
Annual Cartoon Contest, Olense Kartoenale 2019, Belgium

Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2019
1. Participation
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two categories:
• Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
• Adult category: 16 years and older.
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest.
2. Theme
The main theme is ‘From bovine to handbag, from ox to leather pants, from cow to elegant shoe’. This year Amnesty International offers the best cartoon with the theme ‘People and ideas behind bars’ a special prize.
More information about the main theme is to be found in annex to this regulation.
3. Entries
• Contributions have to be digital works. They shouldn’t contain an explanation of the drawing.
• The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels).
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4).
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five for each theme.
• You have to record your contact details through www.olensekartoenale.be.
• You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2019.
• The originals of the rewarded cartoons and your curriculum vitae will be asked and must be sent to Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen, Belgium within 2 days after the request of the organization.
4. Property rights
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or theme sponsor. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen.
5. Evaluation
The jury consists of artists, cartoonists and laymen. Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
6. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be send afterwards by mail.
7. Deadline: 21 September 2019
The deadline is 21 September 2019 at 12.00 AM midnight. The entry form you can find on www.olensekartoenale.be where you also can upload your works. Do not sent your works to kartoenale@olen.be.
8. Prizes
For the adult category:
1st prize: 1500 euro
2nd prize: 700 euro
3rd prize: 400 euro
4th prize: 300 euro
Prize of the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro
Special prize Amnesty International: 350 euro
For the youth category:
Prize for best international work: 250 euro
Prize for best Belgian work: 250 euro
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 15 November 2019 at approximately 20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every participating artist will be welcome on that occasion. Only the winners are personally invited.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address and can be visited:
• Sunday 17 November 2019
• All working days from Monday 18 November 2019 till the end of December 2019 during the opening hours of the town hall:
o Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u17.30 u – 20.00 u
o Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u
o Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
Main theme: From bovine to handbag, from ox to leather pants, from cow to elegant shoe
The Belgian company Sopraco is an important distributor of veal and beef in Europe. This company delivers meat for wholesale, retail, butcheries and catering industry.
Recently Sopraco has been specialising in upgrading the skins of cows and bovines to manufacture leather. Bovines used to produce veal predominantly are male animals from dairy farms.
Next to nothing gets lost in this process of meat production. Even the animal’s skin is being transformed to a fine product: leather.
Explicit images are not welcome.
Theme Amnesty International: People and ideas behind bars
Sitting behind bars, what does that mean to you?
How difficult is it being alone in a cell or with others?
Your thoughts and dreams are they shackled as well?
Is time a gift, an opportunity for reflection or rather a curse?
Are there despite the confinement still positive aspects to this experience?
Is art an option, a voice, a release?
More in languages on source: https://www.olen.be/product/884/olense-kartoenale .

39th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2019, Turkey

39th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2019
The Conditions
The Competition is open to caricaturists from all over the world.
Caricaturists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Competition.
Yet the caricatures must not be awarded by another Competition.
The subject of the Competition is free.
The caricaturists can participate at the Competition with three caricatures.
The dimensions of caricatures shall not be bigger than 30×40 cm.
The caricatures shall unconditionally be original.
The caricaturists have to write in capital letters their names and surnames, address, telephone number and their countries on the back of their works of art.
And their CV’s (curriculum vitae) have to be added to their caricatures.
The caricatures shall be delivered to the given address at the latest 29 July 2019.
The results shall be announced on 5 August 2019.
All caricatures send to the Contest shall be kept at İstanbul Centre of Caricature and Humour by the Association of Caricaturists. The jury will choose the caricatures which will be included in the Album and the caricatures which will be exhibited. Then the Album of the Competition will be published. The Album of the Competition will be send to the caricaturists of whom works of art exhibited and included in the Album. The caricaturists participated at the Competition shall be regarded as accepted all the conditions of the Competition.
The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5000$
Honour Prizes (5): 1000$
Special Prizes
Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies.
Meşrutiyet Cad. Konur Sk. No: 31/10 Kat: 4 Kızılay 06420 ÇANKAYA – ANKARA / TURKEY
Source: karikaturculerdernegi.com .


29th International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature, Gura Humorului 2019

Gura Humorului                   Suceava County Council               Mănăstirea Humorului
     Townhall                      The Bucovina Cultural Centre                  Village hall

The 29th edition, 2019

The 29th edition of Humour at ... Gura Humorului, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between July 05 – July 07, 2019.

1. The Edition theme: SPLIT (ÎMPĂRȚIRE)
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January, 1st, 2019, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions.
3. Each participant will submit two ( 2 ) cartoons to be analysed by the jury.
4. The works will be submitted by JUNE 10th, 2019 (posting date) on the following addresses: email: umorlahumor@gmail.com or postal address: Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piaţa Republicii, nr. 2, 725300 - Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România.
5. Technical requirements:
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A 3
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the Humour at ... Gura Humorului Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them.
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9cm ( on paper) or 710x1065pix. (digital format).
8. The prizewinners will be notified by June 30th, 2019 to be present for the Awards Festivity held on Sunday, July 07th, 2019.
9. Transport expenses, accomodation and meals are the responsibility of the participant or the organization/ institution he/she is part of. The organizers will be notified in due time to make the necessary reservations.
10. The prizes to be awarded:
1st Prize : EUR 500
2nd Prize : EUR 300
3rd Prize : EUR 200
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina : EUR 200.
11. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent.
12. There will be no participation fees.
Further information:
The Bureau of Press Relations of „Humour at ... Gura Humorului” Festival
• Galavan Robert George - Folk Customs Museum in Bucovina ( Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina )
Telephone: 00 40 757485882
E-mail: umorlahumor@gmail.com
• Professor Sever Dumitrache – cultural counselor
Telepfone : 00 40 723270520.
Source: cartoonblues.


The 18th International Competition of cartoons, Independence 2019, Ukraine

Association of Cartoonists, Ukraine.
Gallery VYSOTSKY on Vozdvizhenka, Kiev
1. Competition based on the works of Vladimir Vysotsky - the legend of the Soviet era, poetry, theater and cinema. His songs have become classics and eternal hits. In details: https://24smi.org/celebrity/249-vladimir-vysockij.htmlhttp://www.kulichki.com/vv/?fbclid=IwAR11RS5pfu0tivfik1_VgXKy0EF5U_3TCYukZx0llwMGbzNa9UA_3vduvhc (Or Wikipedia).
Two categories:
A) The cartoon based on the works of Vladimir Vysotsky.
B) Caricature of Vladimir Vysotsky.
2. The works accepted to the competition: - Originals, including the ones created by using computer.
- Quality copies (on thick paper!).
- Or by e-mail: kazanchevcontest@gmail.com 
By email: Requirements for the file: Jpeg format, A4 size, resolution 300 dpi, maximum file size 3 MB.
Be sure to attach the completed and scanned application form.
Important! The files must have the name: surname_country_number. For example: kazanchev_ukraina_01
3. Format: A4 (297x210 mm). Number of works: maximum 5 (total in two categories).
4. Please indicate on the reverse side of each work (for originals and copies): name, address, e-mail.
5. The deadline for receipt of papers: July 1, 2019.
7. It is necessary to send completed application form with photo attached to the works.
8. Prizes: Cash prizes, diplomas and prizes from sponsors.
9. The organizers are not responsible for any damage in transit. The submitted works will not be re-viewed will not be returned and may be used by the organizers for promotional purposes, in the pub-lications relating to a competition without payment to the authors of works.
10. Winners will be informed additionally. The exhibition of the best works will open in the Gallery of Vysotsky on Vozdvizhenka July 25, 2019.
11. The results will be published on the website: www.cartoon.org.ua.
12. The jury’s decision is final and not subject to revision. By submitting an application the applicants confirm that they agree to these conditions.
13. The works sent to the following address (for originals and copies):
Ассоциация карикатуристов
А/я 185,
г. Киев,
03142, Украина (Ukraine)
14. For all additional questions, call the organizer of the contest Konstantin Kazanchev (www.kazanchev.com): +38 (063) 578-0482, e-mail: kazanchev.ukraine@gmail.com , kazanchev@ukr.net .


The 20th International Salon of Antiwar Cartoon Contest, Kragujevac 2019, Serbia

In memory of the severe crime that happened in Kragujevac in 1941, 78 years ago, when the German occupying forces executed several hundreds of innocent civilians in just one day, also sincerely wishing the peace may prevail in the world, especially today when it sinks into the abyss of the world war, the Memorial Park “Kragujevacki Octobar” a n n o u n c e s
The International jury will make a selection out of submitted cartoons which is to be exhibited and published in the Salon’s catalog. Besides, the following prizes are to be awarded:
The Grand Prix «The Peace Messenger» and €1.500 prize is to be awarded by the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
The Gold Plaque and €1.000 prize
The Silver Plaque and €800 prize
The Bronze Plaque and €500 prize
The Mayor of Bydgoszcz (Poland) Award, amounts €750
The City of Ingolstadt (Germany) Award, amounts €500
The City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) Award, amounts €500
The City of Suresnes (France) Award, amounts €500
The City of Pitesti (Romania) Award, amounts €500
The City of Carrara (Italy) Award, amounts €500
The Jury might additionally award several diplomas to close contenders.
Cartoonists and fine artists from all over the world have the right to participate. They should submit at most three (3) cartoons, which have not been awarded by any other international competition, and on the subjects of antiwar as well as solidarity between people and nations. The artworks should be utmost A4-A3 formatted, while art technique is at the artist’s choice, including electronic version of the cartoon with the original signature. On the back of the artwork there should be written data of the artist (such as: name, surname, address, phone/fax, e-mail).
The submission deadline is September 5th, 2019. The jury session is to be held on September 6th and 7th, 2019.
The cartoons are to be sent to the following address:
SALON ANTIRATNE KARIKATURE, Spomen park “Kragujevacki oktobar”, Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija,
or via e-mail:
Submitted artworks are not to be returned, and the Salon keeps the right to use them without special fee.
NOTE: The International Antiwar Cartoon Salon had so far great international promotion and affirmation. On the occasion of the award ceremony the prizes were handed over and the exhibition was opened in Kragujevac. Afterwards, the Salon exhibition displays in many cities and international organisations worldwide. The Salon exhibition was displayed at the United Nations Palace in New York, in the European Commission Charlemagne building showoom, it is permanent guest in Oswiecim (Auschwitz), on the Festival in Ingolstadt (Germany), in Pitesti (Romania), as well as in Polish cities Bydgoszcz, Plonsk, Wielun, Torun. The exhibition was also presented in Mexico City, Limassol (Cyprus), Berlin and Dresden (Germany), Paris (France), Triavni (Bulgaria), Sarajevo (B&H), Skopje (Macedonia), Carrara and Monte Casino (Italy), New Haven (USA), Pltava (Ukraine), Messolonghy (Greece), Kotor (Montenegro), Sloven Gradec (Slovenia).


XXIV International Cartoon Contest Humour a Gallarate 2019, Italy

“Humour a Gallarate 2019”
International Cartoon Contest XXIV Edition
Grand Prix ‘Marco Biassoni’
‘Osvaldo Cavandoli’ Award
Exhibition – from June 29th to September 29th, 2019
Theme: The Sixties
1) The contest is open to all professional cartoonists, caricaturists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world.
2) The competition is divided into two sections: A) Humor Graphic B) Caricature
A) Humor Graphic (as a humorous drawing, regarding nowadays real problems)
B) Caricature (caricature means a parody portrait of a well-known character. It is mandatory to mention also the name of the caricature character.
Each participant can submit up to three works for each section, specifying the title.
3) Theme: The Sixties. Years of great social, historical and cultural ferment. The authors can freely draw inspiration from events, facts or characters that have marked this era: music, the Beat Generation, student revolutions, the economic boom in the West, the crisis in Cuba, the Vietnam’s War, scientific discoveries and the conquest of the Moon, only to suggest some.
4) The works must be UNPUBLISHED, accompanied by the participation card, biography and photo. Any work already published on paper or on the web will automatically be excluded from the assignement of prizes.
5) Size: A4 (cm 21 x 29,7).
6) Technique: Free.
The artworks can be made with any technique, including digital techniques.
7) The artworks could be sent in two ways: A) Sending the artworks’ original | B) Electronic submission
A) Sending originals by post: each artwork must be signed by the author, with the personal information (name, surname, address), title and technique. The works, accompanied by the participation card, must be sent to:
"Humour a Gallarate"
Pro Loco Gallarate - Vicolo del Gambero, 10, 21013 Gallarate (VA) ITALY
B) Electronic submission: The file must include the author's name and the progressive number (example: COUNTRY_surname-name01.jpg, COUNTRY_surname-name.jpg, etc). File format: JPG, 300 DPI, Max 2MB for each image.
The files, accompanied by the participation card, should be sent by email to:
IMPORTANT: To all award winners is required to send the original work that will become part of the "Humor at Gallarate Collection". In case of digital artwork, the author is required to send a high-definition print with the "unique copy" caption and signed.
8) Deadline. 12.00 pm May 31st, 2019.
9) Prizes: Jury will assign the following prizes:
- Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni": 1.000 € + diploma for the best artwork among the two sections, Graphic Humour and Caricature
- 1° Prize: 500 € + diploma: best artwork for Graphic Humour section
- 1° Prize: 500 € + diploma: best artwork for Caricature section
- Jury Special Prize + diploma, for Graphic Humour section
- Jury Special Prize + diploma, for Caricature section
- 5 honorary mention for each section
- “Cava Award”: 500 € + diploma. The special "Cava Award" named after Osvaldo Cavandoli, creator of the celebrated "La Linea" character, will be assigned to the artwork, chosen from all the sections, that will combine best the beauty of humorous, satirical or caricatural content with the essence of the core graphic execution.
10) Jury: The selection of works and the awarding of prizes is exclusive jurisdiction of the Jury, appointed by the Pro Loco Gallarate, which will meet in June 2019, in Gallarate.
The jury's decision is final and unquestionable.
11) Exhibition. From June 29th to September 29th, 2019 at Museo Ma*Ga
Opening and award ceremony: saturday June 29th, 2019, at 5 pm, Sala degli Arazzi – Missoni, Museo MA*GA, Via Egidio De Magri, 1 Gallarate.
After the ceremony maxi risotto with Pro Loco Gallarate and 1998 World Guinness Records Pan and concert outside the Museum, in the anfitheater.
12) Catalogue: Each selected author, exhibited in shows and published in the catalog, will receive a complimentary copy of the same.
13) Property and copyrights: Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy or other countries. None of works will be returned but will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the artworks, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
Further information:
Tel/Fax (+39)0331.774968
proloco.gallarate@libero.it | www.prolocogallarate.it
twitter.it/humourgallarate .


XXI International Open Cartoon Contest, Zielona Góra 2019, Poland

XXI International Open Cartoon Contest, Zielona Góra 2019, Poland
Announcement and publication of the Contest: March 2019
Deadline for receiving works: 31st MAY 2019
Jury Sitting: June 2019
Announcement of the Jury decision and the opening of the post contest exhibition: September 2019.
GRAND PRIX: 5.000 PLN and Statuette
1st PLACE: 4.000 PLN
2nd PLACE: 3.000 PLN
3rd PLACE: 2.000 PLN
Special prizes.
The Jury comprises of the Organizer's representatives as well as artists dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.
The Organizer has the right to change the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes shall remain unchanged.
Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to enter the contest. Unlimited number of personally made original works (format min. A5 – max. A3) in optional technique, with application card, should be sent or delivered by May 31st, 2019 to the following address:
Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Cypriana Norwida "CONTEST"
al.Wojska Polskiego 9 
5-077 Zielona Góra 
skr. pocztowa: 170 
The Organizer is not responsible for damage or loss during transportation!
The Organizer of the competition is planning to publish the catalogue. The winners receive their prizes provided that they are either present at the closing of the exhibition or they indicate a bank account where the money could be transfered. The works become the property of the Organizer and shall be included into the collection of C. Norwid Regional and City Public Library in Zielona Góra. Every entrant agrees to his/her free of fees delivery of works to the Organizer. Every work delivered to the contest ought to be accompanied (on the reverse) with the readable author’s signature, address and a telephone number. By sending works to the contest the entrants agree to the mentioned rules and regulations and they agree to the free of fees publication of their works for marketing purposes connected with both the contest and the exhibition.
The Organizer is the final judge in the interpretation of these regulations.
Source: http://www.satyryczny.norwid.net.pl/konkurs
WEB: http://www.satyryczny.norwid.net.pl/
E-mail: satirical-zg@o2.pl