
Sardines Competition Festas De Lisboa 2014, Portugal

Article 1
1. "Sardines Competition Festas de Lisboa’14" is the initiative of EGEAC, Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M. (hereinafter called EGEAC) that aims to stimulate the participation of all in creating the image of the sardines that will be part of Festas de Lisboa’14.
2. The patrimonial author rights over the winning sardines belong exclusively and originally to EGEAC, according to Article 14, nr. 1 of the Portuguese Code of Copyright and Related Rights which includes the rights foresee in articles 67º and 68º of the same Code such as the reproduction, distribution and the communication to the public, which includes, namely, the disclosure, the publication in press or by any other means of graphic reproduction, public exposure, fixation, distribution, broadcasting by any process of sign, sound or image reproduction, the adaptation to any material support or the execution of any other transformations, the use in another work, the reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent by any means and in any form, in whole or in part.
3. The patrimonial author rights are EGEAC’s property definitively and without time limit.
4. For purposes of Article 14, nr. 4, of the above mentioned Portuguese Code, the use of selected and winner proposals for the purposes laid down in this regulation, does not confer upon its author(s) the right to any further financial provision or to any other benefit in kind, being the copyright originally, for those purposes, in the property of EGEAC.
5. The use for other purposes than those specified in this Regulation, in particular in commercial projects, such as publications or merchandising for sale, lack of prior contact with the concerned authors.
6. Not winning proposals, when used by its authors, must include a reference to the participation in the Sardines Competition Festas de Lisboa’14.
7. The participation in the present Competition, by the presentation of a proposal, implies the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation.
Article 2
(Conditions for participation)
1. This competition is open to all Portuguese and foreign, resident and non-resident in Portugal, legal or natural persons of all ages.
2. Are unable to apply in the present competition: EGEAC workers, as well as spouses, ascendants and descendants of the aforementioned.
3. Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively (co-authored); each candidate is allowed to submit a maximum of three proposals.
4. The candidates are responsible for the proposal’s originality, assuring its authorship and assuming all the responsibilities that may run from eventual complaints from third parties with relation to author rights, related rights and rights of personality.
Article 3
1. Questions on the interpretation of this Regulation should be send to the following email address: info@festasdelisboa.com.
2. The solutions for the situations mentioned above in the present article as well as for the omissive situations are EGEAC’s exclusive responsibility and will be disclosed by it and by the means considered convenient.
Article 4
(Proposals essential requirements)
1. The submitted sardine proposals shall be mandatorily original and unpublished.
2. Proposals must be recognized as sardines and not to be confused with any other fish. A basic sardine silhouette is provided in www.festasdelisboa.com .
3. The proposals legibility and adaptability to different means and communication materials of Festas de Lisboa’14 will be valued in the selection of the winners.
4. Sardine proposals may be executed with manual or digital techniques, under the following conditions:
a) proposals in manual techniques (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography or three-dimensional object) cannot contain perishable objects or materials;
b) the digital proposals should be presented as JPEG/JPG files (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
c) the video proposals should be presented as MPEG/MPG or MOV files (size up to 50 MB).
5. Sardine proposals cannot contain any element of identification of its author(s) or any labels, including Festas de Lisboa label.
Article 5
(Mode, place and date of submission of proposals)
1. To take part in this competition, candidates will have to register on the website www.festasdelisboa.com .
2. After register on the website, the candidate may present its proposals by one of the following routes:
a) digitally, on the website www.festasdelisboa.com
b) via postal service, with registry and postal notice, addressed as it follows:
“Concurso Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa'14
(ID number – this will be given to you via email when you register your proposal)
EGEAC – Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M.,
Palácio Marquês de Tancos
Calçada Marquês de Tancos, n.º 2,
1100-340 Lisboa”
The proposals sent by postal service will be accepted if its stamp is dated within the term previewed;
c) hand delivery, at our central office, Monday to Friday, from 9,30 a.m. to 6 p.m., addressed as it follows:
“Concurso Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa'14
(ID number – this will be given to you via email when you register your proposal)”
3. When the candidate is underage, the registry on the website should be done under the candidate’s name, however the parent/legal guardian will have to fill in a specific area with personal data.
Article 6
(Competition Phases)
1st phase: Reception of proposals and exclusion of those that don’t fulfil this Regulation;
2nd phase: Jury selection of 7 (seven) sardine winning proposals, from among all proposals validated for the competition.
Article 7
1. 7 (seven) sardines will be awarded.
2. To each winning proposal it will be given a monetary prize, in the amount of € 2,000.00 (two thousand euros), tax free.
3. Prizes will be given upon presentation of the candidate’s legal receipt.
Article 8
(Competition Jury)
1. All validated proposals are evaluated by EGEAC’s jury.
2. Proposals are evaluated anonymously by the Jury, without any identifying element of their authors.
3.The methodology adopted to evaluate the proposals to be selected is an exclusive decision of the Competition’s Jury.
4. Jury’s decisions are taken by majority, not permitting any recourse or reclaim over them.
Article 9
(Competition Schedule and divulgation)
1. The schedule to be considered by the candidates is:
a) Deadline for proposal delivery: 7th of March 2014; the proposals will only be considered valid since presented until 6 p.m. of the mentioned day;
b) Deadline for announcement of winning proposals by Jury selection: 15th of May 2014.
2. Winners (of the seven prizes) will be informed of the fact by email or telephone.
Article 10
1. The proposals delivered personally, or by post, which have not been selected can be reclaimed by their applicants, from the 1st to the 31st of October 2014. For this, an appointment should be scheduled via info@festasdelisboa.com
2. Proposals that have not been reclaimed within the time limit referred above become EGEAC’s property.
3. The originals of the winning proposals are EGEAC’s property, therefore cannot be collected by the respective candidates.
Source: http://festasdelisboa.com/concursosardinhas2014/regulationSardinesEN2014.pdf.


Sport is the theme in 8th international cartoon competition GRAFIKATUR 2014, Germany

8th international cartoon competition GRAFIKATUR 2014
The town Lübben (Spreewald) announces the 8th international cartoon competition “GRAFIKATUR” on the topic “sport”.
The cartoons to be submitted, at a maximum three, ought not exceed the size of 297 x 420 mm; they have to be without words and must be send in as a copy (they won’ t be send back).
The sender must be written down clearly on the back of each copy.
The cartoon should reach town administration until the 30th of June 2014:
Stadtverwaltung Lübben, Fachbereich II
Postfach 1551, D-15905 Lübben (Spreewald) 
Every participant who was judged with least one cartoon for the exhibition from 4th of November 2014 to the 30th of January 2015 will get a catalogue.
WEB: http://www.luebben.de/de/Kultur/News/Ausschreibung-Grafikatur.html.
Regulation in languages: http://www.luebben.de/content/media/1666_grafikatur.pdf.


The Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival 2014, Iran

The Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival, furnished with bags of experience from the previous three festivals, is again inviting all artists from around the globe to participate and help the organizers achieve their goals. They are supposed to play their roles in line with the responsibility they have in the society. Objectives which embrace one of the most significant human challenges in developing responsible behavior and drawing up a framework for a decent life in order to safeguard human resources and capitals, and provide more opportunities for man.
Having reviewed the previous festivals and the bagged experiences, the secretariat of the Forth Festival intends to add a main theme, on which the focus of the Festival will be, to lead the Festival toward the proposed subject so that other issues can be followed more specifically and the artists can concentrate on one subject and have a better chance to participate more in changing behaviors toward one single productive behavior...
We all believe that education is tied with the next generation’s future and gives life to the picture of the future, this is one of the most important human concerns and perhaps, for many of us, it is the most critical issue of life; therefore, the main theme of this year’s festival is based on this concept. Productivity in education system covers a wide scope. The following list is only some suggestions:
Teaching productivity and its concepts;
The impact of educating children on general productivity;
Technology and its role in education;
Effectiveness of teaching methods;
Managing negative impacts of education on the environment, such as harms of the internet;
Education for everyone;
The effect of education on reducing man’s future problems;
Education and learning through practice;
Education and learning through art;
Understanding cultural and ethnic diversity and respect as the output of education system;
Our expectations from the procedures of children’s education;
Productivity and …….
Like previous festivals, this year’s judgment will be done by international thinkers, scholars, and outstanding artists in the field of productivity. The judgment criteria are as follows:
Originality, innovation, and creativity
Capability to convey productivity concept and its pedagogical aspect
Relatedness with academic and theoretical aspect of productivity (in the sense of efficiency or effectiveness)
The employed techniques
Ability to prescribe and provide solutions
Terms and conditions:
Number of works: a maximum of three works can be sent for each subject
Works must be original (computer-made versions are also accepted, provided that the print out is signed by the cartoonist. The electronic version must also be sent in TIFF format with the resolution of 300 DPI)
Photographs and copies of the works are not acceptable. Works must range between A4 and A3 in size
There is no limitation in the employed techniques
A completed application form bearing a photo , and a brief biography of the artist must be sent along with the work
Sent works will not be returned.
Organizers of the Festival will try their utmost in keeping the works safe, yet they bear no responsibility against probable damages.
The secretariat of the Festival reserves all rights to publish and showcase the works sent to the Festival
Festival catalogue will be given to those artists whose works will be published ( please apply extreme attention in writing your mailing address and contact information in the form).
By Signing the application form, the artist agrees with the terms and conditions of the Festival
Deadline: May 22th, 2014 at the latest (EXTENDED: 22 JULY 2014)
Send your works to the secretariat of the Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival: No. 164, 6th Boostan St., Opposite White Tower ( Burj-e-Sefid) , Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98-21-22768418
First prize: 3000 Euros and a Trophy
Second prize: 2000 Euros and a Trophy
Third prize: 1000 Euros and a Trophy
Ten other selected works will be awarded by the Festival’s sponsors
The group of international judges includes artists (cartoonist judges) and academics (management scholars)
Please send you queries to the following email address: info@productoon.com.
Children and Teenagers’ special Section:
Under-18’s can participate in this section
Each participant can send a maximum of two works
Works must be 20*30 cm in size. In case of sending the works via email, the resolution must be 200 DPI
Please write your full name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, your age, and your grade on the back of your works.
There is a separate judgment for this section; and the top five young artists will be awarded (cash prize and trophies)
Source: www.cwn-news.com.


The 8th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic Bucovina 2014, Romania

The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 8th Edition, 2014.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “ B o o k
2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five (otherwise they will be disqualified).
4. Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV) (otherwise they will be disqualified)
5. The exhibition prizes is:
- Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal
- Three mentions = diploma + medal.
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: contact@artboa.ro and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour, or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum http://www.muzeulbucovinei.ro/. All the artists who will enter for exhibition will receive the catalogue of the saloon.
8. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 30th of April 2014.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in June 2014.
10. Caricatures sent, will not be returned, will enter the Museum's collection.
Members of Jury: Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist; George Licurici – cartoonist; Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist.
Manager artistic: BOA www.artboa.ro; www.artboa.blogspot.com.


Recent version of Regulations for 2014 Silk Road International Exhibition, China

2014 Silk Road International Exhibition
According to the requirement of participators of Silk Road International Competition, the deadline of submission is extended to June 5, 2014. Most welcome you to participate in this event. Read more.
Organizing Committee of SRIC.
 Ironic Art Images about the Past, Present and Future of the “2014 Silk Road International Exhibition” is an open competition.
 The entries for the competition are to include: Cartoon, comics, caricature, strip , drawings, graphics and other works of original fine art created by qualified artists using a variety of techniques.
The theme categories of the competition are:
1.Ocean, Desert and land
2.City and Countryside
3. Caricatures and People
4. Legend and Folk Arts
5. Science and Technology
6. Nature and Environment
7. Customs and Daily Lives of People
8. Sports and Entertainment
9. “Present Silk Road in the Eyes of Artists”
(Art images are preferred without captions)
 Artworks that received awards in other competitions are welcome. The format and size of the works are limited to a maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
 Artwork must be sent or delivered by March 9, 2014 (date of postmark) and packed in a protective cover to:
Organizing Committee of SRIC:
2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing, China Post Code: 100107
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182 Email: cmiassn@126.com .
 Participants wishing to participate in the exhibition and in the catalog only may send a print copy to the mailing address above or email it to cmiassn@126.com (JEPG, 200dpi).
 Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organizers reserve the right to include submitted works in the Gallery.
 Artwork should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a completed application form
 Organizers are not responsible for any transportation damages.
 Artwork submitted for competition will be judged by an International Jury.
 The Jury will award the following cash prizes along with a certificate for each award.
• Grand prize amounting to 5.000 USD
• 2 gold medals amounting to 3.000 USD
• 2 silver medals amounting to 2.000 USD
• 2 bronze medals amounting to 1.000 USD
• 9 special prizes amounting to 300 USD
 The jury has the right of final distribution of statutory prize and all of the jury’s decisions are final.
Competition results will be announced on May 1, 2014 on this website. www.cmiassn.org
 Organizers plan to award the artist with the best debut and will give him/her the opportunity for an individual exhibition at the Gallery which will be included in the 2014 program.
 Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given a presentation copy of the catalogue.
 Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
 Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
 The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the Gallery.
 The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.
 By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations
 By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album.
Contact Information
Organizing Committee of SRIC:
2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing, China Post Code: 100107
Tel/Fax:: 0086-10-84827182
Email: cmiassn@126.com
Website: www.cmiassn.org
 Submission deadline for receipt of artwork: March 9, 2014 (EXTENDED: 5 JUNE 2014).
 Post-competition exhibition August 8 to August 28, 2014.


Invitation to the project of the of the Czech Union of Cartoonists: The World Draws Havel

The Czech Union of Cartoonists invites all authors, home and abroad, to make a caricature of Václav Havel, the first Czechoslovak president in the postcommunist era. We wish to pay honour in this way to the man who played so great a role in the transition of our country from totality to democracy. The works submitted will be published on the Union’s webpage and the selected caricatures will be exhibited or, as the case may be, included in a catalogue. Please, send your works in A4 size, in colour, greyscale or black and white, in resolution of 300 dpi (JPG) to the following address:
vaclav.havel@ceska-karikatura.cz .
More on WEB: http://www.ceska-karikatura.cz/en/svet-kresli-havla/.


31st Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2014, Turkey

• The Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
• The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
• The Jury, composed of international members, will meet in June 2014.
• The 31st Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in September 2014 in Istanbul.
1. Choice of subject is free.
2. Only original cartoons will be accepted. Cartoons sent as printouts should bear original signatures of cartoonists.
Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42cm (A3 paper size).
4. Participants are expected to send the filled out participation form, with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph, together with their cartoons. Please fill out the form attached or download it from www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr. The documents should be sent to Aydın Doğan Foundation, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No 65, 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul, Turkey.
5. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage.
6. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to their artists.
7. By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he grants license in form of non-exclusive simple license to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means (s)he holds over the cartoon(s) which will enter the competition as defined under Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that (s)he gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media or to use them in any other way without any limitations.
8. Should the cartoon(s) which enters the competition earns a rank and/or a prize, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means (s)he holds over the cartoon(s) which earned a rank and/or a prize to the Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; and that (s)he gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media or to use them in any other way without any limitations; and that (s)he does not have any right of disposition over the financial rights subject to transfer and thus cannot enter into any transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
9. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
10. Cartoons that have not received any awards shall be returned to their owners upon written application to the Foundation within one year. The responsibility of the Foundation finishes after one year.
11. The deadline for entries is Friday, May 9, 2014.
12. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member.
13. The decision to upload the cartoons sent to the competition on the Virtual Museum lies with the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
Winner : 8,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Winner Award
First Runner up : 5,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation First Runner up Award
Second runner up : 3,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Second Runner up Award
Success Award : 500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Success Award
(In the event of a tie, the monetary awards may be shared equally among the winners.
A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)
Participation Form
Participation Rules in languages.


19th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2014, Croatia

The organizer of the 19th International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2014 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 17th of April 2014.
First Prize: 1.000 EUR
Second Prize: 500 EUR
Third Prize: 300 EUR
Five Special mentions.
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 3th of June 2014.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2015).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2014, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
Entry Form on WEB: http://www.hdk.hr/.


1st Cairo International Cartoon Exhibition 2014, Egypt

Foreign Cultural Relations Sector, Ministry of Culture in Egypt, organizes in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Society, 1st Cairo International Cartoon Exhibition.
Eligible Participants
Open to all artists from all over the world above 18
1- Egypt in the eyes of cartoonists
2- Free
Technical Criteria
• All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi actual size A4 (210mmx297mm), or A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPG format.
• Submitted works can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique
• Number of entries is unlimited.
• Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
• By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• The entry should be submitted to egyptcartoon2014@yahoo.com latest by 25th February 2014 (EXTENDED: 15 MARCH 2014)
• The submission should contain the candidate’s
~ Full Name
~ e-mail address
~ Contact no
~ Full address
~ Date of birth (date-month-year)
A brief C.V. in English and passport size photo of the artist should be submitted as well.
Selection Criteria
• Entries will be judged by prominent Jury based on the quality of work submitted.
• A catalogue of selected artworks will be printed, a copy of which will be sent to the selected authors.
Organizing Committee:
Samir Abd Elghany (Cartoonist and Board Member of the Egyptian Caricature Society)
Fawzy Morsy (Cartoonist and Board Member of the Egyptian Caricature Society)
Emad Abd Elmaksud (Cartoonist)
Mona Abdel Karim (Photographer)
Ameenah Kamel (Cartoonist)
For more details please visit:
or contact us at :
egyptcartoon2014@yahoo.com .


Exhibition call: Palestinian Women 2014

Artist women around the world in solidarity with Palestinian women at the International Women's Day and in the Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
Opening exhibition: March 8, 2014.
Museum of Graphic Humor and Written Diogenes Taborda.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Website: www.museotaborda.org
Web: www.museodiogenestaborda.blogspot.com
All the professional or amateur female cartoonists can register works. Each author can register up to four (4) works all technique. All the works can be sent through for e-mail, digitalized in 300 DPI, color way RGB, in the format JPG (high quality) or PDF obeying the maximum limit of 1,0 MB for each work. Deadline: February 20, 2014.
Rules, registration and information: exposicionmujerpalestina@gmail.com 
Source: facebook.


Rules of 12th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2013 (by E-mail), China

1) Cartoon:
(A) Mobile Internet; (B) Air Pollution; (C) No Smoking; (D) Free Theme
2) Caricature:
(A) Famous President; (B) Sports Star; (C) Entertainment Star; (D) Business Star
January 30, 2014(Chinese New Year's eve)
1) Size: Min:A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), Max: A3 (297 mm x 420 mm).
2) Quantity: Unlimited .
3) Please send digital original drawings to this contest. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted.
4) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with digital signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at FreeCartoonsWeb.
5) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese.
6) All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoons to: freecartoons@126.com .
Format: JPEG Size:max.4M per cartoon Resolution ratio: 200 dpi - 300 dpi.
7) The excellent cartoons will be published in Chinese newspaper and magazine.Some cartoons will be exhibited in China.All cartoons will not be returned.
1) Cartoon:
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate+Catalogue+Gifts;
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue+Gifts;
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue;
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue.
2) Caricature:
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate+Catalogue+Gifts;
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue+Gifts;
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue;
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue.
URL: http://www.fcwfcw.com , http://www.fcw.cn
E-mail: freecartoons@126.com (Only for Festival)
Tel: 0086-13818006180
Source: http://fcwfcw.com/Diary.asp?ID=694 .

Don Quichotte new @-exhibition theme: Illegal Immigration

Every year, "journey of hope"of thousands of people which is held by highway or seaway, has not always a happy end. Despite measures against this illegal way of immigration, millions of people are dying during this "death ride". Especially, to arrive to the destination is a big luck for the people who prefer seaway. The bad conditions of the weather and unsafe boats are the main reasons of this tragedy. Illegal immigration is not only achieved by seaway, but also there are immigrations which are held by highway. Unfortunately, many of these are ending with tragedy. Moreover, African countries are demanding illegal immigration more than other countries.
It should be noted that there's an international annuity which is nourished from the people with the dream of a life with higher standards of living, who die tragically. Rising unemployment due to the global economic crisis triggered immigration of cheap and illegal workers. In Italy we have experienced the biggest tragedy, is a kind of survive from underdeveloped countries to developed countries. Just in a boat, the number of deaths was over 350.
We want to get under the spotlight their unsafe journeys from their own countries to other countries, the illegal gangs which left them with danger of death, expulsion reasons of the referencing country for asylum. Our goal is to attract attention of world public opinion to this everlasting tragedy, to contribute with a touch of art.
At the end of the exhibition the most successful 3 cartoons will be awarded with "Don Quichotte" medal. In addition 10 other cartoons will be given "certificate of Don Quichotte" as a reward.
Deadline: 28 February 2014
e-mail: info@donquichotte.org .
Source: www.donquichotte.org .

Results of the 6th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2013, Azerbaijan

Theme: Shadow
First "Smiling Cat" prize: Sergei Semendyaev - Ukraine (Top)
Second "Smiling Cat" prize: Marian Avramescu - Romania
Third "Smiling Cat" prize: Antonio Santos - Portugal
Darko Drijevic - Montenegro
Abdul Syukur - Indonesia
Ivailo Tsvetkov - Bulgaria
Sava Babic - Serbia
Jacek Frackiewicz - Poland
Sunnerberg Constantin - Belgium
Sergei Tunin - Russia
Ciosu Constantin - Romania.
Maya Khalil - Syria
Xiaorui Wang - China
Cranberry cartoon club - Russia.
See all prize-winning cartoons on source.


First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine

First international cartoon contest MAIDAN 2014, Ukraine
Rules of contest
1. Organizers
The organizers of First international cartoon contest MAIDAN are the newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski", the magazine "Kraina" and the website Gazeta.ua
2. Participation
All persons can participate in this international contest, regardless of nationality, age, gender or profession. Participants are agree to the terms and conditions and the decisions of the international jury.
3. Theme
Maidan (revolutionary square)
Who holds the power - the powers that be or the people? There have been cases in history when people had have to prove their power on the town squares. For instance, the popular assemblies (Viche) in the medieval cities Novgorod and Kyiv had gathered on the squares near the St. Sophia Church. There was a sign "Now we dance here" at the Place de la Bastille in Paris on the place of fortress ruined by the revolutionaries. Nowadays, people stand up for their rights on the town squares. Widely known places of the mass people actions are Tahrir Square in Cairo, Taksim Square in Istanbul, Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Independence Square (Maidan) in Kyiv.
4. Entries
No more than 5 entries per person, black and white or colour. The cartoons must not contain text. Drawings can also be made digitally. Minimum size: 500 KB, maximum size: 3 MB. Format: A4, JPG. Please, send your full name, phone, post address and e-mail together with cartoons in attachment.
5. Deadline: 30.05.2014
6. Address
Please, send your cartoons by e-mail: maidan@gpu.ua
7. Prizes
First prize - $1,000
Second Prize - $500
Third Prize - $300
Five special awards.
8. International jury
Volodimir Ruban - Editor in chief of newspaper "Gazeta po-ukrainski" and magazine "Kraina", Ukraine;
Odile Conseil - Associate Editor of magazine Courrier International, France;
Cau Gomez - cartoonist, Brasil;
Dmitro Skajenik - cartoonist, Ukraine;
Marilena Nardi - cartoonist, Italy;
Ivailo Tsvetkov - cartoonist, Bulgaria;
Oleg Dergachov - cartoonist, Canada;
Eray Őzbek - cartoonist, Turkey;
Vladimir Kazanevsky - cartoonist, Ukraine.
9. The organizers reserve the right to publish the work submitted to the contest as an advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to the author. All rights reserved by the authors of cartoons.
For further information please contact us: kazanevsky@gmail.com
Dear artists, we are waiting for your works – as always witty, original, reflecting the author's independent ideas.
Source: raedcartoon.com .

Oburmizah cartoon website, Turkey