
Results 1st International Cartoon Festival National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company 2012, Iran

Results the First International Cartoon Festival National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company
Grand Prize: Ayob Ashrafi - Iran
First Prize: Darko Drljevic - Montenegro (Above)
Second Prize: Paulo Volmar Mattos - Brazil
Third Prize: Mostafa Satarian - Iran
Fourth Prize: Homayon Mahmoodi - Iran
Fifth Prize: Paolo Dalponte - Italy.
Honourable Mention:
Doru Axinte - Romania
Alfredo Martirena - Cuba
Angel Boligan - Mexico
Victor Emmanuel Velez Becerra – Mexico

Özkan Olcay - Turkey.
Special Prize of Technical Jury National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company
The optimal consumption of oil products
Amir Hasan Sazvar - Iran

Ömer Çam - Turkey

Muammer Olcay - Turkey.
The considering safety cases in gaslight automobiles
Bahman Jalali Nokande - Iran
Reyhaneh Maleki - Iran
Saman Ahmedi - Iran.
All prize-winning cartoons on source .
Masoud Shojai Tabatabai (Iran)
Davod Shahidi (Iran)
Shahrookh Heidari (Iran)
Mahmood Nazari (Iran)
Abbas Naaseri (Iran)
Marcio Leite (Brazil)
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Erdogan Karayel (Turkey)
Makhmudhon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan).


24th Rotary Cartoon Award Competition, Australia

The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City invites you to enter . . .
Theme in the International section:
Living in an "i" World (embracing smart technology)


Violation of the regulations brings disqualification in Satyrykon Legnica 2012

Announcement of Satyrykon Jury verdict change
Legnica Culture Centre would like to inform that there have been noted two cases of serious abuse and violation of the competition regulations relating to works which were awarded by Satyrykon - Legnica 2012 Jury.
The untitled work sent in by Mr Valentin Georgiev, which was awarded Grand Prix, happens to be an almost calque copy of ideas used in previous years by other authors, in works which were awarded at international festivals. The jury and the competition organizers have in harmony agreed to disqualify the work. According to jurors' opinions the work is a case of an unacceptable usage of other people's ideas. Satyrykon organizers remain in complete agreement with the jury views.
Mr Pol Leurs's work ”Blue door”, which was awarded a bronze medal and 3rd prize in section: Joke, has violated point 3 of the competition regulations concerning the participation conditions, which sounds as follows: ”WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition SATYRYKON”. As the work has already been awarded in MASTER CUP competition organized in China in 2011., similarly to the first case, the jury has also made a decision to disqualify the work, which has been fully supported by the organizers.
Due to the facts mentioned above, the jury has decided to award Grand Prix to the next pretending work in the competition, that is the untitled work by Mr Grzegorz Szumowski (Top). Such jury decisions have also resulted with some other changes presented below:
3rd prize in section: Joke has been finally awarded to Mr Lex Drewiński for his untitled work. The distinction has been awarded to Mr Alessandro Gatto for his work ”Supreme Bank”. 1st prize in section: Satire goes to Mr Grzegorz Stańczyk for his work ”Hunting”, 2nd to Mr Stanisław Koguciuk for his work ”Poverty-indigence-crisis”, 3rd to Jugoslav Vlahović for his work ”Flower bomb”, and the distinction award goes to Ms Małgorzata Lazarek for her work ”Logo Man”.
Comment on the Satyrykon jury final verdict
”The art that has no morale loses its sense and power. People's own, unique and inimitable ideas are the essence of any kind of creation. We have awarded the prizes and distinctions trusting in beauty, good and truth. I do still trust in them” - these are the words addressed to Satyrykon by a noble, honest and righteous man, a uniquely talented, fine artist Marek Stanielewicz.
He was one of the jurors of this year's Satyrykon edition, and he has sent those words on hearing the works awarded included the ones that should not have received their prizes. Their authors have acted in an unacceptable way by attempting to deceive the organizers, jurors, fellow artists and the public. They have not made an effort and chosen to be dishonest in order to show their names in spotlights of one of the most important world satirical events which Satyrykon is. There has been no other way of act as to change the verdict and take the awards away from dishonest artists who have not deserved them.
One can feel only sorry that cases like that still happen, and it is really sad that there have been more than just the two revealed after the jury's verdict this year. It is sad that as early as at registration stage, some works sent to Satyrykon happen to be rejected as they should not have been even posted to Legnica. I doubt there is any competition organizer in the world capable of recognizing all such cases. I feel sorry to face that shameless challenge.
Fortunately, it is just a margin. Fortunately, majority of people understand what being honest means. Fortunately, there are people in the world who oppose unfairness and have helped us to reveal such cases and stigmatize them this year. We would like to thank them because, similarly to Marek Stanielewicz, most of all, we believe in beauty, good and truth.
Grzegorz Szczepaniak
Director of Legnica Culture Centre
Source: http://www.satyrykon.pl/en/menu.php?ID=news
Final prize-winning works


Results 2nd International City & Citizen Cartoon Contest 2012, Iran

Results of the 2nd International City & Citizen Cartoon Contest 2012 - Tabriz, Iran
First prize: Sasha Dimitrijevic - Serbia (Top)

Second prize: Mehdi Azizi - Iran

Third prize: Vahideh Fallahi - Iran

Selected Cartoons: Diploma + Memorial Statuette
Yuriy Kosobukin - Ukraine
Mohammad Ali Khalaji - Iran

Ahmet Öztürklevent - Turkey
Amir Dehgan - Iran
Sergey Elkin - Russia.
All prize-winning works on source: rahimcartoon


2nd International competition of cartoons "Football unites us" 2012

Football unites us -2
Dear colleague, colleagues.
We invite to participate in a competition.
Report please about our competition to the cartoonists / caricature .
We send you the terms of competition of cartoons to Euro-2012:
(The first competition of caricature passed in 2010)
and http://art-krug.com/News/show
Organizer of competition:
Valery Krugov, Mikhail Shlafer.


Reply from Mr Seyran Caferli, Cartoon News Center website director

Mr Seyran Caferli, the director of Cartoon News Center website, sent the following message below requesting me to publish it on this blog, caricaturque.
In his message, Mr Caferli writes that the announcement of the International Restaurant Cartoon Contest arrived in his e-mail box sometime ago and he demanded extra info from the organizers while publishing the present info on his website.
Although promised by the organisers, the extra info has not arrived yet, and with the right notice of my previous post yesterday, Mr Caferli says he has deleted the info about the doubtful Restaurant Cartoon Contest from his website.
Many thanks for his concern and kind answer.
Kemal Ozyurt.

Seyran Caferli: Rica ederim
From: Seyran caferli cartooncenter@gmail.com
Date: 22 Feb 2012 19:32
Sayin Kemal Ozyurt,
Azerbaycandan sevgilerimle..
http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/ Sitenizdeki The International "Restaurant" Cartoon Contest 2012 hakindaki yazinizi ve hakli iradlarinizi okudum.. Bu yarisma benim E-mail adresime gelen duyrulardan biridir ve ben yarismaya sitemde yer verdigimden sonra organizatorlerden bana daha fazla bilgi vermelerini rica etmisdim.. Teesufler ki, onlar detayli bilgileri bana yakin bir zamanda gondereceklerine soz verselerde sonucda bu gunku tarihedek hic bir cevab vermediler.. Sizin sitede yazdiklarinizdan derhal sonra ben hemin yarismanin kosularini web siteden derhal iptal etdim.. ve Sizin hakli iradlariniza gore tesekur ederim Zamaninda bize yardimci oldugunuzdan ve hakli dusuncelerinizden dolayi bir daha tesekur ederim.
Sevgi ve saygilarimla,
Seyran Caferli
Uluslararasi Karikatur Haber Merkezi Web sitesinin direktoru
P.S. Degerli Kemal Ozyurt yukaridaki yaziya http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/ Web sitenizde yer vermenizi rica ederim.. Once tesekurler.

XIII International Cartoon Competition "Independence" 2012, Ukraine

Theme: Football
Deadline: 5 May 2012
Source: ecc-kruishoutem


A letter, a blacklist, and a fake competition

From: tawan chuntra tchuntra@yahoo.com
Date: 16 Feb 2012 06:59
Dear kozyurt
I send you the information that the contest that not pay the prize.
Please inform other cartoonists for consideration.
Pease post in your blog, http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/
I won special prize in 39th Skopje 2011,Macedonia, but until now I do not receive the prize anymore. This contest is so fake. Belowing is email that only thing I receive, on Friday, 22 July, 2011 2:20 PM
Tawan Chuntra

Dear Tawan Chuntra,
Thank you for the participation in the World Gallery of cartoons and congratulations for the award.
The participants who win the Special Award, as you are, are granted with the Special Award Plaque, beside the Catalog (available for all selected participants). We have sent the Catalogs first to all the participants, and afterwards we'll send the Plaque as well.
Sorry for the delay. We are looking forward our future cooperation
Regards from Macedonia,
Mice Jankulovski
Director of OSTEN Skopje.
Unfortunately, we notice that World Gallery of Cartoons Skopje is among the blacklisted cartoon contests by FECO: In this page you could find contests where the cartoonists rights are not respected because the organisers claim copyrights:
Of course, there is still hope:
Hopefully these contest rules will change and then, these contests announcements will join the main contest list !
And some fake cartoon contest news again released by only Mr Seyran Caferli's Cartoon News Centre: The International "Restaurant" Cartoon Contest 2012 !!!
Unfortunately Mr George Licurici re-published the info about that fake competition although with a question mark about the organizer. Somebody (with the e-mail address from China !!!) needs original ideas of you honest cartoonits about food and restaurant to copy from! For what? For nothing!
Serious website editors will not promote that false competition I hope and must protest the person behind it and he is already condemned by many editors and cartoonists for sure indeed.


XIV International Cartoon Contest - Zielona Gora, Poland

XIV International Cartoon Contest - Zielona Gora, Poland - Invitation
The Society of Supporters of Cultural Activities “Debut” and the Voivodeship and Municipal Public
Library in Zielona Góra cordially invite to participate in the XIV Open International Cartoon Contest.
This year theme is PLANE - AIRPORT - FLYING.
Attached are the rules for the Contest and the Entry Form.
Yours Faithfully,
The Debut Society,
dr Andrzej Buck, President.

17th International Cartoon and Graphic humour Contest BOMBUROVA ŠABĽA

Town Brezno
and town cultural centre of Brezno
in co-operation with HLP grafik, s.r.o.
and regional newspaper MY HOREHRONIE announce
XVII. International Cartoon and Graphic humour Contest
BOMBUROVA ŠABĽA (Bombura sword)
Cartoonists may use any techniques they like, size A4.
Each cartonist may submit up to 10 cartoons..
Theme: We like animals
Name of the cartoon, first name and surname of the author, address, age, profession
and phone number or email should be written on the back side of each cartoon.
Competition will be devided into two categories according to the age
- first category till 15 and the second category over 15.
Entry deadline is May 10, 2012.
The jury, nominated by the Organizers, will award prizes for the best cartoons in each category.
The winners in the first category will be awarded by gifts
and in the second category they will get financial reward
1st place - 100 €, 2nd place - 65 €, 3rd place - 35 €.
Jury has the right not to award every prize, but they can award „Certificate of Merit“.
The best works will be displayed during a town festival “Days of the town Brezno”.
The opening exhibition and award ceremony with authors participation
will be held on June 2, 2012 in Synagogue, Štúrova 11, Brezno.
The Cartoons will not be returned and organisers reserve the right to publish the works in press or other way.
Results of the competition will be published in regional newspaper MY HOREHRONIE
and other comics journals and newspapers.
Original cartoons should be sent in an envelope marked “Bomburova šabľa
Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Švermova 7
97701 Brezno SLOVAKIA

For more information call:
* Mr. Daniel Rakyta
Phone/Fax. No. 00421/48 6113412, 00421 (0)907688058
e-mail: daniel.rakyta@slovanet.sk
* Mr. Peter Zifčák
Phone No. 00421/486115585, 00421(0)908605196
HLP grafik s.r.o. Brezno
* Mr. Ferdinand Hrablay
Phone No. 00421/486113671
e-mail: hlpgrafik@hlpgrafik.sk .


The 5th International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor Show

The 5th International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor Show
As a source of life, water is an indispensable substance to human survival. However, day by day, the future of such precious and finite liquid is becoming unknown. We deliberately waste water, we contaminate and dry out watercourses, and we pollute the seas and the large reservoirs of drinkable water.
According to the United Nations assessment, from now on 15 years, more than half of the world’s population will suffer from the shortage of water. UN data also points out that nowadays, year after year, 1.6 million people or so die because of difficulties in finding water and the lack of proper sanitation.
Nonetheless, against these pessimistic predictions, we live in a world that is more and more aware of the issues. People are valuing more and more this greatly precious liquid, using it more rationally, more thoughtfully and more carefully. Today, we can say the world population has awaken to the cause and we have done so in due time to, who knows, guarantee the future also, of life to the next generations.
The shortage of water in terms of amount and quality is way more real and more true than would have been thought. But so are the awareness, the rationalization and the widespread warning of the issue. What is to set the future of water, is the attitude that everyone is going to undertake from now on.
The 5th International Salon Patio Brasil, on Humor About the Environment - Ecocartoon, wishes to engage in this debate and to help set this discussion clearer, smarter and more creative. So, you are welcome in this mission.
2 The 5th International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor Show - Ecocartoon
The event is a competitive exhibit of humorous drawings, whose main objective is to provoke reflection regarding a specific theme. The tools used shall be Charges, Cartoons, Caricatures and Comic Strips on the theme of The Future of Water.
3 Participation
a) Participation is open to all graphic artists, amateur and professional, Brazilian or foreign.
b) Each contestant may submit a total of two (2) unpublished works. The categories are Charge, Cartoon, Caricature and Comic Strips, which shall compete with each other.
c) By registering, contestants acknowledge being solely responsible for the veracity of the data and authorship of the submitted works, and are subject to civil and criminal action if it is proven, during or after the contest, that the data or author of the submitted work are false.
d) Participation is forbidden to those who are directly associated with this event.
4 Entry Submission
a) Entry submission forms may be obtained at http://www.ecocartoon.com.br/.
b) Entries may be submitted through the website or by mail.
c) Only one (1) entry submission form shall be accepted per participant.
d) Confirmation of entry acceptance shall be made by a confirmation email message.
e) By submitting an entry, participants acknowledge acceptance of this regulation, and all of its terms, as well as the final result of the contest and the subsequent use of the winning entry.
4.1 Online Registration
a) By making the registration, the cartoonist will receive an e-mail password to login ECOCARTOON site. With this password he will be entitled to attach the work(s) desired.
b) The cartoonist is free to register and submit works on different days.
c) Works must be submitted in size A3 (297mm x 420 mm), horizontal or vertical, in JPEG, with at least 300 DPI.
d) The organization is not responsible for the registration or works not received for any technical problems regarding computers, congestion, lack of lines of communication or for any other factor affecting the successful submission of entries at the website of the event.
4.2 Registration by Mail
a) Works must be submitted in size A3 (297mm x 420 mm), horizontal or vertical.
b) Works must be submitted together with the filled out registration form by mail, or delivered directly at the administration of the Pátio Brasil Shopping Mall, Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 7 pm, at the following address: SCS Qd. 07 Bl. A Administração - Bairro: Asa Sul CEP: 70.307-902 Brasília DF, with the name of the event, ECOCARTOON, clearly marked on the envelope or package.
c) Works must be submitted in appropriate packaging, and the organizing committee shall not be held responsible for any damage caused during remittance.
d) The organizing committee shall not be held responsible for entries or works not received due to losses in the mail, postal service workers’ strikes, or for any other reason affecting successful delivery of entries by mail.
5 Use of Entries
a) ALL works entered and submitted to the contest shall become definite property of Condomínio Pátio Brasil Shopping, which shall exercise the exclusive right of ownership to use the work according to its interest, and their authors are not entitled, under any circumstances, to any form of indemnity.
b) After the selection, the selected works shall be exhibited on the premises of the Pátio Brasil Shopping Mall, and posted at the website www.ecocartoon.com.br, and may, together with other participating entries, be submitted to other uses.
c) The organizing committee shall not be held responsible for any damage caused by third parties, when exhibited in public or due to deterioration caused by handling of the work during the event.
a) Entries must be received by 15 April, 2012.
b) Entries will be judged on 15 May, 2012.
c) Exhibition shall take place between the 1st and 30th of June, 2012.
a) The selection and awarding of entries shall be based on creativity, originality and pertinence to the proposed theme and made by a judging committee, whose decisions are final and must be accepted by the participants.
b) The judging commission shall select one hundred (100) works, from the submitted entries, for the exhibition to be held at Pátio Brasil Shopping.
c) Of the one hundred (100) selected works, four (4) works shall be granted awards, three (3) works being chosen by the judging committee, and one (1) work (excluding the three winners) chosen by popular jury, whose decisions are final.
d) In order to promote new values among young cartoonists (under the age of 18), the jury shall select a work to receive the Young Talent trophy, which shall be shown at the exhibit and included in the catalog.
e) The members of the jury shall select 15 works, excluding the three (3) winners, to received certificates of Honorable Mention.
f) Any omissions in the present regulation shall, in a timely manner, be addressed by the judging committee, by referendum at the Pátio Brasil Shopping Mall.
a) The selected entries shall be granted the following awards:
1st Place ................................R$ 4,000.00 and trophy;
2nd Place ................................R$ 2,000.00 and trophy;
3rd Place ................................R$ 1,500.00 and trophy;
Winner Popular Jury ......... R$ 750.00 and trophy;
Young Talent ...................... Trophy;
15 Honorable Mentions .......... Certificate.
b) All entries selected for exhibition shall be included in the event catalog.
c) The winners shall be announced on June 1, 2012 at the opening of the exhibition, and at 10 am at the event’s website. Winners shall be informed by telegram and/or phone call/email.
d) Awards shall be given no later than 30 days after disclosure by the shopping mall’s administration or by bank draft if the winner resides outside of Brasília/DF.
Source: http://www.ecocartoon.com.br/eco2012/main.asp


12th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, Canada

12th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, Canada
1. The theme for the 12th Competition: Power to the People: Citizens and Social Media
The year 2011 will be remembered for the ways social media — including the use of smart phones, Twitter and Facebook - ignited struggles for democracy across the globe. Images of rage in Tunisia, after a fruit vendor set himself on fire to protest police actions, of police brutality in Egypt's Tahrir Square, and of the dead body of dictator Muammar Gaddafi went "viral" within minutes. "Texting" created "flash mobs" during riots in London, Madrid and Athens. The Internet fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement and protests against electoral fraud in Russia. What is the impact of social media on our world?
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonistmust be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition and World Press Freedom Day.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on May 3, 2012 as well as being advised by e-mail.
The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP website: http://www.ccwpf-cclpm.ca/
8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.
The deadline for receipt of cartoons is 5 p.m. GMT, Friday, March 30, 2012.
Send submissions by e-mail to : info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca
Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
Source: bado-badosblog