
The First International Cartoon Festival “Citizenship” Shiraz 2022, Iran

The First International Cartoon Festival “Citizenship” Shiraz 2022
Cartoon is a universal art and cartoonists are the creators of this art.
This is significant and praiseworthy for us.
The Municipality of Shiraz proudly invites all cartoonists of the world to accompany us with their artworks to promote and develop the culture of citizenship, and to introduce Hafez, the famous and world-renowned poet of Shiraz, as well.
Festival Secretary: Ahmad Reza Sohrabi 
Shiraz / Iran 2022 
Festival Themes: 
• Urban Management 
• The culture of Citizenship 
• Urban Tourism 
(Sub categories include: Respecting Citizen’s Rights, Shiraz Historical and Touristic Places, Traffic and Transportation, Urban Civil Projects, Green space, Waste, Apartment living, etc.) 
Special Sector: Hafez, the well-known poet of Shiraz and his universal poems 
Rules and Regulations: 
• There is no age limit to participate in the festival 
• There is no limit on the number of artwork submissions 
• The work performance technique is free and according to personal preferences 
• Artworks might be either black and white or colored 
• The size of the works should be A3 or A4 
• Participation form of the festival should be filled in and sent along with the artworks. 
• Shiraz Municipality has the right to make use of the received works to print books, brochures, catalogs and city advertisements. 
• The original version of the artworks that are considered award winning according to the votes of the jury, must be sent to the festival secretariat before receiving the award. 
• Submission deadline: September 18th (EXTENDED:) September 27th 
• Participants might kindly send their artworks to: shirazcartoon1@gmail.com 
Shiraz Municipality will respectfully bestow 8 special prizes, statue and commemorative plaque to the owners of the top 8 artworks of the festival. 
Source: raedcartoon.

Open competition for the 19. International Comics and Cartoon Fest, Prizren 2022, Kosovo

06-10 October 2022 Prizren, Kosovo
1. Theme:
1.1. The theme of the festival is "Pages drawn in black and white"
1.2. Theme: Free Theme.
2. Conditions:
* You need to send us at least 1(one) up till 3(three) Caricatures,
minimum resolution for scanned caricature is 300 dpi.
* Caricature can be work from one or few artists.
* Caricatures can be in black and white technique or in color.
* Along with the caricature photos, should also be sent;
o Autobiography - One photo - Contact details
o Year of creation of caricature or comics
o Did you applied before in other competitions
o Have you ever won any prize at other festivals
o Similar works will not be accepted and you will be disqualified
o In all caricatures should be signed with artist name.
o Without above mentioned details works(caricatures) will not be considered valid.
o The organizer of the festival holds the right to publish works
in magazines and exhibit them in exhibitions.
3. Deadline:
3.1. Works (caricatures) should be sent up till 20th of September 2022,
4. Jury:
4.1. The jury will be composed from professional world artists
which will make selection of works via internet
no later than September 25th, 2022.
5. Date of the festival:
5.1. The festival will be held from 06th - 10th October, 2022 in Prizren, Kosovo.
With respect
Director of the Kosovar Comics and Cartoon Artists Association
“Xhennet Comics” Prizren, Kosovo 2022.


International "Peace" cartoon exhibition by the Municipality of Ephesus Selcuk,Turkey

- We are waiting for all cartoonists to participate in the International "Peace" cartoon exhibition to be organized by the Municipality of Ephesus Selcuk on the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day. 
- The works should be sent to the address below in A4 size, 300 dpi resolution and jpeg format. 
- Each cartoonist can send a maximum of 5 cartoons. 
- Efes Selçuk Municipality reserves the right to share the works in public areas. 
- The exhibited works will be collected in a catalog and sent to the artists as online. 
- Each artist will receive a certificate of participation. 
Deadline for submissions: August 24, 2022 
Curator: Menekse CAM 


The 13th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2022: Young/Brain Drain

13th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2022
Theme: Young/Brain Drain
"Brain Drain" is an ongoing issue for years, but also a problem. We want to update it a little more by adding the word "Young" to the brain drain. Developed countries are trying to get hold of the brain power required to implement projects in the fields of technology, industry and science, through brain drain from underdeveloped or developing countries. As for why we have added "Young" to the beginning of our title; talented and foreign language-speaking young people are more preferred. At this point, two questions come to mind: 
- Why do these young people prefer other countries instead of staying in their own country, being useful and building a future? 
- Why the countries receiving brain drain do not try to make up for this deficiency in their own countries, but receive emigration from abroad? 
Young minds, no matter how talented they are, have trouble finding employment in their home country and see abroad as a savior. Professions such as doctors, engineers and software developers have come to the fore in recent migration from countries at war and the Middle East. Developed countries can employ these young people for cheaper wages than experienced personnel. Of course, it is not easy for young people to break away from their environment, but the issue of future is much more important to them than sentimentality. 
There is also the "Hidden Brain Drain". It consists of young people who stay in their own countries and serve foreign capital. Their bodies are in their own country, but their minds serve foreign countries. 
Among the countries that receive the most brain drain and have high job standards; Norway, Sweden, USA, Canada and Australia. These countries are followed by Switzerland, England, Germany and Ireland. India, China, Türkiye, Balkan and Middle Eastern countries are among the countries that give the most brain drain. 
Türkiye is one of the leading countries in the "Young" Brain Drain. In 2019 alone, 330,289 people immigrated abroad. 50,151 of the immigrants are young people between the ages of 25-29. 
Our expectation from you, cartoonist friends; Questioning and scrutinizing the "Young" Brain Drain with your lines. We may not be able to change the world, but at least we can try it on paper (or tablet). So what do you think? 
Rules of the competition: 
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet (braindrainofyouth@gmail.com). (with cv+contact information) 
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned. 
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing). 
4) The closing date of the competition is 15 October 2022 (EXTENDED:) 25 October 2022
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists from 25 October 2022. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on Don Quichotte's websites for the following 10 days. 
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from 5 November 2022 and publish the results on 7 November 2022. 
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening on 26 November 2022 at the Maji Art Gallery in Istanbul. 
8 ) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within Don Quichotte's archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use. 
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published. 
- Grand Prize: 750 Euro+Don Quichotte Certificate 
- Cartoon/Fairplay Prize: 500 Euro+Don Quichotte Certificate 
- Honor Award 250 Euro+Don Quichotte Certificate 
- Special Prizes (Don Quichotte Certificate) 
Jury Members: 
- Bernard Bouton (France) 
- Beysun Gökçin (Türkiye) 
- Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu (Türkiye) 
- Erdoğan Karayel (Germany) 
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu (Germany) 
- Hüseyin Çakmak (Cyprus) 
- Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria) 
- Liu Qiang (China) 
- Marilena Nardi (Italy) 
- Marlene Pohle (Argentina) 
- Silvano Mello (Brazil) 
- Tan Oral (Türkiye). 
Source: Erdoğan Karayel . 
More on donquichotte


The Second Niko Nikolla International Caricature Biennale 2022, Albania

The Second Niko Nikolla International Caricature Biennale
Date: November 19-20, 2022
Country: Tirana, Albania
1 - Topic: "Where is the world going?"
The artistic board of Albanian Excellence, founder of the Niko Nikolla International Caricature Biennale, has decided that the theme of the second Niko Nikolla International Caricature Biennale will be: "Where is the world going?" This topic was set based on the situation that the world is going through today in many ways. In different artistic perspectives and plans, artists from all over the world through the art of caricature will bring powerful social, political and environmental messages that every society has today. 
2 - The following are invited to participate in this Biennale: Cartoon artists from the age of 18 
3 - Works can be sent to all techniques 
4 - Papers must be submitted by September 5, 2022 (EXTENDED:) September 10, 2022 
5 - Four papers had to be submitted on the assigned topic 
6 - The works were sent to the address albexcellence@gmail.com
7 - The presented works cannot have participated in any other competition From all the presented works, the Jury will select 150 works. Papers will be sent by post by the authors 
8 - Selected works will be notified by email and then the original works will be launched 
9 - The works that will be announced as winners will remain the property of the Caricature Biennale 
10 - The presented works will be illustrated during the days of the Biennale 
The second theme of the International Caricature Biennale 
Cartoon portrait: Agim Sulaj 
This year, the second theme in the cartoon is dedicated to the cartoonist Agim Sulaj. It will be a humorous portrait that will be dedicated to the well-known Italian-Albanian painter and cartoonist, Agim Sulaj. 
International Jury of the Niko Nikolla Caricature Biennale 
Agim Sulaj, President of the Jury, Italy 
Angel Boligan, Mexico 
Valentin Georgiev, Bulgaria 
Bernard Bouton, France 
Marilena Nardi, Italy 
Gianni Martini, Italy 
Rezear Xhaxhiu, Albania. 
The awards of the Second Niko Nikolla Caricature Biennale 
First prize 500 euros 
Second prize 300 euros 
Third prize 200 euros. 
These awards will be sponsored by the Euro Humor Association - Prim Alpe Association and Mr. Gianni Martini based on a cooperation agreement signed between the two associations. 
For the second topic 
First prize 400 euros 
Second prize 300 euros 
Third prize 200 euros. 
The Executive Director of the Biennale is Flora Nikolla, CEO of Albanian Excellence and founder of the Niko Nikolla International Caricature Biennale. 
(Translation by Google).


The International World Cup Cartoon and Caricature Contest 2022, Iran

The International World Cup Cartoon and Caricature Contest 2022, Iran
Deadline: Sept. 9, 2022 
1. Cartoon 
2. Caricature 
Theme in cartoon section: Soccer (Football) 
Theme in caricature section: The faces of the Soccer / Football players or the Technical staff of the teams qualified for the Qatar World Cup 2022 
1. Each artist can submit a maximum of 5 works in each section. 
2. The award-winner artworks are not allowed to submit. 
3. Each participant should send us (full name, postal address, telephone, e-mail address and short resume) in Word document format. 
4. 300 dpi, 2000 pixels (length or width), JPG format. 
5. The title of submitted works in caricature section must be the same as the name of the person whose caricature is created. 
Prizes of Cartoon Section: 
The First Prize: 2000 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
The second Prize: 1500 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
The third Prize: 1000 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
Prizes of Caricature Section: 
The First Prize: 2000 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
The second Prize: 1500 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
The third Prize: 1000 $ + trophy+ Honorable Mention 
Deadline: 9th of September 2022 
Address to send works: info@irancartoon.com