
28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest

“One Cartoon , Original Cartoon, the Best Cartoon…”
See right: 2007 Special Prize of TV8 Channel / Omidreza Khorsand - Iran
a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
c) Choice of subject is free.
d) The participants may send only one work.
e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
g) The works must reach the organizing association not later than July 31, 2008.
h) The results will be announced on August 11, 2008.
i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
j) The participating cartoons will be put into an album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. The album will be sent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited and published in the album.
k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul, then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Antalya.
l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
The Prizes
a) Grand Prize: 3.000 $
b) Honour Prizes: 4 Honour Prizes, each 750 $
c) Special Prizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists
Address: 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, Karikaturculer Dernegi, Alemdar Caddesi, Yerebatan Sarnici Cikisi, Sultanahmet 34122 Istanbul / TURKEY
Phone: +90 (212) 513 60 61
Phone: +90 (212) 519 90 21
Fax: +90 (212) 527 26 18


Until the deadline of 7th Tabriz International: 5 Days

Until the deadline of 7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest: 5 Days

Who are going to be the winners of these statues?
You can only take part in Tabriz 7th International Cartoon Contest until February 29, 2008. For more info: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/indexen.asp
If you send your cartoons by email, they should be scanned in 200 DPI resolution: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=689


Festival of Humour, Satire and cartoons – Montenegro

Festival of Humour, Satire and cartoons – Danilovgrad
Cultural information center Danilovgrad “Bijeli Pavle” and Montenegro Cartoon Association organise International Cartoon Contest.
Theme: SUCCESS & HAPPINESS - Success in the life, work, love... Happiness in the Gambling and life generally.
Number of works: Free
Works must be sent only by e-mail. Resolution 200 jpg.
Technics: Free
Winners must be send original works, after jury’s meeting.
Awards: First 500 €, Second 300 € and Third 200 €
Catalogue will be sent to authors of selected works.
Deadline: 30 April 2008.
Award ceremony 25 May 2008
Send your works to e-mail address: drljevicdarko@cg.yu

(Source: http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/)

International Comics Festival of Amadora - Portugal

Dear Friends,
The International Comics Festival of Amadora, Portugal, have the pleasure of announcing the Comic Book competition under the subject Fight Against Tuberculoses. This competition is promoted by the World Wealth Organization, to which we associated with. The link with all the information about the competition is the following: http://www.stoptb.org/figo/World_TB_Cup.html.
Best Regards,
The organisation of the Festival.


"Cinema & Women" Cartoon Exhibition - Turkey

"Cinema & Women" Cartoon Exhibition in Buca, Izmir
Izmir Branch of the Assoiation of Cartoonists is opening the exhibition of 30 cartoons on theme "Cinema & Women" in Buca, Izmir.
The opening ceremony of the international exhibition will take place at 18.00 local time on February 25, 2008 at the Cultural Center of Buca Municipality in Izmir, Turkey.
Address : Erdem Cad. No: 86 (Egitim Fakultesi karsisi) Buca, Izmir.
Phone: (232) 420 02 32

Vladimir Kazanevsky

Cemalettin Guzeloglu

Agim Sulaj

Results of Satyrykon-Legnica 2008 - Poland

Grand prize: Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)
Theme 'Dog':
1° prize: Lex Drewnski (Germany),
2° prize: Zygmut Zaradkiewicz (Poland),
3° prize: Magdalena Nowak (Poland),
Honourable mentions: Malgorzata Lazarek (Poland) and Gerard Gepp (Austria).
Free theme:
1° prize: Grzegorz Szumowski (Poland),
2° prize: Lech Frackowiak (Poland),
3° prize: Withold Mysyrowicz (Poland),
Honourable mentions: Miroslaw Gryni (Poland) and Piotr Ztorski (Poland).
Source: http://www.ecc-kruishoutem.be/index_ENG.html


Results of Supporting Street Children contest - Iran

The Results of The first International Cartoonet Contest -Supporting Street Children-2008

Dear artists and friends,
It's an honor for us to announce the list of winners of the Honorable Mention of the First International Cartoonet Contest-Supporting Street Children-2008. Participating in this competition has absolutely humanitarian and benevolent aspects, and emphasizes on necessity of friendship around the world.
"Iran Cartoon" offers its heartfelt thanks to all the artists that has participated in this competition without any prospect.
We ask all the winner artists to send their postal address until 30th February 2008 to the email address: info@irancartoon.com
By the best wishes
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai
Director of Iranian House of Cartoon

The jury panel: Abolfazl Mohtarami , Amin Aghai & Massoud Ziai

The list of Foreign Winners
Achmad Cholid / Turkey
Agim Sulaj / Italy
Alexandre Alves Franco(Lex) / Brazil
Andrzej Graniak / Poland
Antonio Carlos Joaniao / Brazil
Askin Ayrancioglu / Turkey
Ba-Bilig / China
Bernard Bouton / France
Carlos Jorge / Brazil
Casso / Brazil
Eroglu Yalcin / Turkey
F.Blanco / Cuba
Hao Gong / China
Hector Salas / Brazil
Hicabi Demirci / Turkey (See right)
Huang Weiqin / China
J.Bosco / Brazil
Jarbes Domingos / Brazil
Jean Pires de Olivera / Brazil
Jitet koestana / Indonesia
Julio perira / Brazil
Igor Varchenko / Cyprus
Luigi Rocco / Brazil
Maciej Trzepalka / Poland
Marcin Bondarowicz / Poland
Marcio Leite / Brazil
Martono / Indonesia
Mello / Brazil
Milenk Kasanovik / Serbia
Morhaf Yossef / Syria
Musa Gomez / Turkey
Naji Benaji / Morocco
Nam Myunglae / Korea
Nik Mohammad Wafdi Bin / Malaysia
Oguz Gurel / Turkey
Pantanen Heino / Finland
Pawel Kuczynsky / Poland
Raed-khalil / Syria
Rendra Kurniawan / Indonesia
Ricardo Augusto Alonso / Brazil
Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria
Sevket Yalaz / Turkey
Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan
Slavomir / Czech Republic
Svetlin Stefanov / Bulgaria
Tsocho Peev / Bulgaria
Turgut Yilmaz / Turkey
Turguy Tuysuz / Turkey
Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria
VEM / Colombia
Vivek Thakkar / India
Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine
Waldez / Brazil
Yuri Manaev / Russia
Yuriy Kosobukin / Ukraine
WEB: http://www.irancartoon.com/


Results of the Biennial of dedete 2008 - Cuba

Awards of the International Biennial of dedete 2008 - Cuba
The jury decided to award the Grand Prix of the Biennial to Seyran Caferli of Azerbaijan, the first and second place remained in the hands of the Iranians Nazari Mahmood and Mohammad Amin Aghaei respectively and the third place went to the Colombian Orlando Cuellar. The awards granted by the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment (CITMA) went to the Brazilian Alexandre Franco and to the Cuban Leriam Jimenez Echevarria.
Mail: digital@jrebelde.cip.cu
The original text:
Premios de la Bienal Internacional del dedete 2008
El jurado de esta Bienal decidió otorgar el Gran Premio a Seyran Caferli de Azerbaijan, el primer y segundo lugar quedaron en manos de los iraníes Mahmood Nazari y Mohammad Amin Aghaei respectivamente y el tercer lugar fue para el colombiano Orlando Cuellar.
Los premios que concede el Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA) fueron para el brasileño Alexandre Franco y para el cubano Leriam Jiménez Echevarría.
Correo: digital@jrebelde.cip.cu
14 de febrero de 2008 12:04:58 GMT
Source: http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2008-02-14/premios-de-la-bienal-internacional-del-dedete-2008/
Winning cartoons are as follows:
Seyran Caferli - Azerbaijan

Mahmood Nazari - Iran

Mohammad Amin Aghaei - Iran

Orlando Cuellar - Colombia

Alexandre Franco - Brazil

Leriam Jimenez Echevarria - Cuba

Big Boat of Humour - contest / Lodz - Poland

The Big Boat of Humour - contest / Lodz - Poland
In Polish, the word ŁÓDŹ means a vehicle propelled by sails, oars or engine, used as a means of water transport. Almost all around the world, it carries symbolic connotations:
- it is an allegory of human fate in both individual and collective dimension,
- it is associated with courage, when imagining sailors embarking on a voyage across rough oceans,
- it symbolizes human longing for adventure and some change in life.
Łódź is also the name of the second largest city in Poland which is an inland city with no access to navigable waters. We hope that the name of our metropolis will become an inspiration for graphic artists, especially those with a flair for satire. The theme should be taken up with humour, with panache and perhaps with a bit of poetry…
This explanation, indispensable to foreigners, is also aimed at the Poles, for whom the popular usage of the name of the city might have blurred the sharpness of its paradox.
For the third time, "The Big Boat Of Humour" would like to invite all cartoonists to plunge into the boat theme. The boat out of which we hook again for witty ideas, funny punch lines and all this ideas useful for Łódź citizens, to net the best life chances.
Ladies and Gentlemen, set off for the big sailing.
Top above: Frackiewicz (Grand Prix 2007)
See below: Kuczynski (Grand Prix 2006)
1. The aim of the contest is:
- creating an art gallery comprising works that could be used in actions promoting the city in a printed form or in the form of organized exhibitions.
- promoting the city, changing the traditional perception of Łódź and challenging the stereotypical image of the city.
2. It is an open contest. Everyone can participate in it, on condition that they submit their works with the application form before the regulatory deadline. The contest is an international event.
3. The theme of the third edition of The BIG BOAT of HUMOUR contest is: “Boat fishing”
- capturing the paradoxical relationship between the name of our city and its inland location away from navigable waters, enriched with an interpretation of voyage, exploration and pioneering motif, characteristic of sailors.
4. The original works entered in the contest can be made using any drawing, graphic (including computer graphics) or painting technique and should not be larger than A3 format (297x420 mm). Accepted by the Jury as original graphic works are the copies of author’s edition described and signed by the author.
Photocopies and xerox copies of the works, computer printouts of scanned works or any other kind of duplication using multicopy techniques, for example offset printing, which serve as reproductions of a work, shall not be accepted by the Jury.
Previously published works, works entered in other contests or works to which rights do not belong to the authors shall also be excluded from the contest.
5. Each participant may submit up to 5 works. The works should be unframed, provided with the name and the surname of the author and possibly the title on the reverse. The works should be accompanied with an application form, which shall be tantamount to the acceptation of the contest regulations and a permission for publishing author’s personal data contained in the form, and with a CD with the electronic form of submitted works (in TIFF format, the resolution of 300 dpi, 15 cm at the base), which is the condition of placing them in the catalogue.
6. The works should be sent to the address of Łódzki Dom Kultury (Łódź Cultural Centre), ul. Traugutta 18, 90-113 Łódź, Poland till 30 April 2008 (with a note on an envelope “Big Boat of Humour 2008”).
7. The organizers are not liable for any damage to the works during delivery. The works shall be insured since the moment they are received by the organizers, during the exhibition and until their return to the authors.
8. The Jury shall choose works for the post-contest exhibition and hand out the Grand Prix of the contest on 5 May 2008.
9. The ceremonial opening of the post-contest exhibition and the verdict announcement shall take place on May 2008.
10. The authors of works admitted to the contest shall be invited to the ceremonial opening of the exhibition and shall receive the catalogue. The organizers do not provide the return of expenses covering transport to Łódź and stay in the city. The organizers anticipate the exhibition of the original works admitted to the contest in the building of Łódzki Dom Kultury (Łódź Cultural Centre) and the exhibition of printouts (on the basis of the submitted CDs) in Piotrkowska Street in the centre of the city.
11. The works that shall not be admitted to the contest as well as the works shown on the exhibition should be taken back from the organizers till 30 June 2008 or they shall be sent back to the authors.
1. The works shall be judged by the Jury of the Contest consisting of professional artists, the representatives of the City of Łódź Office and the Organizers of the contest.
2. The Jury shall hand out the regulatory Grand Prix of the contest amounting to PLN 10,000, funded by the Mayor of the City of Łódź. The prize is indivisible. The Jury reserves the right to resign from handing out the award. In such case, the amount is added to the pool of prizes of the next edition of the contest. The decisions of the Jury are definitive without the right to appeal. The work (or works of one author) honoured with the prize, together with all the rights, become the property of the sponsor.
3. The organizers allow for a possibility of handing out sponsored awards other than the regulatory prize. Works awarded by the sponsors, with all the rights, shall become the property of the sponsors.
1. Sending works to the contest together with a filled in application form equals giving consent to:
- participation in the post-contest exhibition (or a series of exhibitions), unpaid reproducing the works in all media and all techniques as far as promoting the City, the Contest and the exhibition is concerned.
- duplicating the works for the needs of non-commercial promotional actions carried out by the organizers (occasional publications, press materials and the Internet), at the same time, promoting the authors and their works.
- using the works in charity actions, carried out for the citizens in need by the Organizers during the period of one year starting from the date of the post-contest exhibition opening.
2. Participation in the contest means the acceptation of the above regulations.
E-mail: festiwal@ldk.lodz.pl


13th International Cartoon Exhibition ZAGREB 2008

The organizer of the 13th International festival of cartoon ZAGREB 2008 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
GAMBLING (betting, games of chance, sports betting houses)
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as computer print outs.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
5. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 1st of May 2008.
Gold Medal 800 EUR
Silver Medal 500 EUR
Bronze Medal 300 EUR
Five Special mentions
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 18th of June 2008.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque. The works will be returned only on the special request of an author. The postage (EUR 5) will be paid by author.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2008, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
♥ Entry form on http://www.hdk.hr/e-mail: hrvdrukar@gmail.com


Ochakovsky passed away

Yuri Ochakovsky passed away
The report by AZCARTOON http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/:
"The cartoon world lost his famous cartoonist Yuriy Ochakovsky. Azcartoon announces its condolence over his departure. God bless him."
The sad news confirmed by CARTUNION http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum-e/viewtopic.php?t=189:
"The prominant cartoonist Yuri Ochakovsky passed away February 3rd 2008. The International Cartoonists' Club sends our condolences to the artist's family. CARTUNION is planning an exhibition of Ochakovsky's art. Please help us with the material. Works should be sent to the cartoongallery@gmail.com"

Yuri Ochakovsky was a great cartoonist who depicted the situation of mankind in modern times perfectly. I am deeply grieved to hear his decease. With my condolences to the family and the cartoon world.
Can't reach at the moment his excellent cartoons on New Technologies (Windows-faced man & Man playing with his robot-dog) awarded at Barakaldo in 2006 I think.
Ochakovsky was the Grand Prize winner in International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest (Turkey) in 1999 and the Jury member of the Contest in 2005.
The following info from a message by Andrey Feldshteyn is forwarded by Julian Pena-Pai:
"We were discussed the outstanding Yuri's art at the CARTUNION just before he died: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3165&start=0&sid=d6fbfb1fb56b11fb810ad84c7de05159"


Results Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest - Turkey

Results of Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest - Turkey
1st International Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest with theme "Last Exit Before Doom!" concluded. The results are announced at http://site.mynet.com/karderizmir/ as follows:

402 cartoonists participated with 651 cartoons. The Jury comprised of Marlene Pohle (Germany) , Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) , Rasit Yakali , Eray Ozbek, Cem Koc, and Recep Kafes decided to award the prizes to the following artists:

First Prize: Sherif Arafa - Egypt (See above)

Second Prize: Junior Lopes Cunha - Brazil (See above)
Third Prize: Grzegorz Szumowski - Poland

Special Prize of the Jury: Askin Ayrancioglu - Turkey (See above)
Among the junior participants under age 18, Ekin Ozeskici (Turkey) is awarded the Encouragement Prize.

January 2008 results of Nature & Man - Turkey

January 2008 results of Nature & Man with theme "Drought & Water"
January 2008 results of Nature & Man Cartoonet Contest with theme "Drought & Water" have been announced at: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/default.asp


Musa Gumus - Turkey

Zygmunt Figura - Poland

Oguz Gurel - Turkey

You can view the runners-up as well: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/finalist.asp