps and seals) of the country sender.
• Special Award
• 1st Prize - 500 € + statue and diploma
• 2nd prize - 300 € and diploma
• 3rd prize - 200 € and diploma
• 9 nominations with diploma.
There are no restrictions on the number of sent cartoons and envelopes.
Deadline: August 16, 2016
Entry form
Bulgaria, Sofia 1000
PO box 284


Finalists in the Just for Laughs International Visual Arts Contest 2016, Canada

Theme 2016: SATIRE
After our Jury examined hundreds of applications, here are the 45 finalists from 20 countries whose works will be showcased as part of the Just for Laughs Festival from July 16th to 30th. Thank you to all the participants and congratulations to this year’s finalists!
Agim Sulaj / Italie
Anatoliy Stankulov / Bulgarie
André-Philippe Côté / Canada
Aurelie Martin / Canada
Behzad Ghafari / Canada
Bilig Ba / Chine
Christian Messier / Canada
Czeslaw Przezak / Pologne
Darip Kim / Belgique
Dina Goldstein / Canada
Dorian Danielsen / Canada
Emmanuel Laflamme / Canada
Esmaeil Babei / Iran
Faez Doosti / Canada
Fang Chen / États-Unis
Feng Shi / Italie
Francis Lachaine / Canada
Genevieve Chouinard / Canada
Guylaine Renière / Canada
Hassan Omidi / Iran
Horian Crisan & Bogdan Petry / Roumanie
Ignat Mihai / Roumanie
Ilya Katz / Israël
Jean Hudon / Canada
Jesse Olwen / Canada
Julian Pena-Pai / Roumanie
KARRY / Pérou
Laurent Pinabel / Canada
Luc Poudrier / Canada
Mahboob Pakdel / Iran
Mahdieh Sabbaghkar / Iran
Manoj Chopra / Inde
Michal Dziekan / Pologne
Mohsen Asadi / Iran
Narges Soleimanzadeh / Iran
Passaprawas A-Chinoboonwat / Thaïlande
Pavel Matuska / République tchèque
PXMOLINA / Nicaragua
Raul Zuleta / Colombie
Recep Ozcan / Turquie
SULTAN / Bosnie Herzegovine
Sandro Giordano / Italie
Frigg Toss / Bénin
Vjekoslav Bojat / Monténégro
YAYO / Canada.
WEB: https://ciavivac.com/ .


"UEFA Euro 2016" International Cartoon Competition, China

"UEFA Euro 2016" International Cartoon Competition
The competition is open to all artists regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
1. Theme: UEFA Euro 2016
2.The number of works is infinite.
3. The size of the works should be unbounded. Technique and medium of works are unlimited.
4. Works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
5. Author's resume and photo (entry-form and biography) should be submitted with entries together. Please specify in E-mail : "UEFA Euro 2016"
6. Deadline: July 10, 2016
7. Prizes:
THE BEST CARTOONIST AWARD (10 Cartoonists) : Medal+Certificate+Catalog (color presswork)
SELECT : Certificate+Catalog (color presswork)
9. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition without additional information and cost.
10. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
For Information:
Web site:
www.redmancartoon.com/en .


Results the 24th International Exhibition of satire and humor "City of Trento" 2016, Italy

24th International Exhibition of satire and humor
"City of Trento"
* * *
In the year 2016, this day of 28 May, at the the Art Studio Andromeda Trento, sites in via Malpaga
Marilena Nardi, cartoonist;
Assunta Toti Buratti, cartoonist;
Alessandro Franceschini, journalist;
Andrea Oberosler, animator / illustrator;
Umberto Rigotti, caricaturist.
The senior member of the Committee, Assunta Toti Buratti, opened the meeting which proposes the
appointment of a president and a secretary of the jury. Unanimously shall be elected as president
Marilena Nardi and as secretary Toti Buratti.
The next step is the analysis of the works:
1243 works (37 comics)
The jury will then proceed to the analysis of the "comics section works".
An extensive discussion involved all the jurors on each work.
The jury selected 4 works
The first prize to "Light Walk" by Riccardo Fortuna.
The Fortuna work is characterized by the immediacy of formal composition and for the expressive
clarity of the narrative message that recall classic examples of the history of comics.
In a simple and straightforward story, the author uses different formal registers ranging from the
detail in the foreground wide view, without giving up a balanced use of color and graphic sign, to
tell a small but significant story that concerns us all . The final reveals the strength to overturn
beliefs, convictions and prejudices.
The following works are reported:
"Guide to the wedding in 2050" by Marco Dianti (Italy),
"Past, Present and Future" by Leonardo Altieri (Italy)
"The written future" by Paolo De Capite (Italy).
* * *
The jury proceed with the works that have participated in the "Humour and Satire" section reaching
a conclusive nr. 10 works that the jury deemed worthy of prizes provided.
After extensive discussion it is decided, unanimously, to award the following prizes:
Section "Satire and Humor"
First Prize:
Andrei Popov (Russia) (Top)
The author deals with the theme of the competition with optimism, working on the importance of
generational transition, seen as an essential tool to imagine the future. Inside the design of a
landscape with irregular contours, that does not betray or signs of tragedy or signs of happiness,
the two protagonists stand out figures of the artistic message. A father and son merge their shapes
into a single image of great synthesis and formal elegance. The work thus appears to be an
invitation to the responsibilities of parenthood and the pact between generations in order to
address the challenge of the future with serenity. A responsibility that concerns everyone.
Second Prize:
Musa Gumus (Turkey)
The future is an open door from which there is no return. But - suggests the author, who has a
visual immediacy of great design and with a significant charge humorous - is also a bet that
humanity can lose. Only irony can become a tool that can read the meaning of the earthly man's
passage. That, if evolves, it is thanks to the ability to laugh at himself.
Third Prize:
Angel Boligàn Corbo (Cuba)
The author proposes an image from scratchy sign with a strong visual impact: in an apocalyptic
scenario, the future is imagined by the author as the result of the passage of swarms of ravenous
and crazed consumers who, like locusts, devouring everything They are leaving behind them desolation and dryness. More than a prophecy, a warning: it is through the lifestyle of each that the future can be built, in full respect of the environment and man.
Authors reported:
Marabu (Hungary), Reza Rahimi (Iran), Costantin Sunnerberg (Belgium), Fabio Magnasciutti
(Italy), Junior Lopes (Brazil), Mojtaba Heidarpanah (Iran) and Mohammad Saman (Iran).
Marilena Nardi, The president of the jury
Toti Buratti, Secretary.
The exhibition will be set in the rooms of Torre Mirana in Trento, from 22 October to 6 November 2016.
More on website: http://studioandromeda.net/.


Winners in the 21st International Cartoon Exhibition, Zagreb 2016, Croatia

The 21st International Exhibitions of Cartoons ZAGREB 2016
has seen the arrival of 700 works by 282 authors from 59 countries.
Theme: Healthy Lifestyle


LUKA LAGATOR, Montenegro
More on HDK.


The 4th International Festival of Stock Market Cartoons 2016, Iran

The 4th International Festival of Stock Market Cartoons 2016, Iran
The objectives of festival:
1. Create the constructive and collaborative interaction between the artists and the capital market
2. Encourage artists to produce effective works with subject matter of "investment in the capital market"
3. Attract the artist's attention to the point of the Authorization and supervision management role of the capital market.
4. Promoting investment culture and influence on public thoughts by Cartoon Art
Suggested topics for cartoons:
1. Highlight the Funding role of stock market
2. Stock market Internationalization
3. Investment Opportunities in stock market
4. Risk and volatility of the stock market
5. Debt Market
6. To develop export markets with participation of international exchanges
7. The challenges of issuing firms in the stock markets
8. Benefits of stock markets for investors:
1. income
2. Liquidity
3. Participate in decision-making
4. Trust and confidence in investing
9. Futures coin and currency contracts
10. Investment for future
11. Young and new generation investment in stock market.
12. The investment can be double or in a short time only in stock markets.
Terms and Conditions:
Participate for all artists is free and there is no age limitation.
All Artists could submit 5 works maximum for every section.
Submitted Works should not include an award-winning before, and the reviewed works of previous years not be admitted.
Personal details (address, phone and…) should be attached with works.
The works size: 2000 pixels, jpeg format and the resolution should be 300 DPI.
Creation techniques are free.
The Festival has the right to use works for any commercially purpose.
(Not?) All the winners of the awards should be Presence at the closing ceremony.
Festival calendar:
Deadline for submission: 21 June 2016
The closing ceremony and awarding prizes: 24 (15?) July, 2016
First place: 3 thousand euro
Second place: 2 thousand euro
Third: 1 thousand euro
Child and youth section:
o Participants under 18 years old can participate in this section.
o Each participant can submit only 2 works in the contest.
o size of works should have cut to 20 x 30, and the resolution should be 300 DPI.
o all of the works should be with full personal details.
o arbitration of child and youth section will done separately and the award will be given to first till third place .
Prizes for Child and youth section:
First place: 300 euro
Second place: 200 euro
Third: 100 euro.
Address for submitting works:
All works should be submitted via secretariat email address info@cwn-news.com
Source: tabrizcartoons .
Blog: boursecartoon .


Letter from Andrey Popov about the 22nd Cartoon Rendon Festival 2015, Colombia

Dear Colleagues.
My name is Andrey Popov. I am an artist from Russia. I am the owner of the first prize of the twenty-second cartoon festival in Rendon. I ask your advice. There is a situation that requires a solution. I would like to inform you that the Organizers of 22nd International Cartoon Rendon Festival, Colombia (Fernando Pica) don`t like to be in contact with prize winner ( it's me) and don`t pay prize money. I do not want to raise a scandal, but I would want that the situation has been resolved.
Can you give me support and to indicate to the organizers of the contest on the need to fulfill the conditions of the competition.
Thank you and sorry for the trouble.
You can see from 11 minutes:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK9bIl6tXYs .


Results of the 12th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2016

Theme: Art against terrorism
Ridha Hasan / Germany
Juan Karajoli / Syria
Almohannad Kalthoum / Syria
Moaffak Makhoul / Syria
EMAD Salehi / Iran
W i n n e r s
Ahmed Khalil - Iraq
Hendriques David Arie - Indonesia
Li Hai Feng - China
Efat Amjadipoor - Iran
Hicabi Demirci - Turkey
Antonio Santos - Portugal
Special prize
Ramin Rezaei - Iran
Kazanevsky Vladimir - Ukraine (Top)
Luc Descheemaeker - Belgium.
All winning cartoons on source: raedcartoon .


International Comics Festival Contest 2016, Serbia

Happy Gallery SKC Belgrade, September 29th – October 2nd , 2016
Address: SKC Happy Gallery
Kralja Milana 48
11000 Belgrade
Propositions and rules:
• Participants are not age-limited
• HIGH QUALITY COPIES ONLY, up to 4 pages, will be accepted. Works have to be sent via post office (e-mails excluded). Along with their work, participants are also required to send a filled APPLICATION FORM for the International Comics Festival Contest 2016 can be downloaded HERE & HERE.
• Required language: English
• Submitted entries can be previously published
• Theme, style, technique and genre are free-choice
• Page numbers should be written on the back of each page
• Submitted entries will be reviewed for official awards, sponsors' prizes and the festival exhibition.
Awards & Prizes:
• Grand prix of the Festival (includes 1000 €)
• Awards for the best traditional style comic, the best alternative comic, the best script and the best graphics
• Special jury award for inventiveness
• Awards in the category up to 15 years of age: Young Lion special award (the best entry in the category), Special jury award for the best idea, Special jury award for maturity and imagination
• Special jury award for the youngest author
• Sponsors’ prizes.
Additional information: www.salonstripaskc.rs ; http://www.facebook.com/comicsfest
e-mail: salonstripaskc@gmail.com .

12th International Humor Exhibition of Limeira 2016, Brazil

Registrations are free. Participants all over the world can sign up with three works of his own, size A4 (21 X 29,7 cm) over A3 (29.7 X 42 cm) size until 16 September 2016.
All works must be ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED. If not respected the rules, the drawings do not compete for prizes.
To works sent by MAIL as Caricature, Cartoon, Political Cartoon and Comics:
Secretaria Municipal da Cultura - Palacete Levy
Largo Boa Morte 11
Centro, Limeira SP
CEP 13484 970 BRAZIL
To works sent by E-MAIL as Digital works and Interart:
Send to piuhumor@hotmail.com, A4 until A3 size, with 300 dpi on JPEG.
Digital is a drawing made and finished by freehand. You make a copy with a scanner and send by e-mail.
Interart is a built drawing or even just finished with the aid of a computer, or even done for it, by the direction of the artist who composes.
CHARACTER OF THE BRAZILIAN POLITICS (This prize win’s $500 reais)
For prize winners in each category will get certificates and trophies. This year we will have one cash prize of R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais) which will include an artist chosen by our judging panel. We’ll have one more cash prize winner of R$ 500, 00 (five hundred reais) for the theme CHARACTER OF THE BRAZILIAN POLITICS with trophy and certificate.
Those selected will be exhibited from September 30 to October 16 of 2016, at Palacete Levy and the permanent virtual exhibition on the O PIU Publisher House (www.jornalopiu.blospot.com). All entries will be considered acquisitive by O PIU Publishing House. The possession, use and other rights in these jobs are held by Editora O PIU Ltd., which reserves the right to make use of them to his will. The simple application configures automatically and full participant in accordance with this Regulation.
03_Birthday (day/month/year):
04_ID Number:
05_Street number and address:
08_State (or province, region):
10_Zip Code:
11_E-mail address:
12_Number of submitted works:
Source: jornalopiu.

Theme in Studio Andromeda Festival Economia 2016: Where Growth Takes Place

Studio Andromeda
Festival Economia 2016
Exhibition: open to all professional cartoonists
- - - - -
Planet earth is anything but flat. For the joy of cyclists, ski enthusiasts and rock-climbers, it presents no shortage of hills and dales to explore. But the world of economics is even more uneven than the peaks that emerge from the maps of the alpine range.Granted, new communication technologies have greatly reduced distances in the exchange of information and market interactions. But the world’s economic geography suggests economic growth is increasingly concentrated in relatively few large cities capable of attracting human capital and of driving innovation. More than peaks, the maps of per-capita income reveal spikes, often located in areas that host research centres and top universities.In fact, the old centres and suburbs of the post-war era or even of the end of the last century are not necessarily the ones that are excelling. The economic hierarchy not only of countries, but also of cities, has undergone profound change and is in constant flux. There are many advancing and many falling back in the urban rankings of the world.It is vital that we study the economic and demographic growth of these new phenomena in order to understand not only the ingredients required for growth but also their optimal combination, the recipes we need if we want to prosper. The scale and size of cities matter, because only large labour markets can offer opportunities to a broad range of talents, matching demand and skill sets and enabling both members of power couples to fulfil their dreams.In order for these economies of agglomeration to succeed, the context must favour the circulation of ideas and networks of contacts among individuals. But the oft-cited amenity values also matter greatly, the not strictly economic factors that make one location more attractive than another and which draw on external talent. There is a lot of hysteresis in these processes: as soon as one location starts to take off or betrays the first signs of a decline, virtuous or vicious cycles are set in motion. And even if one wanted to, they are difficult to stop.Infrastructural networks play a very important role in promoting urbanization and in permitting the creation of talent bases. Housing policies for immigrants are also very important in determining the pace and quality of a city’s development. The economic context, of cities especially, plays a very important role in social mobility as well, as we learnt in last year’s edition of the Festival. This eleventh edition will instead tackle an area that has only recently been rediscovered: the economics of space and geography. We will welcome economists, demographers, and sociologists who are experts in urban agglomeration. And we will hear from those who today and in the past have played an active role in administering these territories, mindful that the rapid growth or decline of an area poses complex governance problems.
- - - - -
(Dynamic and static inequalities, disparities, rich and poor men, self-made men)
Entries: min. 1 cartoon
Size: min. A4 - JPG (col) or GIF (b/n), 300 dpi, max. 1 Mb
Technique: free
Deadline: May 29, 2016
Exhibition: gallery on website www.studioandromeda.net
Prizes: 3 winning cartoons, selected by jury, will be awarded by the organization of Festival (not-monetary prizes).
The works should be sent via e-mail to:
including entry-form with complete author's data
Festival Economia - Trento
Tema dell'anno: I luoghi della crescita
2-5 giugno 2016
For further information:
Source: fanofunny.


2nd Cartoon Exhibition of Faro, Fartoon 2016, Portugal

1 - FARO 1540 - Association for the Defense and Promotion of Faro’s Cultural and Environmental Heritage, organizes FARTOON – Faro's Cartoons Exhibition, whose works will be displayed in an exhibition at the end of the year;
2 – Participation in this Exhibition implies full acceptance of the conditions listed in this Regulation and the authorization to use the work(s) in this Exhibition and in future editions, in FARTOON extensions, promotions, publications and reproductions in any medium;
3 – All Portuguese or foreign citizens can participate in this Cartoons Exhibition;
4 – Only are accepted unpublished original works that can be black and white or color;
5 – Any graphic techniques are allowed and works measures should not exceed 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3);
6 – In 2016 edition, the contest theme is "Human Pollution". As pollution defined as the direct or indirect introduction, as a result of human activity, of elements in the air, water or land which may be harmful to health or the environment, with the theme “Human Pollution” we intend to go further. We want participants to explore not only the classical view of pollution, but particularly how men, their wars, their religions, their economic system, values or beliefs affect themselves and all they represent as a human being;
7 – Each competitor can participate individually or in teams to a maximum of 3 works;
8 - The enrollment in FARTOON should be formalized until 6th November 2016 and is free;
9 – Works must be sent by e-mail to geral@faro1540.org or by mail to:
FARO 1540
FARTOON – 2ª Mostra de Cartoons de Faro
Rua Reitor Teixeira Guedes, 133
8000-424 Faro
10 – For a correct submission should be sent: - Work(s) on paper; - Registration form, duly completed and signed; - Photocopy or scan from an identification document; - Author(s) short biographical note; - Declaration of the author of the work(s) accepting the conditions of this Regulation and authorizing the use of the work(s) at the Exhibition, in its future editions, in its extensions, promotions and publications, but with the authors’ knowledge.
11 – All works submitted for this Exhibition must be sent free of charge (postage or customs). In their packaging should appear clearly and prominently "NO COMMERCIAL VALUE / SEM VALOR COMERCIAL”. Works sent to be paid at the addressee will not be accepted, and its reception will be refused;
12 – The cartoons received will be submitted to a pre-selection, by the organization, and the competitor will be notified by e-mail if the work was selected to the Exhition mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Regulation;
13 – The Jury of FARTOON will be composed of 5 elements;
14 – From the jury's final decision there can be no appeal;
15 – There will be awarded 3 prizes by the jury;
16 – The Jury, according to the quality of the works presented, may or may not assign any of the prizes and/or assign Honorable Mentions;
17 – In addition to the award of diplomas, prizes mentioned in points 15 and 16 will have a symbolic character according to the partnerships established for this edition of FARTOON;
18 – All the works received for the Exhibition, which have been selected for display, or not, will not be delivered back to the competitors, becoming part of the estate of the FARTOON, and the organization will not use them for commercial purposes;
19 – The work(s) must have on the reverse the following information: - Author's name and address; - Title and year
20 – In exceptional circumstances, the organization may exhibit works that do not fully comply with the present Rules;
21 – In case of doubt, those interested can request any clarifications to: geral@faro1540.org
22 – Omissions in this Regulation shall be solved by the organizer.
Source: facebook .
More on fb page.