
Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2021, Japan

Submission guidelines 
‘Manga pandemic’-themed manga or illustrations featuring the following motifs: 
A Mutant strain 
B Vaccine 
C Mask 
D After Corona 
E Other (open category) 
Size, Shape: Any size and shape are welcome. Format: The artwork format can be single-panel satirical manga, story manga, or illustration, etc. 
File requirements: JPEG file not exceeding 10MB, and at least 2000 pixels on the longest side. 
Language: Japanese or English. We will attach a Japanese or English translation for the exhibition if necessary. 
Color: Either monochrome or color is acceptable. 
Submission method: Email preferred. If you would like to submit the original drawing, please contact us. When applying please let us know: 
(1) Your name (pen name is acceptable), including notation in Roman alphabet if your name is written in another script. 
(2) Your chosen theme (A~E) 
(3) Title of your work (Japanese and English) 
(3) Nationality 
(4) Date of production 
(5) Your contact information (email address and phone number) 
Details 1-5 will be open to the public. 
Qualifications for submission: Applications are open to both professionals and amateurs, living inside or outside of Japan. 
Submission deadline: October 31 (Sun), 2021. 
Submissions and enquiries address: Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center c/o Mr. Ito, mandemic2021@kyotomm.jp 
- We cannot offer any form of monetary reward or remuneration. This is a not-for-profit project. 
- Copyright is retained by the creator, but images of the work may be used for publicity (including on Twitter) or may be included in business reports. In addition, unless the executive committee determines it to be ‘exceptional commercial use’, the work may be used as an exhibit in another exhibition. 
Source: mangapandemic .


The 9th International Cartoon Exhibition in Ymittos 2021, Greece

Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2021
Terms of Participation 
• The drawings should be in black and white or in color. 
• Each participant may present up to 3 works printable in A3 size with margins around drawings. It is possible to print and exhibit drawings in A4 size. 
• The resolution of the works should be at least 300 dpi. 
• It is preferable that the drawings do not contain any text or comments. In case they do, an English or Greek text should be definitely included. 
• The use of collage is not permitted. 
• The works should be sent via e-mail. 
• Any drawings judged by the Jury Members to have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified. 
• The works should not have been previously published or presented in other exhibitions. 
• The works should not include any offensive material. 
• Each participant should make available a brief CV, an e-mail address, a Skype account (if available) and a postal address. 
• All drawings participating in the exhibition may be presented in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad. 
• The works can only be used for non-profit purposes; in any case, with the name of the artist and the event explicitly mentioned. 
• Any works not corresponding to the above requirements will not be accepted and the cartoonist will be informed accordingly by e-mail. 
• Up to 100 drawings chosen by the Jury Members will be exhibited. 
• The prizes will be decided by the Jury Members 
• The Critical Committee consists of men of letters and artists of high repute. 
• The works may be used as part of the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Moreover, any commercial exploitation of part or all of the exhibition is prohibited. 
• The participating artists will not receive payment of any kind for their participation. 
• The copyright of the Exhibition is owned jointly by the organizers, the Municipality of Dafni – Ymittos and Ergastiri. 
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of the above. 
• Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition via e-mail. 
Submission Deadline: August 31st 2021 
The drawings are to be sent to the following e-mail address: cartoondafniymittos@gmail.com 
The dates of the Exhibition will be determined on the basis of health conditions. 
The exhibition will be of a competitive character and not purely demonstrative. 
The best works will be awarded: 
1st Prize: 500 Euro 
2nd Prize: 300 Euro 
3rd Prize: 100 Euro 
4th Prize: an album of the expressionist painter George Bouzianis’s works published by Benaki Museum (english or greek edition). 
5th Prize: book or CD 
In addition, 10 merit awards will be given. 
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation. 
On behalf of the Organizing Committee 
Yannis Kaltsas 
Anastasios Ath. Biniskos 
Mayor of Dafni - Ymittos. 
Source: cartoonsymittos.


The 13th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2021, Turkey

13th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2021, Turkey
The theme of the competition in 2021 is:
Workers in the tourism industry”. 
Some tourism workers are: Animator/entertainment team members, Bartender/barista, Bell team/uniformed services, Butler, Cabin crew members, Caddy, Call center agent, Cashier, Concierge, Cruiseship team members, Executive Housekeeper, Floor inspector, Food engineer, Front office clerk, Front office manager, Gardener, Golf club manager, Ground crew members, Guest services/Relations agents, Hotel guides, Hotel manager/General manager/Club manager, House/pool/beach people, Housekeeping officers, Hotel restaurant officers, Kitchen team, Laundry attendants, Lifeguards, Maintenance team members, Marina crew members, Marketing team members, Night auditors, Proshop attendants, Reservations clerks, Room attendants, Room service attendants, Sales team members/agents, Security agents, SPA team members, Stewerding team members, Ticketing officers, Tourist guides, Transfer agents, Waiter/waitress. 
The tourism industry incorporates diverse activities in the following areas: Accommodation (hotel, motel, resorts, clubs, hostels etc.), Food and beverage services
 (restaurants, bars, cafes, pastry, local and authentic products food etc.), Transport services
 (airline, railway, road and water, car rentals, yachting etc.), Distribution (online, tour operators, travel agencies etc.), Cultural services (events, festivals, concerts, museums, sites etc.), Sport and recreational activities (entertainment, games, sports tournaments, world cup, night shows, and country-specific goods, services and activities, and sports and recreation), camping, caravan, extreme sports vb.
Cartoons will be accepted in two sections:
Adult Category: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award, second award, third award, Professor Atila Özer recognition award and three mansions will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.
Young Category: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award and two achievement awards will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.
First Announcement: July 2021
Deadline for Submission: 31 December 2021
Meeting of the pre-Selection Committee: 22 January 2022
Announcement of finalist cartoons (for possible objections): February 1 – 9, 2022
Notification of Winners: April 2022.
Category of Adult Cartoonists
The Grand Award: $1000
The Second Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pension, (Four Points by Sheraton)
The Third Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pension, Four Points by Sheraton)
Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award: $500.
Category of Young Cartoonists
The Grand Award: $500
The Second Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pension, Four Points by Sheraton)
The Third Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pension, Four Points by Sheraton).
For further information and cartoon mailings:
P.O. Box 109, 06444 
Yenisehir, Ankara / Turkey 
E-mail: tourismcartoon@gmail.com
For further information:


The 16th International Cartoon Contest, Braila 2021, Romania

International Cartoon Contest, the XVIth edition
20th of June-08th of October 2021, Braila, Romania
The contest is open to all cartoonists. 
ENTRIES: max. 3. The cartoons will be original and accompanied by a brief biography (including photo, addresse and phone number). The making technique of the cartoons is free. 
Deadline: The cartoons will be sent until the 06th of September 2021
Mandatory technical conditions 
Size: A3 (297 mm x420 mm). 
The cartoons will be sent in electronic format, JPG, 300 dpi, CMYK 
In the name of the file, each sent cartoon will contain the author's name and title of the work/the cartoons’ numbering. 
Mailing address : cartooncontestbraila@gmail.com  
Participants must own all the rights to the cartoons entered in the contest. 
The cartoon’s author gives the Organizer the right to use the cartoon which entered in the contest, according to the Romanian legislation, in order to promote the event, to make exhibitions, to promote the institution and the city's image, unlimited, by any means. 
The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for any breaches of copyright. 
Exclusive responsibility lies with the one who sent the cartoon. 
THE BIG PRIZE –1.000 €; 
3 SPECIAL PRIZES – 3 x 200 € (each) 
The Prizes will be taxed according to Romanian legislation. 
Please note! To be able to receive their prize, winners must send the winning cartoon in original (with the author's signature on the back of the work) within 30 days from the winners’s announcement and communicate the bank account in Romanian currency -lei ( for the Romanian competitors) or the euro account (for foreign competitors), the property right over the winning work, being transferred following the payment of the value of the won prize, to CJCPCT Brăila. 
The winning cartoons will be mailed to the following address: Romania, Braila, Traian Square, No. 2, Postal code 810153
The Organizer shall not be responsible for failure of a winner to receive the prize for reasons that are not related to the Organizer. If the competitor does not comply with the obligations imposed by this regulation, the Organizer is relieved of any liability. 
Mention! In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is relieved of any liability. 
The winners will also receive a cataloque and the awarding certificate, in physical format (if they will be present at the opening). 
Salon opening and awarding ceremony: the 8th of October 2021, 17h 
Depending on the evolution of covid 19, the Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of the contest; subsequent changes will be communicated to those interested. 
The development will respect the conditions imposed by the legislation regarding Covid 19, but also by the evolution at national and international level of the pandemic caused by Coronavirus. Taking into account the restrictive measures adopted in order to prevent and limit the spread of Covid 19, the Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions regarding the opening of the event. 
Participants (winners and members of the jury) must present at the County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, the Green Passport (proof of vaccination against Covid) or proof of RT-PCR test not older than 72 hours, under the conditions established by the methodology approved by joint order of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health or proof that the participant is in the period between the 15th and 90th the following day of confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection (as shown in Annex No. 1 to HCNSU No. 26 of 10.05.2021 Measures to prevent and control infections proposed to be applied during the alert state). 
If the participant is found with Covid 19 will assume the payment of the meal and accommodation for the quarantine period provided by the norms of the legislation in force. Thus, the Organizer is exempt from any financial implications on the quarantine of the participant. 
The catalog will include a selection of the most valuable works in the competition. 
The catalog of the International Cartoon Contest,the 16th edition, can be downloaded from the institution's website: http://centruldecreatiebraila.ro/
Registration for the International Cartoon Contest is equivalent to taking note of and complying with the Regulations of the International Cartoon Contest. 
Contact: County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Brăila, Piața Traian 2, 810153, Brăila, Romania; Telephone and fax: +40.239.614.710. 


Petroka International Cartoon Contest 2021, Indonesia

Petroka International Cartoon Contest 2021
• Subject: FARMER 
• Open for all participant around the world 
A3 size image, 300 dpi resolution, RGB color, JPG format, maximum file size 3 MB 
• Participants may submit a maximum of three (3) works 
• Participants register and upload works at http://44th.petrokayaku.com 
• Original work, if it is proven that the winning work is a plagiarized work, then the committee has the right to cancel the title of champion and the prize 
• Deadline for submission of works is July 25, 2021 
• Announcement of winners July 30, 2021 on the website and Petrokimia Kayaku Social Media 
• The submitted work belongs to Petrokimia Kayaku 
1st Prize: 10.000.000 IDR 
2nd Prize: 7.000.000 IDR 
3rd Prize: 5.000.000 IDR 
3 Favorite Cartoons: 2.000.000 IDR. 
• Subscribe Official Channel Youtube Petrokimia Kayaku 
• Registration Form on source.


The 1st International Cartoon Contest "Egypt Cartoon" 2021

The 1st International Cartoon Contest "Egypt Cartoon"
Organized by Egypt Cartoon Blogger in cooperation with the Tomato Cartoon Magazine
Theme: The Flowers 
The contest is open to all cartoonists of the world (over 18 years), amateur or professional regardless of age, gender, religion, and education. 
The contestants may send up to three works, realized by using any technique, colour or black and white. Works must be in JPEG format, 300 dpi, A3 size, must not contain any captions or comments. 
• 1st Prize: 300 $, with Special Honor Diploma 
• 3 Excellence Awards 
Terms and Deadline: 
• The works and participant CV (Name, Country, Address, Phone number) should be sent to: 
• Without the artist permission the organizers have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. 
• All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalogue and a digital certificate of participation. 
• Deadline:15 August 2021 
For more details please visit: 
Source: egyptoons.

Similarity: Azrael, the artist

Pascal Gelu Special Prize
15th Int. Exhibition of Satirical Graphics, Bukovina 2021
Theme: Colors.
Online Humor Magazine
Dış Mihrak #111, 13 March 2017.
This report by Gülek Kandıralı.