
Press Freedom Cartoon Exhibition 2021, Indonesia

Press Freedom Cartoon Exhibition 2021
a solidarity action for journalist Nurhadi
Violence, intimidation and repressive actions by the authorities against journalists are a serious threat to press freedom in Indonesia. Although the work of journalists has been protected by the Press Law, cases of violence against journalists in the field continue to occur. 
Most recently, a Tempo journalist in Surabaya, Nurhadi, was a victim of violence by law enforcers. He was tortured while carrying out coverage at the Samudra Bumimoro Building on Saturday (27/3/2021). 
The Press Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia noted that cases of violence against journalists in 2020 were the highest in the past 10 years. The case has increased significantly compared to the previous year. 
In 2020 there were 117 cases of violence against journalists and media, an increase of 32 percent compared to 2019 (79 cases). Of the 117 cases, 99 cases occurred to journalists, 12 cases were to the student press, and 6 cases to the media, especially cyber media. 
Meanwhile, AJI Indonesia noted that in 2020 there were 84 cases of violence against journalists or an increase of 31 cases compared to 2019 (53 cases). Meanwhile, the perpetrators of violence were mostly security forces. 
For that we need joint efforts to build awareness of press freedom and protection of journalists. This is because journalists, as the fourth pillar of democracy, work for the public. Thus, it becomes a collective work to protect journalists so that the public's rights are not taken away. 
One of the efforts is through a campaign involving various parties. AJI Semarang cooperates with Gold Pencil Indonesia to hold a press freedom and non-violence campaign against journalists through the cartoon exhibition "Let Journalist be Journalist". 
Exhibition at the same time to enliven the World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2021. 
theme: "Let Journalist be Journalist
1. Stop violence against journalists 
2. Journalists work for the public 
3. Digital attacks: doxing, DdoS etc. 
4. Pressure to revise the ITE Law in Indonesia 
• Each cartoonist can send maximum of 5 pieces. 
• The artwork may have been published or a new work 
• It is required to send us your name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number, resume and social media account. 
• The size of the works 300 dpi, A4/A3 jpg format. 
• Upload your work to social media with hashtags #JurnalisKerjaUntukPublik #KamiBersamaJurnalisHadi #JurnalisBukanKriminal #MenujuWPFD2021 by mentioning account @aji_semarang @ajiindonesia , @DivHumas_Polri, @jokowi, and @HumasPoldaJatim 
• All works that enter the committee will be published on social media and online galleries on the website www.ajisemarang.org and journalist network websites in Indonesia. 
• The three best works will receive appreciation from the committee 
• All participants will receive an e-certificate and e-catalog 
DEADLINE: April 30, 2021 
SEND YOUR Cartoons TO EMAIL: ajikotasmg@gmail.com 
For More Information, Contact US: 
twitter: @ajikotasmg
Source: ajisemarang.

4th Open International Caricature Competition on Road Safety, Tyumen 2021, Russia

Open International Caricature Competition on Road Safety
The Traffic Police Department of Russia in the Tyumen Region, together with the Russian Automobile Federation, organizes the Open International Caricature Competition on Road Safety. 
1. Goals and objectives of the Competition 
1.1. Goals of the Competition: 
 preventing traffic offenses, road accidents and reducing the severity of their consequences; 
 forming stable knowledge of traffic rules, skills of safe behavior on the road, respectful attitude to each other, educating for self-discipline and personal responsibility for actions in the process of traffic; 
 forming a positive image of traffic police and traffic police officers. 
1.2. Objectives of the Competition: 
 creating a positive public attitude to road safety through humor; 
 combining the efforts of police officers, artists and cultural workers in ensuring road safety; 
 developing new forms of cooperation and interaction to promote road safety. 
2. Organizers and participants of the Competition 
2.1. The competition is held by the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF) and the Russian Traffic Police in the Tyumen region. 
2.2. The Competition jury consists of representatives of the RAF, the State Traffic Police of Russia in the Tyumen region, famous people, representatives of public organizations, art unions and the media. 
2.3. Participants of the adult section: 
Professional artists and amateurs. 
2.4. Participants of the children's section: 
The participants can be juveniles under the age of 10 to 18 years. 
3. Content of the Competition 
The Competition is provided with individually made cartoons, comics (with or without words) representing a satirical or humorous drawing that reflects an ironic, caricatured view of the relations developed through participating in road traffic, on the following topics: 
3.1. Adult section: 
 a call to drivers for being attentive (not distracted) on the road; 
 a call for being compliant with the speed limit on the road; 
 ensuring the safety of child passengers; 
 ensuring the safety of pedestrians; 
 ensuring the safety of cyclists; 
 other topics on road safety. 
3.2. Children's section: 
 ensuring road safety while using personal mobility equipment; 
 ensuring the safety of road users (pedestrians and cyclists) with the use of retroreflective elements; 
 a call to drivers for being attentive to children on the road. 
4. Competition procedure 
4.1. The number of drawings accepted for consideration from one participant is not limited. 
4.2. The best cartoons selected by the Organizing Committee will be presented at the Exhibition, which will be held in Tyumen. 
4.3. The jury determines the winners in each section (for adult and children). 
4.4. The technique of drawing is free and not regulated. 
4.5. The drawings are submitted in the form of an electronic file to the e-mail address 
gibdd72-konkurs@mail.ru (JPEG, 300 dpi, at least 3600 pixels on the long axis). 
4.6. Each work submitted for the Competition is accompanied by a registration form (Appendix 1). By filling out this registration form, the participant guarantees to the organizers of the Competition that he or she is the author of the submitted work, at the time of sending the materials to the Competition, all intellectual rights belong to him or her and are not burdened with the rights of third parties in any way, as well as gives consent to the storage, processing and the use of personal data by spreading them out to the attention of the unlimited number of people to the extent necessary for fulfilling the terms of the Regulations. 
4.7. The criteria of evaluating works: compliance with the topic, the originality of approach to it, creative personality, technique, clarity. 
4.8. The results of the Competition are posted on the account of the IV International Caricature Competition on Road Safety in the social networks Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/karikatura3 , and Vkontakte https://vk.com/karikatura_bdd 
5. Terms and Deadlines of the Competition 
Drawings for the Competition are accepted until May 30, 2021, inclusive. 
The results of the Competition will be announced in June 2021. 
6. Conditions and restrictions for participating in the Competition 
6.1. By participating in the Competition, the authors make a significant contribution to the prevention of accidents and reduction of injuries on the roads. 
6.2. Submission of the authors ' works for participating in the Competition means the author's consent to these terms and conditions. 
6.3. Collective and anonymous drawings that do not contain information about the participant are not allowed to participate in the Competition and are not considered. 
6.4. Drawings that violate copyright regulations are not accepted and are not considered. 
6.5. In the case of obvious repetitions among the submitted works, the final decision on the caricature is left to the jury. 
6.6. In the case of violation of the Terms and Conditions of the Competitions, the cartoons are removed from the contest with an explanation of the reasons. 
6.7. Correspondence with the authors is delivered by email: gibdd72-konkurs@mail.ru 
6.8. Caricatures of participants may be used by the Competition organizers without restrictions for exhibitions, various mass events, publication in media, and the production of printed and visual promotion of road safety. 
7. Competition organizers 
 Develop the Competition Regulations; 
 register the Competition participants; 
 accept the competition works; 
 form the Jury Committee that evaluates the Competition works and determines the winners of the Competition; 
 hold the Competition, the exhibition of the best works, and the Award Ceremony of the winners. 
8. Rewarding the Competition participants 
Properly registered and eligible participants will receive an e-card and the certificate of participation. 
The winners and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded with souvenirs and visual promotion on road safety. 
President of the Russian Automobile Federation 
V. N. Kiryanov 
Acting Head of the Traffic Police Department 
at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia in the Tyumen region 
A. V. Miller 
Source: karikatura3.


International Satirical Picture Competition "Karpik", Niemodlin 2021, Poland

The Regulations concerning the International Satirical Picture Competition
„KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland

§ 1
These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) specify the terms and conditions of holding the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

§ 2
1. The Competition is organized by Agnieszka Osiecka Cultural Centre in Niemodlin.
2. The Participants of the Competition may be natural persons, of legal age, with full legal capacity regardless of their place of residence.
3. Participation in the Competition is free of charge.

§ 3
Application for participation in the Competition is equivalent to the participant's acceptance of the Regulations in their entirety. The Participant undertakes to comply with the rules set out therein, as well as confirms that he meets the conditions that entitle him to participate in the Competition.

§ 4
1. Submitting entry of participation in the competition consists of sending to the Organizer an original version of a freehand drawing on the subject of fish, fishermen, fishing in nets, etc., meeting the conditions set out in these Regulations.
2. Drawings in sizes not exceeding A3 format are taking part in the Competition.
3. Each participant of the Competition is entitled to present a maximum 2 works.
4. Each of the entries submitted should be described on the reverse in the following manner: the date of completing the work, the author's full name and address, contact details such as the telephone number or the e-mail address.
5. Providing personal data referred to in paragraph 4, is voluntary, but necessary to conduct the Competition. Their submission is tantamount to consenting to the processing of these data, and failure to provide the data in question will consequently exclude the participant and the works sent by him from the Competition.
6. The submitted work must be authored by the Participant. By accepting the Regulations, the Participant declares that he is the author of the work submitted to the Competition and that he has unlimited proprietary copyrights and dependent rights to use and dispose of the submitted work.
7. Works submitted for participation in the Competition which will not comply with the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations shall not be included in the Competition.

§ 5
1. The Competition is announced by the Organizer annually, not later than by January 15 of a given calendar year and lasts till November 30 of the same year.
2. The works must be sent in a package preventing their damage.
3. The Organizers shall not be responsible for any losses or damage caused during the transport of the works.
4. The Competition entries may be submitted from the day of announcement of the competition until September 30 of the same year. The deadline for submissions is September 30. The date of receipt by the organizer is what counts.
5. The Works with the note "Karpik" on the envelope should be sent to the following address:

Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlinie,
ul. M. Reja1,
49-100 Niemodlin, POLAND

§ 6
1. The selection of the award-winning works will be based on the following criteria:
1) the idea consistent with the theme of the competition,
2) the performance technique.
2. The winning entries are selected by the Jury, whose members will be made public after the completion of their work. The chairman of the Jury, if it is possible for organizational reasons, is the Grand Prix winner of the last edition of the Competition.
3. The winner of the competition in a given year shall be selected in the first half of October this year from among works that meet the criteria of these Regulations.
4. The final result of the Competition will be published on the Cultural Centre’s website:
www. okniemodlin.org.
5. The winners of the Competition shall receive the prizes specified in § 7.

§ 7
1. The prizes of the Competition are as follows:
1) Grand Prix – PLN 2,800 gross
2) three main prizes – PLN 1,150 gross each
2. The organizer may grant additional prizes or distinctions in any form or amount he chooses.
3. The competition prize will be issued only in the form specified in the Regulations, without the possibility of exchange for another prize in kind.
4. The main prize may be handed over at the Organizer's headquarters after prior notification of the competition winner during the prize giving gala or it may be sent by post to the winner's home address or bank account.
5. In case the Participant fails to collect the award in person, it shall be sent by post to the winner’s address.
6. In the case referred to in the paragraph 5 above, the winner of the competition shall pay the prize shipping cost. The shipping cost will be deducted from the prize received.

§ 8
1. The organizer has the exclusive right to choose the winner of the Competition based on the principles set out in these Regulations.
2. Pursuant to art. 30 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act on personal income tax (income) on winnings from competitions, games and betting or prizes related to bonus sales obtained in a Member State of the European Union or in another country of the European Economic Area, subject to art. 21 paragraph 1 points 6, 6a and 68 - a flat-rate income tax of 10% on the prize or prize is collected. The tax on winnings is collected without reducing the income by the costs of obtaining. The cost of the prize tax is covered by the prize winners.
3. The organizer shall pay the competition prize and also collect from the winner of the Competition an appropriate amount of flat-rate tax on winning the Competition and will pay it to the account of the relevant tax office, in accordance with applicable regulations.

§ 9
1. Upon the submission of the entry to the Organizer, the Organizer will obtain non-exclusive licence for an indeterminate period of time, which will authorise the Organizer to free use of proprietary copyrights to the entry in the following areas of exploitation:
a) using the work on the organizer’s website,
b) presenting the work during the post-contest exhibition,
c) placing reproductions of the work in catalogues presenting the entries which will be distributed by the Organizer for promotional purposes of the Competition.
2. On the issuing of the prize to the Participant, the Organizer gains free proprietary rights to the awarded entry of the Participant in the following areas of exploitation:
1) with regard to the right to record and multiply the work using printing and digital techniques;
2) with regard to distribution of the work – in form of public exposition and making the work available in such manner that everybody could have access to it at a time and place chosen by themselves, in particular by placing it in the Organizer’s advertising or promotional materials.
3. Upon delivery of the competition entry to the Organizer, ownership of the drawing shall be transferred to the Organizer.

§ 10
1. Participant's participation in the Competition does not constitute grounds for demanding any remuneration by him.
2. All materials promoting the Competition are solely of an advertising nature, while only the provisions of the Regulations are binding.

§ 11
1. The Organizer is not responsible for problems in the functioning of the Competition, if they occurred as a result of events that the Organizer, with due diligence, was not able to predict or which could not be prevented, in particular in the case of problems related to random events of force majeure, participating in the Competition contrary to the provisions of these Regulations and damages caused by them.
2. The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to collect the Prize for reasons beyond his control and on the part of the Competition Participant.
3. Winners of the Competition shall not be entitled to transfer the right to the Prize to third parties.
4. The winner of the Competition may waive the prize in writing, but in return he is not entitled to any other equivalent.

§ 12
The provisions of these Regulations of the Competition are the sole basis for conducting the Competition, and their interpretation belongs solely to the organizer of the Competition and is final.

§ 13
The Organizer of the Contest has the right to exclude the Contest Participant or his work in the event of the Participant's failure to comply with the law, decency, violation of these Regulations or other violation of the rights or interests of the Organizer.

§ 14
1. These Regulations constitute the sole binding document specifying the rules of the Competition.
2. The organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations in the event of a change in legal regulations or for another important reason, in particular if the change allows the Competition to be carried out efficiently and in accordance with the regulations, provided that it does not violate the participants' acquired rights.
3. The text and any amendments to these Regulations will be publicly announced on the Cultural Centre’s website www.okniemodlin.org.

§ 15
In connection with the requirements of the provisions on the protection of personal data, the organizer of the competition, being at the same time, the administrator of personal data, included in Annex 1 to these Regulations, information on the processing of personal data.

Annex 1 to the International Satirical Picture Competition "KARPIK"

Organizing and conducting cultural activities
Organization of the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK”
Niemodlin, Polska

1. The administrator of your personal data is Agnieszka Osiecka Cultural Centre in Niemodlin,
ul. Mikołaja Reja 1, 49-100 Niemodlin, phone/fax: (+48) 774 606 096, e-mail:
2. The data protection officer is Krzysztof Kranc, phone .: (+48) 509 947 925, e-mail:
3. Your personal data is processed in order to organize and conduct cultural activities within the scope of the organization of the International Satirical Competition "KARPIK".
Legal basis for processing your personal data:
a. consent to the processing of personal data of the data subject.
4. Recipients of personal data / categories of data recipients: public recipient informed through the administrator's publications and social media (Internet - including social media, radio press television) and the jury of the contest.

In addition, to ensure the accuracy and transparency of processing, we inform you that:
5. Your personal data will be stored for the period necessary to implement the abovementioned the purpose of processing, i.e. until the resolution of the contest in question, and in addition, in relation to the names, surnames and images of the contestants, for the period of publication of these data.
6. You have the right to request the administrator to access your personal data, the right to rectify it, delete or limit processing, the right to object to their processing, as well as the right to transfer your data, when and to the extent that it is permitted by applicable law and possible for the administrator.
7. In relation to processing, based on your consent, you have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
8. In the event of a breach of the provisions on the protection of personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body, i.e. to the Office for Personal Data Protection.
9. Providing your personal data:
a. is not a statutory requirement,
b. is a contractual requirement but is not a condition for concluding a contract.
Providing your personal data processed on the basis of consent is voluntary.
Failure to provide personal data, which is not mandatory, prevents participation in the contest.
10. Decisions regarding your person are not made in an automated manner.
11. Your personal data is not profiled.
Source: okniemodlin.


The 5th International Biennial Book Cartoon Contest 2021, Iran

“Book and Children”, “Book, Librarian and Library”, “Book and Media”, “Book and Coronavirus”. 
❖ First: honorable mention, trophy, 1500 €. 
❖ Second: honorable mention, trophy, 1000 €. 
❖ Third: honorable mention, trophy, 500 €. 
Five Iranian artists will receive certificates of appreciation, trophy and 50 million Rials. 
❖ Each artist can participate in one section. 
❖ Each artist can send maximum of 5 pieces. 
❖ The artworks should not have participated or received awards in another contest or festival. 
❖ It is necessary to determine in which section you want to participate. 
❖ By participating the festival, the artist agreed to the regulations. 
❖ All the intellectual rights of the submitted artworks belong to Iran Public Libraries Institution. 
❖ It is required to send us your name, surname, postal address, email address, phone number and resume. 
❖ 200 dpi, size 2000 pixel (length or width) and jpg format. 
❖ Also, award-winning works and published works in the catalog of previous periods of this festival will not be accepted. 
❖ Deadline: 21 June 2021 
Send your artworks to: 
for more info: 
Address: No. 9, Shahid Zakeri Alley, South Palestine St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran, Iran. 
Postal Code: 1416764311 
Tel: +982188951493 
Source: booktoon .


XVI edition of Festival of Economy of Trento 2021, Italy: The Return of the State


Dear Artist friends, like every year the Studio d'Arte Andromeda has been invited to join the Festival of Economy that will be held in Trento from 3 to 6 June 2021. 

“The coronavirus pandemic has driven the public sector to enter even more invasively into our lives, regulating every aspect of our daily activities. Let’s be clear about this, it has done so with good reason, and other countries that have seen less invasive action by their governments have bitterly regretted it. 

The fact remains that when we finally come out of the emergency, we will find ourselves with a hypertrophic state that has moved into fields left exclusively to private initiative in the past. 

The end of the pandemic can be an opportunity to redefine the confines of the state and to reinforce its presence where this is most needed, at the same time planning its withdrawal elsewhere. 

What should the public sector do for its citizens, and what on the other hand should merely be regulated and left to private initiative? And what should the response be to private sector players that do not limit themselves to pursuing their own individual or company interests, but that organise themselves into communities, or third sector associations capable of concerning themselves with the common good as well as, if not better, than the public sector? We should also review how the state can carry out these activities in a more efficient manner. 

The pandemic has been a stress test for the public administration. In many cases it has failed, and we must learn from these negative lessons no less than from the positive ones. We can also learn a great deal from the interaction between the public administration and democratic institutions, and between the technostructure and politics. 

Tito Boeri 
Scientific Director of the Festival" 

​ You are invited to join the exhibition “Smiles from the world”, to think together about the theme of the XVI edition of Festival of Economy of Trento: 

Enterprises, communities and institutions 

The theme is peculiar, for sure it reflects a situation close to our country, Italy – but it also examines a theme common to all, in this year of health emergency. 

The Festival and the exhibition will take place online, the artworks will be visible on the Festival's website and on Studio d'Arte Andromeda’s website, in the section dedicated to the Festival. 

It'll be possible to vote the favorite artwork on our website. 

The winner of the public vote will win a voucher for a stay in Trentino, offered by APT of Trento; 

Deadline: 25 May 2021 

Email address to send the artworks to: economia@studioandromeda.net 

Artworks: MAX 1MB, 300 DPI, JPG. 

Source: studioandromeda.


The 25th edition of the international competition FAX FOR PEACE, Italy

25th edition of the international competition
9 JANUARY 2021
30 JUNE 2021
Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia
Municipality of Spilimbergo
Woman International League for Peace and Freedom
Provincial Committee for UNICEF of Pordenone.
It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of peace, tolerance, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights.
Each competitor may take part in two ways:
1) E-mail, JPG format max 1,5 Mb one or more pictures or works of visual art. E-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu 
2) Send short films and cartoons of maximum 5 minute length that could also be forwarded in compressed format to the following e-mail address istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu or forwarded by mail to via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pn) Italia. The videos can be shot/made in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, Real Video, QuickTime, Video for Windows, etc.)
Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Saturday January 9th 2021 at 8.00 am until Wednesday June 30th 2021 at 12.00 pm.
On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or e-mail address, city, country. 
Single students will also have to specify their school address, their age and the class attended. Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and in different media for no-profit activities. The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. A catalogue will be printed, reproducing a wide selection of the works received after/following up, which later will be sent to competitors free of charge, previous formal request.
The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 6 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness.
Enrico Sarcinelli, Mayor of Spilimbergo
Costantino Ughi, former student representative
Angelo Bertani, art critic
Donato Guerra, President of the cultural association Il Circolo
Lucia D'Andrea, Headmistress of the Technical and Professional Schools of Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento
Nane Zavagno, artist.
Dante Spinotti, cinematographer (Italy)
Riccardo Ghilardi, photographer (Italy)
Mario Sesti, film critic (Italy). 
The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories: 
- BEST WORK - Kindergarten and Primary Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Lower Secondary Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Secondary High Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Video or cartoon: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Artists: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK to satirical or humorous drawing on human and civil themes: € 300,00; 
Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia 
tel. + 39 (0) 427 40392 - fax + 39 (0) 427 40898 


The 48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021, Brazil

48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021
1 - DATES 
The 48th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2021, realized bythe Piracicaba City Hall / Cultural Action and Tourism Secretariat / National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba will be held in accordance with the followings schedule: 
Registration: until June 20. Selection Jury: July 08 and 09. Awards Jury: August 06. Opening Ceremony: August 21. Closing: October 31. 
a) Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished and authorship artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. 
b) The works - all categories - can be sent by MAlL or ELECTRONIC (applications over the Internet on the official website, in the format JPEG and 300 DPI, attached Images at once). 
c) The theme and technique are free. 
d) Digital works must contain the signature of the author. 
e) Humorous sculptures should come with the author's data. 
f) Maximum measures allowed: paper- 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,8 1inches (width). 
g) Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: CARTOON (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), CHARGE (graphic humor with journalistic themes of nowadays), CARICATURE (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), COMIC STRIPS/COMIC STORIES (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work, UNIMED HEALTH (for works that address the health theme) and Thematic (only for works that address the theme Olympic Games proposed by the organization: 
The ancient Olympic Games were a series of competitions held between representatives of various city-states in ancient Greece, which featured mainly athletic events, but also combat and chariot races. The origin of these Olympic Games is shrouded in mystery and legends. One of the most popular myths identifies Hercules and Zeus, his father, as the parents of the Games. According to legend, it was Hercules who first called the Games "Olympic" and established the custom of exploring them every four years. The legend persists that, after Hercules completed his twelve jobs, he built the Olympic stadium as an honor to Zeus. Upon completion, he walked a straight 200 steps and called this distance a stadium (Greek: στάδιον, Latin: stadium, "stage"), which later became a unit of distance. Another myth associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of Olympic truce (ἐκεχειρία, ekecheiria). The most accepted date for the start of the ancient Olympic Games is 776 BC, which is based on inscriptions, found in Olympia, of the winners of a foot race held every four years from 776 BC. The Ancient Games highlighted running events, pentathlon (which consists of a jumping, discus and javelin event, a foot race and a fight), boxing, wrestling and equestrian events. Tradition says that Coroebus, a cook from the city of Elis, was the first Olympic champion. 
The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, with sporting events alongside sacrifice rituals in honor of both Zeus (whose famous statue by Phidias was in his temple in Olympia) and Pelope, the divine hero and mythical king of Olympia. Pélope was famous for his chariot race with King Enomau of Pisatis. The winners of the tests were admired and immortalized in poems and statues. The Games were held every four years, and this period, known as an Olympics, was used by the Greeks as one of their units for measuring time. The Games were part of a cycle known as the Pan-Hellenic Games, which include the Mythic Games, the Nemean Games, and the Isthmic Games. 
The Olympic Games reached their zenith between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, but then gradually lost in importance as the Romans gained power and influence in Greece. According to some authors, the decline in the Olympic spirit does not begin in the Roman period, but in the Hellenistic period. One of the most important causes for understanding this decline is the change in status from citizen / soldier to subject (soldier / professional or athlete / professional). In this way, professionalism took place as an effect of political change and not as the very cause of the changes that occurred from the classical to the Hellenistic period. 
There is no consensus on when the Games officially ended; the most common date is AD 393, when Emperor Theodosius I declared that all pagan practices and cults would be eliminated. Another date is AD 426, when his successor Theodosius II ordered the destruction of all Greek temples. The Olympic Games did not happen again until the end of the 19th century. (source: Wikipedia) 
h) In addition to the prizes for the categories, special prizes may be awarded, offered by our supporters, during the registration and selection process. 
i) Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. lt is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's data base. To make sure your work is original, it is suggested to the artist to check on specialized websites if there is no match of image, text and / or situation of your work with another already published in newspapers, magazines or websites. If there is confirmation of plagiarism the work will be automatically disqualified. 
2.1 - Sent by MAlL 
48º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba - Av. Dr. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 Piracicaba- SP - Brasil 
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author. 
Inscriptions works in JPEG format, 300 DPI (attached images at once) only on our website, on http://salaointernacionaldehumor.com.br 
IMPORTANT: Uploaded files should be named as follows: artist name_country_category_number. Example: paulosilva_brazil_cartoon_01
2.3 deliver in person 
In the CEDHU - National Center for Documentation, Research and Disclosure of Graphic Humor of Piracicaba - Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Warehouse 14A - Parque do Engenho Central - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba SP BRAZIL 
2.4 - The exhibition will be totally virtual 
The 2021 edition of the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba will be completely virtual. Therefore, the selected physical works (either 2D or 3D / sculpture) will be scanned and photographed to be exposed in the virtual exhibition. Therefore, we reaffirm that there will be no physical and face-to-face exposure until the contrary is decided in a later decision. 
The Awards are a totaI of R$ 55.000,00 (fifty five thousand reais) divided as follows: 
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips). 
b) A prize of R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) called "THEMATIC AWARD – OLYMPIC GAMES", destined to works of any category (cartoons, caricature, charge or comics strips) that address the theme OLYMPIC GAMES, proposed by the organization of the event to the 2021 edition. 
c) One award of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips, and thematic) 
d) One prize called Popular Jury "Alceu Marozi Righetto", in the value of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais),chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be Sculptures selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening. 
e) Also planned: a prize of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA award, exclusively for the caricature category; 
f) a prize of R$5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health 
 Besides the monetary value, the winning authors will receive trophies (creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other prizes and mentions may be established, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee and Award Committee. There will be a selection committee and another award committee with recognized and trained professionals. 
The result of the award may be challenged up to one week after the opening of the exhibition, with adequate proof of any irregularities committed without the knowledge of the juries. If fraud or plagiarism is found in any award-winning work, the prize awarded will be canceled. 
The values corresponding to the cash prizes will only be deposited in a current account in the name of the winners according to the legislation established by the Municipality of Piracicaba responsible for the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba. It is mandatory that the winning artist has a current account in his name and he must inform it on the registration form. If you do not provide a current account within 02 (two) months, counted from the day of the announcement of the winners, payment of the prize amount will be canceled. Authors of countries that face economic embargoes of any kind with Brazil and that make impossible the transfer of the monetary values of possible awards can only compete for nominations of honorary prizes. 
a) The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. 
b) The CEDHU is not responsible for any damage caused to the work during the transport via post office or other carrier). 
c) After the exhibition, the original works must be withdrawn by the artist or authorized person carrying a letter of authorization signed by the artist, at CEDHU - Piracicaba, within a period of up to six (6) months, counted from the closing date of the exhibition show. After the deadline, CEDHU will exercise the right of ownership, according to its interest. 
d) Awarded authors (including honorable mentions) transfer the assignment of the Copyrights of their work, in accordance with Law 9.610 of February 19, 1988 (Copyright Law). total, universal and definitive, in all the modalities of use and free of charge, protected by said law referring to the work (s) awarded at the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, which are now part of the Municipal Public Patrimony for all rights purposes, in accordance with the Municipal Law n 2249,1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n 2486-1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n 5194-2002. Source: salaointernacionaldehumor.