
Results of 7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest

Results of 7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest - Iran
The Jury (Above)
Winners of Theme Section (SOLIDARITY):

First Winner: Dariush Ramazani / Iran (See above)
Second Winner: Jalal Pirmarzabadi / Iran
Third Winner: Mohammad Ali Khalaji / Iran
Special Prizes of Theme Section:
Javad Takjou / Iran
Carlos Jorge Nunes / Brazil

Darko Drljevic / Montenegro (See above)

Makhmudjon Eshonkulov / Uzbekistan (See above)
Tommy Thomdean / Indonesia
Winners of Free Section:
First Winner: Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria

Second Winner: Mohsen Asadi / Iran (See above)
Third Winner: Jaber Asadi / Iran
Special Prizes of Free Section:
Valentin Druzhinin / Russia
Mehmet Kahraman / Turkey

Morhaf Yossef / Syria (See above)
Somayyeh Shoghi / Iran
Tommy Thomdean / Indonesia.
See all prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=731

SIMILARITY: Suicide by credit card: Camila - Taeyong Kang

Festival de Mencoes Honrosas 2008 - Albums - CHARGES - Camila (RJ)


Caricature Competition 2008 - Romania

CARICATURE COMPETITION at: http://www.caricatura.ro/
Adress: Cartoonists Rights Network Romania
Str-Eminescu, nr-28A, bl-Gioconda, ap-27, 100329 - Ploiesti, ROMANIA


Yu Gai - 68th exhibition‏ at Cartoon Gallery OsijeK

Cartoon Gallery «OsijeK»
Is presenting
68th Cartoon Exhibition
“Geometry Through the Eye of the Cartoon”
of the Chinese cartoonist
Yu Gai

He was born in Chengdu City in 1962. Graduated from Shandong college of Art & Design, his major is Department of Graphic Art Design. He is graphic designer, oil painter, indoor decoration designer, illustrator, cartoonist. He is an Assistant of Arts Design Specialist and also a member of Si Chuan Artist Society Cartoon Researching Committee. By now he had issued more than 800 cartoons in many well-known magazines and newspapers in the world. His works have won many prizes such as in China, Belgium, Ukraine, Iran, Turkey, Brazil, Poland, Slovak, Sweeden, Germany, Israel and other countries in the world. Some of the cartoons had been collected by in international cartoon museums in countries.

Four-shape Combina Diagram Design is designed according to the existent form of natural figures, and consists of small triangles, big triangles, semicircles, “J” shape, and sectors. Because the above four figures have math relations, they can be combined freely and changed continuously, they can also be combined into about 300 diagrams.
It is beneficial for people's intelligence and can also be used as jigsaw puzzle for the children.

Exhibition was opened by math teacher from elementary school “Jagoda Truhelka” Marija Arandelovic, classmistress of Stela Dusanic. She shared how it look like when she met Stela for the first time when she introduce her with the work of her dad Tomislav Dusanic – Tod. "That’s how work of Tod became a part of my life. A destiny of every teacher is to be connected with his students by the invisible filaments and from a distance monitor their lives. I cheer up when I found out that Stela is continue to go by the path of her dad – to lead a unique Cartoon Gallery in the world."

Ivan Balic have introduce himself by the pantomime called “Growing Up”. In that way he have embellish the opening night!

Exhibition, in any case, wasn’t accostumed!! It was awesome!


1st International Bogotá Cartoon Contest - Colombia

First International Caricature and Cartoon Contest City of Bogotá
Theme: Long live the children!
Through the universal language of humor, the selected works look forward to make visible childhood problems and issues around the world.
Publication: A catalogue with the finalists and winners works will be edited and it will include articles and essays about childhood issues and problems.
a) Professionals: Persons who works or have worked professionally as cartoonists or caricaturists on mass media.
b) Amateurs: Persons who have never published his work on mass media.
Persons that have never worked professionally on cartoon or caricature on mass media.
c) Children: (Only for Bogotá D.C.) People between 8 and 15 years old.
- People under 18 years old must present an authorization letter signed by his parents where they accept the terms and regulations of the contest.
- The works must be sent in an envelope that must be marked on the upper right corner with the capital letter of the correspondent category (P – professional; A – Amateur; C – Children)
Technique: Free
Format / Size: 25 x 35 cm (horizontal/vertical)
Quantity: Maximum 2 works per author.
First Place: US $ 1.000.-
Second Place: US $ 800.-
First Place: US $ 500.- (artistic materials)
Second Place: US $ 400.- (artistic materials)
Children (Applies only in Bogotá)
First Place: A scholarship for a course (Duration: 120 hours) at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura.
Second Place: A scholarship for a course (Duration: 30 hours) at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura.
Additionally the Jury will honor the most outstanding works on each category with Special Mentions.
Jury: A team of four professionals, two cartoonists, a writer and a researcher on children issues will judge and select the winners.
- The deadline for entries is: March 21st 2008. (Mail stamp date is accepted)
- Notification to winners: April 7th 2008.
- The selected works will be awarded and shown at the XXI edition of the Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá on April 2008.
Inscription and sending: The works must be sent in an envelope that must be marked as follows:
Escuela Nacional De Caricatura
Concurso De Humor Gráfico y Caricatura “Ciudad De Bogotá”
Carrera 20B Nº 74-40
Tel. (57)(1) 211 2632
Bogotá, Colombia – Suramérica.

The works must be marked on the back with the author’s pseudonym. Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a sealed envelope with the following information:
First and last name: .............................................................
Identification number: .........................................................
Address: ...........................................................................
Phone number:...................................................................
E-mail: .............................................................................
Digital works must be sent as jpg format and 300 dpi files to the following e-mail address: escueladecaricatura@gmail.com
Digital authors must register themselves on the entry form placed on the Internet site http://www.escueladecaricatura.com/
- In case of reclaims of other persons, the author takes entire responsability of the originality of his works before the organization.
- The decision of the jury is definitive and unappealable.
- The not selected works for exhibition can be returned at the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura between June 2nd and July 31st 2008.
- Published or awarded works can NOT participate.
- Works will be received or sent until the mentioned deadline (March 21st 2008) including mail stamp!
- Awarded works become part of the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura collection and the institution will be able to use them with academic, cultural or disclosure purposes.
- Escuela Nacional de Caricatura will be able to use the not awarded works with academic or cultural purposses. As mentioned, originals can be returned at the institution between June 2nd and July 31st 2008.
- Students of the Escuela Nacional de Caricatura are able to participate only if they are not part of the contest committee.
- Those who have blood ties with members of the contest committee are not allowed to participate.
- The participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance, without any reserve, of the entire terms and regulations.
Source: http://humorgrafe.blogspot.com/

28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest

“One Cartoon , Original Cartoon, the Best Cartoon…”
See right: 2007 Special Prize of TV8 Channel / Omidreza Khorsand - Iran
a) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
b) The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
c) Choice of subject is free.
d) The participants may send only one work.
e) The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and only originals are accepted.
f) Name, surname, address, phone number and country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should be attached.
g) The works must reach the organizing association not later than July 31, 2008.
h) The results will be announced on August 11, 2008.
i) The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon and Humour Museum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists.
j) The participating cartoons will be put into an album. The cartoons for the album and the exhibition will be selected by a jury. The album will be sent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited and published in the album.
k) The participating works will be exhibited first in Istanbul, then the big cities of Turkey such as Ankara, Izmir, Adana and Antalya.
l) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
The Prizes
a) Grand Prize: 3.000 $
b) Honour Prizes: 4 Honour Prizes, each 750 $
c) Special Prizes: Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
Special Prizes of the Association of Cartoonists
Address: 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, Karikaturculer Dernegi, Alemdar Caddesi, Yerebatan Sarnici Cikisi, Sultanahmet 34122 Istanbul / TURKEY
Phone: +90 (212) 513 60 61
Phone: +90 (212) 519 90 21
Fax: +90 (212) 527 26 18


Until the deadline of 7th Tabriz International: 5 Days

Until the deadline of 7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest: 5 Days

Who are going to be the winners of these statues?
You can only take part in Tabriz 7th International Cartoon Contest until February 29, 2008. For more info: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/indexen.asp
If you send your cartoons by email, they should be scanned in 200 DPI resolution: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=689


Festival of Humour, Satire and cartoons – Montenegro

Festival of Humour, Satire and cartoons – Danilovgrad
Cultural information center Danilovgrad “Bijeli Pavle” and Montenegro Cartoon Association organise International Cartoon Contest.
Theme: SUCCESS & HAPPINESS - Success in the life, work, love... Happiness in the Gambling and life generally.
Number of works: Free
Works must be sent only by e-mail. Resolution 200 jpg.
Technics: Free
Winners must be send original works, after jury’s meeting.
Awards: First 500 €, Second 300 € and Third 200 €
Catalogue will be sent to authors of selected works.
Deadline: 30 April 2008.
Award ceremony 25 May 2008
Send your works to e-mail address: drljevicdarko@cg.yu

(Source: http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/)

International Comics Festival of Amadora - Portugal

Dear Friends,
The International Comics Festival of Amadora, Portugal, have the pleasure of announcing the Comic Book competition under the subject Fight Against Tuberculoses. This competition is promoted by the World Wealth Organization, to which we associated with. The link with all the information about the competition is the following: http://www.stoptb.org/figo/World_TB_Cup.html.
Best Regards,
The organisation of the Festival.


"Cinema & Women" Cartoon Exhibition - Turkey

"Cinema & Women" Cartoon Exhibition in Buca, Izmir
Izmir Branch of the Assoiation of Cartoonists is opening the exhibition of 30 cartoons on theme "Cinema & Women" in Buca, Izmir.
The opening ceremony of the international exhibition will take place at 18.00 local time on February 25, 2008 at the Cultural Center of Buca Municipality in Izmir, Turkey.
Address : Erdem Cad. No: 86 (Egitim Fakultesi karsisi) Buca, Izmir.
Phone: (232) 420 02 32

Vladimir Kazanevsky

Cemalettin Guzeloglu

Agim Sulaj

Results of Satyrykon-Legnica 2008 - Poland

Grand prize: Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)
Theme 'Dog':
1° prize: Lex Drewnski (Germany),
2° prize: Zygmut Zaradkiewicz (Poland),
3° prize: Magdalena Nowak (Poland),
Honourable mentions: Malgorzata Lazarek (Poland) and Gerard Gepp (Austria).
Free theme:
1° prize: Grzegorz Szumowski (Poland),
2° prize: Lech Frackowiak (Poland),
3° prize: Withold Mysyrowicz (Poland),
Honourable mentions: Miroslaw Gryni (Poland) and Piotr Ztorski (Poland).
Source: http://www.ecc-kruishoutem.be/index_ENG.html


Results of Supporting Street Children contest - Iran

The Results of The first International Cartoonet Contest -Supporting Street Children-2008

Dear artists and friends,
It's an honor for us to announce the list of winners of the Honorable Mention of the First International Cartoonet Contest-Supporting Street Children-2008. Participating in this competition has absolutely humanitarian and benevolent aspects, and emphasizes on necessity of friendship around the world.
"Iran Cartoon" offers its heartfelt thanks to all the artists that has participated in this competition without any prospect.
We ask all the winner artists to send their postal address until 30th February 2008 to the email address: info@irancartoon.com
By the best wishes
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai
Director of Iranian House of Cartoon

The jury panel: Abolfazl Mohtarami , Amin Aghai & Massoud Ziai

The list of Foreign Winners
Achmad Cholid / Turkey
Agim Sulaj / Italy
Alexandre Alves Franco(Lex) / Brazil
Andrzej Graniak / Poland
Antonio Carlos Joaniao / Brazil
Askin Ayrancioglu / Turkey
Ba-Bilig / China
Bernard Bouton / France
Carlos Jorge / Brazil
Casso / Brazil
Eroglu Yalcin / Turkey
F.Blanco / Cuba
Hao Gong / China
Hector Salas / Brazil
Hicabi Demirci / Turkey (See right)
Huang Weiqin / China
J.Bosco / Brazil
Jarbes Domingos / Brazil
Jean Pires de Olivera / Brazil
Jitet koestana / Indonesia
Julio perira / Brazil
Igor Varchenko / Cyprus
Luigi Rocco / Brazil
Maciej Trzepalka / Poland
Marcin Bondarowicz / Poland
Marcio Leite / Brazil
Martono / Indonesia
Mello / Brazil
Milenk Kasanovik / Serbia
Morhaf Yossef / Syria
Musa Gomez / Turkey
Naji Benaji / Morocco
Nam Myunglae / Korea
Nik Mohammad Wafdi Bin / Malaysia
Oguz Gurel / Turkey
Pantanen Heino / Finland
Pawel Kuczynsky / Poland
Raed-khalil / Syria
Rendra Kurniawan / Indonesia
Ricardo Augusto Alonso / Brazil
Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria
Sevket Yalaz / Turkey
Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan
Slavomir / Czech Republic
Svetlin Stefanov / Bulgaria
Tsocho Peev / Bulgaria
Turgut Yilmaz / Turkey
Turguy Tuysuz / Turkey
Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria
VEM / Colombia
Vivek Thakkar / India
Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine
Waldez / Brazil
Yuri Manaev / Russia
Yuriy Kosobukin / Ukraine
WEB: http://www.irancartoon.com/