
Results of the 4th International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest, Tabriz 2013, Iran

Results of the 4th International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest, Tabriz 2013, Iran
Theme: Municipal Waste
JURY: Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine - Oleg Goutsol / Ukraine - Sayid Rahimi / Iran.
First prize: Trip to Tabriz next year -1200 dollar - Diploma: Grzondziel Krzysztof - Poland
Second prize: Trip to Tabriz next year - 750 dollar - Diploma: Tsvetkov Ivailo - Bulgaria
3rd prize: Trip to Tabriz next year - 500 dollar - Diploma: Benjamim Cafali - Brazil (See top).
Mahmood Nazari - Iran
Atefe Yariyan - Iran
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov - Uzbekistan
Popov Andrei - Russia
Nodar Khodeli - Georgia
First prize: Alisa Koryakina - Russia
Second prize: Armin Morsali - Iran
3rd prize: Amin Shahmohammadi - Iran.
All prize-winning cartoons here.


Winners in the 1st Tety Humorfest 2013, Romania

And the WINNERS are...
1st Prize / GOLDEN BEARD / 500 €: Fadi Abou Hassan - Damasc, SYRIA, for the work “Freedom";
2nd Prize / SILVER BEARD / 300 €: Joao BOSCO Jaco de Azevedo - Belem, BRAZILIA, for the work “Van Gogh";
3rd Prize / BRONZE BEARD / 200 €: Willem Rasing - Amsterdam, HOLLAND, for the work "Past & Future".
Honorary Prize "In Memoriam MOLNAR DENES": Ion Sfariac - Tg. Mures, ROMANIA.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Winners & Thanks to ALL those who've been submitted ALL the 649 Cartoons for the First Edition of TETY HUMORFEST 2013. Soon we'll publish the Winner works on www.facebook.com/TetyHumorfest and later albums with the selected works. Keep on SMILING! :)


7th International Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista 2013-14, Brazil

7th International Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista 2013-14, Brazil
Registrations until December 02, 2013. Opening - January 16, 2014.
All the professional or amateur cartoonists can register unpublished works, since they have not been rewarded in another contests and expositions until the date of closing of the registrations (12-02-2013). Each author can register up to three (3) works for category, developed in any technique including them elaborated by computers. For each work sent, the author must fill one(1) registration form. In the case of shipping for CD, to enclose file with the author's data.
The theme will be free for the two categories
(Political Cartoon and Caricatures) and with theme specified in Thematic Cartoon. The format will be the A3 (297X420mm) without frames and mounted on cardboard in case of the originals.
All the works, including the originals, they can be sent through for e-mail or CD, digitalized in 300DPI, color way RGB, in the format JPG (high quality) or PDF obeying the maximum limit of 2,0 MB for each work. The works can be sent through the website in the section Registration Form.
Political Cartoon (Charge) - Graphic representation and well tempered of a political fact and/or social on present time.
Caricature - Graphic representation with well tempered anatomical alteration of well-known personalities.
Thematic Cartoon - This category will have a specific theme - "Idolatry" (Idolatry is rooted, even if unconsciously, in everyday modern man. The worship of power, money, the body, the ego and popularity, technology, among others, without forgetting his own religiousness).
Three will be given (3) three prizes for each category. In the total amount of R$ 10.500,00 divided like this:
Three prizes of 1st place, worth of R$ 2.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;
Three prizes of 2nd place, worth of R$ 1.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;
Three prizes of 3rd place, worth of R$ 500,00 each, distributed among the categories;
All the categories will have three Honorable Mentions through diplomas totalized 9 mentions.
The values of the prizes for the international works will be exchanged with base into the value of the Commercial Dollar of the date of dispatch of the consignment abroad, no more than three months after opening the event.
PS.: The award jury the right is reserved of not destining prizes to the categories that don't reach the enough level, transferring for another categories, or creating a special reward of the Saloon.
When registering in the Exhibition, the author automatically transfers the Cession of the copyrights of his work(s) when awarded, getting, in a total, universal and definitive way, in all the use modalities and gratuitous title, that starts to integrate the Patrimony of the Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista in Brazil for all the right ends.
In case of the award jury verifies some fraud species or plagiarism in an/ or more registered works, it can cancel the reward for the candidate. The works will be released in the site of the Exhibition after the judgment they will be able to be feed backed up to 10 days after the opening of the Exhibition, with fitting tests of any irregularity made from the jury.
Other prizes and mentions will be able to be instituted the approach of the Organizing Commission.
Works out of the regulation or considered plagiarisms will be automatically declassified.
The works should be sent for the following postal address:
Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista – Rua Salmen Zauhy, 300, Vila Nova ,
Paraguaçu Paulista – SP – Brasil – CEP 19700-000 –
Tel.: +55 (18) 3362 - 0906 – (18)3361- 4538 – (18) 9636-8354
until December 02, 2013 (it is worth the arrival date).
E-mail: salao@salaodehumordeparaguacu.com.br
Site: www.salaodehumordeparaguacu.com.br
The works will be returned until one year after the closing of the event, on January 16, 2015. In case of the artist wants to receive his work before, he should remove from the Salon.


30th International Humor Exhibition of Piaui 2013, Brazil

NATIONAL FOUNDATION OF HUMOR, aiming to encourage and publicize the work of creation of graphic artists, invites everyone to attend the 30th SALON INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIAUÍ 2013.
Delivery of work: until October 31, 2013
Opening of the Salon: November 13, 2013
Closing Salon: November 17, 2013
Open to professional and amateur artists. Each author may submit up to three works.
Artists can participate in any country.
- Cartoon-free theme
The winner will receive the trophy Mandu Ladino and a prize of R $ 3.500,00.
- We will only accept original and unpublished works, developed in any technique: 30.0 X 40.0 cm (11.8 x 15.8 inches), scanned at 300 DPI, RGB color mode, in JPG format or PDF, obeying to a maximum of 2 MB, sent over the Internet.
The jury will be composed of professionals.
Also be chosen the best job in the opinion of the visiting public. The assessment shall be made through the Research Institute of sampling. Not be awarded prize money.
The list of selected papers will be posted on the website of the Hall.
The selected works will be shown during the 30th International Humor Exhibition of Piaui, in exhibitions and publications assigned to them to assist in promoting the event.
Papers should be sent to: 30salao@humorglobal.com.br 
Entry-Form on WEB: http://www.humorglobal.com.br/
(Many thanks to Julian Pena-Pai for the correct e-mail address).


15th PortoCartoon 2013: On-line Voting until 31 December 2013

Dear Friend,
We would like to remind you that is open the on-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2013.
You can choose your favourite cartoon, independently of the choice of the jury of this festival. People all around the world can vote in the Cartoon Virtual Museum at:
19 works are in contest, and each one can be seen in detail.
The candidates are the awarded, the honourable mentions and the finalist ones of the 15th PortoCartoon-World Festival.
The voting is open on the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and on the Cartoon Virtual Museum until 31st December.
Your vote is very important for the better decision!
With my very best regards
Luís Humberto Marcos


7th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2013, Romania

Theme 2 : FREE
Entries: max. 6
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: November 18, 2013
First Prize – 1000 $
Second Prize – 500 $
Third Prize – 400 $
3 Special Prizes - 1 x 400 $
- 1 x 300 $
- 1 x 200 $
Exhibition: DECEMBER 01, 2013
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will not be returned,
they will remain the property of The Culture House of Urziceni Municipality.
Works will be sent to:
925300 – URZICENI
Contact details:


25th Rotary Cartoon Awards 2013, Australia, the International Section with theme: Cycling

Open to cartoonists outside Australia, over 18 years of age.
Any captioning on cartoon must be in English.
Prizes 1st: $1,000 Merit: $500.
Entry between May 12th - 29 August 2013.
More on websites:
(First blogged here on 01.05.2013)


Invitation to the Competition „Dieter Burkamp Award for Caricature“ 2014, Germany

Invitation to the Competition „Dieter Burkamp Award for Caricature“ 2014, Germany
In rememberance of Dieter Burkamp (18.1.1940 - 15.6.2012) there will be for the first time an international competition of caricature. A Jury of experts will ascertain three winners from among the involved artists and
choose all works which are to be presented in an exhibition.
Dieter Burkamp has always been enthusiastic about the varied styles in caricature, this inspiring combination
of art and journalism. He collected, promoted, organized exhibitions, edited catalogues and fought for the artificial quality of satirical art in many jury sessions. Unforgotten the projects, he supported or founded: „Herman the German“; „Neighbours - German artists look at Poland, Polish artists look at Germany“; 100 years „Dropping the pilot“(„ Der Lotse geht von Bord“) in ‚Punch‘; „Ten New Europeans; Home -Confessions and Views“.
All his life Dieter Burkamp was thankful for the experience of numerous and deep friendships with artists and
organizers of the meetings of caricaturists. The award is dedicated to his legacy, first as a private initiative,
after a successful start may be continued on a more general base.
Who organizes this project of memory?
Gisela Burkamp, art historian, author, curator and more than 30 years leader of Kunstverein Oerlinghausen.
Dieter and she were journalist-collegues for 50 years, married 48 years and connected in the love for art their whole life.
Because Dieter Burkamp was an enthusiastic football viewer, too, the first Topic is - acccording to the football world championship:
„Down to the nitty-gritty“, („Vom Leder gezogen“), Football, Fan and Fantasy.
When? 28. June - 24. July 2014
Where? In the „Bürgerhaus“ and in the Synagogue of Kunstverein Oerlinghausen
How? Please send all works - only originals please (up to 40x30 cm) or high-quality and signed computerprints - from now on until 31 January 2014 at the latest to Gisela Burkamp, Auf der Helle 8, 33813 Oerlinghausen, Germany
And please add CD Rom for DIN A4, Jpg, Pdf 300 dpi, CMYK and RGB.
The first prize is endowed with 1000 Euro, the second with 600 Euro, the third with 400 Euro.
The artist‘s works will be sent back after the end of the exhibitions of course.
Participating in the competition the artists agree, that the exhibition may be shown at other places and cities if
these are interested.
For more infomations ask: gisela.burkamp@t-online.de
tel +49 (0) 52 02 . 63 35 or www.kunstverein-oerlinghausen.de.
Source: ecc.


Results International Cartoon Competition The Great and the Little Warsaw 2013, Poland

International Cartoon Competition
June 19th 2013 – the Jury Session of the “The Great and the Little Warsaw” International Cartoon Competition.
Jury represented by:
President of the Jury:
Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz - Director of the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw
Jury members:
Jacek Fedorowicz - satirist, cartoonist, actor;
Maciej Pietrzyk - cartoonist, caricaturist, actor.
Secretary of the competition:
Andrzej Ignacy Kordela - Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw.
The Jury has selected 183 works by 109 authors from 27 countries for the post-competition exhibition.
Prizes listed in the Regulations:
Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) - Grand Prix for his work “Warsaw”
Jerzy Fedro (Poland) - 1st Prize for his work „Metro” / “Underground”
Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine) - 2nd Prize for his work “Tree Warsaw”
Gai Guibao (China) - 3rd Prize for his work „Defend the Homeland”
Krzysztof Grzondziel (Poland) - Honourable Mention from the Director of the Museum Caricature and Cartoon Art for his work untitled
Andrea Pecchia (Italy) - Honourable Mention from the Director of the Museum Caricature and Cartoon Art for his work “Parking Ban”
Maciej Krzywicki (Poland) - Honourable Mention for his work „Konserwujemy dynamicznie – może się rozlecieć” / “We Restore Dynamically - Perhaps They Will Fall Apart of Their Own Accord”
Zbigniew Kucia (Poland) - Honourable Mention for his work „Z cyklu: Piosenki o Warszawie - warszawskie mosty” / “From the Cycle: Songs about Warsaw – Warsaw’s Bridges”
Pol Leurs (Luxembourg) - Honourable Mention for his work “Constellation”
Sławomir Łuczyński (Poland) - Honourable Mention for his work „Syrena 103”
Paweł Płóciennik (Poland) - Honourable Mention for his work „Nie masz cwaniaka nad warszawiaka” / “Warsaw Has the Craftiest Fellows”
Max Skorwider (Poland) - Special Honourable Mention for his work „Warszawa / Paryż” / “Warsaw / Paris”
Special Prize - Artur Ligenza (Poland) "Pigeon Fancier"
Special Prize of the President Media Corporation - Józef Węgrzyn.
Source: http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/.


The 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts 2014, Iran: Notice for "Cartoon" Section

The 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts 2014, Iran: Notice for "Cartoon" Section
Secretary: Bahman Abdi
This section will be held in the two fields of “Cartoon” and “Caricature
Themes for cartoon: Art
Themes for Caricature: Famous politicians
Terms and conditions:
Participation is open to all.
Each artist can participate in this section with a maximum of (3) works.
The works must have been created from March 2012 onward, and must not have been entered in the Tehran International cartoon Biennials or the previous Fadjr International festivals.
It is preferable for the artists to refrain from submitting works that have entered other domestic festivals and competitions.
The submission of works in this section is in digital form. Artists interested in presenting their original works in the exhibition may submit their works on A4 paper after registering and submission of the same on the site. The original of the work shall not be returned.
The name of the subject in the field of “Caricature” must be mentioned.
The works submitted must bear the signature of the artist. In this case all the material and spiritual rights will belong to the signatory.
The volume of submitted file should be minimum 2 and maximum 4 MB in size with a file extension of JPG in RGB mode.
Registration, completion of participation form and the submission of the photo of the works is only possible through the Festival's website at www.ivafestival.ir.
Completion of the form and submission of works is construed as the full acceptance of the Festival's terms and conditions by the artist.
The data on the registration form and the title of the works will be used in publications and the exhibitions. For this reason the responsibility for accuracy of the data shall be with the participants.
The organizers shall have the right to use the exhibited works for the book and other publication and publicity items as well as data bank and exhibition subject to mentioning the name of the artist.
The Festival’s book shall be presented to the winners.
All participants whose works have been selected for exhibition shall receive a certificate of participation.
All the material and spiritual rights belong to the author of the works.
In case of violation of the terms and conditions, the works shall be eliminated from any stage of the exhibition and stripped of its rights.
Decision on contingencies shall be with the Secretary General of the Festival.
First Prize: Golden Tooba, Diploma of Honors and the cash prize ( USD1500)
Second Prize: Diploma of Honors and the cash prize (USD1200)
Third Prize: Diploma of Honors and the cash prize ( USD1000).
Executive calendar:
Start of registration: 23 Jul. 2013
Deadline: Friday 20 Dec. 2013 (EXTENDED) DECEMBER 28 at 24:00 ( Local Time)
Selection of works: 31 Dec. 2013
Announcement of results: 21 Jan. 2014
Final judgment shall be made during the exhibition
Tehran: Saba Institute of Culture and Art, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts, Niavaran Cultural Center.
Other provinces and a number of foreign states
Address and contact numbers of the Festival's Permanent Secretariat:
#17, Shahid Sodooghi Alley – Opposite Laleh Park – North Karegar Ave. Tehran - Iran
Postal Code: 14186-93541
Phone and fax: + 98 21 66591806 - 66591807
Email: info@ivafestival.ir.
Further information in the fields of Poster, Illustrationand Photography is available on website: www.ivafestival.ir.


Culture is the theme in "Tety Humorfest 2013", Romania

"Tety Humorfest 2013" contest regulations:
*Theme: Culture (Music, Theater, Arts etc.)
*Works: A4, color or black & white, min.1, max.3
*Deadline: 5th of September, by e-mail (min. 400 dpi) to: tetyhumorfest@cjmures.ro
*Prizes: 1st prize / 500 €, 2nd prize / 300 €, 3rd prize / 200 €.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/tetyhumorfest2013.


Open international Call for awards for cartoons on subject “Attention, Plum”

Open international Call for awards for cartoons on subject “Attention, Plum”
Based on article 55 from Statute of Delcevo municipality (“Official gazette of municipality of Delcevo” 12/06), the Commission for organizing of events and cultural manifestations within municipality of Delcevo, on the occasion of International festival of cartoon “Attention, Plum”, organized within manifestation “Pijanec days of plum 2013”, announces:
Open Call
For awards for cartoons on subject “Attention, Plum”
1.Call for cartoons on subject “Attention, Plum” is open to authors from Macedonia and abroad, according following criteria:
Art works to be original, not marked, black-white or in color;
It is allowed to participate with maximum three art works;
Maximum size of cartoons A3 and A4
2.For the most successful authors and works awards will be assigned:
* Grand Prix in amount of 100 EUR
* Special awards.
3.Jury for this occasion will decide for the awards and selection of cartoons which will be part of Exhibition, planned to be opened on 20.09.2013.
All received works/cartoons become ownership of the organizer.
Detailed information about this call: Mr.Mile Gjorgijoski, telephone 00389 70 382 189, е-mail: mile_otkosi@yahoo.com.
Works/Cartoons to be delivered on following address:
Municipality of Delcevo
„Svetozar Markovik” 1, 2320 Delcevo
Republic of Macedonia
Reference: Open call on subject: „Attention, Plum“
Deadline for submission of works/cartoons: 10.09.2013 (Tuesday).
Municipality of Delcevo
Commission for organizing of events and cultural manifestations
Outgoing number: 11-1746/1
Delchevo, 07.08.2013
Source: https://www.facebook.com/events/388321827935592/.


The 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Arts 2014, Iran

The 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Art, 3-24 February 2014, Iran
International sections:
Domestic sections:
Pottery and ceramics
Persian painting
Complementary sections:
Documentary films on visual arts
Scientific articles.
Policy Council:
President: Hamid Shahabadi, Deputy Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance for Art Affairs
Council Secretary: Asghar Amirnia, Director General of Visual Arts Center, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
Iraj Eskandari / Gholam Hossein Amirkhani / Farideh Tathiri Moghadam / Hoda Haddadi / Kambiz Deram Bakhsh / Masoud Zenderooh Kermani / Abdol Rahim Siahkar Zadeh / Hojjatol Eslam Mahdi Seif Jalali / Esmail Abbassi / Bahram Kalhornia / Iraj Mohammadi / Seyed Abbas Mir Hashemi.
Tehran: Saba Institute of Culture and Art, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts, Niavaran Cultural Center.
Other provinces and a number of foreign states.
Address and contact numbers of the Festival's Permanent Secretariat:
#17, Shahid Sodooghi Alley – Opposite Laleh Park – North Karegar Ave. Tehran - Iran
Postal Code: 14186-93541
Phone and fax: + 98 21 66591806 - 66591807
Website: www.ivafestival.ir
Email: info@ivafestival.ir.


The first International Universal Tolerance Cartoon Festival 2013, Norway

The first International Universal Tolerance Cartoon Festival 2013, Norway
Universal Tolerance Organization with the vision of global peace, democracy, peaceful coexistence, respect of human rights, and sustainable development through tolerance organizes this festival to celebrate international day of tolerance in Norway on 16.November.2013.
Religious, racial, ethnic, social, cultural and political tolerance in family, society and state
Deadline: 30 September 2013
Artists may start sending their work from 15.August.2013 to the address mentioned below.
Terms and conditions:
Competition is open to everybody around the world.
The art work must be original and not published or exhibited previously.
The work should be designed and colored digitally.
The artist should sign the original digital artwork, and number the printed version with pencil before mailing it to postal address.
The artwork should be filed as JPG with resolution of 300 dpi.
The artwork should be sent in 3 copies with A4 or A3 paper size.
Name and personal details and contacts (phone, email, country of origin, mailing address) of the artist should be written behind the artwork.
Artists should enclose a personal photo and short biography of themselves.
The artwork should demonstrate one of the subjects mentioned above. International juries will select the artwork for competition.
A collection of artworks will be published to present artistic view about principles of tolerance.
Every artist will receive three copies of the book at the end. Universal Tolerance Organization will have the right to publish the artworks in books, and websites of U.T.O
First winner: 1500 Euros.
Second winner: 1000 Euros.
Third winner: 700 Euros.
Four other winners will each receive 100 Euros as an award from U.T.O.
If under any circumstances the winner is not able to travel to Norway to receive the award, Universal Tolerance Organization will make sure the award goes to the artist from any other possible way.
Tollbugata 4- 3044
Drammen – Norway.
Tel: 0047 41311011
Website: http://universaltolerance.org.