
September & October results in Syriacartoon

Results of the First International Cartoon Exhibition-(Women)- Syria2007, Monthly Prize – September & October
First Prize: Jabbar Abdolee / Iran
Second Prize: Erico Junqueira Ayres / Brazil
Third Prize: Kemal Ozyurt / Turkey


"Last Exit Before Doom!" - Manisa / Turkey

As you know, we humans have put our world through very big troubles.
The obvious reasons of disaster are countless: Excessive growth in population, million tones of solid, liquid and gas waste, consumption of water and energy, urban plunder, chopping of forests, wars and bomb experiments, usage of hormones and pesticides, transformed genes, tankship tragedies, etc. And the results: Global warming, polluted waters, the hole in the ozone layer, ascending epidemic diseases, both drought and floods, erosion of the agricultural soil, massive poverty and hunger, extincting plant and animal species... We have to believe that it is still possible to save our only homeland, our world and have to try doing that.
We are calling all cartoonists in the world to produce dramatic pieces for our sensibility in this subject.
In our contest, we hope to see the proficiency of new cartoonists and innovations of masters.
Bülent KAR
Mayor of Manisa-TURKEY
Marlene POHLE Cartoonist from GERMANY
Vladimir KAZANEVSKY Cartoonist from UKRAINE
Agim SULAJ Cartoonist from ITALY
Raşit YAKALI Cartoonist from TURKEY
Eray ÖZBEK Cartoonist from TURKEY
Cem KOÇ Cartoonist from TURKEY
First Prize : 2500 €
Second Prize : 1750 €
Third Prize : 1000 €
● This contest is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
● The cartoons may not have been previously awarded and must be based on the original idea of the artist. Cartoons that are deemed by the jury to be the same or closely similar to that known to be the work of another cartoonist will not be judged. Discussions and probable claims according all sorts of plagiarism are at the expense of the participant.
● The artists shall not present more than TWO works. Otherwise, all of them will not be judged.
The properties of the works
● Minimum A4 (210 x 297 mm), maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm), in JPEG format with 300 dpi resolution. Maximum: 3 MB.
● A separate e-mail for each work. The full name, address, telephone number of the artist is to be stated on the each mail with a brief CV (max. 350 characters).
● The artists will call these cartoons and CV files with their own names. *For example: Semih Berker-1.jpg and Semih Berker.doc
● The young domestic cartoonists under 18 years must add their ages also. *For example: Semih Berker-1(17). For this category, there is a special “youth” prize.
● Address to send submissions in digital form: cartoon@manisa.bel.tr and karikatur@manisa.bel.tr
● The deadline: Entries to reach the organizers by Wednesday, January 30th 2008, 12.00 am midday.
● If the number of the participating cartoons will be very much; the members of the jury in Turkey will do a primary election before the meeting of the jury. If a foreign juror wants to see other works, he/she can look at them and can add his/her selections.
● Jury will meet on February 11th, 2008 and at the same day, the winners of the contest will be announced. The Jury’s judgment shall be final.
● Prize-giving ceremony will take place and the exhibition of the selected works will open March 22nd, 2008 at the Lale Hall of Cultural Center in Manisa.
● Municipality of Manisa hold the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest in any form.
● A catalogue will be published and one copy will be supplied to each artist whose work has been selected for this catalogue.
● Artists submitting cartoons will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.
● Contact for further information: kultursanat@manisa.bel.tr


World Press Cartoon Sintra 2008

World Press Cartoon Sintra 2008
a) The World Press Cartoon can be regarded as the benchmark of quality and prestige for all those involved in the world of the humor graphic cartoon in print. It will cover three main areas: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
b) The World Press Cartoon will not be a thematic event. Its objectives will be to distinguish the best-produced and published works in 2007.
c) In the category CARICATURE, only caricature works in a restricted sense will be considered, i.e. exclusively those of a humorous nature.
d) In the category GAG CARTOON will be considered works that do not feature subjects dealing with current issues.
e) In the category EDITORIAL CARTOON all entries must deal with actual contemporary events or personalities.
f) The authors are totally free to submit what they consider to be their best work, although, it is obvious that those characters, themes and events of a more universal nature will be better suited for an international competition as the World Press Cartoon.
The Prize-giving Gala and the Exhibition of the selected works will take place in the Spring of 2008 at the following venues: Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna and Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, both in Sintra.
a) Only the originals of the works will be accepted.
b) Top quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be considered originals as long as the author signs them. These will also require, in attachment, a description of the techniques and software used.
c) The format of the works cannot exceed the European standard measurement A3: 420 x 297 mm.
d) Each cartoonist can submit 1 original for each of the 3 different categories: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
e) It is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility that the original works were published between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2007 in newspapers or magazines, published on a regular basis and on sale to the public.
f) To make proof of the previous condition, each original work must be accompanied with the corresponding printed page, in which the date and the title of the publication must be clearly visible.
g) The author must also attach the header of the newspaper or magazine where the works were published, making sure that both the size and quality will allow for its reproduction.
h) In such cases as the original work supports a title or a caption, a translation in English is obligatory, to be clearly written on the corresponding identification label.
i) The works should be received by the organization's secretariat in Lisbon by Jan. 31, 2008. Secretariat Ana Ferreira.
Original works must be posted in flat packaging, between two hard boards.
Each of the works for submission must carry an entry form and identification label, clearly filled in, and attached to the reverse side of the original.
a) The Jury of five members will be presided by the Salon director.
b) The Jury will convene in order to examine all the entries and then will deliberate and decide on the prizewinners and runners-up. The Jury will also choose which of the original works will go into the exhibition and the catalogue.
c) The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority vote and will be final.
a) The authors may choose to sell their works at the exhibition.
b) If an author wishes to sell his/her work(s), this should be clearly marked on the entry form and identification label, together with the intended price in euros.
c) The organization of the World Press Cartoon will add a gallery's fee to the author's original price.
d) The digital works will not be for sale.
a) All the works, which comply with the eligibility items, will be returned to their authors, independently of having been chosen or not for the exhibition, with the exception of those sold or prizewinners.
b) However, the works chosen for the exhibition could also be selected to participate in other exhibitions and, consequently, returned to their authors at a later stage.
a) All the participants with selected works will receive a copy of the catalogue.
b) The Editors of the newspapers and magazines where the selected works were published will also receive a copy of the catalogue.
a) The submission of a completed entry form and identification label will automatically imply the waiving of the author's royalties vis-a-vis the non-commercial reproduction of his/her work.
b) The awarding of a prize to a specific work will automatically imply the waiving of its author's royalties to the organisation of the World Press Cartoon.
a) The structure of the prizes will be as follows :
---------------------------Grand Prix ---------- 20000 Euro------------------------

--------------- Caricature----------Editorial Cartoon-------------Gag Cartoon

1st Prize-----5000 Euro-------------5000 Euro--------------------5000 Euro

2nd Prize----2500 Euro-------------2500 Euro---------------------2500 Euro

3rd Prize----1000 Euro-------------1000 Euro---------------------1000 Euro

b) Chosen from all the entries in the competition, the World Press Cartoon will award the best work with the Grand Prix of 20 000 euros.
c) The Grand Prix winning work will be chosen from the three first-prise winners in each category.
d) The author of the Grand Prix winning work will receive exclusively this prize, i.e. it will not be added to the first prize.
e) The value of the prizes refer to gross amounts only and, consequently, will be liable to conform to Portuguese law.
f) In accordance with the quality of the works for evaluation, the members of the Jury reserve the right to award or not all the prizes.
g) All the prizes will be authenticated with a diploma and the winners will receive a trophy.
h) Commemorative diplomas will also be issued to the newspapers and magazines that published the prizewinning works.
i) The prizewinning works will become property of the World Press Cartoon organisation.
j) The members of the Jury may also consider awarding additional runners-up status to some works. These will receive a corresponding diploma.
k) All the authors with selected works both in the exhibition as well as in the catalogue will receive certificates of participation in the World Press Cartoon.
WORLD PRESS CARTOON, AP. 1179 EC Picoas 1050-001 Lisboa - Portugal


Prize-winners in Humour a Gallarate 2007

Humour a Gallarate XIII edizione 2007 International Cartoon Contest
Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni'
Winners 2007
Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni':
Alessandro Gatto
(Italy) (see top left)
Special Prizes:
Marco De Angelis (Italy)
Mohammad Ali Khalaji (Iran)
Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria) (see above)
Adam Korpak (Finland)
Pol Leurs (Luxembourg)
George Licurici (Romania)
Lido Contemori (Italy)
Giorgio Giaiotto (Italy)
Musa Gümüs (Turkey) (see below)
Andrea Pecchia (Italy)
Giuseppe Piscopo (Italy)
Giancarlo Sartore (Italy)
Richard & Slavomir Svitalsky (Czeck Rep.) (see top right)
Antonio Tubino (Italy).

9th "Unlimited Comics" Festival - Macedonia

9th International Comic Art Festival "Unlimited Comics" - Prilep - Macedonia
The "Byzant" - Visual Art Center is organizing the 9th Annual international Comic art exhibition to be held in Prilep, Macedonia.
The topic is: "Integration" - (Dreams, life, borders, walls, war, sex, food, sports, people, zoo, natural…)
1. Participation is open to all artists of comics that currently publish or have published in national or international mass media and not published.
2. Participation will consist of an entry on the topic: "INTEGRATION". The format can be 21 x 29,7 cm - A4 Gallery format. Send only good laser copy. Each works must bear the signature or initials of the artist at the front, with name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address indicated on the back.
3. The entries should be packaged to protect the contents. The organization recommends placing the entry between two pieces of cardboard. Shipping will be paid by the participant. On packaged sign: "PRINT OUT OF VALUE". The organization is not responsible for any damage caused during shipment.
4. December 30th is the deadline for resident authors in Balkans, and February 30th for participants of the other countries. The entries must be sent to the following address:
"VIZANT" - Visual Art Center, Dimo Narednikot 58, 7500-Prilep MACEDONIA Attn: comix-expo
Contact person: Spira Dimose-mail: tao_of_lifemkd@yahoo.com
5. The entries selected by the Committee will be displayed in the 9th annual international exhibition of comic Arts.
6. The entries become part of the "Byzant" - visual art center archive. The entries may be displayed in all the premises of the "Vizant" - Visual Art center in itinerant exhibitions, and in publications that are periodically published.
7. The "Vizant" - Visual Art center has the right to reproduce and circulate the entries, whenever the author's name appears and the main objective is the dissemination of the exhibition or the participation in other activities of the "Vizant" - Art center general in area of art comix, that is to say, catalogues, posters, the press, web pages, etc… without generating any obligation towards the participating authors.
8. The organization will communicate through its web page or by means of letter the name of the authors whose entry has been received as well as the names of the selected entries. The authors will be informed of accommodation conditions if they want attend the exhibition opening or any activities parallel to this event.
9. Once the exhibition has closed in Prilep, all the authors whose work has been selected will receive a copy of the publication made for the exhibition.
10. The organization reserves the right to not exibit those entries considered to be an affront to individual or collective rights.
11. Awards: Invited 5 artists on international comic art colony in Macedonia traveling expenses, visa, accommodation is a to ensure from organizateur.
12. Participation in the exhibition means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions.



6th LM International Cartoon Contest - China

The 6th LM International Cartoon Contest
The Organizing Committee of the 6th LM International Cartoon Contest invites cartoonists from all over the world to participate in this contest. Beautiful tableaus, lovely sculpting, humorous content and rich sentiment are the criterion of China LM International Cartoon Contest to award prize every year.
1. THEME: Free (Humorous)
A) Only original cartoons are accepted. Photographs, Copy, Computer painting, photocopies etc. will not be accepted.
B) The cartoonist's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail, if available, must be on the reverse side of each cartoon
C) Size: Preferable 21 x 29.7 cm or 29.7 x 42 cm
D) Maximum number of entries: 3
Googlm, Jin Ling Zha 21- 603, Nanjing City, p.c.210001, China
TEL: 0086-25-522021204.
WEB: http://www.googlm.com/
E-MAIL: googlm@126.com
5. DEADLINE: December 22, 2007 (The late works will be accepted as the entries for the 7th LM International Cartoon Contest)
6. FREQUENCY: Annual
7. JURY: The group of judges consists of the organizer, cartoonists, and art scholars. Participants are not allowed to raise any objections to judge determinations.
* Grand prize of 1 (Gold Medal, Certificate, Album)
* Gold prize of 5 (Gold Medal, Certificate, Album)
* Honor prize of 10 (Silver Medal, Certificate, Album)
* Prizes for excellence of 150 (Certificate, Album)
A) The results of the contest will be made public in March 3rd, 2008 on our website: http://www.googlm.com/
B) We will send the medals, certificates and albums for all the winners before May 1st, 2008.
C) The exhibition will be organized from January to October in 2008 in large cities of China for three times between two LM cartoon contests.
A) The organizer can collect the works and put them into an album for publishing, exhibition.
B) The entries can also be expressed in other publication.
C) Artworks: will not be returned. Unite the collections to the LM Cartoon Museum. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetary compensation.


"Winterberger Winterspott" extended

International Cartoon - and Comedy - Festival "Winterberger Winterspott"
Cartoon competition regulations
The theme of the contest 2007/08 is:
”Alles im grünen Bereich” (winter sports and climate change)
Participation conditions
Participants: European cartoonists, cartoonists who are living in Europe, cartoonists who publish in Europe and cartoonists who publish about Europe
Number of cartoons
Max. number of entries per cartoonist: free
NEW Deadline
The deadline for receipt of cartoons: 12th November 2007.
Technique: two-dimensional, otherwise no limits
The size of the cartoons should be:
minimum: 105 x 148,5 mm (DIN A5)
maximum: 297 x 420 mm (DIN A3)
– signed originals, colour or black and white
– Analogue originals have to be submitted plane, unframed and unmounted.
– signed digitally created works, file and prints of digital artworks
– signed high-quality copies, reproducible for print
– Prints of digital artworks have to be numbered and dated in pencil on the front and pencil signed.
– Requirements for digital works:
minimum size: DIN A5 (148 x 210 mm), minimum resolution: 300 dpi, colour representation: RGB, format: jpeg or pdf, delivery by e-mail: up to 5 MB per mail
– Not high-quality copies or ”digital originals” are not accepted!
The cartoons must be the original work of the artist. If the jury should come to the conclusion that a work is conspicuously similar to the work of another artist, it will be disqualified and excluded from the competition.
The name, address, telephone number, e-mail and web address of the artist have to be stated on the back of each cartoon.
In case of entries via e-mail this information must be included in the mail.
Biography / Photo
A short biography of the artist and a photograph (or self-caricature) shall be attached.
Biography must contain: place of birth and accurate date of birth
Previous awards
The cartoons may not have been previously awarded of other contests.
Previous publishing
The cartoons may not have been previously published in books or catalogues.
Returning of entered works
Normally entered works will not be returned. The return of original works is only possible at the author's explicit request at the time of entry in the competition. Therefore a self-addressed and prepaid envelope is necessary.
Cartoons that got paid out prize money remain in possession of the publishing company and advertising agency ”ad medien GmbH”.
via mail to: ad medien GmbH, Blumenstraße 8, 58739 Wickede, Germany
via e-mail to: cartoons@european-cartoon-award.eu
Prizes and awards
The European cartoon-contest ”Winterberger Winterspott” is endowed with prize money and material prizes, altogether amounting to 10.000,00 Euros.
1st prize / gold: 2.000,00 Euros incl. arrival (by train, 2nd class) and overnight stay in Winterberg
2nd prize / silver: 1.000,00 Euros incl. arrival (by train, 2nd class) and overnight stay in Winterberg
3rd prize / bronze: 500,00 Euros incl. arrival (by train, 2nd class) and overnight stay in Winterberg
First European Cartoon-Award/Competition/Contest/Exhibition ”Winterberger Winterspott”
The German city of Winterberg and the publishing company "ad medien GmbH" from Wickede (Ruhr) in Germany announce for the first time an European cartoon-contest.
Artists from all over Europe are challenged to explore the topic ”Alles im grünen Bereich” (winter sports and climate change).
Contact for further information:
ad medien GmbH
Bildagentur für Cartoon und Karikatur
Blumenstraße 8,
58739 Wickede (Ruhr)
Phone: +49 (0) 2377 – 809083-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2377 – 809083-1
e-mail: ad-medien@t-online.de
Web: http://www.european-cartoon-contest.de/
City of origin
Health resort city of Winterberg (Sauerland), North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
The jury’s awards will be made on 15th November 2007.
The exhibition will open on 14th December 2007, 19.30 pm in the ”Kursaal” of the City of Winterberg.
Presentation of the cartoons– Online-Gallery– Exhibition– Catalogue/book– other prints
Selected works will be exhibited.
City of Winterberg, ”Kursaal”, 15th December 2007 – 2nd March 2008
Errors and changes expected.


Greekartoon "Luciano Pavarotti" Exhibit

2nd International Greekartoon "Luciano Pavarotti" Web Exhibition
Dear Artist,
GREEKARTOON in further honouring "the master" Luciano Pavarotti, would like to announce an international web exhibition.
Permanent Web Exhibition: Open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc, etc.
Theme: “Luciano Pavarotti”
Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
Entries: No limit
Technical Info: Any style, any technique, any size, any format, max 300 dpi will be accepted.
All works will be publisched and displayed on Greekartoon's website at http://www.greekartoon.gr/ and http://www.greekartoon.com/
Participators must send their works along with their biography and photo. All artists can participate through E-mail by submitting their works to: support@greekartoon.gr with subject "Luciano Pavarotti"
Please, feel free to send your works about Luciano Pavarotti to the attention of GREEKARTOON's IT Manager Mr. Nickola' van Karavanis at support@greekartoon.gr
If you need additional information and material about Luciano Pavarotti ( fotos etc.) contact us by e-mail at support@greekartoon.gr
Thank You.


1st "Molla Nasreddin" - Azerbaijan 2008

1st International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin”, Azerbaijan-2008.
“My Best Cartoon”
1. The Contest is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists.
2. Subject “My Best Cartoon” is free.
3. Cartoons that won places in other contests can also be sent.
4. Size of cartoons should be min A4, max A3.
5. Each cartoonist can submit a max of 3 works.
6. Deadline is March 1, 2008.
7. Cartoons must be original. Copies are not accepted.
8. On the back of each work the following information should appear: First name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail, accompanied by the entry form and author’s short biography and photo. Otherwise, cartoons will not be accepted.
9. Cartoonists, whose works enter the catalogue of the contest, will be sent the one as a present.
10. The Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union is not responsible for damage that may occur during postage and handling.
11. The participating cartoons will not be returned.
12. All the rights of cartoons sent to the Contest belong to Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union.
13. The Cartoons will be selected by the International jury.
I Place (3 persons) Golden Medal + diploma + catalogue
II Place (4 persons) Silver Medal + diploma + catalogue
III Place (5 persons) Bronze Medal + diploma + catalogue
Special awards (20 persons) + diploma + catalogue.

Cartoons must be sent to the following address:
Address: AZ1010 Azerbaijan Baku Neftchilar Avenue 145 Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union
Tel: (994 12) 493 28 98
Fax: (994 12) 493 09 18
E-mail: karikaturachilar@yahoo.com
See Bayram Hajizadeh's messages for participants of the contest & for presidents and leaders of cartoon organizations at web: http://www.azercartoon.com/


NOTA BENE 2008 Theme: Corruption!

Announcing the “Danger: Corruption!”
International Political Poster and Cartoon Contest
The Free Culture Partnership and the Nonconformist Art Museum continue the "NOTA BENE, OR PAY ATTENTION! PROJECT"
The project's goal is to raise awareness of social problems, which are cause for alarm in Russia and around the world.
This goal is achieved by capitalizing on the creative power of artists from all around the world and organizing an international political poster and caricature competition. Selected entries will be shown in two exhibitions in St. Petersburg and Moscow and will be printed in special album made available to contest entrants, libraries, and non-governmental organizations. Top entries will be awarded prizes and artists will likely see their work used in awareness campaigns. The project started with the Danger: Nazism! exhibition which took place in St. Petersburg in 2005. A second exposition Danger: Femida! was held in St. Petersburg in 2007.
The online versions of these exhibitions can be viewed at: http://www.notabene.org.ru/, where more than 60,000 users have left more than 140,000 comments and ratings. Exhibitions were assembled based on these results and the best entries went on display in St. Petersburg and Moscow at the St. Petersburg House of Journalists, The Andrei Sakharov Community Center, and the Nonconformist Art Museum. See a prize-winning work by Faldina Alexandra & Faldina Anastasia / Russia (above right)
The strong, positive response encouraged us to continue this successful project. The slogan for the latest international competition in the project’s framework: Danger: Corruption!
We chose this topic because we believe corruption is a problem that plagues the entire world. Police, bureaucrats, judges, and politicians can be bought on every continent on the world. We also believe that, in addition to fighting this problem with the help of judges and public opinion, it is also important to address this issue using the language of art. The jury will select the best works, which will be awarded with prizes and diplomas. Each participant will receive an album containing the works that were displayed at the exhibition. Additional copies of the album will be distributed to libraries and civic organizations across Russia free of charge. At the conclusion of the exhibition, all of the original works will become part of the Nonconformist Art Museum's permanent collection. In the future the museum and the "Nota Bene…" project, in accordance with the competition rules, retain the right to use the artwork for noncommercial purposes. We are sure that mankind will find the strength to fight and overcome corruption.
1. The jury will accept and evaluate two categories of work: posters and cartoons.
2. Entries need to be submitted by January 31, 2008.
3. The competition will be held at the Pushkinskaya 10 Art Center, 10 Pushkinskaya Ulitsa, St. Petersburg.
4. Exhibition will be displayed at:
- the Nonconformists Art Museum, St. Petersburg.
- the Andrei Sakharov Community Center, Moscow.
5. A press conference on the problem of corruption in Russia and a presentation of the catalog will take place in St. Petersburg.
6. The above-mentioned catalog will be distributed to all of the project's participants.
7. The jury will evaluate and award entries with prizes. The entries received the most online votes will also be awarded with prizes.
First place – two 25,000-ruble prizes (about $1007.00 each)
Second place – two 20,000-ruble prizes (about $806.00 each)
Third place – two 15,000-ruble prizes (about $604.00 each)
The Viewers Choice Award (determined by online voting at http://www.notabene.org.ru/) – a 15,000-ruble prize (about $604.00).
8. After the closing of the exhibition, the original works will become part of the museum's permanent collection and the Nonconformist Art Museum and the "Nota Bene…" project retain the right to use the artwork for noncommercial purposes.
9. Submission size requirements: Posters must be A1 or A2 in size, while cartoons have no size restrictions.
Participants who have difficulties sending their works in printed form are welcome to submit their art electronically on disc. Electronic submissions should be either in TIFF or JPEG format, and 300DPI.
10. Submitted works will not be returned.
11. By participating in this competition, the artist(s) agrees to these conditions.
Mailing address:
10 Pushkinskaya Ulitsa, Office 1, 191049 St. Petersburg Russia
E-mail: uar@notabene.org.ru
Presiding Jurors: Viktor Bogorad, Yuly Rybakov, http://www.rybakov.spb.ru/
For more information call: (812) 764-5371, fax: (812) 764-52-07
(Source: www.cartoonblues.com/)


1. The contest is open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc, etc.
2. Theme :
I CARTOON: (1) A. Shadow B. Free (2) Olympic Games in Animal's World
II CARICATURE: A. Yao Ming B. Liu Xiang C. Free
III FACETIOUS VEDIO: Some funny and facetious things in the life.
IV UNDER 16 YEARS OLD (including): Welcome the beauty, welcome the Olympics
3. Entries: max. 8 cartoons for each theme
4. (Plane works) The size of the works should be from A4(210×297 mm) to A3(297×420 mm).
5. Participators should summit the original works. Any slide, photograph or xerox will not be accepted.
6. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse. Accompanied by the author's entry-form and biography.
7. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Print, Watercolor or Children’s painting are all acceptable. Black and white or in colors.
(1) The length of the video should be limited within 20 minutes. No limitation on the video types. DV, FLASH, film editing or self-shooting by cell phones are all acceptable. The videos in the format of RM, AVI, WMV and SWF are accepted, which should be marked by the competitors. The language or text in the video can only be in Chinese or English.
(2) Any of the commercial advertising, marks and any other external links are not accepted in the video except the name of the authors. The authors will be responsible for all the issues on copyrights which the works refers to such as music or other materials in the videos.
(3) Please provide the information as below: the title of the video, size(in K&XY), introduction to the video (in 300 characters), author’s name, contact, email and address(including zip code), at least one piece of posters or captured pictures (in JPG, 120×90 px).
(4) The authors can post the CD carved to the committee but we are not responsible for the possible damage during the posting process.
9. Deadline for entries is February 28, 2008.
10. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
11. Prizes:
It is set for encouraging the cartoonists who are always thinking about the personalities, humanism and the future of human beings.
I CARTOON (1) Prizes:
FIRST PRIZE (1): 1500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue + Award
SECOND PRIZE (1): 1200 RMB + Medal + Catalogue + Award
THIRD PRIZE (1): 800 RMB + Medal + Catalogue + Award
HONOURABLE PRIZE (10): Medal + Catalogue + Award
I CARTOON (2) Prizes:
FIRST PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini)--the Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (Large-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
SECOND PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Middle-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
THIRD PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Small-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE (10): One of Fuwa + Medal + Catalogue
FIRST PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Large-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
SECOND PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Middle-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
THIRD PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Small-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE (5): Medal + Catalogue
FIRST PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Large-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
SECOND PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Middle-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
THIRD PRIZE (1): A set of Fuwa (Small-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE (3): Medal + Catalogue
PRIZE (5): A set of Fuwa (Small-sized) + Medal + Catalogue
12. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition. In these cases, any fee for the use of works will not be paid.
13. Remark: the works will not be returned
14. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
15. Address: Zhu Cheng Room 2510, FLT & Research Press Building (5th Floor ), No.19 Xi San Huan Bei Road, Hai Dian District Beijing 100089, China 16.
Regulations & entry form: http://www.redmanart.com/


International Contest SYRIA 2008

4th International Cartoon Contest (SYRIA 2008)
Dear Cartoonist:
Under the auspices of Syrian Ministry of Information, Syria Cartoon website invites you to participate in 4th International cartoon contest (SYRIA 2008).
Theme: Culture & Art – Media – Book – Cinema – Theater – Press – Cartoonists – Etc.
1 - Each cartoonist can submit a max of (6) original works (black & white or colored). Works made by computer will be accepted.
2 - Size: strictly A4 (21X 29.7)
3 - Deadline: 20/2/2008
4 - On the back of each work the following information should appear: First name - surname - address - tel & fax - e-mail – theme section & title.
5 - The works will be displayed at Syria Cartoon website: http://www.syriacartoon.com/ or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, websites, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
6 - All entry works must not be submitted as neither folded nor rolling form.
7 - The works will not be returned.
8 - All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue & certificate.
9 - The jury will not reward the cartoons submitted to other festivals. The prize winners will be informed by mail. And the results will be declared on (March 2008).
10 - Frequency: Annual.
11 - PRIZES:
Grand Prize: 25000 sp & The Damascene Sword, Certificate, Album.
Golden prize: statue, Certificate, Album.
Silver prize: statue, Certificate, Album.
Bronze prize: statue, Certificate, Album.
Special prize (10 cartoonists).
12 - (All awards are subject to necessary adjustment. Please check web bulletin.)
13 - By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
President: RAED KHALIL http://www.syriacartoon.com/
All works should be sent to:
4th International cartoon contest (SYRIA 2008) - DAMASCUS – P.O.BOX: 6540 SYRIA
Tel: +963944704973


Results of SMILEANAPA 2007

The results of SMILEANAPA
Dmitry Kononov, Russia - Grand Prize
Yury Kosobukin, Ukraine - 1st Prize (see below)

Bezad Riazi, Iran - 2nd Prize (see above)
Alexander Pashov, Russia - 3rd Prize (see below)

Andrey Puchkanev, Belorussia - Special Prize
Hesam Pirishnya, Iran - Special Prize

Miroslaw Georgievsky, Makedonia - Special Prize (see above)
Yury Namestnikov, Russia - Special Prize.

See all prize-winning cartoons at: