
2nd World Biennial Cartoon Exhibition, CartUNAL 2022, Colombia

Competition 2022
Contest prizes: 
1st. place: 2.000.000= (Two millions Colombian pesos) and an Honorable Mention. 
2nd. place: 500.000= (Five hundred thousand Colombian pesos) and an Honorable Mention. 
3rd. place: Headphones and an Honorable Mention. 
4th., 5th. and 6th. place - Digital Honor Certifications. 
Competition rules: 
1. Theme: Basic sciences for sustanaible development 
2. Each participant can submit a single (one) piece of work of their complete authorship. Please note that any artist who submits more than one piece of work will be disqualified. 
3. Only unpublished work is allowed to participate. 
4. To participate in the contest, the author must fill out the form "Copyright" with which he or she declares that it is an original, unpublished work, that he/she owns all rights to the work and that he/she authorizes the Universidad Nacional de Colombia to reproduce it with academic purposes only, and in every activity related to the contest. 
5. Contestants close to the jury or to the organizers, or in any degree of consanguinity or affinity to them, are not accepted. Clarification: if an artist wishes to participate in the contest and has the disability described in this paragraph, he will have the option to participate without competing, in any case he must comply with the other items described in the contest rules. To do so, in the registration form you must add the text "Participate without contest" after the title of the work. 
6. The work must be done in a minimum size A4 (210 X 297mm.), Maximum size A3 (297 X 420mm.) 
7. The technique is free, hand drawing or digital, black and white or color. 
8. The work must be graphically explicit, without text or explanation, without any photographic or image support 
9. The work, which with its content is exclusive or violates individual or collective rights will be withdrawn from the contest and will not be considered in any way. 
10. The submission of the works is done through the link at the botttom of this page. The size of the work must be 300 dpi, in JPG format. In the submission you must indicate: title of the work, full name of the author, nationality, email, photo and brief CV of the author, in English or Spanish. 
11. The deadline for receipt of works is punctual without exception, July 31, 2022. Note: Colombia's time zone must be taken into account. 
12. The works of the contest will be evaluated anonymously, by a national and international jury, which will privilege the universal concept and objectivity of the subject (70% of the qualification), and the technique used (30% of the qualification). 
13. The works that meet all the requirements of the contest and are shortlisted will be published on the official website of the event prior to the award ceremony, in order to put into public consideration everything related to similarities, foreign copyright or any other type of objection. 
14. The forty best selected works will be printed and exhibited in the “Espacio del Hombre” of the Efe Gómez Library of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, in October 2022, if conditions allow it. 
15. The jury is completely autonomous when it chooses the winning works, and also those that will be included in the exhibition and the Virtual catalog (PDF). 
16. It is understood that the participant fully accepts the rules and conditions stipulated in the contest, with their participation. 
17. The results will be announced through the page https://ciencias.medellin.unal.edu.co/cartunal/ in the month of October 2022. The winners will be previously notified via email. 
18. The winner of the first place agrees to send the original work to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, and assume the shipping costs. If the work is digital, the author must print the work (with the measures indicated in the contest) and sign it with the number "1", for submission. 
19. All postal costs and bank deductions will be borne by the winner. 
20. The prize will be paid in Colombian pesos as described, except for the third prize, which is in kind. It is clarified that all the costs of sending the prizes and others will be assumed in full by the winner. 
21. On the website https://ciencias.medellin.unal.edu.co/cartunal/ everything related to the passing and news of the event will be reported (calendars, exhibition sites, workshops, etc.) 
22. The organizers have the willingness to address the concerns that are generated, via email. 
CLICK HERE for the Participation Form.

7th International cartoon competition, Kolasin 2022, Montenegro

International caricature festival "Kolašin 2022" has announced the 7th International cartoon competition. 
THEME OF THE FESTIVAL: Compromise and Tolerance and Free Theme. 
Participants can submit a maximum of three papers based on the topic. Six /6/ works in total. 
Every work must contain the name and surname of the author, the state and the serial number of the work. Example: JOHN SMITH, USA 1 JOHN SMITH ,USA 2... 
The first three papers must be on the given topic. 
The theme of this year's festival is compromise and tolerance. This is a very broad topic, and the main goal is to point out with the messages of world artists that any misunderstanding, dispute or conflict between two people or two countries can be resolved by dialogue, conversation or negotiations. By presenting the facts and looking at things objectively, a compromised solution to every problem will be reached. No disagreement is resolved by physical conflict or war. Because, in the end, every war always ends at the negotiating table. Then why so many human and material victims? Why does a man use force when he has reason and is valid for a human and civilized being? That's why this festival wants to address this question and seek adequate answers from artists-caricaturists around the world. Answers that are above all lucid, witty and intelligent. 
Artists from all over the world will respond to this given topic through caricature and powerful messages. The best works will go around the world and send a message around the globe. The best works will be rewarded with First, Second and Third prizes, which will be in money and in the form of trophies and diplomas. We will also award five special prizes - diplomas. It is yours to think and create. Ours is to reward the best works. Best of luck to everyone! 
Rules on technique and scale of work: Free. 
Send the works to the mailing address: 
Cultural Center Kolasin 81210, Montenegro-Montenegro  /for international caricature festival/ 
FIRST PRIZE: 500 euros, trophy and diploma 
SECOND PRIZE: 300 euros, trophy and diploma 
THIRD PRIZE: 200 euros, trophy and diploma 
Five special awards - Salon Diploma. 
Deadline for shipping / deadline : 20.07.2022
An international jury will choose the best works. 
Jury decision will be announced on the 25th July on all foreign caricature sites. 
The winners will be officially announced at the Cultural Center in Kolašin. 
Award ceremony will be 1st. August 2022 at 8 pm at the Cultural Center Kolasin. 
Organizer of the festival Ju Center for Culture Kolasin, sponsored by the Municipality of Kolasin. 
Source: Darko Drljevic


Spirito di Vino, 23° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine, Italy

Spirito di Vino
23° International Competition for cartoonists
on the world of wine
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition 
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge. 
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition 
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2022 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old. 
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements 
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually or digitally with any technique, black and white or colour. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The manually works are to be signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page. 
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works 
The works can be submitted from Sunday 29 May to Friday 21 October 2022. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form. 
The works shall be uploaded on the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format. 
The works received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. 
Art. 5 – Exclusion 
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted. 
Art. 6 – Members of the jury 
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable. 
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic. 
Art. 7 – Prizes 
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows 
1° prize - “under”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “under”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “under”: 30 bottles 
1° prize - “over”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “over”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “over”: 30 bottles  
Art. 8 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition 
During the awarding ceremony, the works selected by the jury for the finals will be put on display in an exhibition held in a representative location. 
A booklet with the works displayed at the exhibition will be published and one copy will be distributed to each author of the selected works and, upon request, to the authors of the works excluded from the selection. The event will be promoted in the Italian and foreign press. The exhibition could then become itinerant and put on display in other locations to be defined.  
Art. 9 – Copyright 
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the nonexclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.  
Art. 10 – Approval of the competition rules 
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.  
Pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree n.196/2003 and New European Decree (GDPR – 2016/679), the personal details and data that will be collected in the different phases of the competition shall be processed by complying with the principles of correctness, legitimacy and transparency, to guarantee the confidentiality and the rights of the involved parties. The collected data will be registered and stored for the purposes connected with the management of this competition. Personal data can only be processed by Movimento Turismo del Vino using both digital and non-digital tools. Under the terms of the aforementioned Decree, the personal data can only be processed provided that the involved party has granted his/her authorisation. By registering for the competition, participants explicitly agree with the processing of their personal data. 

International Circus cartoon competition "Salto in Eden 2022", Russia

Regulations on the international Circus cartoon competition "Salto in Eden 2022"
The Union of Circus Figures of Russia and the Russian Academy of Arts together with the Moscow Union of Artists announce an international cartoon competition "Salto in Eden 2022". 
Circus art brings not only the artistic and aesthetic development of the individual and joy, but also a surprisingly holistic perception of the world around the audience: laughter, surprise, fear and delight. 
The Organizing Committee, determined by the founders, is responsible for competition and regulates the composition of the jury. 
The jury of the competition is formed by the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Circus Figures of Russia, circus producer Yana Shevchenko and the full member of the Russian Academy of Arts and cartoonist Igor Smirnov. Together with them, the jury consists of 7 members. When voting in controversial issues, the chairman of the jury has the right to two votes. 
Anyone can take part in the competition, regardless of from education, place of residence and citizenship, sharing conditions of this Regulation. 
Each participant can send no more than 5 (five) works 
A4 format, jpeg, 300 dpi at buffonada2022@mail.ru 
Works can be done both in color and in black and white. 
Technique is free. 
Information about the author must be attached to the competitive works: 
full name, postal address, contact phone number, e-mail, as well as a brief creative biography. 
Given the fact that circus art is a magical spectacle not only for adults, but also for children, cartoons must not contain: 
a) Scenes of violence and cruelty; 
b) Bullying of religious beliefs; 
c) Scenes of an erotic and sexual nature. 
The deadline for submitting cartoons is September 1, 2022
First place - BUFFON in the Golden Cap - trophy + certificate. 
Second place - BUFFON in the Silver Cap - trophy + certificate. 
Third place - BUFFON in Bronze Cap - trophy + certificate. 
Moreover Special Alexander Aleshichev prize , Special Oleg Tesler prize , Special Valentin Rozantsev prize , "Amusing Palette" medals and special sponsor’s prizes. 
All authors who will not win prizes, but will be shown at the exhibition, will receive certificates at the address they sent. 
After the transfer of cartoons to the competition the founders reserve all copyright, related and other rights to them. Submitted cartoons become the property of the organizers and can be used by them according to their discretion and without any compensation to the authors (financial or moral character). 
Participation in the competition automatically confirms consent of the author to its terms. 
Source: cartoonblues.


The 31st International Festival of Humor and Satire Golden Helmet, Krusevac 2023, Serbia

1. Caricature 
2. Written form (satirical short story, poem or aphorism) 
1. Caricature: original one, minimum up to format of A4 (210x297 mm), maximum up to format of  A3 (297x420 mm), technics-free choice (usage of computers in the course of making also permitted). 
2. Written form: maximum two typed pages and up to 20 aphorisms. One author may apply for the competition exclusively under one single code! 
Plaque GOLDEN HELMET and monetary amount of....600 € 
One-man exhibition in 2023.
Written form 
Plaque "GOLDEN HELMET" and monetary amount of....400 € 
 Special Reward RADE BRKA...200 €.
Only shall unpublished works be taken into consideration.  A short biography is mandatory, address, phone number and mail address of the Author.
Written works are to be sent exclusively under the CODE and via post in three copies. 
Caricatures are to be sent by post or else in a digital form (to mail address), in the format JPG, resolution of 300 dpi and in maximum size of 4 MB. We are specifying that the selected authors have to send the original caricatures. Caricatures done on the computer have to be sent in a printed form in the format of A4 and have to be signed personally, with the indication No1.
Announcement of the Resolutions of the Jury shall have been passed by  March 1st, 2023.
Grant of the rewards shall be carried out on the closing evening of the Festival, on April 1st, 2023.
The Organizer bears the the travel and accommodation costs of the rewarded Authors. Official langauges of the festival are Serbian and English.
The works remain in the proprietorship of the Festival itself. The organizer is entitled to use the works, having been delivered for the Competition's sake, with the aim of promoting the very Festival. 
Notification: For each category one single reward has been conferred only. 
Cultural Center Kruševac 
International Festival of Humour and Satire "Golden Helmet" 
Toplicina 2; 37000 Kruševac SERBIA 
+381 (0) 37/ 423 025, 421 877 

Global Healthcare Illustration Awards 2022, United Kingdom

Global Healthcare Illustration Awards
Inspired and managed by Eradigm Consulting, a global healthcare consultancy, in collaboration with The Association of Illustrators, the competition seeks to attract and celebrate the best healthcare related images created by illustrators the world over, providing greater exposure for those who bring key topics relating to our ever-changing healthcare landscape to life. 
The Award invites entries from emerging and established illustrators from around the world in all and any topics related to healthcare including: 
• food and nutrition 
• drug addiction 
• infection diseases 
• mental health 
• disability 
• exercise and sport 
• digital health 
• pharmaceutical innovation 
• disease prevention 
• sexual and reproductive health 
• water and sanitation 
• healthcare delivery 
The aim of GHIA is to capture and celebrate all and any contributions made by the illustration community to all of those matters that relate to the promotion and preservation of life across our global communities. 
Entries will be accepted from 18 May until 15 August 2022
A distinguished jury chaired by award winning illustrator Luca D’Urbino will award the following three honours and associated cash prizes: 
Gold: £3000 
Silver: £2000 
Bronze: £1000 
50 shortlisted entries and the winners will be exhibited in the London offices of Eradigm Consulting in November 2022. 
Please email the organisers at GHIA@eradigm.com with any queries. 
Fill in the form on source to enter: https://theaoi.com/ghia/ .


The 7th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2022, Croatia

7th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2022, Croatia
Everyone can participate regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession. 
Over 16 years 
Up to 16 years 
Participants can send maximum 2 works. 
Size of entries is A4 or A3 format (jpg 300 dpi) - required. 
When submitting, each entry should have author’s full name, country and the number of the entry. For example: 
All entries should be emailed to: cartoondamir@gmail.com 
 First prize - 250 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - 150 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - 100 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue 
First prize - diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue 
DEADLINE 04.09.2022 
The international jury will choose the cartoons. 
Authors of works that qualify for the exhibition of 50 authors will be given a copy of the cataloque. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the exhibition as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to an author. 
Source: Damir Novak . 
Prizes announced: 15.08.2022


Online Cartoon Exhibition: International Diversity Day 2022, Indonesia

International Diversity Day 2022
Online Cartoon Exhibition
All human beings have an equally of humanity degree. There is no difference between one another. They were created into a various nation and ethnic group to know and to help each other. 
babad.id in collaboration with IMS Indonesia, Norwegian Embassy, Sejuk, The Alliance of Independent Journalists, suara.com, HAMburger Podcast, Magdalene, Kutub.id, Purwokertokita.com, and Indotnesia invited cartoonists around the world to participate in the Diversity cartoon exhibition. 
"Being Emphatic when You Understand
1. Diversity 
2. Respect difference 
18 May-18 June 2022 
1. Send your cartoon to e-mail at redaksibabad.id@gmail.com
2. Maximum work size 1 MB, 300 dpi 
3. The work is equipped with the cartoonist's title and biodata 
1. Selected cartoonists will get a digital certificate 
2. Selected cartoonists will get a digital catalog 
3. 3 selected cartoonists will get souvenirs from babad.id
All selected works will be published through babad.id websites and social media. 
Source: babad.


International Prize of Humor and Satire, Coast to Comix 2022, Italy

1 - TEMA 
The Proloco of Appignano organizes the competition
for humorous and satirical cartoons of costume on the theme:
"SLOW HOLIDAY – total green travel, walking and cycling holidays. With a particular eye to the Coast to Coast route from the Adriatic Sea to the Tyrrhenian Sea PORTONOVO - ORBETELLO" 
The competition is open to designers from all over the world / Italy, without any territorial limit and will be divided into two categories, as follows: 
You can send up to five unpublished works, made with any technique, in color or in black and white, in the maximum format A4 (21x29.7 cm). 
The works must be received no later than 24.00 del 13/7/2022 to the coastocomix@gmail.com address in .jpg format, . tiff or .pdf to a resolution of 300 dpi, together with the participation form (different for adults and minors, in the latter case it will bea parent to send us the form). NB: the individual files must not exceed the weight of 5 MB 
5 – JURY 
President of the Jury Riccardo Messi – designer, musician, all-round artist: 
Paola Anaclerio – Ass. "Pedala diritto" 
Riccardo Chitarrari - artist 
Giacomo Scattolini – walker and animator Pro Loco Appignano 
1st Prize Italy 
plaque of recognition, typical products: artistic terracotta, legumes 
2nd Prize Italy 
certificate of recognition 
3rd Prize Italy 
certificate of recognition 
1st Foreign Prize 
identification plate 
2nd Foreign Prize 
certificate of recognition 
3rd Foreign Prize 
certificate of recognition 
1st Prize "VOTE of the Public" for the work most voted by the public 
plaque of recognition, typical products: artistic terracotta, legumes 
The Jury reserves the right to report further works, which will not receive prizes and to exclude from the call for tenders any works deemed unsuitable for the proposed theme or not ethically correct. 
During the exhibitions of the works there will be the possibility for visitors to indicate their favorite work to compete for the assignment of the "1st Prize voted by the Public". 
The authors, by participating in the competition, assign the non-exclusive right topublish the works on any medium for promotional purposes without having anything to claim as copyright. 
Participants will be distributed online the "COAST-to-comix CATALOG" with the collection of the best participating works of the twocategories. 
The selected works will also be exhibited as a kilometric signal of the Coast to Coast trekking route 
the Works will be exhibited on the occasion of the Award Ceremony in Appignano and along the streets of the village where it will take place with a walk during the days of the 30-31 July 2022 
In one of the areas in charge of the exhibition, on 31/7/2022 from 15:00 to 16:00 the final award ceremony will be held with the coveted presence of all participants. Follow Coast to Comix on Facebook coastocomix 

Participation form 

Name: ............................... 

Surname:... .............................. 

Alias:... .............................. 

Address:... .............................. 

Telephone: .............................. 

Email:... .............................. 


Shiraz International Taxation Cartoon Festival 2022, Iran

We intend to think of a new world with a different viewpoint to taxation! A world where social and economic justice and development are transparent. This is why we respectfully and proudly invite all cartoonists in the world to accompany us in this path by taking part in Shiraz International Taxation Cartoon Festival. 
Public Relations of the General Department of Taxation of Fars Province - Shiraz 
Subject: Taxation 
Taxation and people, taxation culture, taxation and justice, taxation and economics, taxation and production, taxation and entrepreneurship, taxation and transparency, taxation and development, taxation and my city, tax evasion, the impact of taxation on poverty reduction and class gap 
• There is no age limit to participate in the festival. 
• Performance technique is free. 
• The size of the works is 42 * 30 cm. 
• Works can be performed either in black and white or in color. 
• Each participant can send a maximum of 5 works. 
• Festival participation form must be filled in and sent along with the works. 
• The secretariat of the festival has the right to use the received works in order to print books, posters, brochures, catalogs and urban advertisements. 
• Participants need to send their works via email, however, the owners of the top 5 works of the festival must send the original hard copy to festival secretariat. 
• Sending works means the acceptance of festival rules. 
• Email address to send the works: shiraztax2022@gmail.com 
• Submission deadline June 15 
• Result announcement July 14 
• Secretariat address: Public Relations, General Department of Taxation, Taleghani St., Shiraz 
• Shiraz special award and plaque to the top five cartoonists of the festival 
• A memorial plaque for the finalist cartoonists 
• A participation certificate for all cartoonists 
Festival Communications and Media Director: Ahmad Reza Sohrabi 
Source: tabrizcartoons


European Cartoon Award 2022 is open for entries

European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht announce the opening of the third edition of the European Cartoon Award, on May 9, 2022. 
From May 9 to June 20, 2022, cartoonists can submit their work for the third edition of the European Cartoon Award. Submitted cartoons must have been realized between January 1, 2021, and May 9, 2022, and published with a media outlet from a country within the Council of Europe, Belarus, and Russia. Founded in 2019, by the European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht, the European Cartoon Award has one of the highest monetary prizes for cartoonists, granting its winner a prize of 10,000 euros. 
The cartoons can be submitted at this link: https://europeancartoonaward.com/ 
About the European Cartoon Award 
The European Cartoon Award was founded in 2019 by European Press Prize and Studio Europa Maastricht to encourage cartoonists in their essential work for freedom of expression. 
"Cartoonists are an 'endangered species': they have to deal with increasing resistance, censorship, and even threats and violence. Their space is shrinking, both in available publications and in the themes they can tackle. That is not only happening far away but also right here in Europe,” said the Director of the European Press Prize, Thomas van Neerbos. 
Essential for democracy 
Cartoons are an indispensable part of the public debate. In the universal language of the image, they transcend borders and put their finger on the sore spot. Averse to conventions, challenging, creative, and playful, cartoons are the hallmark of an open European society. 
Gonny Willems, director of Studio Europa Maastricht: “In these unprecedented times of polarization, there is a lack of understanding for the perspective of the other. Cartoons can offer an opening to the truth of the other with irony, humor, and sharpness.” 
Cartoonists can submit their work from May 9, the deadline is June 20, 2022. Submitted cartoons must have been realized between January 1 2021 and May 9 2022 and published in European media, online or offline. The award ceremony for this second edition will take place in September 2022. The cartoons can be submitted at this link: https://europeancartoonaward.com/ .
10-member jury 
The jury for the 2022 edition consists, among others, of the winner of the European Cartoon Award 2021: Tom Janssen. He will work together with British journalist Janet Anderson, American cartoonist Jen Sorensen, Danish cartoonist Niels bo Bojesen and French journalist Catherine André. Five cartoonists - last year's finalists - will be now part of the 2022 preparatory committee. Their names will be announced in the upcoming weeks. 
About the European Press Prize 
The mission of the European Press Prize is to encourage and guarantee quality journalism in Europe, especially in times when quality and freedom of the press are under pressure. The European Press Prize was founded by seven independent European foundations with strong media connections, all of which count excellence and public service as part of their collective challenge. 
About Studio Europa Maastricht 
Studio Europa Maastricht is a center of expertise for Europe-related debate and research founded in 2018 and supported by the partners of the Maastricht, Working on Europe program: Maastricht University, the Province of Limburg, and the City of Maastricht. Together we aim to position Maastricht, the capital of Limburg, as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and debate and establish a center of excellence for research on Europe and European integration. 
For more information about the European Cartoon Award, please contact  emanuele@europeanpressprize.com and press@maastrichteurope.nl 
Emanuele Del Rosso Head of Communications European Press Prize. 


Theme in Olense Kartoenale 2022, Belgium: The Afterlife

Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2022
1. Participation 
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two categories: 
• Youth category up to 15 years inclusive; 
• Adult category: 16 years and older. 
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest. 
2. Theme 
The main theme is ‘The afterlife’. This year Amnesty International offers the best cartoon with the theme ‘Right to free speech‘. 
3. Entries 
• Contributions have to be digital works. They shouldn’t contain an explanation of the drawing. 
• The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels). 
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4). 
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five for each theme. 
• You have to record your contact details through www.olensekartoenale.be
• You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2022. 
• The originals of the rewarded cartoons, your curriculum vitae and a photograph will be asked and must be sent to Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen, Belgium within 2 days after the request of the organization. 
4. Property rights 
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or theme sponsor. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen. 
5. Evaluation 
The jury consists of artists, cartoonists and laymen. Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged. 
6. Catalogue/Cartoon book 
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be send afterwards by mail. 
7. Deadline: 12 September 2022 
The deadline is 12 september 2022 at 12.00 AM midnight. The entry form you can find on www.olensekartoenale.be where you also can upload your works. Do not sent your works to kartoenale@olen.be. 
8. Prizes 
For the adult category: 
1st prize: 1500 euro 
2nd prize: 700 euro 
3rd prize: 400 euro 
4th prize: 300 euro 
Prize of the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro 
Special prize Amnesty International: 350 euro 
For the youth category: 
Prize for best international work: 250 euro 
Prize for best Belgian work: 250 euro 
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition 
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 11 November 2022 at approximately 20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every participating artist will be welcome on that occasion. Only the winners are personally invited. 
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address and can be visited: 
• All working days from Monday 14 November 2022 till the end of December 2022 during the opening hours of the town hall: 
o Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u17.30 u – 20.00 u 
o Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 
o Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u 
o Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u 
o Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u. 
Maintheme 2022 : The afterlife
These last years in which a corona virus and a new war sows death and destruction, it may be appropriate to pause for a moment and consider the belief or disbelief in an afterlife. 
Archaeologists were able to show that Neanderthals before us already harboured the idea of an afterlife and they ritually prepared their dead for the journey. 
The ancient Egyptians made every effort during their lifetime to achieve eternal bliss in Amenti and developed mummification and at least seven concepts of spiritual qualities associated with being human. 
During the Middle Ages death was common due to plagues and wars. Indulgences, pilgrimages and much praying could help increase your chances, possibly after simmering for a while in purgatory, to feast on rice pudding with golden spoons between angels and saints... 
In Hellas, the gods resembled muscular brats, quickly displeased supermen and super women. All of it the opposite of what the Asian Buddha promoted as the path to detachment , reincarnation and Nirvana. 
Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana, Eternal Hunting Grounds, Amenti, Valhalla are all man-made places for the mystery that awaits us and gives hope to the faithful. At best, that belief is a reason to comply ethical rules that enable us to live together without major calamities. This is more than necessary, by the way, given the overpopulation and the shrinking carrying capacity of our beautiful planet. 
Source in languages: olense-kartoenale.