
4th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2017, Turkey

Topic of the Contest:“NEW LIFE
Explanation about the topic of the contest: Our world has been changing and progressing from its existence point to our day. Humanity took big steps for its own future, everything moved so fast. Sustainability, economy, change, Industry 4.0, universal values, environment, climate changes, rapidly consumed resources in danger of extinction, nature friendly production systems, livable future subjects are being approached in “NEW LIFE” theme.
Last date for application: 19 January 2017, Thursday
The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and prfessional caricaturists.
Application: Limited with three caricatures, may be e-mailed to bursa@kalder.org in 300 dpi jpg format.
The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition.
The caricatures will be published at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account between 21.01.2017 - 31.01.2017 for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Objections will not be considered after these dates.
Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 15th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa between 14th to 15th of April 2017. All remaining publication rights belongs to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions.
1st Place 3.000 TL ve plaque
2nd Place 1.500 TL ve plaque
3rd Place 750 TL ve plaque
Three Honorable Mention Plaques
Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (plaque)
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2017. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists.
Results will be announced at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account on 06 February 2017, Monday.
Person in Charge of Organisation: Arzu Özel
E-mail Adress for the Works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org
Contact Information:
Phone: +90224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa Department (Türkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Department)
Fethiye Mah. Sanayi Cad. No:317/2 Nilüfer / Bursa / Turkey.

Ljubica Heidler, Zdenko Puhin & the Croatian Cartoonist Association, Croatia

Savska 100, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA


5th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2017, Viborg - Denmark

5th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2017, Viborg - Denmark
Theme explanation: Communication
Conditions and rules:
Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them before April 1st, 2017 (EXTENDED:) April 14th, 2017 via internet (Upload) to the following address:
together with the digital entry form with the informations about the author. Size for the first round: A4 Format, 300dpi, 2480x3508 pixel (approximately), Max. 5 MB each file.
The cartoons received after the deadline will be rejected.
Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 100-120 drawings. Only the selected artists will be asked to send the original work by post. All these works will be shown at the exhibition.
The works can be made in black & white or color, with any drawing technique, we accept only wordless cartoons, without subtitles. The submitted work should not have been awarded before the deadline of this contest.
Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
The Prizes are :
1st Prize : 3.000 €, Gold plate and diploma
2nd Prize : 2.000 €, Silver plate and diploma
3rd Prize : 1.000 €, Bronze plate and diploma
The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results. The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer. The exhibition and the award ceremony will take place in late May 2017.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the above mentioned rules.
Contact for further information: award17@hae.de
Source: http://www.nielsbuggeaward.org/.
Also on facebook.


3rd International Cartoon Exhibition in Sisak, X - MIKS 2017 "Ancient Astronauts"

X - MIKS 2017 „ Ancient Astronauts “
As part of the 3rd International Exhibition of Caricatures in Sisak will be held the:
- 1st International Exhibition of Comics
- 1st International festival of Aphorisms
- Debate on the theme „Ancient Astronauts – Krešimir Mišak
- and other Artistic Performances.
The Organizer of the 3rd International Cartoon Exhibition Sisak – MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“ is International Association of Cartoonists "MIKS“.
The Project Leader and the President of the Organizing Committee is a mr. Nenad Ostojić.
The Contest of International Cartoon Exhibition „MIKS“ is open to Everyone, Regardless Nationality, Age, Sex, or Profession.
The Truth is Around Us! Or maybe not? Do You Believe in Ancient Aliens, Angels or in Gods??
This Contest is dedicated to a Popular Theory about Ancient Aliens!
What is the Origin of Human Race? Were we created by Gods or Ancient Aliens?
Where did they come from? Why did they leave? Where did they go? What was their goal? Are Humans Aliens on planet Earth? What is the Secret of UFOs? Who built the Pyramids? Do Alien Civilisations exist? What would happen if we Contacted them?
The Cartoonists’ task is to create their work based on those Topics.
The task for the Portrait Cartoonists is to draw people who have created the theory of Ancient Astronauts (Aliens) or People who claimed there are Ancient Civilisations in the Universe, like Erich von Däniken, Carl Sagan, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Stephen Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Neil deGrasse Tyson, George Noory, David Hatcher Childress...
1. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork, sent by Internet, if the prints are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR and if they are indicated as PRINT NUMBER ONE, or a originalto this contest.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of the cartoons.
4. The Cartoons must not have bee previously awarded on festival.
5. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted (per topic).
6. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format (300 dpi).
7. Each Cartoonist must fulfill the Application Form and send it with your work (regular mail or e-mail)
Entry Deadline is the 01.06. 2017 (EXTENDED:) 10 JUNE 2017.
3rd International Cartoon Exibition Sisak - X - MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“
Gradski muzej u Sisku,
Ulica kralja Tomislava 10,
44000 Sisak, HRVATSKA (Croatia)
Digital works can be sent to the e-mail address; cartoonmiks@gmail.com
1. Grand Prix – 800 Euros,
2. Second Prize – 500 Euros,
3. Third Prize – 250 Euros,
MIKS 2017 awarded 7 Special Awards: 3 Awards selects Jury of MIKS, one choosing the Visitors, a Special Recognition Awarded to our Partners and promoters Fenamizah, Good Humor Party and Toon Mag.
The Exhibitons will be Staged in the Gallery of the City Mussem in Sisak, 29.06.2017. to 30.07.2017.
Only at Explicit Request will the Remaining (Original) Works be returned to the owners (at their expense).
Authors of the Works that qualfy to the Exhibition are Given a presentation hard copy od the Exhibition Cataloque.
The Organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the MIKS 2017, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to the author whose work may be used.
The Prize-Winning works become the Property of the Organizer.
Nenad Ostojić
Tel: +385/98-339-405
e-mail: cartoonmiks@gmail.com
I. Nenad Ostojić (Croatia, Cartoonist)
II. Zoran Petrović (Germany, Artist, Cartoonist)
III. Arifur Rahaman (Norway, Cartoonist)
IV: Eduardo Baptistao (Brasil, Cartoonist)
V. Massoud Sojai Tabatabai (Iran, Cartoonist)
VI. Krešimir Mišak (Croatia, Journalist, Writer, Editor of TV shows; At the edge of science)
VII. Marco De Angelis (Italy, Cartoonist)
VIII. Darijana Gotal Sokolović (Croatia, Cartoonist)
IX. Roko Idžjotić (Croatia, Cartoonist).
More on facebook.


13th Tabriz International Cartoon Festival 2017, Iran

13th Tabriz cartoon festival / Iran 2017
Fight Against Economic Corruption
and Resistive Economy
The contest is open to all artists worldwide ,
cartoonists, caricaturists, painters. illustrators, etc.
The size of the works A3 - A4
Participants should send their cartoons
(works not being previously awarded in other competitions)
Deadline for entries is 19 March 2017.
The works must be original.
The authors should have full copyright and be responsible
for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
Cartoons accepted for exhibition and prize-awarded cartoons
might be published for any kind of publications in press
or advertising concerning the contest.
Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure,
on posters, in the world press or other printed matter
for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition.
In these cases any fee for the use of works will not be paid.
Remark: the works will not be returned.
Catalog will be sent to all the selected artists.
You can send by Email to
Result of the contest will be published in
www.cwn-news.com &
Address: Iran - Tabriz - Golestan garden -
Tabriz art home - Tabriz cartoon museum
Postal code: 51396-13117
Tel: +98-41-32843094
More on source.


6th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2017, Cyprus

1. The contest is open to all amateur or professional cartoonist or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
2. Themes: Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
3. All Submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words
4. All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5. Submission of materials, which has previously been submitted and or presented and or published elsewhere, is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed, however previously any award wining material cannot be submitted.
6. All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the competition. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If Plagiarism detected and or any previously award wining material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7. Entrants could submit more than one work, however no more than one award will be awarded to participants.
8. All submission must be received by APRIL 30, 2017 at the address provided below.
9. All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10. All prize winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in a booklet and displayed at the City Center by the Kyrenia Municipality building during the “16. International Olive Festival 2017.”
11. The results of the competition will be published thru media and prizing winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
12. Kyrenia Municipality will provide travel and boarding expenses for three prize winners and six special prizewinners as stated in the terms and conditions of the competition. The prize-winning cartoonist must respond to the prize ceremony invitation within 10 days. The responses outside of 10 days are not considered.
13. The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
14. All persons entering the competition agree that the rules of the competition as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
15. For the exhibition and album, digital works can be sent to the following email address: olivecartoons@gmail.com Digital works are excluded from awards.
1. Prize: 1,000 Euro + Gold Olive
2. Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive
3. Prize: 600 Euro + Bronze Olive
6 entrants: Special Prize (Bronze Olive)
100 entrants: Finalist Plaque.
APRIL 30, 2017
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
6. Uluslararası Zeytin Karikatürleri Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 (Post Code: 99000)
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)