
Still fake cartoonet contest & a shame on the editors

The following regulation is from http://www.cartooncenter.net/new_contests.htm edited by Seyran Caferli in Azerbaijan. Still this cartoonet contest is a fake one since there is no responsible person, not a sponsor, nor an establishment behind it. So it aims at cheating honest cartoonists out of their original ideas & this is unacceptable esp. for an editor who has been acting as a jury member in some international cartoon competitions(!?).
Mr Angel Boligan has unveiled another fake cartoonet competition where he himself had been mentioned as the jury member without his knowledge and consent: http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/2010/07/boligan-protests-false-cartoonet.html .
Although it is a known fact that there is a kind of fight against cartoon art of great impetus, some editors of cartoon websites never hesitate to announce whatever info(!?) arrives in their mailboxes. Today (August 9) I see that Tabrizcartoons are also announcing this false cartoonet contest and without any source (!?): http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=1666 .
Hope they all will reconsider this piece of news and delete it with a protest against the pirates as the world-famous cartoonist Mr Angel Boligan did honestly; otherwise people would wonder if they are themselves involved in that non-ethical exploitation!

The 1th “WORLD HUMOUR” International Cartoon Competition 2010 - Portugal
1) The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
2) Theme:
A-World Heritage
World famous tourist spots in each country
3) The maximum number of sent cartoons is 10 .
4) Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
5) prizes :
1st prize: 3000 euro 2nd prize: 2000 euro 3rd prize: 1000 euro Honorable Mentions
6) The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:
world_humour@yahoo.com or humourw@yahoo.com
(300 dpi, 3500 Pixel and JPG format). 7) Deadline: October 20 , 2010.
8) The jury will include representatives from cartoonist and artist, will meet in December 2010.
9) The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes: catalogs, posters, cards, books, newspaper, magazine, Internet and new media, etc.


Theme in 18th Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem Belgium 2011: Shoes

18th Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem Belgium 2011
Theme Euro-katoenale 2011
Dear cartoonist,
Shoes that's the theme of the 18th Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem Belgium.
Do you have a great idea? Can you imagine your cartoon? Did you allready start drawing? Or do you need some more time to make this exclusive cartoon? Don't worry; you still have till the 15th of February 2011 to sent us your works.
Read the rules here
Don't forget to use the entry form
Good luck!

Biennial International Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2010

First .- Object. These bases are designed to regulate BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 2010 Humorous cartoons and drawings organized by the Autonomous Agency Culture of the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Second .- Participants. Participation is free. Each participant in each event will participate with a maximum one (1) work must be unpublished and not previously submitted to this or any other tournament. The Autonomous Agency of Culture Hon. City Council Santa Cruz de Tenerife made all the efforts and actions as it deems relevant to ensuring the artists by fulfilling this obligation. In the assumption that in the exercise of these duties by the Agency audit Self-Culture is found a breach of this obligation, he shall be immediate disqualification at any stage of this competition and loss, case, the possible prize that would have been awarded. Third .- Item. Participants in the cartoons section should send a maximum of one work with a single theme. For 2010 the theme is uploaded to the Web "the influence of Internet social networks". For subsequent calls, in the case of extend these rules, the issue will be decided by resolution express Chairperson of the Independent Body Culture. The works must be original and done any painting technique. They will have a unique format of 35 x 50 cm, unframed, including its eventual "passe partout".
Fourth .- Prizes.
Personal Caricature
First prize: EUR 10000.00.
Second prize: EUR 1800.00.
Third prize: EUR 1200.00.
First prize: EUR 10000.00.
Second prize: EUR 1800.00.
Third prize: EUR 1200.00.
On the above quantities must be carried to the deductions provided by law. In both cases, the second and third prizes will be awarded by entities wish to cooperate with the competition, in which case the award shall be known by the name of the economic entity to provide it, stating so in advertising the event.
Fifth .- Registration. The works must be lodged with the Registry of Independent Body Culture, located at The Art Center Arcade, Calle Marcos Redondo 2, 38 003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, according to the following schedule:
From October to June: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 13:30.
July, August and September: Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 13:00.
It also may be submitted at the offices of the bodies provided for in Article 38 of the Law 30/1992 of 26 November, on Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.
The works should be signed in place is not visible and accompanied by a closed envelope inside stating:
• The name of the author.
• artistic mode in which it participates.
• Photocopy of your National ID, passport or EU resident.
• Data updated your address, telephone number, e-mail.
• Curriculum Vitae.
• must be completed, mandatory, an official of the registration Autonomous Organisation of Culture made available to participants Single Window of the Agency, which will provide a recorded copy deposit slip.
• Affidavit on the originality of the work and which possesses all intellectual property rights over it.
• In case of any works through an art group shall include a person identified for purposes of accreditation and control, should be rewarded.
The total expenditure on packaging and shipping and return shipping will be at by the entrant. The OAC is not responsible for loss or damage that may work experience during transport. The works must be submitted in the appropriate packaging, to facilitate reuse effects of removal. The OAC will ensure the care of the works, but accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or theft, as well as any incident that may occur during exhibition. The OAC reserves the right to reject works that fail any of the above requirements and those that by their state or be deducted from its packaging clearly been inadequate.
Sixth .- Admission Deadline
The deadline for submission of works will begin the day after the publication of bases Bulletin Board in the Autonomous Organisation of Culture, giving further spread of contest on how many media choosing, and end on 29 October 2010.
Seventh .- Jury. The jury will be chaired by the Chairperson to the Autonomous Organisation of Culture, or person his deputy, two members who are professionally related to the purpose of rules. Act as Secretary, with voice but no vote, the Secretary General of OAC, or his delegate. The jury will not maintain any relationship with the participants in the contest for the duration process. The Jury's decision is final. The jury may adopt decisions for proper selection and development of decision it deems appropriate.
The award will be announced in local media, making public Also, the composition of the jury.
Eight .- Selection procedure and decision of the Jury Of all of the works received the Jury will make a selection based upon the their quality. For the award, the procedure, according to the number of participants, establishing the President of the Jury. In case of a tie there shall be another vote, since in any case the prize will be divided between two or more works shall be given entirely to a single work. The author / is whether the work / s is selected on digital media should provide the same, wave so that, at the time, you will be prompted from the Autonomous Agency of Culture.
The jury will be made public in December 2010 and will be final. The jury may award the prize.
Nine .- Property The works submitted and not selected must be withdrawn by holders thereof within fifteen calendar days from the issuance of the verdict, which was published in the Bulletin Board Registry Offices Autonomous Organisation of Culture. The selected works and not awarded shall be removed within fifteen days since the end of the exhibition, which will be communicated in due course. In both cases will be necessary to present the receipt of the relevant Application Form. The non-removal of the works within the time above assumes that the Autonomous Agency Culture decline any responsibility on them, acting in the manner considered appropriate. The winning works will become property of the Autonomous Organism Culture Also includes all of the rights to their use, reproduction and display in any medium, with the exception of moral rights under legally.
Tenth .- Final Rule. Entry in the competition implies full and unreserved acceptance of these rules. The Autonomous Agency of Culture Hon. City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, If in doubt reserves the right to interpret these rules and modify for reasons of public interest.
(Translation by Google)
Mr. / Mrs. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …., with ID … … … … … … … … …, residing at … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …, phone: … … … … … … … … … … … … States that having presented at Biennial Exhibition International Cartoon and Humorous Drawing 2010 work titled … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …, Under the slogan … … … … … … … … … … …, Hereby GRANT the Autonomous Agency of Culture to open the envelope in which are my personal data effects:
- Communication should be selected to determine the exposure the basis of this Biennial.
- Repayment of the / s work / s on the assumption that appropriate, pursuant down bases of this Biennial.
- Provide information to the press about my curriculum vitae for the purpose of its dissemination in media that seem appropriate in case of being the work or works awards. The Independent Body Culture treat the personal information of stakeholders, which access to comply with the provisions of this Annex, in accordance with what established by Law 15/1999 of 13 December data protection personal In Santa Cruz de Tenerife, … … … … … … … … … … … … … of … … … … … … … … … 2010.

The UMO-6th International Cartoon Contest’10 - India

The UMO-6th International Cartoon Contest’10 is organized by UMO towards the World Usability Day. Participation is open to all cartoonists from every country in the world. All the awarded and qualified cartoons will be exhibited. There is no Entry fee.
Please go through the rules and regulations - and in particular - the conditions applicable to the intellectual property rights.
Theme for the Competition
Buzz World: Social Networking and Mobile Communication
Communication, is the new order of life on our planet. H2O, O2 and a skill set on our resumes is not enough anymore to survive in this ever growing complex ecosystem of life. If we are not on the helm of affairs with the ever changing dynamics of communication in today's world, then we might be forced to search for a new nomadic life on other planets.
Mobile and social communication is a big buzz word and why not, after all we have over 300 million mobile subscribers. Digital communication through various manifestations and channels like the web, blogs, micro blogs, social networking and mobile communication has stormed our lives.
UMO International Cartoon Contest’10 encourages participants to look at the lighter side of today's social networking and mobile communication globally. You can draw inspiration and references from various walks of life like politics, movies, sports, social, personal and any other to come up with hilarious and thought provoking cartoons.
Awards and Acknowledgements
A jury will select the top 6 winning entries, the cartoonists will be granted a cash prize award of
First prize Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty five thousand only)
Two second prizes of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten thousand only) each
Three Third prizes Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five thousand only) each, and,
Five Special mention awards.
An exhibition of the winning and short listed entries will be held and UMO will publish an exhaustive works report.
The Jury and the Judgment criteria:
We are in process of putting a jury of well-known professionals and socially active personalities. The names will be announced in due course, depending on confirmation. For Judgment jury will use criteria such as creativity, humor, visual communication, presentation, persuasiveness, originality, cleverness, relevance of content and execution to identify the winner.
Deadline for Submission
Cartoons will be accepted through September 10th, 2010
Rules and Regulations
Entries: up to 5 cartoons per person.
Size (hard-copy) : A4 (210 X 297 mm ) or A3 (297X410)
Size (digital) : 300 dpi and in dimensions that are suitable for printing
Technique : Free
Entries in hard-copy/paper will not be returned. Entries in digital format may need to be re-posted if the resolution is not found good for printing.
Exhibition and Prize distribution
We are going to exhibit the entries in several metros of India. Dates will be announced
Submitting your entries
Mail your cartoons keeping the competition name in subject line to toons (at)usabilitymatters(org)org
If you are sending through the snail mail, use the following address:
UMO-6th International Cartoon Contest’10, usabilitymatters.org, Flat No. 407, E- Block, Keerthi Apartments, Ellareddyguda, Hyderabad- 500073. INDIA
Phone: +91-984 886 1432.
Please mention a little background information about yourself that may help identify you with your work and the email id that will help us get back to you with any communication.
Intellectual property rights
UMO may, in its sole discretion to use the art-work (images, photograph, written content) for any purpose, change, alter, amend, add to, delete from and otherwise modify, including but not limited to, any and all cuts, edits, rearrangements and other alterations, additions and deletions.
The responsibility for authenticity of all the submitted content, including the including the art-work and the personal information rests solely with the provider, and UMO will assume no role in case of litigation and copied works. The involved parties shall have to settle the matter themselves, within the conditions the original work was published/released.
We respect your privacy and will not be giving out, or sharing your personal information with any third party, for commercial or non-commercial use.
Source: http://www.usabilitymatters.org/entry/3187/umo-6th-international-cartoon-contest10


Boligan protests the false cartoonet competitions

Hace algunas semanas Irancartoon nos alertaba y denunciaba en su website sobre concursos poco creíbles refiriéndose específicamente a “The first sun shine International Cartoon contest -- 2010 Japan”, todo indicaba que se trataba de un concurso fraudulento, pirata y que ellos mismos promovieron en su website .
Aproximadamente 1 año atrás sucedió lo mismo con el concurso "First Ethiopia cartoon contest 2009", denunciado posteriormente por el colega Ares y también promovido por importantes sitios de humor del mundo resultando también ser un fraude.
En las últimas semanas he estado recibiendo e-mails de colegas preguntando por otro supuesto concurso y que en esta ocasión aparecía mi nombre como miembro del jurado, se trata de “The First blue sky international cartoon contest/ 2010/ Spain”.
Realmente a principios de año recibí un breve correo que decía que había sido seleccionado como miembro del jurado de dicho concurso, junto a otro grupo de conocidos colegas, inmediatamente respondí pidiendo más información sobre el certamen y datos sobre el trabajo que realizaría, pero no recibí respuesta alguna. Las fechas anunciadas por el mismo vencieron y otros colegas del supuesto jurado están en la misma situación de incomunicación. Obviamente se trata de otro concurso pirata que logra colocarse y arrebatarnos nuestro tiempo y nuestros dibujos, son varios los métodos usados como: ofrecer jugosos premios, tratar de colocar sus convocatorias en sitios de humor reconocidos y serios, mandar algún correo a los “jurados” para aparentar ser formales y ganar tiempo, usar nombres de cartonistas conocidos como miembros del jurado para ganar credibilidad, etc.
Nunca habíamos tenido casos de este tipo y confiábamos y hacíamos eco en nuestros espacios de todas las convocatorias que recibíamos con el afán de que los demás colegas las conocieran y pudieran participar.
Nosotros como dibujantes al verlas anunciadas en esos sitios conocidos ya dábamos por hecho que el evento era serio… vemos que ya no es así.
Convoco a todos los sitios de humor del mundo a implementar filtros, controles, verificación y sólo promover los concursos que estemos seguros que son serios y así poder seguir confiando en lo que aparece en sus páginas.
En esta website estaré atento en todo lo que publico para que pueda seguir confiando en ella.
Los invito a participar en el debate sobre este y otros temas que estamos promoviendo en el Blog de la Caricatura Latina CARTONBLOG.
(The following translation by Google)
A few weeks ago and denounced Irancartoon alerted us in his website about contests implausible referring specifically to "The First International Cartoon sun shine contest - 2010 Japan", it appeared that this was a fraudulent contest, pirate and promoted themselves as website.
About 1 year ago the same happened with the contest "First Ethiopia cartoon contest 2009", reported later by colleague Ares and promoted by major world humor sites also proving to be a fraud.
In recent weeks I've been getting e-mails from colleagues asking for another course competition and this time my name appeared as a juror, it is "The First blue sky international cartoon contest / 2010 / Spain."
Indeed earlier this year received a brief email stating that he had been selected as a juror of the competition, along with another group of trusted colleagues, immediately replied asking for more information on the event and information on the work to be carried out, but received no response. Dates announced for the same beat and other colleagues of course are in the same jury incommunicado. Obviously this is another pirate competition is in place and take away our time and drawings, various methods used such as: offering hefty rewards, try to place their calls at sites recognized and serious mood, send a mail to the "jury" to appear to be formal and save time, use names of cartoonists known as members of the jury to gain credibility, etc.
We have never had such cases and were confident and did echo in our spaces all the calls we received with the concern that other well-known and colleagues to participate.
We as artists by seeing them advertised on those sites already known we took for granted that the event was serious ... we see that it is not.
I call upon all the world humor sites to implement filters, controls, testing and only promote the competitions we are sure they are serious and thus be able to rely upon what appears on their pages.
On this website I will be careful in everything we publish so you can continue to rely on it.
I invite you to participate in the discussion on this and other issues that we are promoting the Cartoon Blog of America CARTONBLOG.


The First International Cartoon Exhibition - Sofia 2010

The First International Cartoon Exhibition - Sofia 2010
Call for Entries
The First International Cartoon Exhibition - Sofia 2010 is calling for entries. The selected works will be shown in Sofia - Bulgaria, in Oktober 2010.
THEME: What City?!...
The city we can’t do without.This is a comprehensive theme: We can’t do without all the stress, rubbish, confusion, traffic jams, chaos, dirt, excessive construction, alienation, aggression, severe stratification, throngs of people, noise, and a feeling of loneliness in the midst of crowds; without disease (there is the so called asphalt coefficient for allergies – city dwellers are much more frequently afflicted by it), lack of enough physical exercise, degradation of humanness to the level of commodity, deficiency of water and heating and services and energy in general; to cut it short, without all that apocalypse that for the time being seems to be far away but could become reality even in foreseeable future.
Here. The place we live in. In the city we can’t do without.
The First International Cartoon Exhibition would like to call for an entry of cartoon art works - will be shown in the open air on the bridge behind the National Palace of Culture, and the originals will be exhibited at the Sofia City Gallery in Oktober 2010.
More information and rules are available on the official website of the contest: http://www.whatcity.eu/
Webpage : http://www.whatcity.eu/
Email : contest@whatcity.eu
Sofia - Bulgaria
With Best Regards,
Trayko Popov


Deceased doyen of cartoons Delcho Mihajlov on July 16

Deceased doyen of cartoons Delcho Mihajlov (1947-2010)
Doyen of the Macedonian caricature, the animated film, illustrations and a promoter of Macedonian culture in the world, Delcho Mihajlov, after severe illness died yesterday in Skopje, in the 63rd year of life. He was for many years a constant contributor to Dnevnik.
Mihajlov was born on 27 November 1947 in Skopje, where he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in 1974. The first cartoon as one of the most specific artistic genres, published at the age of 14, and from 1963 began to regularly publish cartoons in the country and abroad. Since 1970 regularly participated in many competitions, exhibitions and festivals worldwide and won many awards. Participated in more than 220 group exhibitions and had a dozen solo. He has exhibited in Paris, Montreal, Tokyo, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Frankfurt, Tehran, Ottawa, Seoul, etc. Mihajlov is the author of several books and cartoons. In 1977 he created his first animated film as a complete artist, and we have six animated cartoons produced for "Vardar Film", which are shown officially in many competitions as well as on many TV stations in the world.
From 1995 to 2000 he was director of the International Cinematographers Film Festival "Manaki Brothers" in Bitola. He won the top award of "October 11" of the Republic of Macedonia for 30 years work in the field of cartoons(1994) and the award of "November 13" of the City of Skopje (1982) and last year of Centar Phoenix. An exhibition of cartoons entitled "Balkan Ante Portas", which in November last year opened in Brussels was one of his last initiatives of over 100 cartoons from 40 authors to show the thinking of artists on joining the EU and NATO (See http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/2010/03/ante-portas-cartoon-project-book-from.html).
(17.07.2010) (Translation by Google)
"Something Different - 40 years of creativity" (2003) by Delcho Mihajlov.

Let him glory! (Jordan Pop Iliev).
Delcho Mihajlov was one of the great friends of Turkish cartoonists. He was in Istanbul twice as the member of the Grand Jury for the International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest in 2002 & 2009. We shall miss his friendship a lot. (Kemal Ozyurt).


Theme in 16th Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest 2010: Modern Art

Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni'
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world
2) Theme: MODERN ART
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon, B) Satire, C) Caricature.
Beginning this year, there will also be instituted a special Section dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".
It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back.
The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of prizes of Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni"; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.
All the works, included works sent in digital form, will be taken into consideration only for the "Cava" Prize.
6) Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work
1st Prize / Special Prize of Jury / 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)
"Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution.
8) Exhibition: October 17 - 24, 2010 at the "MAGA" Museum Art Gallarate.
Opening ceremony: October 17, 2010 at 11,00 AM
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate
Vicolo del Gambero n. 10,
21013 Gallarate (VA) ITALY

Click and download the Entry-form (doc format)
For further informations:
Phone/Fax: (+39)0331.774968.

Results of Competition Opera & Ballet 2010 - Poland

Organizers of Competition Opera & Ballet 2010, Poland send information about results of Competition.
Best regards.
Jacek Frankowski.


I Prize: Pawel Kuczynski - Poland

II Prize: Dusan Polakovic - Slovakia

III Prize: Andrzej Krawczak - Poland

Mention I: Maciej Olender - Poland

Mention II: Valentin Georgiev - Bulgaria

Mention III: Grzegorz Sobczak - Poland

Mention IV: Jacek Frackiewicz - Poland

Mention V: Pavel Constantin - Romania.


Call to participate in "The Show of Graphical Humor by the Memory, the Truth, and the Justice" in Argentina

Call Cartoonists
We summon all the cartoonists to join "The Show of Graphical Humor by the Memory, the Truth, and the Justice" that was recently declared of interest by the Honorable House of Representatives of the Argentine Nation.
The subject of the works must help to consolidate the collective memory of the society in order to generate feelings opposed to all kinds of authoritarianism, and to support the permanent emplacements of the State of Right and the total use of the Human Rights.
"The show is a way to incorporate the young generations, from an unusual flank, in the knowledge of a pathetic time that we do not have to forget, and in that sense we undestand that this Board must emphasize the initiatives of this nature of social, cultural, and political projection, encouraging to go on exposing in different places in Argentina in order to contribute the values included in the convocation: Memory, Trust and Justice, basic bricks for the construction of a different Argentina" (Projection of Resolution, House of Representatives - Number of File 3364-D-2010).
The works can be sent in JPG format, A3 size (29.7 x 42.0 cm), and to a minimum of 300 pp until July 31, 2010 to sebaoz@hotmail.com or humormemoria@gmail.com enclosing:
- Pen name
- Country or province of origin
- Web page, blog, or email to contact the artist.
The deadline for reception responds to the necessity to make a catalogue with all the participants´ works.
It is possible to say that this show does not aim to any profit, that it will be itinerant, and its objective is to be visited in all the latitudes of the country.
In www.humormemoria.blogspot.com everybody can see some pictures and journalistic reviews that have been already made, and meet the participants who are exposing.
Looking forward to seeing all of you.
Best wishes,
Seba Ozdoba, Show Co-ordinator.
Source: humormemoria

Jury report: DEBIUT, Zielona Góra 2010 - Poland

Zielona Góra, dn. 3 lipca 2010 r.
z posiedzenia Jury Otwartego Międzynarodowego Konkursu Na Rysunek Satyryczny – temat: „MUZEUM”
zorganizowanego przez Lubuskie Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Działań Kulturalnych „DEBIUT” w Zielonej Górze
pod Honorowym Patronatem Marszałka Województwa Lubuskiego oraz Prezydenta Miasta Zielona Góra
Na posiedzeniu w dniu 3 lipca 2010r., jury Otwartego Międzynarodowego Konkursu na Rysunek Satyryczny – temat: MUZEUM, w składzie:
Grzegorz Szumowski (Polska) – rysownik, karykaturzysta
Ryszard Błażyński (Polska) – Stowarzyszenie DEBIUT, dyrektor Konkursu
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraina) – rysownik, prezydent ukraińskiego Stowarzyszenia Karykaturzystów
Bretislav Kovarik (Czechy) – rysownik, przewodniczący Czeskiej Unii Karykaturzystów
Igor Myszkiewicz (Polska) – rysownik, grafik
Krzysztof Rutkowski (Polska) – rysownik, satyryk, dziennikarz Radia Zachód
Szczepan Sadurski (Polska} – rysownik, dziennikarz. Szef Wydawnictwa Humoru i Satyry Superpress, przewodniczący Partii Dobrego Humoru
Sekretarz :
Alicja Błażyńska – Kierownik Galerii „Krzywe Zwierciadło”
zapoznało się z 700 pracami 308 autorów (z 51 państw), nadesłanych na konkurs i dokonało wyboru 153 prac 147 autorów – do wystawy pokonkursowej. Do nagród regulaminowych nominowano 35 prac 33 autorów. Do ścisłego finału zakwalifikowano 7 prac – 7 autorów.
Po głosowaniu w trybie tajnym, jury postanowiło przyznać:
GRAND PRIX - Jerzy Głuszek (Polska)
I NAGRODA - Zbigniew Jujka (Polska)
II NAGRODA - Grigori Katz (Izrael)
III NAGRODA - Michaił Ignat (Rumunia)

Na tym protokół zakończono i podpisano.
Grzegorz Szumowski............. Igor Myszkiewicz...................
Ryszard Błażyński................. KrzysztofRutkowski …….........
Konstantin Kazanchev.......... Szczepan Sadurski..................
Bretislav Kovarik............. .....Alicja Błażyńska.....................


International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption”

International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption” 2010 - Russia
Dear visitors,
Interregional public organization for assistance and protection of human rights “Spravedlivost” and editorial staff of the portal “S-pravdoy.ru” invite you to the International cartoon contest on the subject “Uniformal corruption”.
We suggest you to express your attitude to corrupt policemen and prosecutors, bribe takers judges and customs officers and others public officers, who parasitize at the expense of government. We focus our attention on those who tainted the honour of regiment, uniform and gown for their own benefit. Those who earn their living taking kickbacks, who turn supervised branches into the family business.
1. The competition is open to all interested, professionals or amateurs without any age limit.
2. Cartoons number unlimited, free technique.
3. A4 size at 300 dpi in JPEG or the printed copy with “wet signature” of the author.
4. It doesn’t matter if works were awarded, exhibited or published before.
5. On the reverse side you must specify your name and surname, postal address and e-mail.
6. Postal address - 127006, Moscow, st. Dolgorukovskaya, d. 38, str. 2., The office of the "Kollegiya advokatov "Zakon i Chelovek", Russia
Please mark the envelope: "MOO "Justice" contest".
7. E-mail box: konkurs@s-pravdoy.ru , konkurs.spravdoy@gmail.com
The work is considered to be accepted after receiving corresponding notification by organizers.
8. Deadline for receipt of works - 1 August 2010.
9. Awards:
1st place – 30 000 Russian rubles
2nd place - 15 000 Russian rubles
3rd place – 10 000 Russian rubles
- Audience Award (from 100 best chosen works) by Internet voting
- 10 Diplomas of Honour
10. Jury:
The President of Jury – Mikhail Zlatokovskii, a member of the Artist and Journalist’s Union of USSR and Russian Federation, a member of the French Academy of humoristic arts, the Academy of Authorities (Saint-Petersburg) and the International Academy of Pedagogy, winner of multiple international cartoon contests, Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour.
Jury members:
- Sergey Tunin, an artist-cartoonist, winner of scores international cartoon contests. Among awards – “Gold Aesop” in Bulgaria, “Gold Date” and “Gold Andrey” in Italy, “Gold Ostap” in St-Petersburg.
- Andrey Stolbunov, a lawyer, Chairman of Board of Directors of IPO «Spravedlivost»
- Dmitriy Baranovskiy, first deputy Director General of OJSC «RATEP». Deputy Chairman of IPO «Spravedlivost»
11. As a result will be chosen 100 best works that will participate in the exhibition in Moscow and will be included in the catalogue.
12. The participation in the contest means the agreement of the author with all conditions including an agreement on gratuitous publishing of works in any form.
13. Sent works will not be returned to the authors.
Sources: cartoonblues ; http://en.s-pravdoy.ru/ .