
The 19th International Humor Salon, Santa Clara 2019, Cuba

XIX International Salón Humor Santa Clara 2019
The humoristic monthly Melaito and the Cuban Association of Authors and Artists (UNEAC) in Villa Clara, call for the XIX International Salón Humor Santa Clara 2019.
The themes for the salon will be “free” and “erotic”.
The works must not exceed 25 x 35 cm in any technique including printed copies of digital images, the Organizing Committee will print digital images selected for the competition, received by email in jpg, with 300 dpi resolution.
Each participant can send a maximum of three works for each theme.
Entries should be posted no later than November 20th, 2019 to the following address:
XIX Salón Internacional de Humor Santa Clara 2019
Casa de la Uneac:
Máximo Gómez no. 107
entre Julio Jover y Martí,
Santa Clara, Villa Clara,
And electronical address:
The Organizing Committee will award three prizes for each category and other discretionary prizes.
Prizes for international participants will consist of an original painting by a well-known local artist and a prize certificate, which will be posted by secured delivery.
A panel of prestigious cartoonist will decide the winners and its decision is final.
The awards will be given on December 20th at the UNEAC venue.
Shortlisted cartoons and works will be part of an exhibition.
For more details about this announcement you can emails:
Organizing Committee.
Source: cartoonblues.

The 4th Beavers Laugh Cartoon Competition, Bobritsa 2020, Ukraine

1 – PARTICIPATION: 1 February to 1 July 2020.
The 4th "BEAVERS LAUGH" Bobritsa Cartoon Competition is open to all graphic artists, who can enter works that have not been awarded until the closing date of the entries, in the cartoon, caricature and comics modalities (The comic strip should have only one page).
The opening of the Exhibition will be 12 September 2020, with the official announcement of the winners of the contest.
Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five (5) UNPUBLISHED works in the preferable format 30x40 cm (А4 minimum) and using any technique. On the back of each drawing, or in registration must include the author's full name, address (with ZIP code), email, phone number, ID number, social security number and bank account (or, please, send this information by email along with electronic copies of your artworks).
The artist can participate by sending their work to skonnov@yahoo.com (with maximum size of 5 megabytes) or sending the originals to:
Bobritsa Cartoon Competition
27 Naberezhaya Street,
Bobritsa, Kiev-Sviatoshin District,
Kiev Region, 08142,
The theme of the 4th Bobritsa Cartoon Competition is LAKE.
Although the name of the contest is BEAVERS LAUGH (in Ukrainian language the name of the village Bobritsa originates from "beaver"), this does NOT mean that your works should be only about beavers. First of all, they should be original, smart and funny, please do not restrict yourself by beavers as heroes!
But we have our SPECIAL BEAVER AWARD for beavers’ theme as well!
So, if the "heroes" of your artwork are beavers your work shall be considered for BOTH (a) main theme awards and (b) special award BEAVER AWARD nominations with a chance to win both of them!
First prize: euro 500 (five hundred).
Second prize: euro 300 (three hundred).
Third prize: euro 200 (two hundred).
Appreciation awards (7): euro 100 (one hundred) each.
Special BEAVER AWARD (for artworks where beavers ARE the heroes): euro 300 (three hundred).
Before the official announcement of the winners by the Jury the organizer reserve the right to publish electronic copies of the finalist artworks (from which the Jury will make its final selection) with the purpose to determine with the help of the public if any of submitted artwork repeats or copies previously published cartoons.
The awarded artworks will be considered acquisitive and will become part the property of the organizer, and all winning artist assign their copyright and property rights worldwide to the organizer from the date when their artworks were submitted.
The works will not be returned.
May not participate in this competition officials of Bobritsa village community, their relatives and anyone involved in the organization.
The award cash amounts are payable only upon the receipt of the original artworks of the winners by the organizers of the Competition to the personal bank accounts of the winners providing in writing (email) with copies of their passports (if required by the bank).
The organizer of the competition is Mr. Sergei Konnov (of Bobritsa village community) and he has full discretion to decline any submission before jury's consideration and to revoke / cancel any prize awarded by the jury in case of facts of plagiarism, repetition of the plot etc.
The simple inscription configures automatic participant's agreement to all such terms.
For any information, please, contact: skonnov@yahoo.com or +380 67 235-2536.
(Revised on 15.09.19)


The 13th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2019, Romania

The Cultural Centre Of Urziceni Municipality,
The Municipality of Urziceni and
The International Site BestCARTOONS.net
Are very glad to invite you to participate in
The 13th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2019, Romania
1. The 13th ICC Urziceni is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge.
2. You can submit, only by email, max 6 works for the FREE THEME (portraits are also accepted) and max 6 works for the THEME – ”WINTER HOLIDAYS”.
3. Deadline: November 16, 2019.
4. The name of the cartoons must contain the entrant’s family name, country and title of work (in English).
The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with a max. size of 2 MB.
5. Send your cartoons and your CV to the e-mail address: 
graficcontesturziceni@gmail.com .
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the Urziceni website, so the cartoonists can carefully study them, in order to prevent similarity, copying and stealing. Any similar, copied or stolen cartoon will not be awarded.
The contest results will be announced on the Urziceni 2019 website .
7. The International Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
GOLD PRIZE - 500 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
SILVER PRIZE - 250 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
BRONZE PRIZE - 150 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
Ten EXCELLENCY Special Honor Diplomas and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net.
The Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
The prizes can be paid in Urziceni or can be sent by post and the recipient will bear the cost of sending them.
The organizer does not assume any liability regarding the taxes or bank charges. The originals of the winning drawings should be sent by mail in max. two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages.
8. By participating, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the Urziceni International Cartoon Contest and for the website BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors.
9. For further information, please e-mail us to: graficcontesturziceni@gmail.com .
10. By submitting the works to Urziceni 2019 INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
Nicolae PETRACHE, General Manager of CH Urziceni.
Horia CRISAN, owner of BestCARTOONS.net .


Official results of the 20th Salon of antiwar cartoon, Kragujevac 2019, Serbia

Jury of 20th Salon of Antiwar Cartoon, Kragujevac 2019, Serbia:
MARCO DE ANGELIS (Italia), cartoonist, president,
TOSO BORKOVIC (Serbia),cartoonist,
JUGOSLAV VLAHOVIC (Serbia), cartoonist,
MIODRAG STOJILOVIC (Serbia) journalist, director of Salon,
and SPIRO RADULOVIC, (Serbia) cartoonist,
d e c i d e d:
1. Grand prix "Messengers of peace" (1500 euros)
2. First prize, gold plaque (1000 euros)
3. Second prize , silver plaque (800 euros)
4. Third prize, bronze plaque (500 euros)
5. Award of city Bidgoszcz from Poland (750 euros)
6. Award of city Ingolstat from Germany (500 euros)
7. Award of city Bielsko-Biala from Poland (500 euros)
8. Award of city Siren from France (500 euros)
9. Award of city Pitesty from Romania (500 euros)
10. Award of city Carrara from Italy (500 euros)
DIPLOMA received:
1. MILJAN OBRENIC (Montenegro)
3. ALI RASTRO (Iran)
4. DAVID VELA (Spain)
Report by
Spiro Radulovic, cartoonist
member of the jury and
member of the Board of Salon.


The 7th International Cartoon Contest, Sinaloa 2019, Mexico

The Contest is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and beyond.
2. THEME: VANITY (VERY IMPORTANT: Authors who have already submitted works do not need to do it again.)
Is vanity inherent in the human being? Will a chimpanzee, who shares 99% of DNA with us, be a victim of this same trait?
Twin sister of narcissism, the dictionary also defines Vanity as: conceit, boasting, vainglory, haughtiness, presumption, pride, petulance, pedantry and fatuity; a key set of concepts imputed to the human species and capable of engendering the most terrible events. Think of the supposed supremacies that unleashed abominable genocides, the arms race, space warfare, empires, dynasties, and other kind of atrocities which have devastated cultures and nations.
But vanity does not stop there; it goes beyond the bounds of the social and changes its skin at will. It explores the entrails of the individual and becomes the central axis of a system based on compulsive consumerism, a permanent competition that demands the possession of the most expensive objects, the latest technology and the most perfect bodies: a super status quo that awards the title of "The best of all". Thus, without realizing, we repeat models of dictators decorated with fake medals and elite ladies who attach pillows to increase their bottoms. In this ocean of superfluous values, is it possible to navigate without taking on water?
1st Prize: $30,000 Mexican pesos.
2nd Prize: $20,000 Mexican pesos.
3rd Prize: $15,000 Mexican pesos.
The preliminary results will be announced via E-mail and networks, from December 5th, 2019, leaving a period of 10 days to give definitive results. All efforts to report cases of plagiarism will be welcome.
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted by E-mail in any media, in black and white or colour, but they should not be currently participating in other contests or have been awarded.
Works should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi, size 21.5cms x 27.9cms. They should be sent to any one of the following:
5. DEADLINE: November 17th 2019.
(The entry form can be downloaded from http://concursosinaloa2019.orgfree.com).
. Name
. Photograph
. Address
. E-mail
7. A catalogue with the winners and selected works will be available on the web page of the contest:
8. Participants that were winners in 2017 can participate but if they win again they will only be entitled to receive honorary mentions.
Copyright belongs to authors. The Contest will use some works, but only for promotional purposes, such as publicity, the catalogue and the press.
The jury will be composed of up to five renowned artists.
Source: concursosinaloa2019.


‘Magnificent Huichang’ International Comic Works wanted, China

‘Magnificent Huichang’ International Comic Works wanted
The organizer:
China Daily Website
China Journalistic Caricature Society
People's Government of Huichang county, Jiangxi province
The theme:
“My Community” and “My Life”, characteristics that reflect a happy life or the different styles in my own eyes, reminiscent of classic and happy times.
The awards:
First prize
One winner -- 5,000 yuan
Second prize
Two winners--each will get 3,000 yuan
Third prize
Three winners--each will get 1,000 yuan
Outstanding prizes
Nine winners--each will get 500 yuan
85 works entered in the exhibition will win 200 yuan each.
The rules:
Participants are required to send entries by electronic file to the email address of the organizing committee. The file name should include the author’s name (based on ID card) and the entry’s title. Define e-mail content, including the author’s name (subject to the ID card), title, contact details, postal code, contact number, and name of the exhibition. The finalists will be publicized on the China News Comics Network. Winners will be officially announced after the contest deadline. Winners and selected authors will send their originals to the address of the organizing committee upon request.
All participants should guarantee ownership of copyright for the entries. The author(s) shall bear all legal responsibilities and economic losses, including but not limited to those resulting from the products' infringement of intellectual property, portrait rights and reputation rights, as well as defamation and other violations of laws and regulations.
The requirements:
1. The style of the selected works is not limited, and the creative methods are not limited.
2. The occupation and age of the exhibitors are not limited.
3. Selection of electronic works size: 300dpi or more, JPEG format storage, file size ranges from 2M, to less than 5M.
4. Paper works:
(1)After the results of the selection are officially announced, the winners and the authors of the exhibition will be notified to send the original paper works.
(2)The size of the original paper works should be within 50cm × 50 cm, the length and width are not limited.
(3)In the lower right corner of the back of the paper work, please use a pencil to write on the author’s name (based on the ID card), entry’s title (same as the picture), entry group, size (height × width CM), contact address, postal code, contact number, and attach a copy of the ID card.
(4)The work must be properly packaged and sent through the post office or regular courier company to prevent damage and loss in the mail.
(5)Deadline: Sept 30, 2019
(6)Submission address: 3rd Floor, Center 3, No.1, Tongji Avenue, Wenwuba Town, Huichang County, Zhangzhou City, Jiangxi Province
If you have questions or comments regarding the exhibition or the competition, please contact us:
Email: hcxwhg@163.com(Huang Zhenrong)
Phone number: 86-07975622677,13970773102
The organizing committee has the right to exhibit, research, photograph, video, publication and publicity.
Anyone who submits work for participation in the evaluation and exhibition shall be deemed to confirm and agree with the provisions of the notice.
Exhibition information can be registered at www.newscartoon.com.cn .


Welcome to SICACO 2019 !

Dear SICACO Cartoonist!
Welcome to you in SICACO 2019!
Thanks for sending me your original works by mail already!
The deadline is August 31st. in SICACO 2019! (You can send me yours by airmail of the post office on August 31.)
This main theme means "Hot + Cool"./ Free section's football, children, etc.
You'd better send me your original works by mail. (for Korea National Museums)
You can send me your printed digital cartoons by mail.
If you send me your image ones by e-mail, my juries decided no prize, no money, and no books.
Therefore you must not send me yours by E-mail only.
I'll wait for your cartoons mail arriving within 6-9 days at a cost of 5-9 dollars.
Next year I’ll held SICACO 2020 with Korea National Museums at national level.
See you in SICACO 2019!
Dr.Lim, Cheong San, President of SICACO 2019
Mobile 82-10-5425-6115
http://dicaco.kongju.ac.kr / www.dicaco.com .