
"STOP ONLINE BULLYING... The Universal Message of Solidarity"

The third humanitarian initiative - Norway 2020
"STOP ONLINE BULLYING... The Universal Message of Solidarity"
Bullying happens to everyone, stoppable by everyone. 
What is Bullying? 
Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Rationalizations of such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size, or ability. If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing. 
Perhaps one of the most important types of bullying that we suffer from is Online bullying. 
Online bullying is bullying carried out through the internet or mobile devices. 
Online bullying is also sometimes called cyber bullying. 
Online bullying can include the: 
sending insulting or threatening messages 
posting unkind messages or inappropriate images on social networking sites 
excluding others from online chats or other communication 
inappropriate image tagging 
sharing someone's personal or embarrassing information online 
creating hate sites or starting social exclusion campaigns on social networking sites 
sharing unflattering or private images, including naked or sexual images 
assuming the identity of another person online and representing them in a negative manner or manner that may damage their relationship with others 
repeatedly, and for no strategic reason, attacking players in online gaming. 
- Each Participant Can Send Up To 3 Cartoons. 
- Must Send his/her (Full Name, Email Address, Country). 
- Send Cartoons Must Be 300 Dpi Resolutions, Jpg Format. 
Deadline: 01.10.2020 (EXTENDED:) 27.10.2020
- Awards: 
Certificates of appreciation to 20 Best Cartoons. 
- The virtual exhibition will be held showing the first 20 cartoons only. 
Best regards, 
Cartoon Home Network International network Team. 
The initiative in collaboration with: 
- Online Brazilian Humor magazine " SUPAPO". 
- IndiaTOONS. - Centro LIBREXPRESSION - Italy. 
- Cartoon Home Network International network- Norway.

The 1st International Contest Writers Cartoon 2020, Syria

The 1st International Contest Writers Cartoon 2020, Syria
• Participation
The competition is open to all artists.
• Theme:
Writers (cartoon or portrait)
• Entries:
Each participant can send 2 Cartoons + ( C.V + Photo)
A4 (30X21 cm), 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline
1 . 10 . 2020
• Caricatures must be sent to:
• Prizes:
All selected cartoonists will be awarded certificate + album (PDF)
• Caricatures can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
Source: raedcartoon .


International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2021, Poland

International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2021, Poland
I. Participation conditions 
1. SATYRYKON 2021 International Exhibition is an open competition. 
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2019-2020), and qualified by artists to one of the following sections: 
I – theme: FAMILY 
II – SATIRE & JOKE (drawings without captions are preferred) 
3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the SATYRYKON competition. 
4. Works are to be delivered via e-mail by 31st December 2020 (no later than 11.59 p.m., Polish time zone) at konkurs.satyrykon@lck.art.pl 
5. Up to three works may be submitted for each section of the competition. Accepted work format: A3 (297x420mm) at maximum, 5 MB per picture, saved in JPEG format. In the case of objects that cannot be sent by e-mail (e.g. sculptures), please contact us: satyrykon@lck.art.pl
6. Works should be accompanied a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS). By providing their personal information, the authors consent to data processing and the public use of the image. 
II. Prizes 
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury. 
2. Jury will award the following prizes: 
* Grand Prix SATYRYKON 2021 – pure gold key and purse amounting to 10.000 PLN 
* 2 gold medals and purses amounting to 7.000 PLN each 
* 2 silver medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN each 
* 2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN each 
* and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each 
* Mayor of Legnica in amount of 4.000 PLN award 
* Director of Legnica Culture Centre in amount of 4.000 PLN award for a photography work 
The organisers are expecting extra awards for laureates: for the Author of THE BEST DEBUT and the Author of THE STUDENT DEBUT to be accompanied by a solo exhibition at the Satyrykon Gallery within the programme of SATYRYKON 2020 events. 
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, i.e. to change their number, not to award them, or not to award the Grand Prix SATYRYKON. Jury’s decisions are final. 
The index of works qualified for the post-competition exhibition will be announced on 29th January 2021 at Satyrykon webpage: www.satyrykon.pl
The qualified works will be presented at the post-competition exhibition on condition their originals are delivered by the Authors no later than on 18th February 2021 (works present at the organizers premises) to the following address: 
International SATYRYKON Exhibition – Legnica 2021 
Ul.Chojnowska 2 
Akademia Rycerska 
59-220 Legnica 
The competition results will be announced on 22nd February 2021. 
3. Participation in the competition is free of charge. The work originals will be returned on condition that the Author donates one of the works of her/his choice to the Satyrykon Gallery – as a form of compensation for posting costs. In case there is no clear Author’s indication, the organizer may post the work back on the Author’s cost. Details of payment and return will be arranged in individual e-mail correspondence. 
n o t e ! 
AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT REGULATIONS. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and their collecting the awards by December 15, 2021, or the awards can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author. 
III. Participants’ privileges 
1. Authors of the works qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue and a free-of-charge place in the catalogue. 
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2021 event on June 18-20, 2021. 
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in Poland and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2022. 
IV. Final provisions 
1. Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues. 
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery. 
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations. 
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to publication of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue. 
5. Legnica Culture Centre (+4876 72-33-700; e-mail: satyrykon@lck.art.pl,) is the organiser of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2021. 
S c h e d u l e: 
Work acceptance deadline: 31st December 2020 at 11:59 p.m.(Polish time zone) 
Qualification for competition exhibition will be announced on 29th January 2021 at Satyrykon website 
Deadline for work originals delivery: 18th February 2021 
Jury meeting February 19-21, 2021 
The competition results will be announced on 22nd February 2021 
Post-competition exhibition June 6 – August 30, 2021 
Return of the works after the exhibition cycle December 3, 2022.
Source: satyrykon.


The 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania

The 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania
Cultural Centre of Urziceni Municipality, Municipality of Urziceni and International website BestCARTOONS.net are very glad to invite you to participate in the 14th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2020, Romania. 
1. The 14th ICC Urziceni is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge. 
2. Will be submitted not more than 5 works for the FREE THEME (portraits are also accepted) and also not more than 5 works for the THEME – ”MASK OFF!”.(Down with the mask!) 
3. Deadline: November 22 , 2020
4. The presentation of the cartoons must contain the entrant’s last name, country and the title of work (in English). Works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB colour mode, in JPG format, with a maximum size of 2 MB. 
5. Send your cartoons and your CV to the e-mail address: casadeculturaurziceni@gmail.com
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the Urziceni website, so the cartoonists can carefully study them, in order to prevent similarity, copying and stealing. Any similar, copied or stolen cartoon will not be awarded. The contest results will be announced on the Urziceni 2020 website . 
7. The International Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, regardless of their category: 
GOLD PRIZE – USD 500, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
SILVER PRIZE - USD 250, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
BRONZE PRIZE - USD 150, Special Honour Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net 
Ten EXCELLENCY Special Honour Diplomas and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
The Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 
The prizes can be paid in Urziceni or can be sent by post and the recipient will bear the cost of sending them. 
The organizer does not assume any liability regarding the taxes or bank charges. 
The originals of the winning cartoons should be sent by mail, within a maximum period of two weeks after the results are announced, well wrapped and protected against damages. 
8. By their participation, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the Urziceni International Cartoon Contest and for the website BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, mass-media advertising, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts offered by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors. 
9. For further information, please e-mail us to: casadeculturaurziceni@gmail.com
10. By submitting the works to URZICENI 2020 INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists undertake to comply with the decisions of the Jury and the above mentioned rules. 
Nicolae PETRACHE, Manager of Cultural Centre Urziceni. 


Online exhibition: Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2020, Japan

Online exhibition: Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition 2020, Japan
2020/9/11(Fri) 〜 12/25(Fri)
International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP), one of the organizers of this exhibition, is preparing to hold the 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace, as a virtual-online asynchronous conference on September 16 (Wed), from Kyoto. This exhibition is planned as a part of the event, focusing on the expressive and expanding power of manga, with a purpose of “exhibiting peace” in a virtual space.
In the present-day peace studies, peace is redefined as absence of violence rather than absence of war, and here, violence implies a cause that obstructs the full bloom of human abilities. It can be starvation, poverty, social discrimination, suppression of human rights, environmental destruction, delays of welfare, education and medical care or others. In this way, violence in different shapes exists in our daily life, not somewhere removed from us. 
At this moment, a new type of violence is occurring in Japan and abroad because of the novel corona virus epidemic. There are many situations that threaten human life and dignity, such as discrimination and prejudice against infected people, pressure on medical facilities due to political situations, and deterioration of labor environments because of stagnating economies. 
In these circumstances, we decided to open this exhibition online to show manga works created with unfettered ideas, immediately and internationally. Moreover, submitted works during the exhibition period will be showcased on the webpage immediately upon arrival, instead of first collecting works and then opening the completed online exhibition. This is because people’s opinions on what is accurate could change daily and we want to represent contributors’ ideas as close to real-time as possible. 
No one knows by what kind of artists nor how many works this “Manga Pandemic Web Exhibition” will contain. It is possible that the exhibition will not be complete by lack of submissions. Nevertheless, we, organizers believe that the instantaneous and spreading power of manga can help us combat the virus.
Anyone in the world can submit their works for the exhibition. You might develop a fever for manga, but please join us in promoting peace through this project! 
Call for submissions 
We are seeking submissions of manga artwork to display at this online exhibition. 
Submission guidelines 
• ‘Manga pandemic’-themed manga or illustrations: 
o Any size and shape are welcome 
o The artwork format can be single-panel satirical manga, story manga, or illustration, etc. 
o File requirements: JPEG file not exceeding 10MB, and at least 2000 pixels on the longest side. 
o Language: Japanese or English. We will attach a Japanese-English translation for the exhibition if necessary. 
o Either monochrome or color is acceptable. 
o Submission method: Email preferred. If you would like to submit the original drawing, please contact us. 
o When applying please let us know: 
1. Your name (pen name is acceptable), including notation in Roman alphabet if your name is written in another script. 
2. Title of your work (Japanese and English) 
3. Nationality 
4. Date of production 
5. Your contact information (email address and phone number) 
Details 1-4 will be open to the public. 
• Qualifications for submission: Applications are open to both professionals and amateurs, living inside or outside of Japan. 
• Submission deadline: Monday, 30 November 2020
• Submissions and enquiries address: Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center c/o Mr. Ito, mandemic@kyotomm.jp  
o We cannot offer any form of monetary reward or remuneration. 
o Copyright is retained by the creator, but images of the work may be used for publicity (including on Twitter) or may be included in business reports.
Source: mangapandemic .

International Cartoon Contest, Beseder 2020, Israel: Money in the modern world

International Cartoon Contest, Beseder 2020, Israel
1. The contest is open to all entrants. 
2. Cartoons must meet the ethical and aesthetic standards of civilized society. No incitement to violence, racial or national discrimination, or scenes of violence and pornography. 
3. In the event of rule breaking or overt plagiarism, entries will be removed from the contest without further discussion. 
4. Method of execution is up to the entrant. Cartoons submitted in digital form will have the following formats: JPEG, A-4, 300 dpi. Author’s name, billing address and e-mail will be attached to the entry. 
5. Maximum of three entries per participant. 
6. Narration will be in English, but wordless entries are encouraged. 
 7. The contest will last for 2 months. Final submission date for entries is 4.11.2020 (EXTENDED:) 01.12.2020.. 
8. Entries will be published on the contest’s Facebook page and “Beseder?”’s website – beseder.ru 
9. As well as entering a file into the contest, authors whose works will be chosen for the exhibition, must send in the original or a high quality copy in A-4 format by 20.12.2020. 
10. Cartoons must be watermarked in digital form. 
11. Final results will come in on 20.12.2020. 
 12. An exhibition of the participants' works and the publication of a catalog are planned, as well as an auction of cartoons that have won the competition. 
13. By entering the contest, the author of an entry accepts the terms and conditions, and agrees for their work to be published on the website beseder.ru and partner websites, in promotions, social networks and the contest’s catalog. Having said that, the author retains their copyright for the work. 
14. The originals and copies participating in the contest will not be returned to the author. 
1-st place – 777 USD + honorary diploma 
2-nd place – 555 USD + honorary diploma 
3-rd place – 222 USD + honorary diploma 
10 works will be recognized with honorary diplomas. 
Address for contest entries: beseder.cartoon@gmail.com
 Address for originals: Beseder, P.O.B. 3233 Jerusalem 91030 Israel 
Source: beseder.
Deadline updated 04.11.2020 23:40.


The 4th International Cairocature Cartoon Contest, Egypt 2020

The 4th International Cairocature Cartoon Contest, Egypt 2020
Theme: No justice no peace (anti- normalization) 
Each participant can send up to 3 cartoons. 
Must send his Full Name, Post Address, Email Address & Phone Number via Word file. 
Sent cartoons must be 300 dpi resolutions, A4 & Jpg format. 
Golden, Silver, and Bronze prizes.
There will be Special Prizes. 
Cartoons can be used for any promotional purposes (Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards, etc.) without the permission of the artist and without any payment. 
PDF catalog for final selected cartoons. 
Deadline: 31 / 10 / 2020 
Cartoon must be sending to: cairopalestine@gmail.com
 The results and accepted works will be published on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cartoonandcaricature/ .