
Greek Cypriot political cartoonist Yiorgos Mavroyenis dies

(Photo: CyprusMail)
Greek Cypriot Political Cartoonist Yiorgos Mavroyenis Dies
The highly-esteemed political cartoonist and multi-faceted artist Yiorgos Mavroyenis died on Saturday morning at the age of 91.
Mavroyenis was also a journalist, a sculptor, a painter, and a set designer, and served as the editor of the Greek-language publication Satirical Review, which published 618 issues between 1964 and 1985.
Mavroyenis’ funeral will be held at the Ayia Sofia church in Strovolos on Tuesday, May 28, at 11 am. Mavroyenis will then be buried in Limassol, his home town.
(CyprusMail25 May 2019).
Yiorgos Mavroyenis with Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists (2013)
(Info and images from Hüseyin Çakmak).


Winners of the International Cartoon Contest on theme Submarine 2019, Serbia

Apropos 56th International Submariners Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, from May 21-26, 2019 (Crown Plaza), Union of Submariners Belgrade and Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO organized International cartoon contest and exhibition on theme SUBMARINE.
Received 810 cartoons from 37 countries.
1st prize:300 € + diploma
Oleksy Kustovsky UKRAINE (Top)
2nd prize: 200 € + diploma
Erdogan Basol TURKEY
Special prize Nikola Otaš*: 300 € + diploma
Konstantin Kazanchev UKRAINE
Wine Cellar Bajilo prize:
Milenko Kosanovic SERBIA.
Valentin Druzhinin RUSSIA
Gabriel Corvi ITALY
Paolo Dalponte ITALY
Musa Gumus TURKEY
Olena Tsuranova UKRAINE
Esmaeil Babaei IRAN
Jitet Kustana INDONESIA.
*Special Prize Nikola Otas (1960-2016) is dedicated to submariner and prominent cartoonist, vice-president of FECO Serbia.
Jury members
Milan Komar, for the organizing committee of the 56th International Submariners Congress
Jugoslav Vlahović, cartoonist, Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO
Nikola Kostandinović, cartoonist
Asja Otaš, wife of Nikola Otas.
Belgrad 25 April 2019.


Result of the competition cartoons Dzhmelik 2019, Ukraine

Jury Dzhmelik 2019
Result of the competition cartoons Dzhmelik 2019, Ukraine
Adult catedory
Grand Prix - Esmaeil Babaei Iran
1st place - Damir Novak Croatia
2nd place - Selói Peters Brazil
3rd place - Yu Liang China.
Laureate Diploma
Silvano Mello. Brazil
Cai Weidong. China
Mojmir Mihatov. Croatia
Vladimir Khakhanov. Russia
Іван Анчуков. Russia
Omar Pérez. Spain
Muzaffar Yulchiboev. Uzbekistan.
Diploma from the Cartoonists Association
Toso Borkovic. Serbia.
1st child age category (from 7 to 11 years):
1st place - Emir Çağan Uludağ. Turkey
2nd place - Ela Tuncer. Turkey
3rd place - Uliyana Strizhova. Russia.
2nd child age category (from 12 to 17 years):
1st place - Winde Goderis. Belgium
2nd place - Вікторія Артімошина. Ukraine
3rd place - Buse Nergiz Bakar. Turkey.
The exhibition will open on 7 July 2019 in the town of Dolyna (Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine).

16th International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition in Kosovo, Prizren 2019

(Click on the image to enlarge)
Theme 1: Idealist
Theme 2: Free 
Deadline: 20 September 2019
More on source.


Regulations of the Erasmus Cartoon Contest 2019, The Netherlands

Regulations of the Erasmus Cartoon Contest 2019, The Netherlands
THEME ‘FRIENDSHIP’ (between people of different cultures)
1. Entry requirements
The number of entries is limited to 5.
Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted.
The works may not have been awarded with a price elsewhere before.
By entering the contest the author certifies he or she is the sole owner of the entry.
Captions (and / or subtitles) are not allowed.
A4 format
Digital entries will be in JPEG format and have a resolution of a minimum of 300 dpi and a maximum file size of 3MB
A4 hard copies sent by post are also accepted. These must bear, on the reverse side, the surname, forename and address of the author.
2. Submissions
You can send your digital works to: info@cartoonfestivalrotterdam.nl .
Hard copies can be sent to: Cartoonfestival Rotterdam, p/a. Wessel Gansfortweg 65, 3052KM Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Both digital and hard copy entries should be accompanied by a short resume and a picture of the author.
3. Deadline: the deadline for entries is October 1st 2019
4. Copyright
Copyright of the entries lies with the authors of the cartoons. By participating, the author authorizes Stichting Cartoonfestival Rotterdam to publish the submitted works in the catalogue, for the promotion of the exhibition and for the exhibition of the cartoons in the opening exhibition as well as in possible following exhibitions in cities that honour Erasmus within a period of 12 months following the opening ceremony. For any other use of the cartoons the written permission of the Author is previously requested. Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until December 2020.
5. Jury
An independent jury will select the 100 best entries for the catalogue and the exhibition. The jury consists of artists, cartoonists and a representative of the main sponsor of the contest: Stichting Comity Erasmus Icon of Rotterdam. Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
6. Awards
1st prize : € 1.000,- + trophy
2nd prize : € 750,- + trophy
3rd prize : € 500,- + trophy
Tulip prize * : € 250,-
*Made available by the Dutch Cartoonist Association ‘De Tulp/FECO Holland’
If after announcement of the awards, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can decide to withdraw the prize.
7. Winner VIP – arrangement
On the occasion of the awards ceremony, the winners of the 1st 2nd and 3th prize are invited for a stay in Rotterdam, from November 29th – December 1th ( 3 days). Travel cost will be refunded and stay expenses will be paid by Stichting Cartoonfestival Rotterdam.
8. Catalogue
Cartoons that are selected for the exhibition will be published in an catalogue. On request the authors of the selected works for the catalogue and the exhibition will get a free catalogue.
9. Returning hard copies
Hard copy entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. The organization can in no way be held responsible for any damages or loss of works that may occur.
10. Award ceremony
The inauguration and award ceremony will take place November 29th, 2019. The opening exhibition will run from November 29th to December 15th 2019.
11. Entryform
You can click on the following link to dowload the entryform: Entryform – English-def .
Source: cartoonfestivalrotterdam .
The competition is not yet open. In the beginning of 2019 more information will follow. However you can already send an e-mail that you are planning to participate. In that case you’ll get a personal message when the competition will be opened.
e-mail: info@cartoonfestivalrotterdam.nl
Contact: Martin Reekers
Phone: +31 6 46 77 05 17.


The 14th edition of the Trento Economics Festival 2019, Italy

​From May 30th to June 2nd 2019
Piazza Cesare Battisti
Trento (Italy)
Our organization will create a satiric humor space where visitors will have a different perspective on this theme, discussed by international characters coming from areas such as economy, politics, press.... etc. There will be a constant presence of real life humorist, cartoonist and illustrators, and we will set up an exhibit of cartoons and humor illustrations in the stand hosting us. The exhibition will be visible also online. Visitors will be invited to vote for the best cartoons and humorous illustrations among the exposed works. The prizes are symbolic, but have a great value in visibility. The exhibition will be visible on the Provincia Autonoma di Trento website and on the official Festival dell’Economia website.
May 24th 2019
Sending address:
Works requirements:
Max 1 MB, 300 DPI, JPG.
More on source.