
Catalog of 7th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2018 of Kyrenia Municipality, Cyprus

Received yesterday the recent catalog of the 7th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2018 of Kyrenia Municipality, Cyprus. It is published in February 2020 but mailed a year later possibly due to the Covid-19 pandemia which is no surprising in the New Normal. It is 20x21.5x2.5 cm in dimensions and has 280 full color pages plus the covers. 
In 2018, 348 cartoonists across 64 countries submitted 802 illustrations to the event. Compared to the preceding years, the rising proportion of participation, as Nidai Güngördü, the Mayor of Kyrenia Municipality, points out in his foreword, "shows us this: Cartoon Art knows no boundaries, despite all kinds of political interference we experience in North Cyprus, in Kyrenia, in Zeytinlik village".
And M. Serhan Gazioğlu, the President of Cypriot-Turkish Cartoonists Association, reminds in his introductory words that "as a result of this event, the Kyrenia district, the Municipality of Kyrenia, Cypriot Turkish Cartoon, the Olive, and the longing for peace in Cyprus has gained recognition on an international level and this is a great achievement for the Cypriot Turkish Community".
This weighty book perfectly covers the short bios plus cartoons or portraits and declarations of the jury members and prize-winners in both Turkish and English languages, snapshots of the jury meeting, the prize-giving ceremony and some touristic scenes from the historical town along with the winning and the many selected cartoons. There are also the special pages for the biographies and the work of the winners of the Gold Olive Outstanding Contribution Prizes 2018.
The cartoon on the front cover is by the Turkish artist Kevney Ensar Bahadır and the one on the back belongs to the Iranian cartoonist Ali Shabani. 
Thank you to the organisers of the International Olive Cartoons Contest for sending me this invaluable collection of cartoon art.


International Contest for Satirical Drawing: Albert Einstein 2021, Poland

The contest is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of awarding the Nobel Prize to Albert Einstein. The physics genius received the prize for the year 1921 in 1922. Surprisingly, he did not win the prize for the famous Theory of Relativity and the E = mc2 equation, but the explanation of the photoelectric effect. This contest, however, celebrates Albert Einstein's lifetime scientific achievement and efforts to promote peace. The contest is organized in cooperation with the Department of Nuclear Energy and under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister of Climate and Environment. 
A. Terms of participation 
1. The contest is open to everyone, including foreigners. 
2. This contest is for drawings, graphics and other artistic works created with any technique, which are original, have not received any other awards and meet the technical requirements outlined in point 6. 
3. Contest theme and categories: 
I. Albert Einstein - category: caricature, joke 
II. Peaceful use of nuclear energy - category: joke 
4. One participant can submit up to 2 works per contest theme. 
5. Submission of works: 
Stage 1 - scanned copies of works can be sent electronically (file extension: JPEG, resolution: 300 DPI, maximum permissible file size: 5 MB) to the e-mail address: biuro@ffse2021.eu by November 15, 2021
Stage 2 - the list of works qualified for the contest and exhibition will be published on the website 
www.ffse2021.eu. The original copies of qualified works should be sent after the publication of the list, no later than 31 December 2021, by regular mail to the following address: 
Dariusz Pietrzak 
ul. Morelowa 14, 62-095 Murowana Goślina, Poland 
with the following annotation: (FFSE contest) 
6. Work format: maximum A-3 (29.7 x 42 cm), admissible size of one file: 5 MB, JPEG file extension. For three-dimensional objects (e.g. sculptures), a photo of work should be sent first. The life-size dimensions cannot exceed the following: 30 x 30 x 30 cm - delivery method will be agreed with the organizer. 
7. The submitted works should include a short biographical note and the entry form completed in CAPITAL LETTERS. The author consents to the public processing of the disclosed data (within the scope provided for in the GDPR) and dissemination of his/her image. 
B. Prizes 
The contest jury will award the following prizes specified in these rules: 
* Grand Prix - the "Koziołki" ("Billygoats") statuette and a cash prize of PLN 10,000 
* 2 gold medals and cash prizes of PLN 7,000 each. 
* 2 silver medals and cash prizes of PLN 6,000 each. 
* 2 bronze medals and cash prizes of PLN 5,000 each. 
In addition, the contest organizers will be awarding distinctions and additional prizes not specified in these rules. 
The right to award the prizes specified above, change their value or choose not to award them is reserved for the Jury. The Jury's decisions are final. Authors whose works were qualified for the post-contest exhibition must send original copies of their works to the mailing address specified in point 5 (stage 2) by the final deadline - 31.12.2021 (the organizer must receive the works by that date). Otherwise, their works will not be presented at the post-contest exhibition and included in the catalogue. 
The prizes are taxable in accordance with applicable legal regulations. To receive the prize, the winner must appear at the exhibition or provide the organizers of the contest with the bank account number to which the prize should be transferred within the agreed date and in the appropriate currency. 
C. Final provisions 
1. Authors of the submitted works authorize the contest organizers to: 
- present their works and use the works in all fields of exploitation for advertising purposes and in materials related to the theme of the contest, and the presentations of the post-contest exhibition, 
- reproduce their works and place the works on the market in the form of a catalog and other published materials, including online, 
- trade in the original works or their copies, 
- lend or rent originals of the works or their copies, 
- disseminate the works in any other way not covered above. 
2. The works that won prizes or distinctions in the contest become the property of the organizers and prize sponsors. 
3. All disputes related to the interpretation of the contest rules will be settled by the contest organizer. 
4. By submitting their works for the contest, authors accept these rules and consent to the dissemination of their image in the catalog of the post-contest exhibition, as well as the list of qualified works published online. 
5. The contest is organized by: 
Fundacja Festiwalu Satyry Europejskiej „Koziołki” (The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire "Billygoats") 
ul. Mazurska 15, 60-433 Poznań, Poland 
The organizer is represented by: 
- Dariusz Łabędzki /FFSE president/ 
- Dariusz Pietrzak / member of the FFSE board/ 
 the launch of the contest: August 1, 2021 
 the end of electronic submission of works: November 15, 2021, 23:59 CET 
 the publication of information about works qualified for the post-contest exhibition: by November 30, 2021 at www.ffse2021.eu 
 sending the original copies of works qualified for the exhibition: by December 31, 2021 
 the meeting of the Jury: January 10, 2022 
 the announcement of the results: by January 15, 2022 
 post-contest exhibition: March 12 - 31, 2022 
Entry Form on source: ffse2021 .


The 6th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2021, Croatia

6th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2021, Croatia
Everyone can participate regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession. 
Over 16 years 
Up to 16 years 
THEME: CYCLE TOURISM (bicycle touring) 
Participants can send maximum 2 works. 
Size of entries is A4 or A3 format (jpg 300 dpi) - required. 
When submitting, each entry should have author’s full name, country and the number of the entry. For example: DAMIR NOVAK CROATIA 1, DAMIR NOVAK CROATIA 2 
All entries should be emailed to: cartoondamir@gmail.com 
DEADLINE 04.10.2021 (EXTENDED:) 19.10.2021  
The international jury will choose the cartoons. 
 First prize - 250 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - 150 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - 100 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue 
First prize - diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue 
Authors of works that qualify for the exhibition of 50 authors will be given a copy of the cataloque. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the exhibition as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to an author. 
Source: damir novak .


Humor vs Postcoronavirus: 28th International Calicomix Festival 2021

Starts the Contest "Humor vs. Postcoronavirus" which closes on September 4, 2021. 
They invite Calicomix Foundation, the Creative Bando and the Mixed Fund for the Promotion of Culture and Arts of the Valley of Cauca. 
Reflections, teachings and experiences with the pandemic
1-Anyone enthusiastic about graphic humor can participate, regardless of age, nationality, or sex. The technique is free, its technique can be analogous or digital. 
2-The format is 21 x 28 cms (horizontal or vertical) 300 dpi JPG files (mandatory) resolution and works that have already participated in other contests or exhibitions can be submitted. 
3-The Awards
1 prize of $ 1.000.000. oo * for first place - TOPIC: Humor vs. PostCoronavirus 
1 prize of $ 500.000. oo * prize for second place - TOPIC: Mood vs. PostCoronavirus 
1 prize of $ 300.000. oo * prize for third place - TOPIC: FREE 
* Colombian pesos 
4-Selected works will be in virtual exhibition at the 28 International Calicomix Festival 2021, on the website of CALICOMIX and social networks. 
Children (under 15 years of age) participating will have a special exhibition of their works with their names and nationality, organization of the event will send them a certificate of participation in the contest. 
5-Closing date is September 4, 2021 
6-By participating the contestant donates the publication rights of his works to the Calicomix Foundation and to the sponsoring entities of the contest to use them in broadcast campaigns in different media where will be disclosed the name of the artist and nationality of each contestant. 
7-To participate you can submit up to three digital works with the following details: name, age, email and nationality, without this data you will not be able to contest. 
Selected winners will be asked for the details for the award to your bank account. If the winner is a person residing abroad, money transfer costs will be deducted from the prize. 
We appreciate your participation. 
8-Unique Shipping Address: calicomixconcurso@gmail.com 
Source: calicomix .


International Cartoon Competition “Climate Technology” 2021, Estonia

“Climate Technology” 2021
Estonian Humour Union and Estonian Humor Museum, in collaboration with their partner ABC Kliima, are organizing an international cartoon competition by the theme of “Climate Technology“. 
About the topic: 
The theme of the drawings should revolve around the climate technology that influence our everyday lives: 
• Solar panels 
• Air conditionings 
• Ground source heat pumps 
• Ventilations 
• Air humidifiers 
• Air curtains 
• Central vacuum cleaners 
• Floor heating 
• Sauna stoves 
• Infra-red heating 
• Geothermal 
• Etc. 
Prize fund: 
I place – 1000 € 
II place – 500 € 
III place – 300 € 
* 2 special prizes – starting from 100 € (for Estonian cartoonists when left out of the award-winning places) 
(Taxes will be deducted from the prizes; the panel holds the right to make changes in the distribution of the awards) 
Agreeing to take part in the competition implies the agreement with the following rules: 
• Every author is allowed to send in up to 5 cartoons, but only one cartoon per author will be awarded. The cartoons can be previously published, but should not have been already awarded. All cartoons are welcomed, granted that no copyright laws have been broken. 
• All cartoons must be square-shaped and with the sizing of 2480 x 2480 px (210 x 210 mm) and 300 dpi, JPG or PNG format 
• Both colourful and black-and-white cartoons are allowed 
• Cartoons must not contain any text except internationally known English expressions (OK, S.O.S, HELP, etc.). 
• The authors first and last name, address, and e-mail address must be submitted with the cartoon. 
• The cartoons must be submitted before September 30, 2021 to cartoon@eestihuumor.ee 
• The winners will be revealed on November 1, 2021 
• All of the cartoons sent in for the competition will be stored in the Estonian Humour Museum 
• The best cartoons will be exhibited in the Estonian Humour Museum. The exhibit might also be showcaseed as a traveling exhibition all over Estonia. 
• The results of the competition will be revealed through media channels and the awarded authors will be notified through the contact information provided 
• The e-catalogue can be see from: www.eestihuumor.ee 
• ABC Kliima, Estonian Humour Museum and Estonian Humour Union hold the right to publish or print all of the cartoons sent into the competition in any media channel or format, without payment or the approval from the author 
• More information: cartoon@eestihuumor.ee 

Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2021, Japan

Submission guidelines 
‘Manga pandemic’-themed manga or illustrations featuring the following motifs: 
A Mutant strain 
B Vaccine 
C Mask 
D After Corona 
E Other (open category) 
Size, Shape: Any size and shape are welcome. Format: The artwork format can be single-panel satirical manga, story manga, or illustration, etc. 
File requirements: JPEG file not exceeding 10MB, and at least 2000 pixels on the longest side. 
Language: Japanese or English. We will attach a Japanese or English translation for the exhibition if necessary. 
Color: Either monochrome or color is acceptable. 
Submission method: Email preferred. If you would like to submit the original drawing, please contact us. When applying please let us know: 
(1) Your name (pen name is acceptable), including notation in Roman alphabet if your name is written in another script. 
(2) Your chosen theme (A~E) 
(3) Title of your work (Japanese and English) 
(3) Nationality 
(4) Date of production 
(5) Your contact information (email address and phone number) 
Details 1-5 will be open to the public. 
Qualifications for submission: Applications are open to both professionals and amateurs, living inside or outside of Japan. 
Submission deadline: October 31 (Sun), 2021. 
Submissions and enquiries address: Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center c/o Mr. Ito, mandemic2021@kyotomm.jp 
- We cannot offer any form of monetary reward or remuneration. This is a not-for-profit project. 
- Copyright is retained by the creator, but images of the work may be used for publicity (including on Twitter) or may be included in business reports. In addition, unless the executive committee determines it to be ‘exceptional commercial use’, the work may be used as an exhibit in another exhibition. 
Source: mangapandemic .


The 9th International Cartoon Exhibition in Ymittos 2021, Greece

Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2021
Terms of Participation 
• The drawings should be in black and white or in color. 
• Each participant may present up to 3 works printable in A3 size with margins around drawings. It is possible to print and exhibit drawings in A4 size. 
• The resolution of the works should be at least 300 dpi. 
• It is preferable that the drawings do not contain any text or comments. In case they do, an English or Greek text should be definitely included. 
• The use of collage is not permitted. 
• The works should be sent via e-mail. 
• Any drawings judged by the Jury Members to have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified. 
• The works should not have been previously published or presented in other exhibitions. 
• The works should not include any offensive material. 
• Each participant should make available a brief CV, an e-mail address, a Skype account (if available) and a postal address. 
• All drawings participating in the exhibition may be presented in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad. 
• The works can only be used for non-profit purposes; in any case, with the name of the artist and the event explicitly mentioned. 
• Any works not corresponding to the above requirements will not be accepted and the cartoonist will be informed accordingly by e-mail. 
• Up to 100 drawings chosen by the Jury Members will be exhibited. 
• The prizes will be decided by the Jury Members 
• The Critical Committee consists of men of letters and artists of high repute. 
• The works may be used as part of the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Moreover, any commercial exploitation of part or all of the exhibition is prohibited. 
• The participating artists will not receive payment of any kind for their participation. 
• The copyright of the Exhibition is owned jointly by the organizers, the Municipality of Dafni – Ymittos and Ergastiri. 
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of the above. 
• Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition via e-mail. 
Submission Deadline: August 31st 2021 
The drawings are to be sent to the following e-mail address: cartoondafniymittos@gmail.com 
The dates of the Exhibition will be determined on the basis of health conditions. 
The exhibition will be of a competitive character and not purely demonstrative. 
The best works will be awarded: 
1st Prize: 500 Euro 
2nd Prize: 300 Euro 
3rd Prize: 100 Euro 
4th Prize: an album of the expressionist painter George Bouzianis’s works published by Benaki Museum (english or greek edition). 
5th Prize: book or CD 
In addition, 10 merit awards will be given. 
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation. 
On behalf of the Organizing Committee 
Yannis Kaltsas 
Anastasios Ath. Biniskos 
Mayor of Dafni - Ymittos. 
Source: cartoonsymittos.