Details here.
Winners in the 26th Olense Kartoenale 2014 with theme "Cows", Belgium
The top prize in the theme of 'cows' went to Paolo Dalponte from Italy (Top). On Friday, November 14th, the ceremony took place and the Italian cartoonist took his prize in person. The prize of Amnesty International in the theme 'right to education' was Esmaeil Babaei from Iran.
The other winners in the adult category are:
Second prize 'copper pot': Negin Naghiyeh (Iran);
Third prize 'the pot': Marzieh Rezaei (Iran);
Fourth prize 'Inkwell': Anon Anindito (Indonesia);
Fifth prize 'the lekkerbekpot': Slawomir Makal (Poland);
Prize of city Bialogard: Grzegorz Szumowski (Poland).
In the youth category, the first prize went to Hu Yang from the Netherlands. The other winners in this category are:
Second prize: Fanyu Kong (China);
Third prize: Chong Wang Hao (China);
Fourth prize: Zhi Yu Yang (China).
The first milestone of digitization was taken last year and this year was further put to shine. No less than 515 cartoonists from 59 countries sent their cartoons. In total, this is good for 1,357 entries.
Exhibition and catalog
The exhibition at the Olen Kartoenale is on until 31 December in the council chamber during opening hours of the town hall.
The winning cartoons and many other entries are compiled in a beautiful color catalog. This catalog is for sale for 12 euros at the reception of the town and the service leisure.
(Translation help: Google)
Source: See winning cartoons on ECC blog.
The other winners in the adult category are:
Second prize 'copper pot': Negin Naghiyeh (Iran);
Third prize 'the pot': Marzieh Rezaei (Iran);
Fourth prize 'Inkwell': Anon Anindito (Indonesia);
Fifth prize 'the lekkerbekpot': Slawomir Makal (Poland);
Prize of city Bialogard: Grzegorz Szumowski (Poland).
In the youth category, the first prize went to Hu Yang from the Netherlands. The other winners in this category are:
Second prize: Fanyu Kong (China);
Third prize: Chong Wang Hao (China);
Fourth prize: Zhi Yu Yang (China).
The first milestone of digitization was taken last year and this year was further put to shine. No less than 515 cartoonists from 59 countries sent their cartoons. In total, this is good for 1,357 entries.
Exhibition and catalog
The exhibition at the Olen Kartoenale is on until 31 December in the council chamber during opening hours of the town hall.
The winning cartoons and many other entries are compiled in a beautiful color catalog. This catalog is for sale for 12 euros at the reception of the town and the service leisure.
(Translation help: Google)
Source: See winning cartoons on ECC blog.
Regulation for the Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa 2015, Portugal
1. "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15" is the initiative of EGEAC, Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M. (hereinafter called EGEAC), that aims to stimulate the participation of all in creating the image of the sardines that will be used as part of Festas de Lisboa’15 campaign.
2. The patrimonial author rights over the winning sardines belong exclusively and originally to EGEAC, according to Article 14, nr. 1 of the Portuguese Code of Copyright and Related Rights which includes the rights foresee in articles 67º and 68º of the same Code such as the reproduction, distribution and the communication to the public, which includes, namely, the disclosure, the publication in press or by any other means of graphic reproduction, public exposure, fixation, distribution, broadcasting by any process of sign, sound or image reproduction, the adaptation to any material support or the execution of any other transformations, the use in another work, the reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent by any means and in any form, in whole or in part.
3. The patrimonial author rights are EGEAC’s property definitively and without time limit.
4. For purposes of Article 14, nr. 4, of the above mentioned Portuguese Code, the use of the selected and winner proposals for the purposes laid down in this regulation, does not confer upon its author(s) the right to any further financial provision or to any other benefit in kind, being the copyright originally, for those purposes, in the property of EGEAC.
5. The use for other purposes than those specified in this Regulation, in particular in commercial projects, such as publications or merchandising for sale, will be subject to prior contact with the concerned authors.
6. Not winning proposals, when used by its authors or a third party, must include a reference to the participation in the Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15. Prior knowledge of any use should be given to EGEAC.
7. The participation in the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15", by submitting a sardine proposal implies the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation.
2. EGEAC workers as well as their spouses, ascendants and descendants are impeded to apply to the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15".
3. Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively (co-authored); each author is allowed to submit a maximum of three sardine proposals.
4. The candidates are responsible for the proposal’s originality, assuring its authorship and assuming all the responsibilities that may run from eventual complaints from third parties with relation to author rights, related rights and rights of personality.
2. The solutions for the situations mentioned above in the present article, as well as for the omissive situations, are EGEAC’s exclusive responsibility and will be disclosed by it and by the means considered convenient.
2. Proposals must be recognized as sardines and not to be confused with any other fish. A basic sardine silhouette is provided in .
3. The proposals legibility and adaptability to different means and communication materials of Festas de Lisboa’15 will be valued in the selection of the winners.
4. Sardine proposals may be executed with manual or digital techniques, under the following conditions:
a) proposals in manual techniques (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography or three-dimensional object) should be photographed or scanned in order to be attached to the application form as a file.
The file should be presented as JPEG/JPG (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
b) the digital proposals should be presented as JPEG/JPG files (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
c) the video proposals should be presented as MPEG/MPG or MOV files (size up to 50 MB).
5. Sardine proposals cannot contain any element of identification of its author(s) or any brand label, including Festas de Lisboa label.
2. The candidates should firstly register and login on the above mentioned website (
3. Each sardine proposal should be attached, as a file, on the application form on the website, by fill in the application form.
4. To each sardine proposal an application form should be filled in and submitted.
5. Other situations specified and pre-determined on the website (
a) Underage candidates: the registry should be done under the author’s name. The parents/legal guardian details are also requested in the registry and should be filled in;
b) Institutions: Schools and NGO’s may also apply. The registry should be done under the institution’s name, but a responsible person should be appointed and duly identified in the registry.
2nd phase: Jury selection of 5 (five) sardine winning proposals, from among all proposals validated for the Contest.
2. To each winning proposal it will be given a monetary prize, in the amount of € 2,000.00 (two thousand euros), tax free.
3. Prizes can only be given upon presentation of the candidate’s legal receipt.
2. Proposals are evaluated anonymously by the Jury, without any identifying element of their authors.
3. The methodology adopted to evaluate the proposals to be selected is an exclusive decision of the Contest’s Jury.
4. Jury’s decisions are taken by majority, not permitting any recourse or reclaim over them.
a) Deadline for proposal submission: 3rd of December 2014; the proposals will only be considered valid since presented until 3 p.m. of the mentioned day;
b) Deadline for announcement of winning proposals by Jury selection: 15th of May 2015.
2. The winners (of the five prizes) will be informed by email or telephone.
2. The patrimonial author rights over the winning sardines belong exclusively and originally to EGEAC, according to Article 14, nr. 1 of the Portuguese Code of Copyright and Related Rights which includes the rights foresee in articles 67º and 68º of the same Code such as the reproduction, distribution and the communication to the public, which includes, namely, the disclosure, the publication in press or by any other means of graphic reproduction, public exposure, fixation, distribution, broadcasting by any process of sign, sound or image reproduction, the adaptation to any material support or the execution of any other transformations, the use in another work, the reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent by any means and in any form, in whole or in part.
3. The patrimonial author rights are EGEAC’s property definitively and without time limit.
4. For purposes of Article 14, nr. 4, of the above mentioned Portuguese Code, the use of the selected and winner proposals for the purposes laid down in this regulation, does not confer upon its author(s) the right to any further financial provision or to any other benefit in kind, being the copyright originally, for those purposes, in the property of EGEAC.
5. The use for other purposes than those specified in this Regulation, in particular in commercial projects, such as publications or merchandising for sale, will be subject to prior contact with the concerned authors.
6. Not winning proposals, when used by its authors or a third party, must include a reference to the participation in the Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15. Prior knowledge of any use should be given to EGEAC.
7. The participation in the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15", by submitting a sardine proposal implies the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation.
Article 2
(Conditions for participation)
1. This contest is open to all Portuguese and foreign, resident and non-resident in Portugal, legal or natural persons of all ages. (Conditions for participation)
2. EGEAC workers as well as their spouses, ascendants and descendants are impeded to apply to the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’15".
3. Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively (co-authored); each author is allowed to submit a maximum of three sardine proposals.
4. The candidates are responsible for the proposal’s originality, assuring its authorship and assuming all the responsibilities that may run from eventual complaints from third parties with relation to author rights, related rights and rights of personality.
Article 3
1. Questions regarding this Regulation should be sent to the following email address:
2. The solutions for the situations mentioned above in the present article, as well as for the omissive situations, are EGEAC’s exclusive responsibility and will be disclosed by it and by the means considered convenient.
Article 4
(Proposals essential requirements)
1. The submitted sardine proposals shall be mandatorily original and unpublished. (Proposals essential requirements)
2. Proposals must be recognized as sardines and not to be confused with any other fish. A basic sardine silhouette is provided in .
3. The proposals legibility and adaptability to different means and communication materials of Festas de Lisboa’15 will be valued in the selection of the winners.
4. Sardine proposals may be executed with manual or digital techniques, under the following conditions:
a) proposals in manual techniques (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography or three-dimensional object) should be photographed or scanned in order to be attached to the application form as a file.
The file should be presented as JPEG/JPG (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
b) the digital proposals should be presented as JPEG/JPG files (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
c) the video proposals should be presented as MPEG/MPG or MOV files (size up to 50 MB).
5. Sardine proposals cannot contain any element of identification of its author(s) or any brand label, including Festas de Lisboa label.
Article 5
(Mode, place and date of submission of proposals)
1. Participation in this contest only takes place online on the website . (Mode, place and date of submission of proposals)
2. The candidates should firstly register and login on the above mentioned website (
3. Each sardine proposal should be attached, as a file, on the application form on the website, by fill in the application form.
4. To each sardine proposal an application form should be filled in and submitted.
5. Other situations specified and pre-determined on the website (
a) Underage candidates: the registry should be done under the author’s name. The parents/legal guardian details are also requested in the registry and should be filled in;
b) Institutions: Schools and NGO’s may also apply. The registry should be done under the institution’s name, but a responsible person should be appointed and duly identified in the registry.
Article 6
(Contest Phases)
1st phase: Reception of proposals and exclusion of those that don’t fulfil this Regulation; (Contest Phases)
2nd phase: Jury selection of 5 (five) sardine winning proposals, from among all proposals validated for the Contest.
Article 7
1. Five (5) sardines will be awarded. (Prizes)
2. To each winning proposal it will be given a monetary prize, in the amount of € 2,000.00 (two thousand euros), tax free.
3. Prizes can only be given upon presentation of the candidate’s legal receipt.
Article 8
(Contest Jury)
1. All validated proposals are evaluated by EGEAC’s Jury. (Contest Jury)
2. Proposals are evaluated anonymously by the Jury, without any identifying element of their authors.
3. The methodology adopted to evaluate the proposals to be selected is an exclusive decision of the Contest’s Jury.
4. Jury’s decisions are taken by majority, not permitting any recourse or reclaim over them.
Article 9
(Contest Schedule and divulgation)
1. The schedule to be considered by the candidates is: (Contest Schedule and divulgation)
a) Deadline for proposal submission: 3rd of December 2014; the proposals will only be considered valid since presented until 3 p.m. of the mentioned day;
b) Deadline for announcement of winning proposals by Jury selection: 15th of May 2015.
2. The winners (of the five prizes) will be informed by email or telephone.
"MaxMinus" Grand Prix 2014 e-book by Hule Hanusic, Austria: TROJANAC
E-book "TROJANAC" by Hule Hanusic came out in cooperaton with the E-Magazin "MaxMinus" from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as prize for the best cartoon at the Grand Prix 2014, which was organized because of the marking of the 100 years of the assassination "Sarajevo 1914-2014...100 years of hell or..." The book can be viewed here.
Results International Cartoon Contest La Sonrisa Moche 2014, Peru
Theme: Public Safety
1st Prize: O-SEKOER (Belgium) (Top)
1st Prize: O-SEKOER (Belgium) (Top)
2nd Prize: TUTE (Argentina)
3rd Prize: ARMEN HAMONANGAN (Indonesia)
Honorable Mentions
1st Mention: KIYOOMI OGIHARA (Japan)
2nd Mention: MOHSEN ASADI (Iran)
3rd Mention: ILYA KATZ (Israel)
4th Mention: VILANOVA (Brasil)
5th Mention: BERNARD BOUTON (France)
6th Mention: EDWIN PERALES (Peru)
7th Mention: KUSTO (Ucraine).
Source: fb.
Honorable Mentions
1st Mention: KIYOOMI OGIHARA (Japan)
2nd Mention: MOHSEN ASADI (Iran)
3rd Mention: ILYA KATZ (Israel)
4th Mention: VILANOVA (Brasil)
5th Mention: BERNARD BOUTON (France)
6th Mention: EDWIN PERALES (Peru)
7th Mention: KUSTO (Ucraine).
Source: fb.
The 5th "Red Man" International Humour Art Biennial 2015, China
Regulation:1. The Competition is open to all artist -- Caricaturist, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Theme:
3. Entries: At most 7 works (pieces or series) for each Theme.
4. The size of the works should be unbounded.
5. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or Children’s painting will be accepted.
6. Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, Xerox will not be accepted.
7. Works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
8. Author's resume and photo (entry-form and biography) should be submitted with entries together. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
9. Please down load the entry form on our web site: .
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
10. Authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
11. Organizer will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
12. Deadline: March 31, 2015
13.The jury meeting: May, 2015
14. Address:
15. Prizes:
GOLDEN PRIZE (1) : 1600 US Dollars + Trophy + Catalog
SILVER PRIZE (1) : 1000 US Dollars + Trophy + Catalog
COPPER PRIZE (1) : 400 US Dollars + Trophy + Catalog
HUMORIST PRIZES (5) : 200 US Dollars + Medal + Catalog
EXCELLENT PRIZES (5) : Certificate of merit + Catalog
SELECT : Catalog
16. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition without additional information and cost.
17. Remark: the works will not be returned.
18. All the copyrights are reserved by the authors. Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading competition and artists. Within China, the Redman International Art Center is the sole agency of the artists' all works.
19. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
20. For Information:
Web site:
2014 International Cartoon Competition on Environmental Protection, China
1. Theme: “Environment and health”
Focus on the theme of the competition, though contributions relating to environment protection are also accepted.
2. Participants
1) Students group of those from China and oversea universities,
2) Social group of professional and armature cartoonists
3. Schedule:
Submissions will be accepted beginning October 1, 2014
The deadline for entries is November 30, 2014 (EXTENDED: 20 DECEMBER 2014).
Notice: Since the deadline is set upon the receipt of the works, it is suggested to have the works delivered as early as possible.
4. Prize
Student group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
Top-over-List Prize: souvenir
Notice: Top-over-list Prize is awarded to the top on the voting rank on the official website.
Social group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 6,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 4,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 2,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
5. Organizers
China Daily, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), China Environmental Protection Foundation(CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society, China Daily Website, 21st Century
6. Requirements
1) There is no limitation of numbers of participant’s submission.
2) Paper submissions should not be smaller than 210 mm x 297 mm. Please print the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information on the back of each submission.
3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the resolutions: - 300 dpi (file size no bigger than 2MB) - JPG - RGB - Longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels
4) Criteria for paper submissions: title of the work, participant’s name, and the name of the college or university he or she attends are required, author’s pen name is optional.
Caption of email contribution should be in .TXT format and include the title of the work, participant’s name, institute participant attends, address, and telephone number.
7. Submission Format
1) Register on the competition webpage, fill in your real information and upload your submission.
2) Email your submissions to:
3) Mail submissions to the address found below. Please write “Cartoon Contest” on the envelope.
8. Online Entry Form
All participants need to register for the competition by completing an entry form. Fill out the form as accurately and truthfully as possible. Photocopies are acceptable.
9. Contact Us
Address: 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-8488 3652 Mr. Zheng
10. Additional Key Points
1) No fees needed for the competition
2) Cartoons and illustrations must be submitted
3) Winning contributions will be displayed on News Cartoon
4) Monthly champions are selected according to the number of votes and views the submission receives.
5) The result will be publicized on News Cartoon, as well as other newspapers or websites.
11. The Jury
1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts of environment-protection.
2) The jury will maintain an objective, fair and just principles of the entries submitted for judging and voting, and recommended the winners.
3) The winner will be announced in December 2014
12 Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in violation of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.
3) News Cartoon reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions; the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is agreeing to accept all of the rules.
Entry Form on source and below:
Focus on the theme of the competition, though contributions relating to environment protection are also accepted.
2. Participants
1) Students group of those from China and oversea universities,
2) Social group of professional and armature cartoonists
3. Schedule:
Submissions will be accepted beginning October 1, 2014
The deadline for entries is November 30, 2014 (EXTENDED: 20 DECEMBER 2014).
Notice: Since the deadline is set upon the receipt of the works, it is suggested to have the works delivered as early as possible.
4. Prize
Student group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 5,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 3,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 1,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
Top-over-List Prize: souvenir
Notice: Top-over-list Prize is awarded to the top on the voting rank on the official website.
Social group:
First Prize [1 competitor]: RMB 6,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: RMB 4,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: RMB 2,000 (pre-tax) and certification
Excellent Prize: [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
5. Organizers
China Daily, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), China Environmental Protection Foundation(CEPF), China Journalistic Caricature Society, China Daily Website, 21st Century
6. Requirements
1) There is no limitation of numbers of participant’s submission.
2) Paper submissions should not be smaller than 210 mm x 297 mm. Please print the title, participant’s name, college name, address and other contact information on the back of each submission.
3) If you submit your contribution via email, please follow the resolutions: - 300 dpi (file size no bigger than 2MB) - JPG - RGB - Longest side of the file should be under 1000 pixels
4) Criteria for paper submissions: title of the work, participant’s name, and the name of the college or university he or she attends are required, author’s pen name is optional.
Caption of email contribution should be in .TXT format and include the title of the work, participant’s name, institute participant attends, address, and telephone number.
7. Submission Format
1) Register on the competition webpage, fill in your real information and upload your submission.
2) Email your submissions to:
3) Mail submissions to the address found below. Please write “Cartoon Contest” on the envelope.
8. Online Entry Form
All participants need to register for the competition by completing an entry form. Fill out the form as accurately and truthfully as possible. Photocopies are acceptable.
9. Contact Us
Address: 6/F, B3 Tower, Ziguang Building, No.11 Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100029, P.R. China
Tel: 86-10-8488 3652 Mr. Zheng
10. Additional Key Points
1) No fees needed for the competition
2) Cartoons and illustrations must be submitted
3) Winning contributions will be displayed on News Cartoon
4) Monthly champions are selected according to the number of votes and views the submission receives.
5) The result will be publicized on News Cartoon, as well as other newspapers or websites.
11. The Jury
1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts of environment-protection.
2) The jury will maintain an objective, fair and just principles of the entries submitted for judging and voting, and recommended the winners.
3) The winner will be announced in December 2014
12 Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in violation of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.
3) News Cartoon reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions; the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is agreeing to accept all of the rules.
Entry Form on source and below:
Illustration contest ILUSTRAMAXIMA 2014-2015
SAURE publishers organizes ILUSTRAMAXIMA international contest. The aim of the competition is to create images that are GRAPHICAL truths, aphorisms or maxims.
Artists will send solidarity illustrations, that foster good taste education, understanding of collective challenges or protection of inheritance, thinking about the future together; in other words the authors will present illustrations related to the quality of life expressed as cultural, environmental and human rights values.
1. Applicants:
The competition is open to everyone, especially with no regard of age. Each applicant can present a maximum of three piece of work.
2. Form and size:
The scenes and characters will have to be originals and of proper creation. The works can be drawn in black and white or in colour. The works, in JPG format, will have a length of one page that will not exceed 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch. However, in view of the creation the licensed illustrations web, where the illustrations will be sold in both paper and web format at larger sizes, it will be convenient to carry out the work initially on a A-3 (29.7cm x 42cm) format and 300dpi resolution, horizontally or vertically.
3. Languages:
The panel will take into consideration works of pictorial interest without text.
4. Presentation:
Applicants will register on the competition IlustraMaxima website and insert later on their work in JPG format.
5. Place and deadline of the application:
Works must be submitted exclusively through this website until 20 January 2015.
6. Virtual show:
The publishing house contemplates realizing a public diffusion of the works presented and lately selected by the panel. The virtual show of the works received during the contest will not be granted by any type of economic retribution.
7. Awards:
The allocation of the prize ILUSTRAMAXIMA of SAURE publishers rises to 4.000 euros and has five prizes: 1st prize: 1,500 euros. 2nd. Prize: 1,000 euros. 3rd. Prize: 600 euros. 4th prize: 500 euros. 5th prize: 400 euros. Legal hold on this basis applies. The selected authors are obliged to insert their work in different formats in the e-sales web that will be launched in February, in order to collect the prize. The presentation of these awards will be in advance of sales of the winning works in the e-sales gallery.
8. Panel:
A qualified panel of judges will pick out the best works. The publishing house leaves to the panel the possibility to declare no winners, according to quality criteria.
9 Criteria:
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria: a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points. b.- Adherence to the theme of the contest and the graphic language inherent in it: 30 points. c.- Social and cultural impact of the illustration referring to the issue raised on social awareness: 20 points.
10. Other determination:
Spanish is the legal language reference for this contest. Taking part to the competition implies the acceptance of the conditions overhead.
Artists will send solidarity illustrations, that foster good taste education, understanding of collective challenges or protection of inheritance, thinking about the future together; in other words the authors will present illustrations related to the quality of life expressed as cultural, environmental and human rights values.
1. Applicants:
The competition is open to everyone, especially with no regard of age. Each applicant can present a maximum of three piece of work.
2. Form and size:
The scenes and characters will have to be originals and of proper creation. The works can be drawn in black and white or in colour. The works, in JPG format, will have a length of one page that will not exceed 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch. However, in view of the creation the licensed illustrations web, where the illustrations will be sold in both paper and web format at larger sizes, it will be convenient to carry out the work initially on a A-3 (29.7cm x 42cm) format and 300dpi resolution, horizontally or vertically.
3. Languages:
The panel will take into consideration works of pictorial interest without text.
4. Presentation:
Applicants will register on the competition IlustraMaxima website and insert later on their work in JPG format.
5. Place and deadline of the application:
Works must be submitted exclusively through this website until 20 January 2015.
6. Virtual show:
The publishing house contemplates realizing a public diffusion of the works presented and lately selected by the panel. The virtual show of the works received during the contest will not be granted by any type of economic retribution.
7. Awards:
The allocation of the prize ILUSTRAMAXIMA of SAURE publishers rises to 4.000 euros and has five prizes: 1st prize: 1,500 euros. 2nd. Prize: 1,000 euros. 3rd. Prize: 600 euros. 4th prize: 500 euros. 5th prize: 400 euros. Legal hold on this basis applies. The selected authors are obliged to insert their work in different formats in the e-sales web that will be launched in February, in order to collect the prize. The presentation of these awards will be in advance of sales of the winning works in the e-sales gallery.
8. Panel:
A qualified panel of judges will pick out the best works. The publishing house leaves to the panel the possibility to declare no winners, according to quality criteria.
9 Criteria:
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria: a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points. b.- Adherence to the theme of the contest and the graphic language inherent in it: 30 points. c.- Social and cultural impact of the illustration referring to the issue raised on social awareness: 20 points.
10. Other determination:
Spanish is the legal language reference for this contest. Taking part to the competition implies the acceptance of the conditions overhead.
Results 2nd International Cartoon Competition "Living Streets" 2014, Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia
156 cartoonists from 46 countries around the world
participated, entering almost 600 works of art.
I Czesław Przęzak (Poland) (middle)
II Darko Drljevic (Montenegro) (top)
III Tarmo Vaarmets (Estonia) (below).
Source & E-catalog (PDF).
Tallinn, Estonia
156 cartoonists from 46 countries around the world
participated, entering almost 600 works of art.
I Czesław Przęzak (Poland) (middle)
II Darko Drljevic (Montenegro) (top)
III Tarmo Vaarmets (Estonia) (below).
Source & E-catalog (PDF).
Regulations of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON 2015, Poland
International Exhibition SATYRYKON 2015, Poland
RegulationsParticipation conditions
1. SATYRYKON 2015 International Exhibition is an open competition.
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2014-2015), and qualified by artists to section:
(drawing without captions preferred)
(drawing without captions preferred)
4. The format of works -maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
5. Works should be sent or delivered by February 7, 2015 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to:
SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015
International Exhibition
Chojnowska 2, 59-220 Legnica, Poland
Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organisers reserve the right to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing.
7. Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS).
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
2. Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix SATYRYKON 2015 – pure gold key and purse amounting to 8,000 PLN
2 gold medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN
2 silver medals and purses amounting to 5.500 PLN
2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each
Director of Legnickie Centrum Kultury (Legnica Culture Centre) for a photography work in amount of 4,000 PLN award
Mayor of legnica award in amount of 4.000 PLN
Organisers plan to award the author of the best DEBUT and will organise her/his individual author’s exhibition at SATYRYKON Gallery included in Satyrykon 2015 programme as well.
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non – awarding them or non – awarding the Grand Prix SATYRYKON. Jury’s decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2015 at Satyrykon web site:
No t e !
AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT REGULATIONS. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2015, or it can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author.
Participants’ privileges
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue.
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2015 event on June 18-21, 2015.
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2016.
Final provisions
1. Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to publishing of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
5. Legnica Culture Centre (+4876 72-33-700; e-mail: and Satyrykon Foundation (+48 76 852-23-44; e-mail: – PL 59-220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2 – are organisers of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015.
T i m e t a b l e:
Deadline for works reception February 7, 2015 (date of the postmark)
Jury meeting February 20-22, 2015
Post-competition exhibition June 5 – August 30, 2015
Return of works after the exhibition cycle December 31, 2016
Download Rules & Application Card here.
CORRUPTION is the Topic 2014 in Brain Sneezing, Slovakia
PRERAG , Nadácia ESET , Fresh solutions, s.r.o.
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2014 : CORRUPTION
Competition terms :Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2014 : CORRUPTION
1. Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
2. The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
4. The competition is non-anonymous.
5. The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
6. The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
Deadline : 30th November 2014
The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in December 2014 in Prešov. The most successful authors will be awarded by the international jury as follows:
1st prize 500.00 EUR
2nd prize 300.00 EUR
3rd prize 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address:
or the works that will be sent by regular mail to the address:
PRERAG, združenie
Mgr. Peter Rázus
Dubová 5
08001 PREŠOV
Please, sign the envelope with the motto: Brainsneezing
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
E-mail : .
Source: .
Polish cartoonist Małgorzata Tabaka has died
Today we received the sad news, Malgorzata Tabaka is dead. She was a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, an art historian, an outstanding illustrator, cartoonist, graphic artist and graphic columnist. She made her debut in the mid-70s in the weekly "Politika". For many years she also colaborated with such magazines as “Szpilki", "Karuzela", "Wprost", "Kobieta i Życie", "Kultura" and "Spotkania z Zabytkami”.
She took part in numerous exhibitions in the Museum of Caricature and received the highest awards and distinctions. Among others: „Cartoonists of ‘Polityka 1957-1997” (1997), „Review of Polish Caricature 1945-1998” (1998), „Cienkim piórkiem, grubą kreską. Warszawa w karykaturze” (2002), „Telemagia” (2005), „Chopin’s Smile” (2010), „The Ball is in the Play” (2012), Warsaw and Small Warsaw another words… (2013).
Małgorzata Tabaka died on the 13th of September 2014 after having lost the battle with cancer.
She took part in numerous exhibitions in the Museum of Caricature and received the highest awards and distinctions. Among others: „Cartoonists of ‘Polityka 1957-1997” (1997), „Review of Polish Caricature 1945-1998” (1998), „Cienkim piórkiem, grubą kreską. Warszawa w karykaturze” (2002), „Telemagia” (2005), „Chopin’s Smile” (2010), „The Ball is in the Play” (2012), Warsaw and Small Warsaw another words… (2013).
Małgorzata Tabaka died on the 13th of September 2014 after having lost the battle with cancer.
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