
1st Quality International Dental Caricature/Cartoon Contest - Israel

As Chairman of Quality dentis's committee, I would like to invite you to participate in this new contest. I would like to emphasize that the purpose of this contest-exhibition is solely cultural. There is no commercial benefits or any profits at all!!! It is for the people to smile and the art to bloom.
Good luck
Dr. Gilad Fiskus
Condition of entry
1-The contest is open to all. It is permitted to pass the contest entry form, to friends or clubs, amauters as well as professional.
2-Each individual entrant can send a maximum of 6 caricatures/cartoons.
3-The artist's name, address and e-mail should be written on each entry drawing, beside the title of the caricature/cartoon.
4-There is no fee for entry.
5-The contest is divided into two section. A caricature section and a cartoon section.
One 500 $ prize will be granted to the best caricature/cartoon drawing, winning the contest.
Each entrant will receive a prestige participant certificate, and 12 medals will be send to the best works, 6 for each section. 2 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze and 4 honorable medals.
6-The caricatures/cartoon drawings could be black and white or color.
7-The object of the contest is to convey a dental scene - funny, scary, dramatic, etc. The relation between the dentist and his patient, as well as facial expressions, body movement and dynamic positions, are all important.
8-All correspondences including the caricatures/cartoons in a jpg format, should be e-mailed to GILADOR@GMAIL.COM
9-All entries should reach the above e-mail no later than August 10th 2009.
10-Submission of entry implies acceptance of these conditions.
WEB: http://cartooncature-dentist.blogspot.com/

5th International Cartoon Festival Solin 2009 - Croatia

The organizer of 5th International festival of cartoon Solin 2009 is the city Solin. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40x30 cm)
Entry deadline is the 01 August 2008. Please write; PRINTED MATTER - NO VALUE.
GRAND PRIX ....................................................1005 EUR
PRIZE CITY SOLIN.............................................3
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 15.09.2009.
Authors of works that quality to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue (DVD). The works will be returned only on the special reqest of an autor. The postage EUR 5 will be paid by autor. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2009, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------

FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------

PSEUDONIM --------------------------------------------

STREET ---------------------------------------------------

POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------

CITY -------------------------------------------------------

COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------

TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------

E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------

FAX --------------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF ENTRIES -------------------------------

MALE-FEMALE ----------------------------------------


Graphic Humor Exhibition: The 8 Millenium Development Goals

The Coordinating committee of ONGD and other Solidarity Movements of Lleida and the Cultural Association Humoràlia organize the GRAPHIC HUMOR EXHIBITION – THE 8 MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS.
The aim of this exhibition is to make a campaign of awareness addressed to the society making use of the graphic humor as a visual journalistic genre of denunciation and civic commitment, which intends to contribute to the reflection and to the action over the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG), marked by the United Nations in September 2000 and which should be achieved by 2015.
The Millennium Development Goals include 8 key challenges for the development of countries which are socially and economically impoverished and so that these can be accomplished before 2015. Thus, from the reduction at half of the extreme poverty till combating the HIV/AIDS propagation or achieving the universal primary education by 2015, the MDG constitute a plan agreed by all the world nations and the major development institutions of the world. The goals made that northern societies make an unprecedented effort in order to help the poorest…but, for the time being, where are these commitments?
1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieving universal primary education
3. Promoting gender and empower women
4. Reducing child mortality
5. Improving maternal health
6. Fighting against AIDS, paludism and other illnesses
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
8. Developing a global partnership for development
For further information:
In Spanish: http://www.un.org/spanish/millenniumgoals
In English: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/
1. Any professional artist or amateur can take part in the exhibition.
2. The exhibition topic is THE 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS
3. Each work has to make reference to one of the eight goals.
4. Deadline for sending the works: 31st of May 2009.
5. The works may be carried out in any technique, with Din A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
6. Participants may send a maximum of 3 works, in black and white or in colour, if it is possible without text. In case of including a text, this must be in Catalan, Spanish or English.
7. Works have to be sent by e-mail to odm@coordinadora-ongd-lleida.cat, to 300 dpi in JPG o JPEG format.
8. In the same e-mail, include a document containing the following information: Title of the work, name and surnames, pseudonym, address, telephone (with the corresponding international prefix), e-mail, a brief CV and a photography or caricature of the author.
9. Due to the character of the Exhibition, the selected works will not be rewarded with any economical amount.
10. A jury made up of qualified specialists in Solidarity and Graphic Humor will make a selection of 50 works among the presented ones.
11. The jury’s decision will be unappealable.
12. The selected drawings will be set forth in the International Biennial Exhibition of Graphic Humour, Catalunya HUMORÀLIA 2009. After Biennial, the Exhibition will be able to be itinerant.
13. The drawings, being digitals, will not be returned.
14. A catalogue with the selected works will be edited and sent to all the selected authors.
15. On the Coordinating Committee web page (http://www.coordinadora-ongd-lleida.cat/) and on Humoràlia web page too (http://www.humoralia.org/), it would be possible to visit the virtual gallery with a significant sample of the received works.
16. The organization reserves the right to reproduce the selected works without the expressed authorization, only with the purpose of making aware the population towards the 8 Millennium Development Goals. The use of the works will not have any lucrative end.
17. Taking part in the Exhibition implies accepting the entire terms and conditions. The Jury will solve any doubt that can arise.
Source: feco-spain

15th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition - Israel

15th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition 2009 - Israel
This year Haifa Municipality and the Association of Israeli Caricaturists, "Pencom", are organizing the 15th International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition.
Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:
■ 1st Prize: $500
■ 2nd Prize: $300
■ 3rd Prize: $200
Special Prizes and Honorable Mentions will be awarded to artists submitting the best cartoons.
The International Cartoon Contest comprises the main topic:
A Humoristic, Optimistic View of Our World
■ The Heart’s Wishes - Hopes
■ Ecology – An Environmental Approach
■ The World as a Stage for Cinema and Acting, etc.
Entry deadline: July 10, 2009
Our Address:
HAIFA MUNICIPALITY, P.O.B. 4811, HAIFA 31047, Israel
"Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists, P.O.B. 45598. Haifa 31454, Israel
1. The Contest is open to adult cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The number of cartoons sent by each participant is limited to five per category.
3. The submitted works in all sections must be originals or digital copies (high resolution file – 300 dpi required), standard size being A4 (21 x 29.7 cm, 8 1/2 x 11 inches), using Indian ink, watercolor, pen or other graphic and painting techniques.
4. Name and address should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
5. Entrants should pack their works securely and send them at their own expense to the International Cartoon Contest. Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation.
6. By participating in this event, caricaturists agree that all cartoons submitted can be used in exhibitions throughout Israel and abroad.
7. Once the exhibition in Haifa closes, the original cartoons may be returned to the artist at his/her request (The organizers are not responsible for loss of original cartoons).
8. An Exhibition Catalogue featuring the best cartoons will be published and will be sent to the best participating artist free of charge.
9. The organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the cartoons for the promotion of the Contest.
10. The cartoons for the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
11. Note: Caricatures on political leaders should not be submitted to the Competition.
For further information please contact:
Ronit Eshet - coordinator of marketing, Haifa Municipality, P.O.B. 4811, Haifa, 31047, Israel,E-mail: ronitcartoon@gmail.com Mobile: 972-54-4913383
You can access our site at: http://www.haifa.muni.il/ by opening the "English site" link of the International Cartoon Exhibition.
Source: humorgrafe


IV The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip - KIKS ZIKISON 2009

IV The Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip, KIKS Zikison 2009
http://www.kiks.site90.net/, kiks.blogalerie.com
and The Satirical Manufactory "Zikison" are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. PORTRAIT cartoon "ZIKISON", WITHOUT WORDS. How to see the cartoonist ZIKISON and his age, technology-free, for all three categories of works to send the full?
2. Caricature WITHOUT WORDS - FREE, free technique.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: First prize in all three categories, the presentation of the special page http://www.zikison.net/Weekly electronic journal zikison and http://www.kiks.site90.net/ kiks (Caricature and Short Comic Cartoon). All authors whose works jury will be selected in your gallery Zikison.net and KIKS.net. All authors whose works selected for the jury will get ŽIKIŠON Charter or Diploma.
Works can be sent by E-mail zikison@zikison.net & zikison.mazos@gmail.com & kiks.zikison@yahoo.com with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs. Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
The competition is open Non-Stop! (Results: December 2009 / January 2010)
ZIKISON (1885. - 1950.) Was a Satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a Co – Author editor of many of newspaper for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he was died in 1950.


Theme in the 19th International Festival "Humor at Gura Humorului" 2009: The Crisis' Smile

The District Centre for Conserving and Promoting Traditional Culture, Suceava
Gura Humorului Townhall
Best Western Bucovina Hotel
"Terra Design" Print Shop Gura Humorului
“Humor...at GURA HUMORULUI” International festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature the 19th edition, 2009
The 19th edition of “Humor...at GURA HUMORULUI”, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held in the period 3-5th of July, 2009 as part of the Festive Days of Humor City.
The Contest Regulations - Cartoon:
1. The theme of the edition: ”The crisis’ smile”
2. The eligible works are the ones which have not been published or awarded any prizes for other contests.
3. All the works will have on the backside the name of the author and contact data (address, telephone number, e-mail account).
4. A page A3 or A4 will be the right dimensions of the works.
5. The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist.
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be part of the “Humor...at GURA HUMORULUI” festival's patrimony and the organizers are entitled to use them as materials edited later, but with the name of the author on them.
7. The participants are required to send the following papers with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photo or portrait/caricature self portrait of the following minimum dimensions: 6x9 cm (on paper) or 710 x 1065 pix. (digital format).
8. Number of works: 3 (three)
9. The deadline for the works is June 10, 2009 (the post date)
10. The prizewinners are to be notified by June 27, 2009, to be present for the Awards Festivity on Sunday, July 5, 2009 and will be provided accommodation and meals. Transport expenses will be the responsibility of the participant or the organization/institution he/she is part of. In case other people will accompany the participants, they will pay all the expenses incurred. In addition, the organizers are to be notified in due time, no later than June 30, 2009 to make the necessary reservations.
11. The list of the jury members will be posted on the site http://www.gurahumorului.ro/ and http://www.gurahumorului.info/ starting with June 15, 2009.
12. The prizes to be awarded:
- 1st Prize Eur 500
- 2nd Prize Eur 300
- 3rd Prize Eur 200
- The “George Gavrilean” Prize for the débutantes from Bucovina Eur 200.
13. The jury is the one to decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide the works or the authors that can be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons.
14. There will be no fee for participation.
The works will be sent to the following address:
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piata Republicii nr.2, 725300 Gura Humorului, judetul Suceava ROMANIA
Telephone at the Museum: 0040.230.231.108 or mobile phone: 00 40 724 576 000 , 00 40 740 926 479
E-mail: muzeulhumor@gmail.com
Centrul Judeţean pentru Conservarea si Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale Suceava
The District Centre for Conserving and Promoting Traditional Culture, Suceava

Primăria oraşului Gura Humorului Gura Humorului Townhall
Hotel „Best Western Bucovina” Best Western Bucovina Hotel
Tipografia „Terra Design” Gura Humorului "Terra Design" Print Shop Gura Humorului


“Humor...at GURA HUMORULUI” International festival of Caricature and Humorous Literature the 19th edition, 3 – 5 iulie 2009


NUMELE / NAME ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

VÂRSTA / AGE…………………………………………………………………………………………………

ADRESA / ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………………………



TELEFON / PHONE…………………………………………………………………………………………….

EMAIL / WEB SITE…………………………………………………………………………………………………







Vă rugăm ataşati o notă biografică şi o fotografie personală.
Please include your biography and your personal photo.

Organizatorii nu restituie materialele primite!
The organizers will not give back the art works received!


…………………………………. ………………………….


International Cartoon Contest "TOGETHER FOR SECURITY AND PEACE" Ruse, Bulgaria 2009

International Cartoon Contest "TOGETHER FOR SECURITY AND PEACE" Ruse, Bulgaria 2009
Organizer: Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd
Provides opportunity for professionals and amateur cartoonists around the world to show their attitude to the staff of order and security authorities through the eyes of the cartoonist.
In a humorous way to represent relationships between the police employees and people who have come in simple, interesting, strange, conflict or other situations such as traveling on the road, in the court scenes, corrupt transactions, conversations, etc.
1. Each participant is entitled to participate with no more than 3 works. The cartoon size should be min. A4, max. A3 format.
2. Cartoons can be color or black and white, also digital works with original signature of the author.
3. Deadline for submission of the works is June 25, 2009 at the following mail address:
OD MVR - Ruse (Cartoon contest)
49 General Skobelev Blvd
Ruse-7000 Bulgaria

4. Participants should send a short CV as well as: name, surname, job title, address and telephone contact, e-mail address.
5. The Jury will consist of the following members:
1) Ivailo Tsvetkov, President of FECO Bulgaria / Federation of cartoonists’ Organizations /
2) Rumen Dragostinov, Vice-President of FECO Bulgaria
3) Valentin Georgiev, cartoonist, illustrator, artist
4) Volodya Kenarev, artist, Deputy Mayor for humanitarian activities in the Municipality of Ruse
5) Elena Velikova, art expert, director of Ruse Art Gallery
6) Svetoslav Parvanov, commissar, director of Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
7) Daniela Malcheva, regional spokesman for the Ministry of Interior in Ruse, Presscenter and Public Relations specialized administrative directorate of the Ministry of Interior.
I - 300 Euro (€) plus diploma
II – 200 Euro plus diploma
III - 100 Euro plus diploma
7 encouraging prizes and public choice awards.
6. Winners and other selected works will participate in an Art Exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery. Cartoons will not be returned, but will remain in the collection of the Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. Some will be involved in prevention activities and projects for the public benefit, if appropriate (always displaying the author's name).
7. Postage must be paid by the participants. No fee is charged for participation in the contest.
8. In addition the exhibition artists will receive e-catalog on CD from the show and awarded works will be included in the contest brochure.
Participation in the competition is taken as consent of the author with these conditions.
We wish success to all participants!
OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION: 1 July, 2009, from 18 hours
Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borissova Str.
Questions about the organization and rules of the contest can be sent to Valentin Georgiev phone: 359 885 447 511 е-mail:mailto:valyo1970art@yahoo.com or at the e-mail of Ruse Directorate of MoI: mvr_ruse@abv.bg

Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran

Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival - Iran
The significance of productivity can now be felt more than any other time.
The world crisis ahead can be managed and harnessed through teaching productivity techniques to the world community and transferring its culture to them. More appropriate use of resources and modifying the consumption patterns, along with proper use of appropriate decisions are among the requirements in this regard.
Therefore, the second international cartoon festival on productivity cordially invites all artists to once again provide the society with the opportunity to learn through serenity and smile. As the previous festival was quite successful, this time the focus is more on the content and educational, training, pedagogical aspects, and transfer of culture. This is not merely a contest, but also playing a role in a world where productivity is sought as a suitable solution.
Works can cover any productivity related fields. Fields you can work on are among, but not limited to, the following:
Theme: Productivity (correct usage of ...)
- Productivity in factories
- Productivity in houses
- Productivity and Technology
- Productivity in Human Resources
- Productivity and the Urban Life
- Productivity and ...
1- A maximum of 3 works can be sent.
2- Only original artworks are accepted, without any kind of frame, accompanied by the application form and author's brief biography and photo.
3- Computer-based copies are also acceptable provided that the print versions are signed by the cartoonist. The computer version should also be in TIFF format with 300-DPI resolution on CD.
4- No photocopies or photographs will be accepted.
5- Name, surname, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the participant should be written on the back of each cartoon.
6- The size of the works should be A4 to A3.
7- There is no limit on the techniques employed for cartoons.
8- The original cartoons will not be returned.
9- All cartoonists whose cartoons are published in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
10- The organizers will do their best to protect all submitted cartoons from any probable damage, but take no responsibility of the damages caused by postal service or bad transport.
11- The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the festival and use them in any forms.
It is worth mentioning that the jury will consist of international referees and include Art (cartoon specialists) and science referees (management thinkers).
Deadline (EXTENDED): July 09, 2009
First Prize: 3.000 Euros and Trophy
Second Prize: 2.000 Euros and Trophy
Third Prize: 1.000 Euros and Trophy
Moreover other ten selected works will be awarded by the festival sponsors.
Secretariat of the Second International Productivity Cartoon Festival, Room No. 608, 6th Floor, Faculty of Humanities, Science and Research Campus, IAU, End of Ashrafi Isfahani Highway towards Hesarak, Tehran IRAN
Source: tabrizcartoons


Results 2nd Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists 2009

Results of 2nd Festival of Honorable Mentions for Cartoonists 2009 - Brazil
CARICATURE/ HUMOUR PORTRAIT: Theme: "JORGE BENJOR" (Brazilian singer and composer)


First Prize: Daniel Mendes / Brazil
Second Prize: Rodrigo de Lira Mineu Rocha / Brazil
Third Prize: Diogo Jose Palma Loredo / Brazil
Honorable Mentions:
Clayton Rabelo / Brazil
Danielescu Mihai / Brazil
Erico de Oliveira Junqueira Ayres / Brazil
Ertan Sertoz / TURKEY
Guilherme Boniole Abel / Brazil
Hector Salas / Brazil
Henrik Cebula / POLAND
Joao Bosco Jaco de Azevedo / Brazil
Jeferson Lucas Souza Santos / Brazil
Leonardo Valenca Fernandes / Brazil
Makhmud Eshonkulov / UZBEKISTAN
Milton de faria e Souza / Brazil
Ney Jackson Pontes dos Santos / Brazil
Paulo Jose Brito da Silva / Brazil
Raimundo Rucke Santos Souza / Brazil
Raimundo Waldez da C. Duarte / Brazil
Silvano Rosa Goncalves de Melo / Brazil

First Prize: Makhmud Eshonkulov / UZBEKISTAN
Second Prize: Daniel Mendes / Brazil
Third Prize: Raul De La Nuez / U.S.A
Honorable Mentions:
Alan Souto Maior Alves / Brazil
Camila Ferreira Dias / Brazil
Fabio Coutinho / Brazil
Hector Salas / Brazil
Jefferson Lucas Souza Santos / Brazil
Joao Bosco Jaco de Azevedo / Brazil
Jose Victor / Brazil
Leandro Spett / Brazil
Marcos Lasmar Noe / Brazil
Mohammad Saleh Razm Hosseim / IRAN
Paulo Volmar Matos Vilanova / Brazil
Pedro Paulo Dias / Brazil
Raimundo Waldez da C. Duarte / Brazil
Rodrigo de Lira Mineu Rocha / Brazil
Silvano Rosa Goncalves de Melo / Brazil
Tiago Paes Barbosa Borges / Brazil
Victor Gabriel Siqueira de Melo/ Brazil

First Prize: Diogo D'Auriol / Brazil
Second Prize: Alan Souto Maior Alves / Brazil
Third Prize: Tiaggo Gomes / Brazil
Honorable Mentions:
Adam Rabelo Dias / Brazil
Alberto Vonach Correa / Brazil
Augusto Gomes de Oliveira Filho / Brazil
Daniel Mendes / Brazil
Eder Medeiros Galdino / Brazil
Erico de Oliveira Junqueira Ayres / Brazil
Fabio Coutinho / Brazil
Henrik Cebula / POLAND
Joao Bosco Jaco de Azevedo / Brazil
Jorge Adao / Brazil
Jorge Luiz Bento de Araujo / Brazil
Glen Barbosa de Carvalho Batoca / Brazil
Guilherme Ferreira Mariano Praca / Brazil
Milton de faria e Souza / Brazil
Raul De La Nuez / U.S.A.
Sandro Magno cabral da Cunha / Brazil
Wiliam de Almeida Gaspar / Brazil.