
International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2018, Czechia

International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2018, Czechia
English version
Compulsory Subject: TRAVEL
1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered
2- Total number of cartoons per author: at least 3 pieces, maximum 5 pieces
3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions
4- Cartoons without words are not a requirement, but they have an advantage
5- Cartoons should only be sent electronically to: mfkh@email.cz
6- Deadline April 30th, 2018
7- The technical parameters should be as follows: at least 300 DPI; JPG, PNG or PDF format
8- By sending their cartoons, the author agrees with the following:
a) The organizer can use the cartoons for the promotional purposes of this International Festival of Cartoons
b) The cartoons will be used in the humorous magazine, Tapír
Award Winning Works:
1. Prize money: Winner 15.000 CZK
2. Runner-up 10.000 CZK
3. Second runner-up 5.000 CZK.
Source: http://zlatytapir.cz/2018-2/.


"A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2018

“A Colorful Human World” International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2018
Theme: Colorful Human World.
Deadline: 15th of March 2018.
Size: A4, jpg format, 300 dpi.
Email: colorworld2018@gmail.com
A Colorful Human World!
"It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair", Dickens wrote. Words, we recognize only too well. Or rather, we instantly recognize the despair, seeing it in the eye of refugees, who travel across the sea in spite of the danger, because staying would be infinitely more dangerous. We see the refugees, who never make it to Europe, drowning in the attempt, and those who make it ashore, only to be met with hate speech and the suspicion that they are extremists. Mainstream media are stimulating that populist speech, which incites hate, while right wing parties everywhere in Europe are calling on the nation state and closing of the borders to the exclusion of others. There is always some "other" to blame for everything. In fact, our societies consist of many "others" at the risk of a situation of fracture in which everyone is made scared of one another. Cartoonists have an important task at hand, and The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites all cartoonists to make us forget to be scared and find different ways of (re)connecting. Cartooning at its finest is a spring of hope. It gives us ways to critically rethink and find alternatives to bridge the "us" and "them". We get to see the human in the other. Differences in culture or language are no longer too strange or too much to take in. We see that differences are what make for a colorful world. We deserve to be living in a colorful human world and The International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2018 invites all cartoonists to take part to make it a reality.
The Contest is open to cartoonists from all over the world. Cartoonists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Contest.
The cartoon can be produced traditionally or digitally.
Deadline :15th of March 2018
Each participant may present up to 3 cartoons (size A4). Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5,000 kr.
Second Prize:3,000 kr.
Third Prize: 2, 000 kr.
Honour Prizes (5): 1000kr.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation
A short CV, personal photo, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
Norwegian and International Jury of ten members will make a selection of the submitted cartoons which are to exhibited in the Norwegian Literature House in Oslo and published in Cartoon Home Network International (Facebook platform): https://www.facebook.com/CHNI2016/
The jury members can be participants only in the exhibition.
They will be exhibited to 100 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Norway or abroad.
The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalog of the exhibition.
If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them. Please send an email to: chni2016@gmail.com
You can visit our Cartoon Home Network International on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHNI2016/
Good Luck
Cartoon Home NetworkInternational / CHNI.


Winners Olense Kartoenale 2017 and the new theme 2018, Belgium

Olense Kartoenale 2017
We have received 1.057 entries, sent by 336 different participants from all over the world. The participants are from 54 different countries.
Winners Olense Kartoenale 2017:
Category adult:
First prize: Negin Naghiyeh (Islamic Republic of Iran)
Second prize: Anon Anindito (Indonesia)
Third prize: Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
Fourth prize: Musa Gumus (Turkey)
Prize of the city of Bialogard (Polish participants): Jacek Lanckoronski (Poland)
Prize Amnesty International: Marco D'Agostino (Italy)
Category youth:
First prize: Rojina Fetanat (Islamic Republic of Iran)
Second prize: Lara Maylen Scidone (Italy)
Third prize: Maelys Hendrickx (Belgium)
Fourth prize: Nina Khmelyova (Russia).
Winning works on facebook page: Olen
Participants selected for the exhibition on source:
Olense Kartoenale 2018
The main theme 2018 is 'Safety at work'.
The theme of Amnesty International 2018 is 'Right to decent work'.
How to to participate?
You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2018.


5th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2018, Turkey

5. KalDer BURSA
The Caricature Contest will be held with collaboration of KalDer Bursa Department and Anadolu Karikatürcüler Derneği (Anatolian Caricaturists Society) for the 5th time within the 16th Quality and Success Symposium which is going to take place in Bursa between 13th - 14th of April 2018.
1. Topic of the Contest: "MANAGING TRANSFORMATION"
Explanation about the topic of the contest: The Ephesian philosopher Herakleitos explains the problem of being in the metaphysical understanding of ancient times with the word 'Panta rei'. According to him, the universe is a constantly flowing process, a change that has no beginning and end. In this process there is nothing that does not change and goes on.
Cities are being reshaped according to needs. The sources that are at risk of extinction, necessitate harmonious production with nature. Innovative ideas stand out in the face of changing customer expectations. Countries are examining their economic, social, cultural and technological structures. New strategies are identified in national development policies and plans. Today's changes and transformations seem to make it possible for us to grant Herakleitos, the ancient metaphysical thinker. Today's young and equipped managers take their place in the business world and see the inevitability of using the time effectively and keeping up with the times quickly. The industry and the service sectors know the necessity as much as in whole life, to keep pace with this transformation.
Thus, the Topic of the KalDer International Cartoon Contest, which we carried out this year, is "MANAGING TRANSFORMATION".
1. Last date for application: 17 January 2018, Wednesday
2. The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and professional caricaturists.
3. Application: Limited with three (3) caricatures, may be e-mailed to bursa@kalder.org in 300 dpi jpg format.
4. The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition. The caricatures will be published at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account between 22.01.2018 - 31.01.2018 for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Objections will not be considered after these dates.
5. Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 16th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa between 13th to 14th of April 2018. All remaining publication rights belongs to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions.
6. Prizes:
• 1st Place 3.000 TL and Plaque
• 2nd Place 1.500 TL and Plaque
• 3rd Place 750 TL and Plaque
• Three Honorable Mention Plaques
• Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (Plaque).
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2018. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists.
7. Results will be announced at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account on 10 February 2018, Saturday.
- Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Cüneyt Şenyavaş (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Zeber (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Halit Kurtulmuş (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Klaus Pitter (Austria) Cartoonist
- Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria) Cartoonist
- Erdal Elbay (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Aykan Kurkur (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Arzu Özel (Turkey) KalDer Bursa.
Person in Charge of Organisation: Arzu Özel
E-mail Adress for the Works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org
Contact Information:
Phone: +90224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa (Türkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Department)
Fethiye Mah. Sanayi Cad. No:317/2 Nilüfer / Bursa / Turkey.


Results of the 4th International Cartoon Contest Aleksandar Klas 2017, Serbia

Results of 4th International Cartoon Contest
Aleksandar Klas 2017, Serbia
Theme: Free
First prize - Julian Pena Pai (Romania) (Top)
Second prize - Vladimir Semerenko (Russia)
Third prize - Sava Babic (Serbia)
Diploma- Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)
Diploma- Bernard Bouton (France)
Diploma- Luka Lagator (Montenegro)
Diploma- Sergei Semendyaev (Ukraina)
Diploma- Milanko Kaličanin (Serbia).
This report by Spiro Radulovic,
president of the jury and
editor of review Ilustrovana politika.


International Tobacco Cartoon Exhibition 2017, Indonesia

International Tobacco Cartoon Exhibition 2017
World Tobacco Grower’s Day (WTGD) is celebrated every date October 29th. In order to commemorate the day, Gold Pencil Indonesia in cooperation with The Union of Media Worker (Serikat Pekerja Lintas Media) and The Association of Indonesian Tobacco Growers (Asosiasi Petani Tembakau Indonesia) will hold an exhibition “International Tobacco Cartoon Exhibition 2017” on November 20th, 2017.
The committee invites cartoonists around the world to participate in sending cartoons with the theme:
Save The Tobacco Growers
DEADLINE: November 12th, 2017
The Criterion of Works:
1. This cartoon exhibition can be followed by cartoonists from all over the world.
2. Cartoon must be colorful, not black and white.
3. Please send your cartoon work to: goldpencil.id@gmail.com
4. File size / format: minimum size: 1 MB; maximum size:15 MB; file format: JPG; Resolution: 300 dpi; Color mode: RGB. In other words the work must be safe and good to be printed on A3 paper.
5. Each cartoonist is entitled to submit maximum work: 5 (five) cartoons.
6. Cartoons are the cartoonists original idea.
Participants will get certificates and digital catalogs.
7. The copyright of the work of the contest remains in each cartoonist.
8. The exhibition committee is entitled to use the work received for the purposes of publication, branding and others that are still relevant to the exhibition.
10 best works will get “GOLD PENCIL AWARD” and each gift 2.000.000 IDR
Jitet Koestana (Cartoonist, Gold Pencil)
Suratno (Cartoonist, Gold Pencil)
Representative of APTI.
Source: Jitet Koestana.


International Kaplanlar Refrigeration Cartoon Competition 2017, Turkey

Theme: Environment and Climate Change
Driven by technological development and economic growth, our world is subject to constant changes. The problems of global warming, deforestation, extinction of plant and animal species, depletion of natural resources and pollution are all associated with these changes, issues which threaten life on the planet, its nature and our future.
Aware of the changes since it was founded, Kaplanlar Refrigeration has always striven to develop eco-friendly products and services, to reduce carbon footprints and support sustainable living. In fact, we believe that the cooling and refrigeration sector can make a positive contribution to the challenge of getting climate change under control.
Therefore, with the aim of keeping the public's attention focussed on environmental issues, Kaplanlar Refrigeration announces its International Cartoon Competition on the theme of  'Environment and Climate Change.'
2. Participation Deadline: December 31, 2017
3. Participation: Each participant may submit up to 3 works. The works should be in 300-dpi jpg format and in A4 size (21x29.7 cm). The works should be sent to cartoon@kaplanlar.com
4. The cartoons may have been published before but they should not have been awarded in any other contest. In order to identify plagiarization and similarity, the cartoons sent are going to be published on the Facebook account of Kaplanlar Refrigeration: https://www.facebook.com/kaplanlarsogutma between the dates 2-9 January 2018. The objections raised after these dates are not going to be taken into consideration.
5. By participating in this competition, the artists who have sent their works to the competition are going to be deemed to have accepted that they have given all rights of use of their works (such as poster, newsletter, TV commercial, internet, exhibition, invitation, brochure, calendar, CD, DVD, video etc.) to Kaplanlar Refrigeration Industry and Trade Inc. on condition that they are not going to be used for commercial purposes.
6. Jury Members:
• Ahmet Aykanat (Cartoonist)
• Mehmet Kahraman (Cartoonist)
• Cüneyt Şenyavaş (Cartoonist)
• Halit Kurtulmuş (Cartoonist)
• Kürşat Zaman (Cartoonist)
• Kaplanlar Refrigeration Industry and Trade Inc. Representatives (4 persons).
7. Prizes:
• 1st prize: $ 1.000
• 2nd prize: $ 750
• 3rd prize: $ 500
• Honourable Mention: $ 250
• Honourable Mention: $ 250
• Honourable Mention: $ 250
• Association for Supporting Contemporary Life, ÇYDD Special Prize (Award Plaque)
• Anatolian Cartoonists Association Special Prize (Award Plaque)
8. The results of the competition are going to be declared on 16 January 2018.
9. Contact Information:
Person in charge of the organization: Mrs Derya Sönmez
Tel: + 90 224 2610573 (667) E-mail: dsonmez@kaplanlar.com.