
The City Getting Underground is the theme in Big Boat of Humour 2011, Poland

In Polish, the word ŁÓDŹ means a vehicle propelled by sails, oars or engine, used as a means of water transport. Almost all around the world, it carries symbolic connotations:
• it is an allegory of human fate in both individual and collective dimension,
• it is associated with courage, when imagining sailors embarking on a voyage across rough oceans,
• it symbolizes human longing for adventure and some change in life.
Łódź is also the name of the second largest city in Poland, which is an inland city with no access to navigable waters. We hope that the name of our metropolis will become an inspiration for graphic artists, especially those with a flair for satire. The theme should be taken up with humour, with panache and perhaps with a bit of poetry... This explanation, indispensable to foreigners, is also aimed at the Poles, for whom the popular usage of the name of the city might have blurred the sharpness of its paradox.
The urbanized area on the surface of the Earth is getting so crowded that there is no place left for new ideas for activating citizens or for the creativity of the local governments. More and more of the city’s functions are moved underground: transport and car parks, commerce, recreation… this tendency into the ground has been already foreseen by numerous cities’ strategies. Before these plans can be implemented though, many cities worldwide already push their citizens underground, in literal and allegoric sense. Hence the inspiration for the theme of this year’s edition of the competition: The city getting underground. Willingly or not…
1.The aim of the contest is:
- promoting the city, changing the traditional perception of Łódź and challenging the stereotypical image of the city.
- creating an art gallery comprising works that could be used in actions promoting the city in a printed form or in the form of organized exhibitions.
2.It is an open contest. Everyone can participate in it, on condition that they submit their works with the application form before the regulatory deadline. The contest is an international event.
3.The theme the fifth Big Boat of Humour contest is:
and traditionally – the city of ŁÓDŹ.
4.The original works entering the contest can be made using any drawing, graphic (including computer graphics) or painting technique and should not be larger than A3 format (297x420 mm). Also copies issued by the author, described and signed by the author are accepted by the Jury as original graphic works. Photocopies and xerox copies of the works, computer printouts of scanned works or any other kind of duplication using multicopy techniques, for example offset printing, which serve as reproductions of a work, shall not be accepted by the Jury. Previously published works, works entered in other contests or works to which rights do not belong to the authors shall also be excluded from the contest.
5.Each participant may submit up to 5 works. The works should be unframed, provided with the name and the surname of the author and possibly the title on the reverse. The works should be accompanied with an application form, which shall be tantamount to the acceptation of the contest regulations and a permission for publishing author's personal data contained in the form, and with a CD with the electronic form of submitted works (in TIFF format, the resolution of 300 dpi, 15 cm at the base), which is the condition of placing them in the catalogue.
6.The works should be sent to the following address: Łódzki Dom Kultury (Łódź Cultural Center), Traugutta 18, 90-113 Łódź, Poland till 31 August 2011 (with a note on an envelope "The Big Boat of Humour 2011").
7.The organizers are not liable for any damage to the works during delivery.
8.The Jury shall choose works for the post-contest exhibition and hand out the Grand Prix of the contest in September 2011.
9.The ceremonial opening of the post-contest exhibition and the verdict announcement shall take place in October 2011, during the 22nd International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź.
10.The authors of works admitted to the contest shall be invited to the ceremonial opening of the exhibition and shall receive the catalogue. The organizers do not provide the return of expenses covering transport to Łódź and stay in the city. The organizers plan the exhibition of the original works admitted to the contest and the exhibition of printouts (on the basis of the submitted CDs) in Piotrkowska Street in the centre of the city.
11.The works that shall not be admitted to the contest as well as the works shown on the exhibition should be taken back from the organizers from December 31, 2011 or they shall be sent back at the author's expense.
1.The works shall be judged by the Jury of the Contest consisting of professional artists, the representatives of the City of Łódź Office and the Organizers of the contest.
2.The Jury shall hand out the regulatory Grand Prix of the contest amounting to PLN 10,000, funded by the President of the City of Łódź. The prize is indivisible. The Jury reserves the right to resign from handing out the award. In such case, the amount is added to the pool of prizes of the next edition of the contest. The decisions of the Jury are definitive without the right to appeal. The work (or works of one author) honoured with the prize, together with all the rights, become the property of the sponsor.
3.The organizers allow for a possibility of handing out sponsored awards other than the regulatory prize. Works awarded by the sponsors, with all the rights, shall become the property of the sponsors.
Author’s statement
1. The author hereby states that the Works made for the purpose of this competition, that is in the frames of this contract, will be the object of the exclusive copyright belonging to the author.
2. The author transfers all the rights exclusively to the City for the time of usage and management of the works made by the Author, in the frame of the contract, especially reports, research, slogans, timetables etc. The transfer of rights is giving the City the right to change, fix, copy with any given technique, put into circulation, digitalize, put on the Internet, publicly perform or reproduce, exhibit, use in editorial materials, including promotional, informational and educational materials, to use the work partially or as a whole, blend it with other works, add elements, update, modify, translate into given languages, change in size as a whole or partially, publicize and spread as a whole or partially.
3. The author transfers also the ownership of the carriers, on which the works are presented, to the City.
4. The rights resulting from point 2, will be transferred properly and the Author is responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties that may emerge from exploitation of the works.
Final provisions
1.Sending works to the contest together with a filled-in application form, equals giving consent to participation in the post-contest exhibition (or a series of exhibitions), free reproductions of the works in all media and all techniques as far as promoting the contest and the exhibition is concerned. Works without the author’s signature will be excluded from the competition.
2.Participation in the contest means accepting the above rules.
Rules and application form at source: http://www.bigboatofhumour.com/rules.php

Results Cartoon contest Zielena Gora 2011, Poland, with theme "Library"

Cartoon contest Zielena Gora 2011 - Poland / Results:
743 cartoon / 334 cartoonist / 51 country.
Julian Bohdanowicz (Polska) - cartoonist (pres. jury)
Ryszard Błażyński (Polska) - LSMDK DEBIUT, honor. director Contest
Andrzej Buck (Polska) – WiMBP Zielona Gora / director City Bibliothek
Jerzy Głuszek – cartoonist
Lubomir Lichy (Czech rep.) – cartoonist
Michał Ogórek (Polska) – journalist
Krzysztof Rutkowski (Polska) – journalist
Alicja Błażyńska - LSMDK DEBIUT (jury sekretair).
GRAND PRIX - Witold Mysyrowicz (Poland)
I. prize - Grigori Katz (Israel)
II. prize - Paweł Kuczyński (Poland)
III. prize - Kfir Weizman (Israel)

Winning Cartoons:


I . prize. nr 454

II prize. nr 467

III prize nr 235.
(Alicja Błażyńska - Sekretarz LSMDK DEBIUT)
This report forwarded by i. h. Many thanks Ivan.


Ginger Meggs coin celebrating 90 years

This report from Australian Cartoonists' Association http://www.cartoonists.org.au/:
The Perth Mint have today released a commemorative 1oz Silver Australian $1 coin to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Australia's favourite boy, Ginger Meggs.
It's not everyday an Australian comic strip character is featured on a coin. Ginger Meggs, created by James C Bancks, first appeared in 1921 and remains the longest-running and most popular comic strip in Australian history, running in 34 countries worldwide.
The coin features an homage to Bancks' 1945 Sunbeams Annual (Series 22) cover, which featured Ginger Meggs on the back of a kangaroo with his dog, Mike and his pet monkey, Tony.
The obverse portrays the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the 2011 year-date and is issued as legal tender under the Australian Currency Act 1965.
Check out the Ginger Meggs coin at http://www.perthmint.com.au/


Master Turkish caricaturist, painter, and architect Gungor Kabakcioglu passes

The famous Turkish caricaturist, painter, architect, and writer, Gungor Kabakcioglu passed away in Istanbul today, June 27, 2011.
Born in Serik, Antalya, Turkey, on Sep 9, 1933, Gungor Kabakcioglu was educated in Izmir and Istanbul, graduating as an architect from the National Fine Arts Academy in 1961. He worked for BP and Kervansaray companies for 20 years as an architect. Then he co-owned the advertising agency Hasajans where he was also the art director for 18 years. He received awards in architecture, painting, poster, and cartoon competitions.
First work of cartoons published in 1949 in Izmir (Anadolu newspaper) and in Istanbul (Dogan Kardes, the children’s magazine). He painted a lot of children’s books (Varlik publishing) and book covers (Dost publishing), also large pictures and cartoons on walls of hotels, restaurants, cinemas, and other social buildings.
Gungor Kabakcioglu had several solo exhibitions of caricatures, cartoons and paintings. Made political cartoons for the newspapers Tercuman, Aksam, Gunes, and strip cartoons for Yeni Yuzyil and Gunes as well.

A hardworking and prolific artist, he published his work in many periodicals and collected some in books: Karikatur Albumu (1955, 2002), Portreler (1994), Karikaturcu Portreleri (2002), Sakipname (2002).

See a few images of his works at http://karikaturculerdernegi.com/2011/01/bir-sanatci-agabey-gungor-kabakcioglu/


Results 16th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2011 with theme "Vices"

The 16th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2011, Croatia, has seen the arrival of 744 works of 331 authors from 61 countries.
1st Prize: SAŠA DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Serbia
3rd Prize: GRAHAME ARNOULD, Canada
Special Mentions:
See all prize-winning cartoons at http://www.hdk.hr/ soon.


Israeli prize-winning cartoonists boycott Haifa International Cartoon Contest

Leaving the Haifa International Cartoon Contest
For more than 15 years we took part at the Haifa International Cartoon Contest as participants or as judges.
With a great sorrow we note that during the last years, this event gradually deteriorated from professional and organizational point of view.
It's impossible to list here all faults caused by bad selection and careless judging, but results are talking by themselves.
A lot of our friends, well known cartoonists, agree with our feeling, position, and with this statement.
Members of Israeli cartoonist association will not participate in this event.
We tried to discuss those issues with the organizers, but they were not willing to do so.
Therefore we've decided not to take part at the Haifa International Cartoon Contest this year.
Israeli prize-winning cartoonists
Grigory KATZ
(June 21, 2011 http://cartoonall.blogspot.com/).

Rules and regulation for 23rd Annual Cartoon Contest Olen 2011, Belgium

23rd Olense Kartoenale 2011, Belgium
Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation
1. Participation
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two categories:
• Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
• Adult category: 16 years and older.
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest.
2. Theme
The main theme is 'Balloons, Zeppelins and other flying beauties'. Also this year Amnesty International offers a special prize to the best cartoon with theme ‘Male and female equality’.
3. Entries
• Original cartoons in black and white or colour, may bear no captions.
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4).
• Works sent rolled and works larger than DIN A4 will not be returned. The cartoons should be appropriately wrapped before sending in order to prevent damage.
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five.
• Following data should be mentioned on the back of your work: name, adress, age and
4. Property rights
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or the major sponsors. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen.
5. Evaluation
Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
6. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be send afterwards by mail.
7. Return mail
Return of the cartoons happens only on explicit request of the participant, as mentioned in the entry form. Every cartoon meeting with the demands but which is not selected for a prize will be sent back within two years. The organizers will endeavour to handle the return forwardings with the utmost care but cannot be held responsible for loss or damages.
8. Deadline: 1 October 2011
The deadline is 1 October 2011. The entry form and the cartoon(s) must be sent to:
Olense Kartoenale
Dorp 1,
B-2250 Olen - Belgium
9. Prizes
For the adult category:
1st prize: 1000 euro
2nd prize: 300 euro
3rd prize: 250 euro
4th prize: 150 euro.
For the youth category:
1st prize: 200 euro
2nd prize: 175 euro
3rd prize: 150 euro
4th prize: 100 euro.
Prize of the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro.
Special prize: “poverty and human rights”: 300 euro.
10. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 11 November 2011 at approximately 20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every participating artist will be welcome on that occasion. Only the winners are peronally invited.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address and can be visited:
• Sunday 13 November 2011
• All working days from Monday 14 November 2011 till the end of January 2012 during the opening hours of the town hall:
o Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u 17.30 u – 20.00 u
o Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 13.00 u – 16.00 u
o Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
• In March 2012 this exhibition is also to be visited in Bialogard (Poland).
Entry-form at source.

The Castle & Free themes in the international forum of visual humor "Fun in Vasylivka Style", Ukraine

Source: licurici

Themes in SmileAnapa Cartoon Festival 2011, Russia

SMILEANAPA Cartoon Festival 2011, Russia
Cartoon theme:
1) Laughter - terapy
2) Free.
Deadline: July 31st, 2011
10 prizes, catalogue and diploma participant.
Format: A4
Copyright issues:
We don't use a caricature in commercial objectives.
Address to send the artworks:
General post-office, box 14,
Anapa, Krasnodarsky region,
353 440 RUSSIA
or by e-mail:
(JPEG (300 dpi), max. 3 MB)
Contact for further information:
feco & licurici

3rd International "Aleksandar Klas" Cartoon Contest 2011, Serbia

The oldest Serbian illustrated review "Ilustrovana politika" is organizing The Second International Cartoon Contest honoring its own the most famous cartoonist Aleksandar Klas (1928-2002).
Since 1950 over 30 000 his cartoons were published in national and international newspapers and magazines, and he had over 60 individual exhibitions. He got more than 130 prizes, so he entered in "Guinness's book of records" as the most rewarded cartoonist in the world. Besides cartoon his occupation is painting, as well as illustration of books.
Participation Rules:
1. Competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The theme of the cartoons is free.
3. Participants take part in the competition with original cartoons. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as digital prints. Photographs, photocopies, etc., will not be accepted.
4. Size of cartoons should not exceed 30x40 cm.
5. Name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail, country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her piece of work.
6. Works must reach the organizer not later than October 25, 2011, packed in protective cover to:
"Ilustrovana politika" Za konkurs karikatura "Aleksandar Klas"
Cetinjska 1, 11000 Belgrade SERBIA

7. Result will be announced on first half of November 2011.
8. Participating cartoons will be kept at the virtual Cartoon Museum, to be established by the review "Ilustrovana politika".
9. Third International "Aleksandar Klas" Cartoon Contest will be celebrated with an award ceremony and exhibition of selected cartoons in November, 2011 in Belgrade.
10. Jury will award the following prizes:
- Grand Prix A. Klas: 1000 euros and diploma
- Second award A.Klas: 500 euros and diploma
- Third award A. Klas: 300 euros and diploma
- Diplomas A. Klas.

11. Participating cartoons will be put into catalogue. The cartoons for the catalogue and exhibition will be selected by a jury. A catalogue will be sent to the cartoonists whose piece of work are exhibited and published in the catalogue.
12. Organizer reserve the right to use the sent cartoons for ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed in catalogue and review.
13. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
14. Participants are kindly asked not to post the works via electronic means as these will not be accepted for the competition.
Editor-in-chief of
Srdjan Jokanovic
Spiro RADULOVIC, medical doctor and cartoonist
President of the jury
Source: ecc


16th Antiwar Cartoon Salon International Contest Kragujevac 2011, Serbia

In memory of the severe crime that happened in Kragujevac in 1941, 70 years ago, when the German occupying forces executed several hundreds of innocent civilians in just one day, also sincerely wishing something like that never and nowhere to happen again, and that peace may prevail in the world.
The City of Kragujevac a n n o u n c e s
The International jury will make a selection out of submitted cartoons which is to be exhibited and published in the Salon’s catalog. Besides, the following prices are to be awarded:
The Grand Prix «The Peace Messanger» and 1.500 euros prize is to be awarded by the International Association of Peace Messanger Cities
The Gold Plague and 1.000 euros prize
The Silver Plague and 800 euros prize
The Bronze Plague and 500 euros prize
The Mayor of Bydgoszcz (Poland) Award, amounts 750 euros
The City of Ingolstadt (Germany) Award, amounts 500 euros
The City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) Award, amounts 500 euros
The City of Suresnes (France) Award, amounts 500 euros
The City of Pitesti (Romania) Award, amounts 500 euros
The City of Carrara (Italy) Award, amounts 500 euros
The prize fund is 7.050 euros in total.
The Jury might additionally award several diplomas to close contenders.
Cartoonists and fine artists from all over the world have the right to participate. They should submit at most three (3) cartoons, which have not been awarded by any other international competition, on the subjects of antiwar as well as solidarity between people and nations. The artworks should be utmost A4-A3 formated, while art technique is at the artist’s choice, including electronical version of the cartoon with the original signature. On the back of the artwork there should be written data on the artist (such as: name, surname, age, address, phone/fax, e-mail).
The submission deadline is September 15, 2011.
The jury session is to be held on September 16-17, 2011.
The cartoons are to be sent to the following address:
Trg Slobode 3,
34000 Kragujevac,
Submitted artworks are not to be returned, they remain in the Salon’s collection.
NOTE: The 15th International Antiwar Cartoon Salon «Kragujevac 2011» had so far the strongest international promotion and afirmation. On the occasion of the award ceremony the prizes were handed over and the exhibition was opened in Kragujevac. Afterwards, the 15th Salon exhibition was on display at the United Nations Palace in New York. Also, it was a part of programe that marked the 65th anniversary of the victory over facism in the Ukranian historical City of Poltava. The usual tour around the Salon's partner cities took this show to Ingolstadt (Germany), Bielsko-Biala and Bydgoszcz (Poland). It was presented at the City Hall in Limassol (Cyprus) during the session of the General Assembly of the International Association of the Peace Messanger Cities. Then, the chosen artworks at the 15th Salon were exhibited in the Serbian capitol Belgrade. The exhibition's next destination was Romania,where the cartoons were on display in Temisoara during the Days of the Serbian culture, as well as in Pitesti on the Day of the Romanian Statehood. Finally, the exhibition was set at the National Museum of Mexico in Mexico City in last May.
Again, the Salon has got the invitation to set the show in Bar (Montenegro), while negotiations for the visit to the seat of the European Union Brussels are underway.
Director of the Salon
Miodrag Stojilovic

tel/fax: +381 34 336 123
E-mail: mstojilovic@kg.org.rs
Source: syriacartoon


International Cartoon Contest Braila 2011, Romania

Contest: open to all cartoonists.
Entries: max. 5
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: 1st September, 2011
Great Prize –1500 €;
First Prize – 1000 €;
Second Prize – 800 €;
Third Prize – 500 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each)
Exhibition: 30th September, 2011
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
no. 1, Aleea Cresei, Cartier Viziru I,
810407, Braila ROMANIA
Contact details:
Source: ecc


Catalog of the 20th Gabrovo International Biennial of Humour and Satire 2011

The catalog of the 20th Gabrovo International Biennial of Humour and Satire in the Arts 2011 arrived today. The 162 pages of the catalog are full of the hundreds of the selected and the awarded works in six categories. This magnificient book is of size 20.5 x 22.2 cm.
From Turkey the following artists are selected and represented with one image of their works each; artists whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) are exhibiting more than one work:
Cartoons: Burhanettin Ardagil, Erdogan Basol*, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Ozyurt*, Mehmet Kahraman*, Musa Gumus*, Nuri Bilgin.
Graphics & Drawings: İsmet Cavusoglu*, Melihat Tuzun*, Suna Ozgur Keskin*, Yasemin Sari*.
Paintings: Sevki Ozer Cevik.
Sculpture: Aziz Baha Urken, Atila Ozer & Sadettin Aygun, Betul Demir Karakaya & Kamuran Ak.
Posters: Ali Feyyaz Fergogce.
Photographs: M. Cagatay Goktan, Sami Solmaz*.
See the prize-winning works at http://humorhouse.globcom.net/engl/bienale/prizewinners.html .

Catalog International Cartoon Competition Golden Keg 2011

Received today the catalog Golden Keg 2011 as one of the participants. The 17th International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer The Golden Keg 2011 received in total 549 works of 221 authors from 41 countries.
The catalog is 15x21 cm in size and has 20 pages including the awarded and some selected cartoons. It is in two languages: Slovak and English.
Fedor Vico, the competition officer and former "Vico-President" of the Bumerang magazine, tells the most interesting (hi)story of the competition in his article titled "The Keg is Rolling on in spite of the Crisis".
PhDr. Jaroslav Reznik says in his "Jury Chairman's Foreword": "It was a unique experience to choose the best of them (cartoons) in the basement of a historical Presov town house in the company of excellent people. Such experiences are not sold by any adrenaline travel agency.
It is unbelievable how beer, transformed into a cartoon, is able to unite. Maybe even more than the one that is drunk".
There is also a short biography of Igor Sevcik (d.2003), the list of participants and the report of the jury in the catalog.


Results International Cartoon Contest Ruse 2011 on theme "Volunteering"


Today, May 18th, the jury (above) of:
Rudy Gheysens – director of European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium
Paul De Ruyck - European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium
Dominique Termote - European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium
Ivaylo Tsvetkov – chairperson of FECO for Bulgaria, cartoon artist
for The Monitor and The Telegraph newspapers and The Tema Magazine
Valentin Georgiev - cartoon artist, illustrator, artist
Elena Velikova - director Ruse Art Gallery
Irina Jordanova - expert in EIC Europe Direct Ruse
examined all the works, received for the international cartoon contest
organized by European Information Center – Europe Direct, in cooperation with Ruse Art Gallery.
47 artists from 26 countries participated with 101 works and the distinguished ones are:
Ist prize – plaque and diploma – Doru Axinte, Romania (Top above)
Two special prizes – plaque and diploma:
Lubomir Mihailov, Bulgaria
Oleksy Kustovski, Ukraine.
Two special diplomas:
Boris Erenburg, Israel
Rahim Asgari, Iran.

The prize of Ruse Art Gallery - Erdogan Basol, Turkey (Above)
The prize of FECO Bulgaria - Irien Trendafilov, Bulgaria.
All of the distinguished works and some selected ones will take part in an exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery which starts on June, 3rd, at 39 Borisova street, Ruse. The works will not be returned to the authors as they are part of the EIC Europe Direct, Ruse collection now. They will be included in an additional exhibition that will be hosted by all of the European Information Centres in Bulgaria.