
The 13th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic, Bucovina 2019, Romania

The 13th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic, Bucovina 2019, Romania
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava has the distinct pleasure of inviting you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 13 th Edition, 2019.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: ”Real eyes realize real lies.” (lie, indeed, favorably, etc)
2. We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world, regardless of their age.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
4. Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
5. The exhibition prizes are:
- Grand prize – 500 € + diploma + gold medal
- Second prize - 300 € + diploma - „Gândeşte” Association
- Third prize - 100 € + diploma - „Gândeşte” Association
- Three mentions - diploma + medal
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: competition@muzeulbucovinei.ro and they must be of 300 dpi resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or coloured.
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum and also on the webpages of the partners. All the artists who will qualify for the exhibition will receive the printed catalogue containing all the selected cartoons.
8. Deadline for sending your cartoons: 31st of May 2019.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in June 2019.
10. Bucovina Museum – muzeulbucovinei.ro and „Gândeşte” Association – gandeste.org reserve the right to use the works submitted for the contest in any way suited to promote the contest and its results.
Jury Members: Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist; George Licurici – cartoonist; Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist.
Artistic manager: BOA www.artboa.ro; www.artboa.blogspot.com, boa-caricatura.eu .
Source: muzeulbucovinei .


International Competition of Cartoons and Satire humour, Bombura sword 2019, Slovakia

The Town of Brezno
in co-operation with HLP grafik, Ltd.
and regional weekly newspaper
XXIV. Year in International Competitions
of Cartoons and Satire humour
(Bombura sword)
Cartoonists may use any techniques they like, on paper size A4. Each cartonist may submit up to 5 cartoons. Theme for this year is: ROBOT - MODERN ERA
Please add the name of the cartoon as well as your details, name and surname age, occupation, phone number and email to the back side of each cartoon.
Competition will be devided into two categories according to the age. First category "up to 15 years old" and the second category will be "over 15 years old". The deadline to post all cartoons will be by 3rd of May 2019 (based on the post stamp date).
The jury nominated by the organizers, will award prizes for the best cartoons in each category.
The winners in the first category "up to 15 years old" will be awarded:
1st place: material prize, 2nd place: material prize, 3rd place: material prize.
The winners in the second category "over 15 years old" will be awarded:
1st place: financial reward 200 € and gold Bombura's sabre replica.
2nd place: financial reward 100 € and silver Bombura's sabre replica.
3rd place: financial reward 50 € and bronze Bombura's sabre replica.
If the winner cannot attend on the event to collect the prize, all fees connected with adding financial prize to the winner's accountwill be withdrawn from te prize amount. Jury has the right not to award every prize, but they can award „Certificate of Merit“. The best creations will be displayed during a town festival named “Brezno town days 2019” held in May 2019.
The opening exhibition and award ceremony with authors participation will be held on June 1, 2019 in the Synagogue, Štúrova 11, Brezno. The cartoons will be kept by the event organisers and they reserve the right to publish all works in local press or other way. Results of the competition will be published in the regional Brezno newspaper MY HOREHRONIE.
Original cartoons should be sent in an envelope marked “O Bomburovu šabľu 2019
Address details:
Technické služby, Rázusova 16, 
97701 Brezno SLOVAKIA
Veronika Cerovská
E-mail: veronika.cerovska@tsbrezno.sk
Mr. Peter Zifčák
E-mail: zifo@brnet.sk
HLP grafik s.r.o. Brezno
Mr. Ferdinand Hrablay
E-mail: ferdinandhrablay@gmail.com .


The 8th Cartoon Contest 'De Geus' 2019, Belgium

RULES 2019
(in the past, present and future)

The cultural association ‘De Geus’ (based in Lebbeke, Belgium) holds every two years a cartoon competition.
The competition is open to anyone aged over 18.
The cartoons sent in must be original and not have been published before. All graphic techniques are allowed. Text is not allowed.
The cartoons are to be drawn on A4 format and 300 dpi (maximum of 3 MB per cartoon) for digital cartoons.
Cartoons sent by post need to have the name and address of the author on the back-side of each cartoon.
Each participant can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons only.
Deadline for submission is 15 August 2019
Cartoons need to be sent to:
by email: clement.vlassenroot@skynet.be
or by mail:
Clement Vlassenroot
Cartoonale ‘De Geus’ 2019
Duivenkeetstraat 16
B-9280 Lebbeke BELGIUM
By entering the contest, the cartoonist agrees that his/her work will be exhibited as stated in these rules and be published in the catalog of the contest. The prize-winning cartoons remain property of the organisers.
The jury awards the prizes autonomously.
No correspondence with the jury will be allowed on its decisions.
The jury will award five awards.
1st award : 800 Euro
2nd award : 400 Euro
3rd award : 200 Euro
4th award : 150 Euro
5th award : 150 Euro.
The results of the competition will be announced on Friday 11 October 2019 at 7.30 pm in the gallery ‘De Fontein’.
An exhibition of the selected works will take place in the gallery ‘De Fontein’ in Lebbeke on 12, 13, 19 and 20 October.
The original versions of the cartoons will only be returned when clearly specified on the entry form. Cartoons can also be picked up on appointment with the organisers.
The organiser cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged cartoons during the shipment.
Selected participants can, on request, get a printed version of the catalog.
The catalog can also be downloaded at the following address: www.curieusdegeus.be
11. By entering the contest, each entrant agrees to abide by these rules.
Source: cartoonaledegeus.


International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2019-2020, Norway

International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway
Theme: Gender Equality and Equal Rights
About the project:
“Gender Equality and Equal Rights” is a Global movement to promote Gender Equality and Equal Rights through organizing International cartoon contest and exhibition.
This project is an initiative of Arifur Rahman. He is a Bangladeshi – Norwegian cartoonist, former guest cartoonist of ICORN. This project is a collaboration with Avistegnernes Hus (The Norwegian Cartoonists’ Gallery), Drøbak, Norway.
Theme: Gender Equality & Equal Rights
Requirements for participating:
1. All participants must be 13 or older and open to all artists from all over the world.
2. The cartoon has to be new, never published before.
3. Submitted cartoons can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique.
4. Participants may send a maximum of five works. In the case of including text, it must be in English.
5. Cartoons with artist’s C.V., address (in text or doc. format) and a personal photo have to be sent to the following email address: equality@toonsmag.com
6. Size: A3, JPG format with 300 DPI, wide or landscape format.
7. Deadline: 30th of September 2019 (EXTENDED:) 30th of November 2019
Awards and prizes:
First prize: NOK 5 000, or 5 000 PTS.
Second prize: NOK 3 000, or 3 000 PTS.
Third prize: NOK 2 000, or 2 000 PTS.
Ten cartoonists will receive honorable mention award.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalog and a digital certificate of participation.
An International Jury of ten members will make a selection of the submitted cartoons, jury name will announce very soon on www.toonsmag.com.
The jury members can be participants only in the exhibition.
It will be a traveling exhibition. So, selected cartoons will be exhibited in Norway, India so far and can be exhibited in some other countries. Cartoons can be used for promotion purposes (printing, exhibition, websites, newspapers, online and electronic media, catalog, posters, and invitation cards).
We will publish the results of the contest on the first of November 2019.
The photos of the exhibition will be published on the Toons Mag’s home page and on social media.
Exhibitions opening:
After the contest, we will announce the date and time of the exhibition opening.
For further information, please visit www.toonsmag.com contact us if you have any questions.
Source: toonsmag.
Deadline updated: 20.11.2019 22:15.


19th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2019, Canada

19th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition
(Theme and Regulations)
1. The theme for the 19th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
Open season on journalists
2018 was one of the worst years for the number of journalists killed while doing their work. In the annual report of Reporters Without Borders, 2018 was particularly deadly with 80 journalists killed in the line of duty (+ 8%). After three years of decline, the number of professional journalists assassinated is up 15%: 63 homicides, against 55 last year. The highly publicized killing of Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi has highlighted the unrestrained determination of the enemies of press freedom.
2. Three prizes will be awarded: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third prize of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars.
Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.5 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the right to use any of the cartoons entered for promotion of the Editorial Cartoon Competition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day luncheon to be held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on Thursday May 2, 2019 and will be advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.
8. The winning cartoons will be published in a program distributed at the luncheon.
The deadline for reception of cartoons is midnight (Eastern Standard Time), Friday, April 12, 2019.
Send submission by e-mail to: info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca
Source: bado-badosblog.


The 43rd Italian Lies championship graphics section contest dedicated to Lie 2019, Italy

The Italian Championship of Lies was born in 1966. The reasons that led to the creation of this competition are to be found in the traditions of our little village over the Pistoia’s mountains, on the Italian Apennines, when in last century people used to meet in front of a fireplace to tell stories that mixed reality and fictious. The Italian Lie Academy, in occasion of the 43rd Italian Lies championship, declares the graphics section contest dedicated to Lie.
General Rules
to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing (true or false) this year theme is: "THE LIE AMONG STARS".
1. The competition is structured in a single section.
2. Participation is free. Deadline for cartoon submission is Sunday, July 4th, 2019. Each participant can send up to 2 cartoons.
3. The entry form below must be completed in all its parts and sent along with the presentation of the works that take part in the competition.
4. The paper must be sent by postal mail to: Accademia della Bugia - Pro Loco Alta valle del Reno, via della chiesa, 27 - 51100 Le Piastre PT, Italy. Otherwise you can use our electronic mail address: accademiabugia@gmail.com
5. The comics can be written in italian or in english, but we advice that you can make a cartoon simply draw, without any text.
6. Italian Lie Academy will award the top three as follows: 1st place: "Gold Bugiardino". 2nd: "Silver Bugiardino". 3rd: "Bronze Bugiardino". The Bugiardino is the symbol of the Championship and is the bell tower of the village with a long nose, like the Pinocchio’s one.
It will be awarded with the "International Bugiardino" the best cartoon coming from abroad or drawn by a foreign national.
7. All the winning cartoons will be published on the website of the Italian championship of Lies (www.labugia.it).
8. The authors waive any fee related to copyright.
9. Prizes will be delivered during the 43rd Italian Championship of Lies that will take place in Le Piastre on the 3rd and 4th August 2019.
10. The works will be judged by a jury headed by the italian cartoonist Marco Fusi.
Source: labugia.