
Results of the 3rd International Digital Media Cartoon Contest 2012, Iran

The Result of 3rd International Digital Media Cartoon Contest 2012, Iran
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Sevket Yalaz (Turkey)
Ali Jahanshahi (Iran)
Abbas Ghazi Zahedi (Iran)
Jamal Rahmati (Iran).
First Prize: Saeid Sadeghi - Iran (See top)
Second Prize: Farzaneh Vaziritabar - Iran
Third Prize: Masoud Ziaei - Iran
Special Prize: Armen Hamonangan - Indonesia
Special Prize: Mehdi Azizi - Iran
Special Prize: Mehdi Mohammadi Rouzbahani - Iran
Special Prize: Mello - Brazil
Special Prize: Oleg Goutsol – Ukraine.
See all prize-winning cartoons on irancartoon .


Africa e Mediterraneo Award for Best Unpublished Comic Strip by African Author

Rules for the Africa e Mediterraneo Award for Best Unpublished Comic Strip by African Author 2011-2013
Deadline for the 2011-2013 edition: 15th of November 2012.
1. Africa e Mediterraneo is launching a competition for best unpublished comic strip. The competition is open to African citizens living in or outside Africa (both North and Sub-Saharan Africa), with three sections: "FOOD SOVEREIGNTY", "INTERNET AND SOCIAL NETWORKS IN AFRICA " and "FREE SUBJECT".
2. The "FOOD SOVEREIGNTY" section concerns comics linked to food diversity and food safety concept, to the sustainable agriculture and its potential both from an environmental and a social point of view, as well as investigations on the most important environmental thematic such as energy preservation, the problem of water resources and natural resources shortage. The section “INTERNET AND SOCIAL NETWORKS IN AFRICA” is linked to the development of the new communication technology and to its dissemination in the contemporary society, especially related to the fundamental role of the social networks and the links between them and the youth participation (we can take into consideration the protest movements during the “Arab spring” and the dissemination of information inside and outside the countries). The "FREE SUBJECT" section allows authors to freely choose the subject.
3. Comics must be original, unpublished, in B/W and/or in colour; maximum format is 30 x 42cm. The technique is free. Artwork with texts in Arabic or African languages must have a translation in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. Authors can send a maximum of 3 comics for each section (“FOOD SOVEREIGNTY”, “INTERNET AND SOCIAL NETWORKS IN AFRICA" and “FREE SUBJECT”). The original artwork, along with the application form and a brief CV, must be sent by post. In case of 2 or more participants, everyone has to fill out the application form and indicate its role (drawings, story, colours). The original artworks have to be sent to the following address:
Concorso "Africa e Mediterraneo"
Via Gamberi, 4
40037 Sasso Marconi
4. Prizes. A single prize for each category will be awarded. The winners of the sections "FOOD SOVEREIGNTY", "INTERNET AND SOCIAL NETWORKS IN AFRICA" and "FREE SUBJECT" will receive 500 Euros.
The deadline for the receipt of artworks is 15th November 2012. The jury will then select the winners for each section. The participants will accept the possible publication of their comics on the website www.africacomics.net . The best pieces of work will be published in a collective catalogue by the Lai-momo Cooperative and the Africa e Mediterraneo Association, and will be included in an itinerant exhibition that will be exposed in Italy and Europe.
5. Comic strip specialists and editors of the Africa e Mediterraneo journal will compose the jury.
6. Participation in the contest is completely free of charge.
7. The prizewinners will be contacted, and all participants will receive information about the contest by e-mail. The materials sent will be returned on demand, at the charge of the author; alternatively they will be stored in “Africa e Mediterraneo” archive, which may decide to publish them and include them in national and international exhibitions.
Africa e Mediterraneo
Via Gamberi, 4
I - 40037 Sasso Marconi (BO) Italy
Tel: + 39 051 840166
Fax: +39 051 6790117


World Peace is the theme in Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2012

International Online Cartoon Festival "World Peace"
Afdesta International Online Cartoon Festival 2012
To achieve peace, health and better life is man's greatest challenge. Peace as the highest sense is a motivation and pleasure that human must make effort to achieve.
The Afdesta Online Festival secretariat is pleased to present "The First Juried Cartoon" festival featuring some of the most leading international juries under the title: "peace". There will be a large selection and a variety of art to select from this festival. Demonstrations by many of the winner artists will take place during permanent and online show. Competitors must illustrate "world peace". Questions are encouraged and welcomed.
1. Competition terms:
A. Up to 5 artworks are accepted from each participant.
B. Artworks must be in A4 size and with 300 DPI qualities (format RGB-JPG).
C. There is no limit for using design techniques.
D. Registering in festival's website and accepting the rules are required to submit artworks.
E. All artworks must be submitted in www.afdesta.net .
F. Afdesta secretariat is excused for rejecting artworks containing insult to a nation or culture.
2. Festival's Schedule:
A. Submitting artworks starts from October 17th (7 GMT) to December 14th (12 GMT).
B. Selecting Artworks is on December 12th.
C. Announcement of the winners and demonstrating their artworks on festivals website starts from December 19th 2012 (7GMT).
3. Prizes:
A. Three nights residence in Kish Island for top 3 winners.
B. All participants will be rewarded Festival attendance certificate.
4. Juries (alphabetic order):
Majid Amini (Iran)
Farhad Bahrami Reykani (Iran)
Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland)
Jitet Koestana (Indonesia)
Dalcio Machado (Brazil)
Julian Pena-pai (Romania)
Agim Sulaj (Italy)
5. Executive Board:
Festival Secretary: Javad Takjoo
Board member: Reyhane Mashhadi Khan, Melissa Ferraz Manfrinato
Sponsors: Amir-Kish real estate, Afdesta Corporation, Kassit Corporation
Organizer: Afdesta Art Group
Ali Delzendehrooy: Concessionaire and Director of Afdesta Art Group and Festival
Omid Amraei: Technical Manager
Bahar Badihi: Executive board Member
Ali Attaran: Public relations
Eilya Tahamtani & Farshid Larimiani: International Information
SMS your name to 3000771221 in order to receive Afdesta news.
Festival Website: www.afdesta.net
Advertising in Festival: ads@afdesta.net
Cartoon Festival Secretariats E-Mail: caricature@afdesta.net
Festival Secretariat E-Mail: info@afdesta.net .


Bicycle is the theme in 19th Euro-Kartoenale Kruishoutem 2013, Belgium

1. Theme: “The Bicycle(Bicycle, cycling, bicyclist... as a way of transport, as recreation or as a sport)
2. The number of entries is limited to 5.
They may not have been exhibited or published before. Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including 3-D works. Digital artwork is preferably printed by the artist, in order to present a sufficient high quality work to the jury.
3. The works have to be sent to the following address:
Our website www.ecc-kruishoutem.be will inform you if your works have arrived. The list of participants will be updated every day.
4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (A4) - (8.268 x 11.693 inches). The drawing must bear, on the reverse side, the surname and forename of the participant, for 3-D entries at the bottom of the work. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
5. By participating, the artists authorize the organizers to publish the submitted works in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition.
6. The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize € 1.600,00 + trophy
2nd prize € 1.400,00 + trophy
3rd prize € 1.200,00 + trophy
Prize of the ECC Personal exhibition in the ECC
Prize of the EU € 750,00
Best Belgian Cartoon € 750,00
On the occasion of the prize-giving, the winners are invited for a stay of 3 days.
7. On request the participants get a free catalogue. However, the postage costs are for their own account (for participants who do not reside in Belgium using 6 coupons international reply). These coupons are available in your local post office). They can also collect the catalogue at the European Cartoon Center.
8. By participating the artist lends the submitted works to the organizers for itinerant exhibitions .
Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until November 2014!
The awarded works will become property of the organization.
9. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. 3-D works can be collected at the ECC in the course of 2014. They can be sent back on written request, the postage costs being in this case on the account of the artist. The organization can in no way be held responsible for eventually damaged or lost works.
10. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.
11. Deadline: 15th of January 2013 !!!
Jury meeting: 27th of January 2013.
Opening and prize-giving: Saturday 23th of March 2013.
Exhibition: 24th of March till the 23th of June.

Similarity: Dario Castillejos Lazcares (2011) - Mihai Ignat (2012)

(This report by Julian PENA-PAI).


Results 7th International Cartoon Contest Brăila 2012, Romania

Results of 7th International Cartoon Contest Brăila 2012, Romania
125 artists • 450 artwoks • 37 countries
Theme: Rich man, poor man
Tudor Octavian - art critic
Mihai Stănescu - cartoonist
Leonte Năstase - cartoonist
Nicolae Ioniţă - cartoonist
Costel Pătrăşcan - cartoonist
Grand Prize: Mihai Ignat (Romania) (See SIMILAR)
First Prize: Jovcho Savov (Bulgaria)
Second Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Third Prize: Constantin Pavel (Romania) (See SIMILAR)
Special Prize: Constantin Ciosu (Romania)
Special Prize: Bambang Sulistyo (Indonesia)
Special Prize: Mohammad Hossein Akbari (Iran).
See all winning cartoons on source: dum-dum .


Cartoon Contest Survey 2012 by European Cartoon Center - Kruishoutem, Belgium

Cartoon Contest Survey 2012

The aim of the study

Every year hundreds of cartoon competitions are organized. We wondered on what basis cartoonists choose whether or not to participate in a contest. In addition, we were also curious about the specific characteristics of each cartoon contest on copyright, theme, prize, composition of the jury, etc. Finally, we compared the characteristics of the organizations with the criteria that the cartoonists find important.


The study consisted of two parts:
- A survey for cartoonists
- A survey for organizers of cartoon competitions

For practical reasons, an online survey was launched, where cartoonists and organizations, by mail, the website of the ECC and social media were asked to participate in the survey. Working only via an electronic platform obviously has some limitations in reaching the target audience.


A total of 204 cartoonists from 47 countries participated in the survey and 25 organizations.

It is striking that most of the organizations that participated in the survey are established contests. 44% of the organizations have more than 15 years of experience in organizing cartoon competitions, only 12% has less than 5 years experience.

Of the cartoonists participating in the survey 58.33% has more than 10 years experience, 8.33% less than 2 years. It is striking that almost 81% of them say that they won a prize in the last 5 years, in 81% of cases in international competitions.


Number of contests

Almost half of the respondents (48%) indicated that they participate in less than 5 contests per year, and 73.5% in less than 10 contests. In comparison, for the first eight months of 2012 112 cartoon competitions were announced on the website of the ECC.


20% of the cartoon competitions choose a free theme for the contest. The vast majority (56%) choose for social themes such as peace, environment, globalization, crisis, etc.

The cartoonists themselves prefer to work around a free theme (44.22%), 31.16% prefer a socially relevant theme.

Number of participants

44% of the organizations indicated that the number of participants in their contest is stable. 48% indicates it still grows.


Organizers announce their contest often through various communication channels. Email and website have the highest score 92%, only 56% sends the regulations by ordinary post and about 50% use social media for the announcement.

Most cartoonists get their information from cartoon sites (72.06%) and via invitation by e-mail (66.67%). Only 54.41% receive a personal invitation by regular mail.

It is striking that only 27.45% receive the information as a member of a cartoon organization and only 13.24% consult social media to keep informed of events.

Requirements for the works

80% of the organizations accept digital prints, but only 2.5% of the competition rules also allow that the cartoons are submit digitally. However 73.53% of the cartoonists wish that the works can be submitted electronically.

It is striking that only half of the organizations indicate that cartoons may not yet have been awarded before. And in only 56% of the cases the work has to be original, not previously published. Only 38.14% of the cartoonists find that the work has to be original, but 58.82% think it makes sense that the work has had no previous price.

In 76% of the cases organizations impose constraints on the size of the work and in 68% in the number of works.


The number of judges varies between 3 and 12. 44% of the organizations have a panel of 6-9 jurors. 36% have a panel of 3-5 people.

Almost half of the participating organizations also have foreigners in the jury. 4% of the respondents prefer an online vote by a professional jury. 96% is organizing a live meeting of the judges.

The cartoonists find that the jury must be an international jury (80%) of at least 5 persons (72.54%), and that there should be a live meeting (65%).

20% of the organizations don’t communicate the names of the jurors in any way, while 56% publish the names after the jury meeting. 18% do so after the expiration of the deadline and before the meeting. Only 8% communicates the composition of the jury in advance, while about two thirds of the cartoonists indicate that they find it important to know the names of the jurors beforehand.


56% of the cartoon contests awarded a total amount of prizes of at least 2500€. 6% are limited to 500€.

For the first prize in 24% 1000 to 1500€ is provided, in 20% the winner gets between 1500 and 2000€, 24% gives more than 2000€ and 20% less than 500.

Only 11.56% of the cartoonists thinks that an amount of less than 1000€ is acceptable for the first prize. An amount of 1000 - 1500€ seems reasonable for more than 20% of the participants.


All organizations organize an exhibition of the selected works. In one case this is only an online exhibition. The duration of the exhibition varies greatly, but in 48% of cases it is an exhibition of several months.


In 72% the organization uses the selected works to promote the festival. 98% of the cartoonists do agree with this. 8% of the organizations allow the sponsor to use the cartoons. Here too 47% of the cartoonists do agree.

In 12% of the cases, the cartoonist is also compensated for this. It is striking that in 20% the organization maintains all rights to the cartoons.


Main criteria that influence the decision whether or not to take part in a contest:

In 22.34% it is the reputation of the organization that determines whether or not to participate. The reputation is also indicated by 64% of the respondents as important or very important. Interestingly, the reputation has a slightly higher score than their own experience with the contest (which is decisive only for 11.23% and 63% important or very important).

A second decisive criterion is the publishing of a catalog (20.60%) and the possibility of electronic submission of cartoons (20.20%). Only 2.5% of the organizations allow this.

60% of the cartoonists think that each participant should receive a free catalog. Only 28% of the organizations give a free catalog to all participants. 73.33% of the cartoonists think that at least those selected should receive a catalog, which is the case in 60% of the contests. 4% of the organizations don’t publish a cartoon book and 4% only an online catalog.

Although only 13.40% indicates that the return of the works is decisive in the decision whether or not to participate in a contest, 50% find this is an important or very important criterion.

The prize money is only for 10.10% of the respondents a decisive criterion, 37.88% find this important and 18.69% very important.

Also 60% of the respondents find the invitation of the winners at the opening ceremony an important point. As well as the fact that an exhibition is organized (74.36%).

51% of respondents find the composition of the jury not very important. The names of the winners of the previous editions are considered as less important (41%).

It is notable that 63.14% is indicating that the FECO rating is not important or not important at all in making a choice. Only for 1.63% of the respondents this is a decisive criterion.

The copyrights are for 60% an important or very important criterion. But it is notable that in only 12.37% this is a decisive criterion for cartoonists to participate or not in a contest.

Source: ecc-kruishoutem.be .

19th International Cartoon Rendon Festival 2012, Colombia

RICARDO RENDÓN The Outstanding Colombian caricaturist born in Rionegro - Antioquia (1894-1931), call "The Emperor" of the Cartoon. One of the most penetrating and fine Latin American humorists in the XX century, in their work the humor was satire, it was characterized especially by the political cartoon. Their cartoons were true x-rays of the facts and of the individuals. It was pioneer of the graphic publicity in Colombia. 
The Festival is an event sponsored by the municipal administration of Rionegro during eighteen serial years in memory of Ricardo Rendón Bravo. The Festival, only in the history of the country for their trajectory and continuity; he has allowed to look at the perception of authors of but of 85 countries, main characters of the changes and experiences of the towns that contribute to the humanity's growth with the same humour. The laughing thought and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh. It is a dream and an universal yearning to erase frontiers so territorial as ideological that prevent us to live in harmony and to visualize the light of the freedom as principle of peace and coexistence. 
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world. 
2) The deadline for entries is November 3 (Saturday) 2012 
3) The themes of the competition are Three:  
1. WOMAN, Woman in the satirical presentation, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset; a wife, mother or friend, woman the house, professional or just the woman... 
2. FAMOUS WOMEN: Outstanding Women in world history, 
3. DÉBORA ARANGO PÉREZ: Artist Colombian See Biography http://www.cartoonrendon.com/ 
4) Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of Three cartoons for theme. 
5) You can participate with cartoons in white and black or in color. 
6) The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 x 40 cms maximum. 
7) You can also participate in the competition with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously, all the presented cartoons will be original. Photographs, photocopies etc, will not be accepted, and the transport of the cartoons in charge of the participant. 
8) Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and a photograph. 
9) In the reverse of each cartoon he/she should go the name, surname, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant. 
10) The selected Caricaturist will receive free a catalogue. 
11) The jury composed of Colombian and foreign cartoonists. 
12) The results will be announced in the month of December of 2012. 
13) The cartoons presented in the competition won't be returned. 
14) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to Cartoonrendon without limitation on location, time period and number the intellectual property all rights for publication. (S)he agrees that Cartoonrendon may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media. 
15) The organization is reserved the right of exhibiting those works that he/she understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights. 
16) The Participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance and without reservations all the conditions. 
1° Grand Prix Theme “WOMAN” US 2.000 
2° Prize Theme “FAMOUS WOMEN” US 500 
3° Prize Theme “DÉBORA ARANGO PÉREZ” US 500 
4º Prize Theme FREE US 500. 
Special Prizes offered by various institutions. 
The works should be sent to: 
19° FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CARICATURA CARTOONRENDON Fernando Pica / Centro Cultural Cr 50 # 48 - 05, Rionegro, Antioquia COLOMBIA 


Grand Prize winner of International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest changes

Grand Prize winning cartoon by Turcios in 32nd International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2012 has been cancelled since the cartoon had already been awarded in 4th International Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest 2012, Iran. The case being in violation of the Conditions of Participation Article 2 was identified by Ismail Kar (See his page on facebook) and DonQuichotte. The new Grand Prize winner is Szumowski (Top) from Poland and his previous Honor Prize goes to Sergey Riabokon (Second down) from Ukraine. The new winner of Riabokon's previous Special Prize of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is yet unknown.
Details on karikaturculerdernegi.com & karikaturculerdernegi.com .


Results Axial International Cartoon Contest 2012, Hungary

Theme: Machines in agriculture, construction and warehousing
I. Prize: Tovirac Zoran Toco (Serbia)
II. Prize: Doru Axinte (Romania)
III. Prize: Máté Steiner (Hungary)
Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Andrey Selivanov (Russian Federation)
Bartolome Matas Atienza (Spain)
Károly Lugosi (Hungary)
Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine) (Top)
Tomas Trunecek (Czech Republic).
All winning cartoons + Participants.


Results 32nd International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2012, Turkey

Theme: Free
Grand Prize: Omar Alberto Figueroa Turcios - Spain (Top).
Honor Prizes: Grzegorz Szumowski - Poland, Kambiz Derambakhsh - Iran, Yuri Kosobukin - Ukraine, Burak Ergin - Turkey, Jerzy Gluszek - Poland.
Special Prizes: Pavel Botezatu - Romania, Aleksei Kivokourtsev - Russia, Arben Meksi - Albania, Nikola Listes - Croatia, Sergey Riabokon - Ukraine, Shahram Rezaei - Iran, Vladimir Kazanevsky - Ukraine, Ibrahim Tuncay - Turkey, Cristobal Reinoso - Argentina, Cemalettin Guzeloglu - Turkey, Milko Dikov - Bulgaria, Constantin Sunnerberg - Belgium, Elena Ospina - U.S.A., Musa Gumus - Turkey, Pawel Kuczynski - Poland, ARES - Cuba (Below), Grigori Katz - Israel.
All prize-winning cartoons .