Aviation International Caricature Competition - Serbia 2008
Dear friend and colleague,
The Air Force Command of the Serbian Army has decided to renew with the assistance of the "Osisani Jez" magazine its traditional competition in
- The right to participate is offered to all the citizens of the world.
- The competition shall be open until July 15th 2008.
- The number of individual entries is not limited.
- The caricature format should be - A3.
- Any art technique is acceptable.
- Entries in printed or electronic form shall not be taken into consideration.
The entries should be sent by mail to the following address:
"Osisani jez", 11000, Belgrade, Resavska 28, postanski fah 339, Serbia
or they can be delivered personally, relying on yourself, in which case the reward will be the famous "Jez" home-made coffee.
The selection committee will review the entries and make a choice of those that will be presented at an exhibition.
All the works chosen for the exhibition will be paid.
The Jury shall also award three prizes:
First Prize - SECTOR Pilot watch
Second Prize - MiG 29 fighter - scale model
Third Prize - Icarus statuette.
The announcement of the final results and the awarding of prizes shall take place on August 2nd 2008 - Air Force Day.
As in the previous competitions, we expect that the exhibition at the Air Force Hall Gallery will be a true cultural event and a caricature festivity. Such expectations are supported by our belief that you will be one of the participants.
We wish you all the success in the Competition.
Best regards,
Air Force Command and
"Osisani Jez" Editorial Board
Results Festival of European Satire “Billygoats”
The Jury of the Festival of European Satire “Billygoats” (FSE) awarded the following prizes:
in A category (drawing, graphics, sculpture, photo):
in A category (drawing, graphics, sculpture, photo):
Grand Prix – Jerzy Głuszek (Poland) for the work: „Blue Desire” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 5 000 €)
II prize – Antonio Mongiello Napo (France) for the work: „The crise of water” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 500 €)
II prize – Antonio Mongiello Napo (France) for the work: „The crise of water” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 500 €)
III prize – Paweł Kuczyński (Polska) for the work: „Pingwiny” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 1 500 €)
Distinction – Heinz Ortner (Austria) for the work: „Hallo” (1 000 €)
Distinction – Heinz Ortner (Austria) for the work: „Hallo” (1 000 €)
Distinction – Luka Lagator (Montenegro) for the work: „Clima change-Water” (1 000 €)
Special Prize – Norbert Sarnecki (Poland) for the work: „Na wietrze” (sculpture) (1 000 € + fly a balloon) founder: FSE + Aeroklub Poznański
Special Prize – Norbert Sarnecki (Poland) for the work: „Na wietrze” (sculpture) (1 000 € + fly a balloon) founder: FSE + Aeroklub Poznański
Special Prize – Valeriu Kurtu (Germany) for the works: „Urlaub” and „Klimakatastrofa” (1 000 €) founder: FSE + MILLANO
Special Prize – Tchavdar Nikolov (Bulgaria) for the work: „Paul Sezanne” (550 € + promotion in The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski) founder: FSE + The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski
Special Prize – Maciej Trzepałka (Poland) for the work: „W górę rzeki” (550 €) founder: FSE + MATBET
Special Prize – Zenon Żyburtowicz (Poland) for the work: „Ecce Homo” (photo) (the special prize in the shape of Panasonic’s set hi-fi) founder: FSE + Radio ESKA
in B category (animation):
The jury of the competition didn’t award the GRAND PRIX in category B. The jury of the competition decided to change the amount of the prizes awarded in category B.
II prize – Alicja Bednarek (Poland) for the work: „Energia odnawialna” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 000 €)
Special Prize – Tchavdar Nikolov (Bulgaria) for the work: „Paul Sezanne” (550 € + promotion in The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski) founder: FSE + The Times POLSKA Głos Wielkopolski
Special Prize – Maciej Trzepałka (Poland) for the work: „W górę rzeki” (550 €) founder: FSE + MATBET
Special Prize – Zenon Żyburtowicz (Poland) for the work: „Ecce Homo” (photo) (the special prize in the shape of Panasonic’s set hi-fi) founder: FSE + Radio ESKA
in B category (animation):
The jury of the competition didn’t award the GRAND PRIX in category B. The jury of the competition decided to change the amount of the prizes awarded in category B.
II prize – Alicja Bednarek (Poland) for the work: „Energia odnawialna” (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 2 000 €)
III nagroda – Andrzej Lichota (Poland) for the set of 5 animations (a statue “Billygoats” and a prize in cash: 1 000 €)
Distinction – Andrzej Fonfara (Poland) for the work: „Koziołki” (“Billygoats”) (550 €)
Distinction – Nikodem Olejniczak (Poland) for the work: „True life” (550 €).
Distinction – Andrzej Fonfara (Poland) for the work: „Koziołki” (“Billygoats”) (550 €)
Distinction – Nikodem Olejniczak (Poland) for the work: „True life” (550 €).
International Cartoon Сontest CITY & SEA - Ukraine
International Cartoon Сontest
Odessa 2008
Editorship of Odessa magazine «Delovaya Sreda», newspaper «Bazar» and Association of Odessa Cartoonists announce holding of International Cartoon Contest named «CITY and SEA».
Located at the Black Sea coast Odessa City is a center of international tourism, shipping, industry. Odessa Architecture reflects different styles and epochs, and it adds special color to this city. Mild climate, plenty of sun, cozy beaches make this city being a center of Ukrainian tourism. Multinationality of Odessa and tolerance of Odessa citizens have created a specific sense of humor.
The theme of contest is «City and Sea». Events, people, nature, architecture can be reflected in humorous manner, possibly with Russian or English inscriptions.
1) Every cartoonist can participate in the contest.
2) Cartoons (electronic copies) can be performed in any technique. Number of cartoons are limited to five. Cartoons awarded at other cartoon contests can also participate.
3) Deadline of works reception – August 25, 2008, but if participants want their works to be exhibited in tourists attendance places and participate in the contest of audience sympathy, the works should be sent as soon as possible.
4) Works sent to the contest would be exhibited during the period from July 1 till September 3 being accessible in Odessa City.
3) Works have to send by e-mail and should have 300 dpi resolution, А4 size in JPEG or PDF format of 1,5 Mb maximum.
5) Summary and announcement of the winner would take place within the framework of holiday events dedicated to Odessa City Day – September 2, 2008.
1 prize – $ 1000
2 prize – $ 500
3 prize – $ 300
Odessa 2008
Editorship of Odessa magazine «Delovaya Sreda», newspaper «Bazar» and Association of Odessa Cartoonists announce holding of International Cartoon Contest named «CITY and SEA».
Located at the Black Sea coast Odessa City is a center of international tourism, shipping, industry. Odessa Architecture reflects different styles and epochs, and it adds special color to this city. Mild climate, plenty of sun, cozy beaches make this city being a center of Ukrainian tourism. Multinationality of Odessa and tolerance of Odessa citizens have created a specific sense of humor.
The theme of contest is «City and Sea». Events, people, nature, architecture can be reflected in humorous manner, possibly with Russian or English inscriptions.
1) Every cartoonist can participate in the contest.
2) Cartoons (electronic copies) can be performed in any technique. Number of cartoons are limited to five. Cartoons awarded at other cartoon contests can also participate.
3) Deadline of works reception – August 25, 2008, but if participants want their works to be exhibited in tourists attendance places and participate in the contest of audience sympathy, the works should be sent as soon as possible.
4) Works sent to the contest would be exhibited during the period from July 1 till September 3 being accessible in Odessa City.
3) Works have to send by e-mail and should have 300 dpi resolution, А4 size in JPEG or PDF format of 1,5 Mb maximum.
5) Summary and announcement of the winner would take place within the framework of holiday events dedicated to Odessa City Day – September 2, 2008.
1 prize – $ 1000
2 prize – $ 500
3 prize – $ 300
(to be determined by voting of exhibition visitors)
An institution of special prizes from the sponsors of International Cartoon Contest Odessa-2008 «CITY and SEA» is also possible.
7) Works sent to the contest can be used by the founders for production of promotional materials and for the broadcast in internet.
8) Each cartoon is to be sent by a separate message with the inquiry form of the artist, address, e-mail address and author’s photo attached to.
9) The artists agree that their works can be used in the demonstrations in Ukraine and abroad by participation in the contest.
10) Exhibition CD catalogue will be send to each of the exhibition participant.
11) E-mail for sending works:
Contacts: contest coordinator Peter Siguta: +38 0482 344-750,
Address: International Cartoon Contest, «Delovaya Sreda» Magazine, POB 45, Odessa-48, 65048, Ukraine
Entry-form at source: http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/odessa.htm
An institution of special prizes from the sponsors of International Cartoon Contest Odessa-2008 «CITY and SEA» is also possible.
7) Works sent to the contest can be used by the founders for production of promotional materials and for the broadcast in internet.
8) Each cartoon is to be sent by a separate message with the inquiry form of the artist, address, e-mail address and author’s photo attached to.
9) The artists agree that their works can be used in the demonstrations in Ukraine and abroad by participation in the contest.
10) Exhibition CD catalogue will be send to each of the exhibition participant.
11) E-mail for sending works:
Contacts: contest coordinator Peter Siguta: +38 0482 344-750,
Address: International Cartoon Contest, «Delovaya Sreda» Magazine, POB 45, Odessa-48, 65048, Ukraine
Entry-form at source: http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/odessa.htm
First Retrofitting International Cartoon Contest - Tabriz, Iran
First Retrofitting International Cartoon Contest
General Information
As First Retrofitting cartoon festival is going to be held in Tabriz on October 2008 and we will be honored if you accept our invitation and send your cartoon to us.
Retrofitting International Cartoon Competition is held in Tabriz by Retrofitting National Organization. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
General Information
1) Theme: Innovation in Construction Industry / building retrofitting against earthquake.
Goals: Preventing non engineering structures focusing on village houses / using modern technology in building.
2) Participants take part in the competition with an original cartoon. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as computer print outs. Photographs, photocopies, etc., will not be accepted.
3) Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42 cm (A3 paper size.) and there is no limit for sending cartoons.
4) The Organization will not be responsible for damage that may occur during postage and handling.
5) Competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
6) Participants are expected to send the filled in participation form, a short curriculum vitae with photograph together with their cartoons. Otherwise applications will not be considered.
7) The Jury composed of foreign members will meet in (?) September 2008.
8) Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to the artists.
9) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to the Iran Retrofitting National Center (INRC) without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law on Intellectual Property Rights for publication. (S)he agrees that the Iran Retrofitting National Organization may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
10) Retrofitting 1st International Cartoon Contest will be celebrated with an award ceremony in October 2008 in Tabriz.
11) Deadline for entries is Wednesday October 1st, 2008.
12)The Prizes:
First Prize: $1000
Second Prize: $500
Third Prize: $250
Awards of Success: A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.
Address to send cartoons via email: info@retrofittingcartoon.ir
Address to send cartoon via post: C2, Iran Building, 17 Shahrivar, Tabriz, IRAN
Entry-form at source: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=850
Address to send cartoon via post: C2, Iran Building, 17 Shahrivar, Tabriz, IRAN
Entry-form at source: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=850
International Cartoon Exhibition “Environment” - Bali
Invitation to participate in the International Cartoon Exhibition – “Environment” Sanur, Bali 2008
From the Indonesian Cartoonists Association
Many efforts have already been made to explain what Global Warming is all about, with the hope that we can still make the necessary changes in this world. Unfortunately some people still assume that Global Warming is just a fairy tale. In fact, up to date there are only few people who understand Global Warming, even though all the information is widely available. We believe that a miracle can happen, if we work together to save our planet. More and more people must be made to understand the problem.
The Indonesian Cartoonists Association will conduct a cartoon exhibition in August 6th-10th, 2008, about the environment. This exhibition will attempt to show the public the problems we are facing, such as the depletion of our green forests which are the lungs of the world. In Indonesia for instance wide stretches of such land are burnt and cut on a regular basis to create living space for the growing human population. Other countries face similar problems, so this exhibition will involve not only Indonesian cartoonists, but cartoonists worldwide.
The Indonesian Cartoonists Association would like to extend the invitation to cartoonists around the globe to participate and support this exhibition.
From the Indonesian Cartoonists Association
Many efforts have already been made to explain what Global Warming is all about, with the hope that we can still make the necessary changes in this world. Unfortunately some people still assume that Global Warming is just a fairy tale. In fact, up to date there are only few people who understand Global Warming, even though all the information is widely available. We believe that a miracle can happen, if we work together to save our planet. More and more people must be made to understand the problem.
The Indonesian Cartoonists Association will conduct a cartoon exhibition in August 6th-10th, 2008, about the environment. This exhibition will attempt to show the public the problems we are facing, such as the depletion of our green forests which are the lungs of the world. In Indonesia for instance wide stretches of such land are burnt and cut on a regular basis to create living space for the growing human population. Other countries face similar problems, so this exhibition will involve not only Indonesian cartoonists, but cartoonists worldwide.
The Indonesian Cartoonists Association would like to extend the invitation to cartoonists around the globe to participate and support this exhibition.
The conditions and the information for this exhibition are as follows:
The theme of the exhibition is “The Environment”.
Cartoons can be sent via email, in a clear resolution of 300 dpi. The size is A3.
A photo portrait or a cartoon of the artist should be attached, as well as a short biography. This is to be used in the exhibition catalogue and possibly in the Bali cartoon magazine bog-bog.
Works will not be returned.
Cartoons, photos and biography must be sent to: balicartoon@gmail.com
Works can also be sent via courier or registered mail on A3 paper size, addressed to:
PAKARTI Indonesian Cartoonists Association, Jl. Veteran 39A Denpasar Bali Indonesia.
Any cartoon technique is acceptable.
There is no limit to the number of cartoons that can be sent.
All works must be original.
Cartoons must arrive no later than July 20th, 2008.
The eligible cartoons will be exhibited at the annual event “Sanur Village Festival** III – 2008, Bali Indonesia”
Your participation is much appreciated. We are certain that the exhibition will have a positive effect on the understanding of environmental issues and on the appreciation of cartoon art in Indonesia and around the world..
Putu Ebo
Secretary General of the Indonesians Cartoonists Association.
The theme of the exhibition is “The Environment”.
Cartoons can be sent via email, in a clear resolution of 300 dpi. The size is A3.
A photo portrait or a cartoon of the artist should be attached, as well as a short biography. This is to be used in the exhibition catalogue and possibly in the Bali cartoon magazine bog-bog.
Works will not be returned.
Cartoons, photos and biography must be sent to: balicartoon@gmail.com
Works can also be sent via courier or registered mail on A3 paper size, addressed to:
PAKARTI Indonesian Cartoonists Association, Jl. Veteran 39A Denpasar Bali Indonesia.
Any cartoon technique is acceptable.
There is no limit to the number of cartoons that can be sent.
All works must be original.
Cartoons must arrive no later than July 20th, 2008.
The eligible cartoons will be exhibited at the annual event “Sanur Village Festival** III – 2008, Bali Indonesia”
Your participation is much appreciated. We are certain that the exhibition will have a positive effect on the understanding of environmental issues and on the appreciation of cartoon art in Indonesia and around the world..
Putu Ebo
Secretary General of the Indonesians Cartoonists Association.
** Sanur Village Festival, is an annual event held by the Denpasar City government to promote and celebrate the wonderful culture of the Sanur Village. It is held yearly in Denpasar – Bali. Sanur is a tourism destination which is famous for its well-preserved traditional beach atmosphere. This festival will feature several events, shows and exhibitions, of which the Indonesian Cartoonist Association is only one part.
Your participation is much appreciated. We are certain that the exhibition will have a positive effect on the understanding of environmental issues and on the appreciation of cartoon art in Indonesia and around the world..
G8 International Cartoon Web Contest 2008 - Azerbaijan
Global Call to Actions Against Poverty
Global Call to Actions Against Poverty
Azerbaijan National Coalition and Azerphoto agency with the financial support of Oxfam announce opening of the «G8» INTERNATIONAL CARTOON WEB CONTEST-2008
Contest: Open to all cartoonists
Topics: Poverty & Unemployment; Food crises; Climate change; Education, Health, Water and Sanitation; HIV/AIDS; Debt relief; Fair Trade; Gender equality;
Technical info: A4 Size max. 150 dpi, (max.2mb) format JPEG;
Max 2 entries for each topics
black & white or color;
Cartoons with CV should be submitted to cartoon@azerphoto.com by 30 June 2008.
Technical info: A4 Size max. 150 dpi, (max.2mb) format JPEG;
Max 2 entries for each topics
black & white or color;
Cartoons with CV should be submitted to cartoon@azerphoto.com by 30 June 2008.
The results will be announced on 02 July 2008 at http://cartoon.azerphoto.com/ based on final decision of international jury.
Prizes: 300, 250, 200 $; 5 Honorable diplomas.
All participants will receive the virtual catalogue of the contest.
Information support - "CARTOON NEWS CENTER"
The world needs free public health care and education. Millions of people don’t know what is primary education and health services. 80 million children can’t go to school. 1,400 women die needlessly in childbirth every day. G8 (USD, Canada, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Russia and Japan countries made an agreement over 35 years ago to devote 0.7% of GNI in aid to alleviate poverty in the world’s poorest countries.
These commitments intend to support the poor and developing countries on the public accountability, justice governance, protecting the human rights. As well as increase the quality and quantity of aid, relief of debt and encourage the local governments to develop own independent national economic policy. This will be resulted in improving living conditions of population in the poorest countries and save millions of lives, put every child into school, employ millions of teachers and health workers, and ensure that everyone with HIV/AIDS has access to the treatment.
These promises will be kept and exceeded if the G8, and other rich nations fulfil their obligation to the poor of the world. Promises given by the G8 and rich countries should be kept!!!
Polish artist Krzysztof Toboła passed away
Krzysztof Toboła not alive
June 6 departed from us suddenly Krzysztof Toboła, a noted illustrator and painter and cartoonist. He was 45 years.
Krzysztof Toboła - (1963 - 2008). Born in Kodniu. He graduated from School of Arts in Opole. He worked in Chemical Factory "Police" SA in Public Relations. He was a member of the Association of Polish Artists Karkatury and the Association of Polish Painters and Graphic Artists.
Published his work in Głosie Szczecińskim, Gazecie Goleniowskiej, Echu Stargardu, Twoim Dobrym Humorze, Poznaniaku, and Super Expressie.
He won many prizes including dual winner of the contest organized by the Museum of Caricature and the Capital City of Warsaw on the occasion of 400-anniversary Stołeczności Warsaw; won: II and III prize in the contest "Walończycy", a special prize gallery "Kraniecpolski", the first prize in XIV edition of "What I will .." , Director of the Museum of Caricature prize in the contest "Posterunek satire," honorable mention in the National Review Wydażeń Satyrycznych "Papkinada - 2003", an honorable mention in the "Games and sports" - Korea, 2003, honorable mention in the "Karpik" - Niemodlin 2003, honorable mention in the contest " Europejka "- Barciany 2004.
Exhibitions Krzysztof Toboła can be viewed at: Szczecin, Gdansk, Warsaw, Jaroslaw, Biala Podlaska, Stargardzie Szczecin, Barcianach, Hanover, Mikolajki, Tarnobrzeg, Olsztyn, Myszkowie, Gdynia, Puck, and of course the Police.
(info: http://www.spak.art.pl/)
Source: 2008-06-09 http://hajnos.miroslaw.w.interia.pl/
2nd International Bursa Cartoon Competition - Turkey
2-nd International Bursa Cartoon Competition
The competition is available for cartoonists all over the world
The competition is available for cartoonists all over the world
- Cartoons which will be sent to the competition could be published before, and should not be awarded at another competition. If a cartoon which has been awarded at another competition prior to this competition wins an award, the prize will be cancelled
- The works must be original (photography, photocopy, print out... etc will not be accepted.)
- The cartoons size should be at least A4 size and not more than A3
- Each participant can send up to 5 pieces of work for competition
- The participants must write their names, family names, addresses, mobile and home phone numbers, e-mails, country, on the back of their work.
- The works will not be returned to the owner. All rights of exhibiting, printing etc. belong to BURFAS
Theme: "Human Rights"
Deadline: 10 September 2008
The prize ceremony and exhibition opening: 10 October 2008
Address: BURFAS Yakin Cevre Yolu 2.km
Next to Bursa Zoo Park Osmangazi / Bursa - TURKEY
2nd Prize: 2500 $
3rd Prize: 1000 $
Honorary mentions: 200 $ for 10 people
Certificate of achievement for finalists
Marlene POHLE - Germany
Tatyana TSANKOVA - Bulgaria
Nori YAMANOI - Japan
Aristides GUERRERO ( ARES ) - Cuba
Agim SULAJ - Italy
Izel ROZENTAL - Turkiye
Prof. Atila OZER - Turkiye
Tan ORAL - Turkiye
Salih MEMECAN - Turkiye
Ibrahim ER - Turkiye
Coordinator: Burcu Resit - Project Responsible
Tel: (+90 224)211 31 51/124
Fax: (+90 224)211 31 54
E-mail: burcuresit@burfas.com.tr
Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008
The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008
Host Units: Artists's Association of China
The Municipal Goverment of Jiaxing City
Award: The Jury committee will choose 200 works for exhibition, there are 2 works provided for The Best Representation Prizes, 5 works provided for The Best Idea Prizes, 10 works provided for The Best Skill Prizes, and 30 works provided for the excellent works, the totle 47 winning works will be awarded with top grade trophy.
The winners will be invited to attend the award ceremony in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city, China.
Exhibition: The exhibition of The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008 will be holden in Puhua Gallery in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city.
Each author whose work selected for exhibition will get one copy of the catalogue of exhibition and certificate.
The selected works will be collected in Puhua gallery, Jiaxing city. The works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after exhibition.
The Host Units have right to use the selected works for spreading, publishing etc.
Each author should submit no more than 3 works for exhibition, any technique and form of works will be acceptted, the size of work should not exceed 420 × 297 mm, the author's information including author's name, title, address, postcode, email, telephone should be written on the back of works.
The deadline is August 30, 2008.
Program: Host Units will invite the winners to attend the award ceremony and the cartoon week in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city, the Host Units will cover the flight and hotel's charge.
Authors who submit works to exhibition means they accept all above rules.
Address: No.36 Zhonghe Road, Puhua Gallery, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China Postcode: 314000
Telephone: 0086 573 82085748, 0086 573 82071601
Fax: 0086 573 82085748
Email: jxphmsg@yeah.net
Contact: Mr.Ling Dalun, Mr.Ling Jiachun, Mr.Zhong Zhongxiao
Committee of The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008
Source: http://www.cartooncn.org/ennews.asp?nid=36
Host Units: Artists's Association of China
The Municipal Goverment of Jiaxing City
Award: The Jury committee will choose 200 works for exhibition, there are 2 works provided for The Best Representation Prizes, 5 works provided for The Best Idea Prizes, 10 works provided for The Best Skill Prizes, and 30 works provided for the excellent works, the totle 47 winning works will be awarded with top grade trophy.
The winners will be invited to attend the award ceremony in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city, China.
Exhibition: The exhibition of The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008 will be holden in Puhua Gallery in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city.
Each author whose work selected for exhibition will get one copy of the catalogue of exhibition and certificate.
The selected works will be collected in Puhua gallery, Jiaxing city. The works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after exhibition.
The Host Units have right to use the selected works for spreading, publishing etc.
Each author should submit no more than 3 works for exhibition, any technique and form of works will be acceptted, the size of work should not exceed 420 × 297 mm, the author's information including author's name, title, address, postcode, email, telephone should be written on the back of works.
The deadline is August 30, 2008.
Program: Host Units will invite the winners to attend the award ceremony and the cartoon week in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city, the Host Units will cover the flight and hotel's charge.
Authors who submit works to exhibition means they accept all above rules.
Address: No.36 Zhonghe Road, Puhua Gallery, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China Postcode: 314000
Telephone: 0086 573 82085748, 0086 573 82071601
Fax: 0086 573 82085748
Email: jxphmsg@yeah.net
Contact: Mr.Ling Dalun, Mr.Ling Jiachun, Mr.Zhong Zhongxiao
Committee of The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008
Source: http://www.cartooncn.org/ennews.asp?nid=36
Winners in ZAGREB 2008 - Croatia
The 13th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2008 has seen the arrival of 452 works of 226 authors from 48 countries.
The 13th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2008 has seen the arrival of 452 works of 226 authors from 48 countries.
New Deadline in China Guangxi City College Contest
New Deadline: June 30 2008 in China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest
The emergency notice of 2008 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organizing Committee
Dear cartoonist:
The emergency notice of 2008 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organizing Committee
Dear cartoonist:
2008 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest has received more than 3000 works. For the cartoonists' demand, Our Cartoon Organizing Committee has decided to postpone the expired date, from 8th June, 2008 to 30th June,2008. And we want to tell you that you can send your works by E-mail firstly, after we access the works, if you have been awarded, we will notice you to send us your original works.
If you want to know more information about it, please look up the information from http://www.gxccfy.com/cartoon/
And the 2007 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest will award the certificates and photo album soon. If you have been awarded in the 2007 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest, please send your detail address to cygjmh2007@163.com. Guangxi City College Organizing Committee
3rd, June
Derambakhsh’s “Symphony of Lines” to ring out soon
Derambakhsh’s “Symphony of Lines” to ring out in cartoon world
TEHRAN, June 9 (MNA) -- Two new cartoon collections created by Iranian artist Kambiz Derambakhsh entitled “The Symphony of Lines” and “Olympics of Laughter” will be published in the near future.
In “Olympics of Laughter”, Derambakhsh drew cartoons on the theme of sports with thoughtful imagination.
He created a harmony by drawing cartoons of musical instruments in his collection “The Symphony of Lines”.
The collections are in black and white. He usually uses simple black lines in his cartoons, rarely employing color, captions, or titles. “While I can speak through simple lines, I do not need colors to communicate,” he told the Mehr News Agency on Sunday.
“The Symphony of Lines” is comprised of a selection of artworks published in the foreign press over the past 25 years, he added.
He went on to say that his cartoons are in a simple international language.
Derambakhsh, who is known for his ability to find obscure themes for his works, has worked as a cartoonist, a graphic designer, and an illustrator for 49 years.
Derambakhsh, 65, has won many awards at international competitions including the grand prize at an Istanbul competition in 1990, the grand prize at Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun competition in 1998, the grand prize of a contest in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1998, and the grand prize of a Polish anti-war caricature contest in 2002.
TEHRAN, June 9 (MNA) -- Two new cartoon collections created by Iranian artist Kambiz Derambakhsh entitled “The Symphony of Lines” and “Olympics of Laughter” will be published in the near future.
In “Olympics of Laughter”, Derambakhsh drew cartoons on the theme of sports with thoughtful imagination.
He created a harmony by drawing cartoons of musical instruments in his collection “The Symphony of Lines”.
The collections are in black and white. He usually uses simple black lines in his cartoons, rarely employing color, captions, or titles. “While I can speak through simple lines, I do not need colors to communicate,” he told the Mehr News Agency on Sunday.
“The Symphony of Lines” is comprised of a selection of artworks published in the foreign press over the past 25 years, he added.
He went on to say that his cartoons are in a simple international language.
Derambakhsh, who is known for his ability to find obscure themes for his works, has worked as a cartoonist, a graphic designer, and an illustrator for 49 years.
Derambakhsh, 65, has won many awards at international competitions including the grand prize at an Istanbul competition in 1990, the grand prize at Japan’s Yomiuri Shimbun competition in 1998, the grand prize of a contest in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1998, and the grand prize of a Polish anti-war caricature contest in 2002.
Similarity: Leite - Rahim Asghari
Rahim Asghari: http://www.rahimcartoon.com/en/cartoons.php?PHPSESSID=00ce2bc47ae542fb36e3da778343fcd2
19th Carioca Humor Exhibition RIO DE JANEIRO/BRAZIL Honorable Mention: Leite (Brazil)
"Low Creativity and High Similarity" by Márcio Leite
Low Criativity and High Similarity
One more similar cartoon is a winner in a traditional contest. It happened in Turkey, in Aydin Dogan. The rewarding of ideas that are not unknown is repeating all over the world and getting more and more frequent. This prejudices the quality of the event, taking the space of participants that send creative and never seen before cartoons, and that could win properly the prizes, including honorable mentions. The cartoonists that decide to join a competitive exhibition should be not only a good drawer or have a good idea, but be, above all, an ethic person and a good researcher. He should know about the results and about the catalogs of contests that are happening. Brazilcartoon bets on the Rahim’s excellent idea of the creation of the committee so the ethic is above humor in competitive exhibitions.
One more similar cartoon is a winner in a traditional contest. It happened in Turkey, in Aydin Dogan. The rewarding of ideas that are not unknown is repeating all over the world and getting more and more frequent. This prejudices the quality of the event, taking the space of participants that send creative and never seen before cartoons, and that could win properly the prizes, including honorable mentions. The cartoonists that decide to join a competitive exhibition should be not only a good drawer or have a good idea, but be, above all, an ethic person and a good researcher. He should know about the results and about the catalogs of contests that are happening. Brazilcartoon bets on the Rahim’s excellent idea of the creation of the committee so the ethic is above humor in competitive exhibitions.
Brazilcartoon is democratic and impartial, therefore we will notify similarity and plagiarism cases, and also give the right of answer to those artists involved.
Márcio Leite
Director of Brazilcartoon
Márcio Leite
Director of Brazilcartoon
"Stop This Crime" net-exhibit on Don Quichotte
Dear Cartoonist,
Canadian Government allows slaying hundred of thousands seals and the Canadians repeat this pitiless massacre every year. Unfortunately this massacre keeps going although many groups of animal rights societies protest that by organizing events in the world.
Don Quichotte invites amateur and professional all cartoonists to protest this cruel massacre on our web site. Our goal is to start an international exhibition against Canadian Government to show cartoonists' reactions about this barbarity. Prize is going to be saving life of the innocent seals.
We aim to put pressure on Canadian Government to stop this brutal massacre. By joining us you will be part of this struggle for saving seals' life.
Your artworks can ensure Canadian Government's reconsideration about this barbarian slaughter. We hope this shameful cruel massacre will be end up with all cartoonists' support.
All copyright of the published artworks on Don Quichette web site in this exhibition will be property of PETA.
(PETA is the worlds largest animal rights group headquartered in Norfolk, VA and having field offices in places like New York City, Washington DC and having affiliates in Germany, England, India and other places. Stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.)
9th International Cartoon Competition Spirito di Vino
9th International Cartoon Competition SPIRITO DI VINO 2008 - Italy
The sunny day of Cantine Aperte was the launch pad for the ninth edition of Spirito di Vino, a competition for young cartoonists who want to express an alternative, ironic, amusing point of view on the world and culture of wine.
Spirito di Vino 2008 is one of the initiatives that the Friuli Venezia Giulia delegation of the Movimento Turismo del Vino organises especially for young people. Since its first edition, the competition has enjoyed amazing success.
Cartoonists aged between 18 and 35, from Italy and abroad, will be able to enrole before 29th August 2008 directly filling in the enrolment form (Form Registration) or sending their entries to our Secretary's Office:
Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor 7,
33100 Udine – Italy
Spirito di Vino 2008 is one of the initiatives that the Friuli Venezia Giulia delegation of the Movimento Turismo del Vino organises especially for young people. Since its first edition, the competition has enjoyed amazing success.
Cartoonists aged between 18 and 35, from Italy and abroad, will be able to enrole before 29th August 2008 directly filling in the enrolment form (Form Registration) or sending their entries to our Secretary's Office:
Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor 7,
33100 Udine – Italy
Cartoons should not exceed the dimensions of 30x40 cm in vertical (maximum three cartoons). The artwork may be in black and white or colour and may be drawn using any technique.
The three winners will receive a selection of Friuli's finest wines and will be the Movement's guests, with the other 30 finalists, on Saturday 20th September in Udine at Friuli DOC, the now traditional early autumn appointment with the best of the region's food, wine and typical products. The winning entries, selected by a jury of major figures from the worlds of graphic arts and journalism, will be displayed at an exhibition that will be open to the public during Friuli DOC.
For further information:
The three winners will receive a selection of Friuli's finest wines and will be the Movement's guests, with the other 30 finalists, on Saturday 20th September in Udine at Friuli DOC, the now traditional early autumn appointment with the best of the region's food, wine and typical products. The winning entries, selected by a jury of major figures from the worlds of graphic arts and journalism, will be displayed at an exhibition that will be open to the public during Friuli DOC.
For further information:
Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia: Tel. 0432.289540
Fax. 0432.294021
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