
Austrian Cartoon Award 2008

Austrian Cartoon Award 2008
conditions of participation
1.) General Information
The contest is open to all cartoonists and illustrators worldwide. Applicants can be either professionals or amateurs and must be 18 years of age by the date of application. Up to a maximum of three submissions will be accepted by each participant.
The theme of the contest is soccer and is split into two categories:
1.) Humor
2.) Portrait
The Audience Award will be a separate competition. The final 120 nominations from the category "humor" and "portrait" and the final 10 cartoons from the Audience Voting (first round) will be rated in a separate category (look at point 5.).
Previously awarded works can not take part in the competition.
2.) Entry application
Entries must be submitted either via post and adressed to “Austrian Cartoon Award 2008” c/o Werbeagentur MorréSchmiedlstrasse 1A-8042 Graz/Austria/Europe
or online under http://www.cartoonaward.com/
Only application forms filled in correctly will be accepted.
Entry-form: http://www.cartoonaward.com/pdf/entryform.pdf
3.) Procedure
1st round
All entries for this award must be received on or before 28th February 2008 either online or via post (only copies!) to be considered by the ACA Jury. The best 120 nominations of the first round will qualify for the final and deciding round of the Austrian Cartoon Award 2008.
final round
All participants of the final round will be notified either via e-mail or post. Originals must be signed and submitted latest by the 20th march 2008 - copies or prints will not be accepted!Should the deadline not be met, the application will be disqualified and the following best entry from the first round will be nominated to take part in the final round.
From the final 120 nominations the jury will select the best three in each category. Finalist will receive a written notification and be invited as guests to the award winning ceremony in Graz/Austria.
4.) Jury
Jury members are caricaturists, soccer player, artists and media representatives. The decisions of the judges are final and irrevocable.
5.) Audience Award
All 130 nominations of the final round will also be displayed online under www.cartoonaward.com between 20th january 2008 and 20th may 2008.
Every online registered visitor can select his favourite artists from the shortlist of nominations and submit up to three votes. The entry with the highest score will be awarded the “Audience Prize” and win a prize-money of EUR 1.500,-.
6.) The ACA Cartoon Award Annual 2008
The M+N Medienverlag (publisher) will publish the 130 best cartoons in the ACA Annual.
Each contestant who donates his original piece of art to the exhibitor receives a free of charge ACA Annual.
7.) Copyright
Through the participation in the ACA contest the right of advertisments such as publications in the Annual, catalogues, newspapers etc. is given to the awards organiser.The submitted originals of the prizewinning contestants remain with the host, all other works will be returned upon request.
entry your cartoons
First round:
Submission of cartoons
Requirements for online entries:
• Maximum size 15 x 20 cm (vertical or horizontal format)
• Colour profile: Bitmap, grayscales or RGB
• 240 to 300 dpi resolution
• dataformat: JPEG, JPG (maximum)
• max. data volume: 1,5 MB
Requirements for entries via post:
copies or prints (no originals for the first round), black and white or colour on paper
• minimum size 21 x 30 cm (A4 vertical or horizontal format
• maximum size 30 x 42 cm (A3 vertical or horizontal format)
The name of the contestant and the titel of the entry have to be indicated on the reverse side of each submission.
Final round: Submission of the best 120 original cartoons
Measurements of the originals
• minimum 21 x 30 cm (A4 vertical or horizontal format)
• maximum 30 x 42 cm (A3 vertical or horizontal format)
The name of the contestant and the titel of the entry have to be indicated on the reverse side of each submission.
Only cartoons on paper and on no other materials can take part in the competition.
It is required that every entry conforms to the stated limits and size before it can be given jury consideration.
posting of originals:
• flat not folded and placed between two pieces of carton
• or rolled up
The host can not be made liable for any damage caused by posting or caused during the exhibition.


7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest - Iran

7th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest
National union is one of the goals in every society and country so that they can make relations with others. Religious, racial, and verbal differences should not cause division. Nations even look for common grounds inside their own countries. World should learn to live together and this starts first from inside the countries. People should learn respecting other races, languages, religions, etc. We invite cartoonists to reflect their scrutinized ideas through cartoon.
Theme: Solidarity / Free
1- Number of works are unlimited.
2- Size can be min. A4 and max. A3
3- Color and techniques are free.
4- You can send your works either by post or by email.
5- If you send your cartoons by email, they should be scanned in 200 DPI resolution.
6- Full information of the artist is required; full name, address, tel, email.
7- Works will not be returned.
8- A catalogue of selected cartoons will be sent to their authors accompanied by the catalogue of Tabriz 6th International Cartoon Contest - Kings.
9- An exhibition of selected works will be held in Tabriz.
Deadline: February 29, 2007
Judgment: March 5, 2007
First winner: Gold Medal (real gold) + Diploma + Gift Package + Statue
Second winner: Silver Medal (real silver) + Diploma + Gift Package + Statue
First winner: Bronze Medal (real bronze) + Diploma + Gift Package + Statue
10 works will be nominated for Diploma + Gift Package + Statue.
Also Diploma + Gift Package + Statue will be assigned for three cartoon in second catagory (Free).
Address to send your cartoons:
Tabriz Cartoonists Association, Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Golestan Garden, Tabriz, Iran
Zip Code: 51396-13117


Drawing by Doru Bosiok (See above)
Exhibition sign by Jakša Vlahović (See right below)

Organizers: FECO Serbia and JUGOMARKA Company for creating and distribution of
postage stamps
Entries: Originals or digital prints signed by the artist
Cartoon mail art (Cartoons on the envelops and postcards)
(Notice: try to use real stamps from your country and others)
Size: up to A3 (297x420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: February 15, 2008
Exhibition: March/April 2008, Postal Museum, Belgrade
Prizes: 1st prize - 500 euros
2nd prize - 300 euros
Personal stamp (face value 20 dinars), 200 pieces
Special prize for the best cartoon mail art (Collection of Serbian cartoon books)
Catalogue: to each selected artist
Copyright: belong to the artists except for promotional purposes
Remark: all works remain property of the Museum and FECO Serbia
Informations on e-mail: jvlahovic@ptt.yu
Address for sending cartoons: JUGOMARKA (Jakša Vlahović) Palmotićeva 2, 11000 Belgrade, SERBIA


Yılmaz Güney Culture & Art Festival - Turkey

A caricature contest is organized along with short film, drama, short story, poetry, music, painting and folkloric dances contests by Yüz Çiçek Açsın Culture Center and Demokratik Gençlik Hareketi (Democratic Youth Movement) in the context of Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival, whose final is to be realized in Istanbul on Sunday 27th of January 2007. No competitive concept as to pass beyond or to go ahead is aimed but a concept to gather differing opinions or art concepts and to share it with people at the contests to be held in the context of the festival. In those days where we cannot tolerate our differing opinions and we perceive them as antagonisme, it is more significant and important to create a collective consciousness standing for goodness and beauty... Therefore our aim is not to have participants in a race and to award them but to promote and contribute to the beauty.
1-The contest is open to everybody without any distinctions.
2-The subject and technique to be submitted to the contest is free. In the context of spiritual form - collectivist, progressionist, critical, realistic and innovative values, which became concrete in the movies of Yılmaz Güney and which are already at the core of the caricature shall be particularly appraised.
3-The caricatures sent must be originals (digital prints are also accepted provided they are signed by hand) and they should not have received any award in any previous contests.
4-The participants are free to send as many works as they prefer.
5-The caricatures to be sent must not exceed A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) format.
6-The name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address and for participants younger than 18 years old the age of the artist must be written at the back of the caricatures.
7-A short autobiography and a photograph must be sent together with the caricatures.
8-Award winning and worth of exhibiting caricatures shall be published in the festival book, which shall be sent to the owner of the work.
9-The exhibition of the contest shall be realized in a place to be announced later.
10-At the end of evaluation 4 caricaturists shall receive a “Honor Plaque of the Festival” and 2 participants younger than 18 years of age a “Promising Young Caricaturist” award plaque.
11-The works must be sent to the address “Yuz Cicek Acsin Kultur Merkezi, Mahmut Sevket Pasa Mh. Mithatpasa Cad. No:3/3 SISLI /ISTANBUL” by hand delivery or by post / cargo and received by Wednesday 26th December, 2007 on evening.
12-The appraisal committee is constituted by the following caricaturists: Askin Ayrancioglu, Erhan Yasar Babalik, Mete Gokturk, Canol Kocagoz, Seyit Saatci and Kamil Yavuz.
13-The caricatures participating in the contest shall be kept in the archive of the organizing institution and may be published on billposters, calendars, booklets, magazines, newspapers, and similar media. In consideration of which, the artist whose work would be published shall receive a free copy of such publication.
14-The caricaturists participating in the contest shall be deemed to have agreed these conditions.
*General information relevant to Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival may be found at http://www.yilmazguneyksf.org/
*We thank in advance all of the caricaturists, who will embellish the festival with their works.


1st Campos Ecological Exhibition - Rio de Janeiro

The 1st Campos International Ecological Humor Exhibition - Rio de Janeiro
Deadline: December, 15 2007
The Cultural Foundation Journalist Oswaldo Lima and the City Hall of Campos de Goytacazes – Rio de Janeiro invite cartoonists to participate in the 1st Campos’ International Ecological Humor Exhibition. Aiming to gather the fight for the preservation of the environment and the graphic humor, the exhibition has the goal of making the population aware of the dangers of the misuse of our natural resources. The awarded works will be used in campaings in favor of the environment in schools, companies and in other means of communication. It will be held in the “Praia do Farol de São Tomé” in January from 9 to 31.
Rules and regulations:
Theme: “The end of drinkable water in the world”.
Cartoonists, amateur or professional, are allowed to participate in the exhibition by submitting works that have not been awarded in other competitions until the event’s deadline, December 15th, 2007. The awarded cartoons will be available at http://www.ecohumorcampos.com/ soon after the release of the results. In a 15-day time, cartoonists will be able to complain about plagiarism or fraud. If the complaint is true, the candidate will be eliminated of the contest and will lose the prize. Each author is allowed to submit as many works as he wishes. The works can be develop under any technique. The works must be sent to the e-mail: ecohumorcampos@ecohumorcampos.com
Size: ( 297 x 240 mm), 300 DPI, color mode RGB, format jpg (high quality) up to the limit of 1,5 MB for each work. Attached to the work, the participant must send the following information: Full name, pseudonym, full address, telephone, e-mail ID number and bank account number. Participants may also send a short biography and photo so that they may be used in the data base of the exhibition. Only registrations done by e-mail will be accepted.
R$ 20.000,00 will be distributed as follows:
1st Prize – R$ 10.000,00
2nd Prize – R$ 5.000,00
3rd Prize – R$ 2.500,00
4th Prize – R$ 1.500,00
5th Prize – Given to the cartoonists from Campos and its surroundings – R$ 1.000,00.
The prizes will be paid in a three-month time after the opening of the exhibition and they will be submitted to the current taxes. There will be a jury to select the works and a final jury that will consist of professionals in the field. Other prizes and mentions may be created, according to the Organizing Committee. By participating in the exhibition, the participant automatically transfer the copyright of the works according to the law 9.6l0 of February 19th, 1988. The works will make part of the Cultural Foundation Journalist Oswaldo Lima Collection. More information on the exhibition is available at http://www.ecohumorcampos.com/
(Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/)


Umoristi a Marostica 2008 - Italy

Contest: open to all cartoonists
Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original, 
without titles and accompanied by author's entry-form and biography.
Size: free
Technique: free
Deadline: January 18, 2008 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
Prizes: "Scacchiera International Grand Prize" for each section
Opening and prize distribution: April 12, 2008
Exhibition: April 12 - May 25, 2008
Catalogue: each participating artist will receive a copy 
(by enclosing 7,00 €uro for the postage charges).
Remark: the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Umoristi a Marostica Museum"
The works should be sent to:
For further informations: 
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150