
23rd PortoCartoon 2021 with the main theme of Health, Portugal

HEALTH is the main theme for the PortoCartoon 2021
Luther King and Maria João Pires - Special Caricature Awards
PortoCartoon (an initiative of the Portuguese Printing Pres Museum) will continue to follow the UN principles, Health is the the main theme chosen for 2021. The invitation to participate was just been made to cartoonists around the world ( below). 
Placed as the 3rd SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), in 2015, health is today the main pillar for the defense of humanity. COVID-19 - a virus without borders and still uncontrollable - has become the "main threat to the world security", according to the UN General Secretary, António Guterres. 
After the Anti-COVID Virtual Gallery 19 (http://www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org/i_gal_anticovid_f.htm) created by the Portuguese Printing Press MuseumI, with hundreds of participants, the theme of health gains another relevance in the global context. 
Following the line started in 2013, with the introduction of the Caricature award in PortoCartoon, the choice for 2021 was the Nobel Peace Prize winner Luther King, who was murdered in 1968. The current situation in the world, the frequent violation of Human Rights and the need to social transformation for a better and free world, for all races - especially the most segregated ones -, gives relevance to this choice. 
The other chosen figure was the Portuguese pianist Maria João Pires, whose "way of playing the piano has often been described as magical, captivating and deeply poetic" (Deutsche Grammophon). With an international career and more than 140 albums edited, Maria João Pires is the Portuguese who follows other figures such as Manoel de Oliveira, José Saramago, Amália, Siza Vieira or António Guterres. 
This will be the 23rd edition of the Portuguese Printing Press Museum initiative that started in 1998, with the theme of “Discoveries” (inaugurated by President Jorge Sampaio in 1999) and has put Portugal on the podium of the worldwide cartoon. 
In the twenty-two previous editions, more than 7000 cartoonists from five continents had participated.
General Rules and Regulations
Placed as the 3rd SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), in 2015, HEALTH is today the main pillar for the defense of humanity. COVID-19 – a virus without borders and still uncontrollable – has become the “main threat to the world security”, according to the UN General Secretary, António Guterres. 
The fragility of the health services, in dozens of countries and regions of the world, and the lack of water and sanitation, has aggravated the people capacity for health defense. Epidemics claim millions of lives. Vaccines are a sign of hope, but again the poorest are the most unprotected. Even with so many speeches for equality, the tragedy seems to continue. And it is necessary to prevent the spread of the virus from being aggravated by the proliferation of misinformation. 
In this context, the role of wise and beautiful humor is central and irreplaceable. 
Therefore, PortoCartoon chose HEALTH as the main theme for 2021. 
MARIA JOÃO PIRES (1944- ) The pianist Maria João Pires is a prominent artist in classical music. She came to be recognized internationally when awarded with the first prize of the international competition of the bicentenary of Beethoven in 1970, in Brussels. Her career includes numerous tours, interpreting works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin and many other composers. Invited by the great world orchestras, she performs regularly in Europe, Canada, Japan, Israel and the USA. “Her way of playing the piano has often been described as magical, captivating and deeply poetic” (Deutsche Grammophon). 
Being a dreamer she created a unique work in the relationship between music and nature: Belgais Arts Center (Portugal). 
MARTIN LUTHER KING (1929-1968) had a special dream: to create a world of peace for blacks and whites, with freedom and justice. Because of that he was murdered at 39. His dream remains alive, which many want to see dead. 
He was a human rights martyr, like others who had followed him, Luther King was one of the first political figures in the United States to express himself, clearly, against racial discrimination. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and Henry Thoreau’s theory of civil disobedience, he advocated a peaceful and without weapon fighting. In 1964, he received the Nobel Prize for Peace, becoming at that time, the youngest winner of such an award. 
The nowadays situation in the world, the frequent violation of the Human Rights and the need for social transformation for a better and free world for all races - especially the most segregated ones - give relevance to this choice of PortoCartoon 2021. Luther King deserves a special gallery. Likewise, his utopic dreams.
Cartoonists can submit works for the MAIN THEME and for the FREE CATEGORY, as in the previous editions.
4 Artists who don’t wish to compete can send us their works EXTRA-COMPETITION, informing of their decision.
5.1. Cartoons must be original. We accept any kind of graphical techniques, including digital artwork sent by e-mail, as long as the drawings are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, are identified as PRINT NUMBER ONE and as an original for this contest. 
5.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
6 The artworks cannot exceed the following measurements: 
- IN PAPER, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3); 
- SCULPTURE PIECES, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.
7 Cartoons should be sent with the author’s Resumé, in Portuguese or English, (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and must be identified on the reverse with the following information: 
- Author’s name and address; 
- Year, title and theme section.
8 Entries should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 15th 2021 (EXTENDED:) February 28th 2021, along with the filled Entry Form.
9 The works should be sent to: 
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, 
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206 
4300-316 PORTO, Portugal. 
Or to the e-mail address: portocartoon@museudaimprensa.pt
10 The participation in PortoCartoon automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
11 The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following: 
Grand Prize PORTOCARTOON 4000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
2nd Prize PORTOCARTOON 1200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
3rd Prize PORTOCARTOON 800 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
Special Award for CARICATURE 1st Prize 1000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 2nd Prize 300 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 3rd Prize 200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Honorable Mentions 50 Euro.
12 The organization does not ensure to send prizes on bottles of wine. 
13 The Jury will have an odd number of members and its decisions will be final and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or complaint.
14 The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will take part of the INTERNACIONAL CARTOON GALLERY. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested with the entry form, after the exhibitions (during PortoCartoon and others in different cities and countries). 
15 In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PortoCartoon exhibitions or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists.
16 All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a DIGITAL CATALOGUE, that will be sent by e-mail to download. If the artist wants to receive a printed catalogue, he should request it and support the shipment costs. 
17 The winning artists will receive the prizes in June 2021, in a public ceremony.


World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns in Africa 2021, Kenya

World Cartoon Festival on Applying Arts and Culture in
Silencing the Guns in Africa
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya 
Over the past two decades, efforts have been made to silence the guns in Africa, and this is a positive turning point for achieving a conflict-free Africa. Despite these efforts, conflicts continue in parts of the African continent. Extremism, the threat of terrorism and transnational crimes on the continent remain an ongoing challenge. 
Arms, as the continent's most popular weapon of choice, have attracted the attention of African Union member states and sparked their initiative to put an end to arms in Africa. The main task of this plan is to achieve a conflict-free Africa, prevent genocide, achieve peace for all and clean the African continent of war, violent conflict, human rights abuses and human disasters. 
To expedite this plan, the African Union launched the "Silencing the Guns" project in 2020 by mobilizing all stakeholders. But the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 prevented us from addressing this important issue in Africa properly. The African Union's 2021 theme "Arts, Culture and Heritage" prompted us to use art to keep this important event alive next year and to strive to achieve it. 
The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya, in line with the efforts of the African Union, decides to hold “World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns" to show that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as in the past, stands with African countries to achieve peace and development on the continent. 
World Cartoon Festival on Silencing the Guns in AFrica 
1) No to guns in dispute settlement 
2) Silencing the guns and the Roots of conflicts (poverty, historical injustice, inequality, climate change, ethnic and tribal disputes) 
3) Arms trade and warfare 
4) Condemnation of Genocide and war crimes 
5) Countering extremism and terrorism 
6) Silencing the guns and Human Rights 
7) Surrounding of guns and reduction of violent conflicts 
8) Effects of Silencing the Guns on the African next generation, generation of peace and dialogue 
9) Applying art and culture in silencing the guns 
Deadline for sending artworks: 30 April 2021 (EXTENDED:) 01 July 2021 (before 12 midnight) 
- Each cartoonist can send maximum 5 artworks; 
- Artworks should be in A4 size and sent in JPEG format with minimum 300DPI resolution; 
- Form of entry should be completed for each artwork; 
- Submitted artworks must not have received an award previously; 
- Any technics and methods can be used; 
- Artworks should follow copyright regulations; 
- By sending the artwork, the cartoonist guarantees that he/she is creator of the artworks and gives permission to the organizer to publish the artworks anywhere it deems necessary freely. 
Jury selection: 
The 1st selected by jury: 4000 US$ 
The 2nd selected by jury: 3000 US$ 
The 3rd selected by jury: 2000 US$ 
Five selected artworks by the juries will also be awarded certificates. 
Kenyan artists have the chance to receive three additional awards: 
The 1st Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 400 US$ + Certificate 
The 2nd Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 300 US$ + Certificate 
The 3rd Kenyan cartoonist selected by jury: 200 US$ + Certificate 
Date of announcing selection results: May 2021 at I.R of Iran Embassy website: https://kenya.mfa.gov.ir/en 
 and Facebook: @Iran.Kenya 
 Email address for sending artworks: Silencefest2020@gmail.com 
 For more information, please consult: https://kenya.mfa.gov.ir/en 


19th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2020, China

Rules of 19th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2020
1) Cartoon: 
(A) More Powerful Novel Coronavirus, More Long Struggle 
(B) Free Theme 
2) Caricature: 
(A) Famous President (B) Sports Star 
(C) Entertainment Star (D) Business Star 
January 31, 2021 
1) Size: Min: A4(210mmx297mm), Max:A3(297mmx420mm). 
2) Quantity: Unlimited. 
3) Please send digital original drawings to this contest. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. 
4) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with digital signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at FreeCartoonsWeb. 
5) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese. 
6) All cartoonists can participate in festival through their own E-mail by submitting their cartoons to: 
Format: JPEG; Size: max 4M per cartoon; Resolution ratio: 200dpi-300dpi. 
7) The excellent cartoons will bepublished in Chinese newspaper and magazine. Some cartoons will be exhibited in China. All cartoons will not be returned. 
1) Cartoon: 
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF). 
2) Caricature: 
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF). 
Source: fcw .


Similarity: Ayres - Sultanovic: The Prisoner

Erico Junqueira Ayres
Resad Sultanovic

Gender Mainstreaming: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality International Cartoon Contest 2021



The United Nations (UN) was founded following the Second World War by 51 countries including Turkey on October 24, 1945, to realize the noble humanity vision of securing international peace and providing security, supporting sustainable development and safeguarding human rights. Turkey, as a founding member of the United Nations, plays an important role in the fulfillment of various duties of the organization from peacekeeping and peace building to improving the lives of people in need around the world. 
UN Turkey and its partners work towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: The 17 ambitious goals in connection with each other aim to solve the problems faced by people all over the world, including Turkey. One of these goals is GENDER MAINSTREAMING. We can explain the gender mainstreaming, which is the main goal here, within the following scopes: 
• Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere, 
• Eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private domains, including woman trafficking and sexual and all forms of abuse, 
 • Eliminating child marriage, early forced marriage and all harmful practices against women, 
• Making policies of public services, infrastructure and social protection regarding unpaid care and housework, and recognition and appreciation of responsibility within the household and family through improving the sharing of responsibility in a nationally appropriate manner, and; 
• Ensuring women's full and effective participation in decision-making processes of political, economic and social life and equal opportunities for women to exist in decision-making leadership mechanisms. 
IZMIR and especially IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality, which has become a leading example for Turkey with exemplary efforts towards improving the lives of women and girls, is a part "Women Friendly Cities Program" since 2006 and carries the distinction of being the first metropolitan province in being so. This was documented by the "Women Friendly City Certificate" issued in 2009. We can define a "Women Friendly City" in general as a city where the urban rights of women are realized, their participation in local decision-making processes and decision-making mechanisms is ensured, local equality policies that improve women's living conditions and ensure equality of women and men in all areas of life are established, and local services are provided through embedding these policies in the understanding of local government. Established in Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, "Directorate of Women’s studies" sets an example for the sustainability and permanence of the Women Friendly Cities program. Besides, there are Women's Shelters; “Key” Integrated Service Center; Fairy-Tale Houses for women with children; Vocational Factories that prepare women for Employment and Entrepreneurship; and Equality Unit. 
Women managers are an example of the given priority of the number of female employees and female employment. IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality gives training on Gender Mainstreaming and provides services that facilitate the life of women in the city while taking into consideration of their rights and freedom through awareness-raising activities carried out on special days including November 25 Combating Violence Against Women; March 8 International Women's Day, December 5 Turkish Women's Right to elect and to be elected, and through conducting mutual work and well-attended meetings with NGOs and Trade Associations. 

OBJECTIVE: Cartoonists! Empowering women means empowering the world: Think, draw ... Show everyone what comes to mind when you think about women's rights and empowerment. The areas of interest of our Cartoon contest are as follows. 
You can get inspired by the following subjects and much more: 
- Women and the Environment - Women in Power and Decision Making - Girls - Women and the Economy - Women and Poverty - Violence against Women - Human Rights of Women - Education of Women - Institutional Mechanisms for the Improvement of Women - Women and Health - Women and Media. 


1. The contest is organized nationally and internationally and is open to amateur and professional cartoonists all over the world. 
2. Cartoons that do not abide by the general rules of ethics, that contain insults, serve political purposes, violate personal rights and contain statements that may constitute a crime will be excluded from the contest. 
3. Relatives of the selection committee members cannot participate in the contest. 
4. Drawing technique is free. Competitors are required to fill in and send the participation form. By completing the participation form, the participant declares and acknowledges his/her consent in advance that he/she is the owner of the work of cartoon(s) that he/she will participate in the contest with and is vested with these work(s) and the participant grants license to IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality as defined under the provisions of Articles numbered 21-25 of the Law of Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, as the economic rights of communication to the public in the form of a non-exclusive license, without limitation of any place, time and number, and in a way that includes the right to transfer to third parties by means of processing, reproducing, disseminating, representing and transferring signs, sounds and/or images and that IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality may use the cartoon(s) in any way it wishes by exhibiting, keeping in the archive, reproducing and publishing on the internet and in other ways, and furthermore, the participant cannot claim any price from the Municipality for this reason. 
5. Cartoons will only be admitted to the specified e-mail address through the internet. Cartoon sizes should be maximum A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) and 300 dpi resolution in RGB and jpg format. They should be sent without using a compression program such as ZIP or RAR. 
6. Cartoons to be sent should not have been awarded in any national or international contest before. Cartoons that the selection committee deems the same or similar or that belong to another cartoonist will not be evaluated. 
 7. The Cartoons that made it to the finals against similar claims will be exhibited on IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality website and social media for a week. Objections received after this period will not be taken into consideration and the decision of the jury will be final. 
8. Cartoons that are found to be similar will be excluded from the contest. In the event of such a determination, the works selected as a backup will be awarded. The participant will be responsible for any possible discussions and stolen and similar claims. 
9. Participants can send a maximum of 5 Cartoons. 
10. Cartoons should be sent to the ibbcartoon@gmail.com address with the title of "Izmir Metropolitan Municipality International Cartoon Contest" until February 1, 2021, at 17:00. 
11. The money awards won by the participants in the contest will be transferred to the bank IBAN that they have sent us. The award winner must complete, sign and send the required documents, along with the IBAN. Situations that may arise due to the failure of the award owner to declare the IBAN or to be unable to receive the award price due to various reasons expire at the end of 1 year after the results are announced. In the event of a time-lapse, the right holder cannot demand any awards, royalties, etc. In case of disputes that may arise between the IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality and the participant, the jury's arbitration is sought first, if no result is reached, IZMIR Courts will be authorized to resolve the disputes. 
12. Among the cartoons sent to the contest, the works selected by the jury and deemed worthy of the exhibition will be collected in an album to be organized by IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality. This album will only be sent to the participants who were placed in the contest and whose work was published. No additional fee is paid for the works selected for the album. 
13. At the end of the contest, the works which have won an award, honorary mention, gained the right to be exhibited and to be put in the album will belong to IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality indefinitely together with the owner of the work based on the processing defined in Article 21, reproduction defined in Article 22, dissemination defined in Article 23, representation defined in Article 24, and the economic rights of communication to the public by means of transferring signs, sounds and/or images defined in Article 25 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works numbered 5846. Within the framework of these rights, IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality can use or provide the usage of the work indefinitely within or outside of Turkey, in Turkish or in any other world languages, in all kinds of media and material content by specifying the name of the author. No additional fee is paid for the works selected for these uses. No fees will be paid to the Consultant Members who take part in the contest. All participants who submit their work to the contest are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 

First Prize: 15,000 TL 
Second Prize: 10,000 TL 
Third Prize: 5,000 TL 
Honorable Mention (3): 2,000 TL. 

Cemalettin Güzeloğlu – Cartoonist 
Canol Kocagöz – Cartoonist 
Eray Özbek – Cartoonist 
Menekşe Çam – Cartoonist 
Görkem Şengüler – Illustrator 
Hilal Bayındır – Illustrator. 

Neptün Soyer – Teacher 
Izel Zenginobuz – IMM (Izmir Metropolitan Municipality) Deputy Chairman of Child and Family Commission, Lawyer 
Nilay Kökkılınç – IMM Head of Gender Mainstreaming Commission, Lawyer. 

Ömer Çam – IMM Directorate of Vocational Factory, Cartoonist 
Mert Gültekin – IMM Directorate of Culture and Art. 

The deadline is until February 1, 2021, at 17:00. 
The jury evaluation meeting will be held on February 5, 2021. 
The publication of the final works will be announced on 8 February 2021. 
The final results of the contest will be announced on 15 February 2021. 
The cartoons deemed worthy of the exhibition by the jury will be exhibited at the date; time and place determined by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. 
Note: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality reserves the right to make changes in this specification if deemed necessary. 


IZMIR Metropolitan Municipality 
 Participation form of 
International Cartoon Contest 
On Gender Mainstreaming 


Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 

Surname: …………………………………………………………………………………. 



Country: ……………………………………………………………………………………. 


Telephone: ………………………………... ……………………… 

Fax: ………………………………………. …………………… 

E-mail: ………………………………….@ ………………………………………….. 








I accept the Conditions of the Contest. 

Name, Surname, 




Results of voting on the best cartoon sites in the world 2020

Results of voting on the best cartoon sites in the world
Again, the site of the Syrian Cartoon ranking first in the questionnaire,
which has been to the best sites in the world's speed and credibility
to keep up with the event wherever... 
The titles of success
Iranian website received the second ranking.
Cartoon site caricaturque ranked third. 
1st Syriacartoon (www.raedcartoon.com
2nd Irancartoon (www.irancartoon.com
3rd caricaturque (caricaturque.blogspot.com
tabrizcartoons (www.tabrizcartoons.com)
Source: raedcartoon.


The First Cartoon Festival 2020, Indonesia: "Anti Hoax!"

The First Cartoon Festival 2020 Indonesia
Theme - "Anti Hoax!
Hoaxes will destroy the life of the people of the nation and state. 
PAKARTI as a forum for Indonesia cartoonists invites all cartoonists around the world to fight against hoaxes: 
Terms and Conditions 
1. The festival is open to all entrants from all nations. 
2. Cartoons must meet the ethical and aesthetic standards of civilized society, No incitement to violence, racial or national discrimination, or scenes of violence and pornography. 
3. Method of execution is up to the entrant. Cartoons submitted in digital form will have the following formats: JPEG, A3, 300 dpi, Max. 5Mb / cartoon. Author's name, billing address and email will be attached to the entry: pakartinew@gmail.com or agenda@pakarti.org 
4. In the event of rule breaking or overt plagiarism, entries will be removed from the festival without discussion. 
5. Maximum of three entries per participant. 
6. Final submission date for entries is December 06, 2020 (EXTENDED:) December 14, 2020
7. The following prizes are awarded: 
1st Prize - Money + Trophy 
2nd Prize - Money + Trophy 
3rd Prize - Money + Trophy 
Three Special Prizes. 
Exhibition in the HARTONO Mall Sukoharjo - Solo baru INDONESIA. 
The inauguration and prize giving ceremony will take place on 11 December 2020. 
Website: Pakarti.org
Source: pencere.


International Cartoon Web Contest 2021, Azerbaijan: Stop war, Make smile

International Cartoon Web Contest 2021, Azerbaijan
1. Open competition for cartoonists all over the world.
The participation is free of charge.
2. Will be submitted not more than 5 works
3. Deadline: January 15, 2021.
Works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution,
RGB color mode, in JPG format, with a maximum size of 2 MB.
4. Send your cartoons and your CV to the e-mail address:
5.The contest results will be announced on the 20 January 2021
6.The International Jury will award the following prizes for the best works:
GOLD Medal, Special Honor Diploma
SILVER Medal, Special Honor Diploma
BRONZE Medal, Special Honor Diploma
5 Honorable Mention: Diploma.
7. For further information, please e-mail us to:
Bahram Arif Bagirzade, Actor, publisher, honored artist of Azerbaijan.
Seyran Caferli, Director International Cartoon News Center.

The 17th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2021

The 17th International Cartoon Contest
SYRIA 2021
T h e m e s:
Cartoon Section:
Theme: Love (Works with sexual insinuations won't be accepted).
Caricature Section:
SYRIAN Poet : Nizar Qabbani (1923 – 1998)
was a Syrian diplomat, poet, writer and publisher.
He has pioneer contributions to the history of the Syrian contemporary poetry.
Qabbani is one of the most revered contemporary poets in the Arab world,
and is considered to be Syria's National Poet.
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world,
over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education.
N o t e :
1- Each participant can send 1 work only in each Section
2- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competition
3- The cartoons must not contain text.
Drawings can also be made digitally.
A3 / 29X42 CM , 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
-and the size of each artwork must not exceed more than 2 megabytes.
name - country - work number
Deadline: 28/12/ 2020
• Prizes:
Golden, statue &Certificate and album
Silver, statue &Certificate and album
Bronze, statue &Certificate and album
and 10 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants.
They will participate only in exhibition,
not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
More on Syria Cartoon website:
Also on facebook.


11th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2021, Turkey

THEME: Open 
1. The competition is open to any cartoonist. 
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition. 
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reponsibility will be assumed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened. 
4. All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum. 
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope. 
6. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 1st May 2021 (EXTENDED:) 31st July 2021 
Milas Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü 
48200-Milas-Muğla / Turkey 
7. The results of the competition will be announced on 31st August 2021. 
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev’. 
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album. 
10. The reward ceremony will be held on 17th September 2021. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 1st October 2021. 
11. Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality. 
Muhammet Tokat 
Ruhan Selçuk 
Kamil Masaracı 
İzel Rozental 
Ohannes Şaşkal 
Tayfun Akgül 
Zeynep Özatalay 
Muhammet Bakır 
Agnes Lanchon 
Mehmet Nergiz 
Bülent Örkensoy 
 13. PRIZES: 
Winner: ₺7.500.00 
Runner up: ₺5.000.00 
Third: ₺3.000.00 
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals. 
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 13-15th August 2021.
Updated: 17 April 2021 21:40.


International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2021, Czechia

International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2021, Czechia
Compulsory Subject: History
1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered
2- Total number of cartoons per author: 3 pieces
3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions
4- Cartoons without words are not a requirement, but they have an advantage
5- Cartoons should only be sent electronically to: mfkh@email.cz
6- Deadline April 30th, 2021
7- The technical parameters should be as follows: at least 300 DPI; JPG, PNG or PDF format
8- By sending their cartoons, the author agrees with the following:
a) The organizer can use the cartoons for the promotional purposes of this International Festival of Cartoons
b) The cartoons will be used in Tapír, magazine of humor and satire, 
Award Winning Works:
1st Prize 15.000 CZK
2nd Prize 10.000 CZK
3rd Prize 5.000 CZK.
Optional topic 
Our festival aims to help the children with oncological disease by the drawing. 
Drawings themselves won’t be a subject of competition. 
In the period from 13 to 19 September 2021, the drawings will be exhibited and auctioned. 
Proceeds from the auction will be used for oncological care activities in hospitals. 
Topic: Free 
Festival is open for all professional and amateur creators, no age restriction is applied. 
1) Print a „The Keyhole“ Here it is: „The Keyhole“
2) Draw your picture in it on the topic „What I would like to see through a keyhole“ Your drawing can take any form, which means humorous, or serious one. Feel free to express yourself. 
3) Write your name, age, occupation, city where you live on the picture. 
4) Send the picture to the following address: Community Center Chebsko z.s., Náměstí Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 507/6, 350 02 Cheb, Czech Republic or mail: mfkh@email.cz
Source: zlatytapir.


The 5th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest 2021, Turkey

5th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest 2021, Turkey
Subject Matter of the Contest: “The New Generation and the New Generation Addictions
We have selected the topic of this year’s cartoon contest as “The New Generation and the New Generation Addictions.” We expect the cartoonists to focus on the causes of addictions, how they spread, their consequences, effects of the pandemic, and online betting and online gambling addictions within the framework of that theme. We aim at sharing the power and effect of healthy life with the world and young people from the perspective of cartoonists. We would like to thank the outstanding cartoonists for their valuable contributions in connection with that topic in advance. 
Up to 3 works can be sent, published works may be participated in, provided that they are not awarded. 
A4 or A3 
Black and white or colored 
Turkish or English (text will be used if necessary, but not visual / verbal) 
The artist must send his cartoons on website, no later than 31 January 2021. Cartoons' digital files must be max 5 MB, 300 dpi, JPG, A4 or A3 format. 
Green Crescent can use the cartoons participating in the race in any way he wants. It does not create any copyright for these works. 
All the works applied for the contest will not be returned to the applicants regardless of whether they have been placed in the rankings or not, and all the financial and moral rights arranged in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (public communication, public offering, specifying name, prohibiting any change in the work with devices for processing, duplicating, dissemination, representation, sign, sound and / or image transfer) will be undertaken by the Turkish Green Crescent Society without being subject to restrictions of inland or outland place, content, course, duration and number. The Turkish Green Crescent Society is entitled exclusively on all the works, those rights and authorizations can be used both for the entire original work or/and its entire processing and for a part of the original work or/and a part of the processing. 
Originals of all the works entered in the contest will be delivered to the Turkish Green Crescent Society before the award ceremony by the authors of the works. 
The Turkish Green Crescent Society has the right to use all the works applied for the contest as any kind of promotional materials such as posters, catalogues, brochures, booklets etc. 
All kinds of legal responsibilities that may arise from the reproduction of works from other sources (not original work) and plagiarism belong to the contestant. In case of any damage to the Green Crescent due to these reasons, the relevant contestant will cover all the damages caused to the Green Crescent. If such a situation is detected, the prize will be withdrawn even if the contestant is awarded. In such a case, the contestant will reimburse the price paid as a reward to the Green Crescent accounts within 10 days from the first demand of the Green Crescent. 
All the works applied for the contest must not have been awarded in any contest. If such a situation is detected, the prize will be withdrawn even if the contestant is awarded. In such a case, the contestant will reimburse the price paid as a reward to the Green Crescent accounts within 10 days from the first demand of the Green Crescent. 
All kinds of legal responsibilities arising from the use of unoriginal texts, contents, designs, images, music etc. sent for the contest belong to the contestant. 
Participants of this contest are considered to have accepted the conditions of the contest. The discretion of the issues that are not found in the application belong to the Turkish Green Crescent Society. Participants are counted to have accepted these conditions.


Newsletter from Studio d'Arte Andromeda, Italy

Because of the current rules to contain the health emergency, this moment of inauguration and the award ceremony will only take place virtually and the exhibiton of the selected artworks will be visible on our website, where everyone will be able to vote his/her favorite artwork.
By connecting to our Facebook page you will be able to see the opening ceremony of the XXVIII INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE SATIRE AND HUMOR CITY OF TRENTO, this year's theme was LIMITS.
Hoping that everything goes on the best way,
we wait and hope for your participation to the opening ceremony.
Inauguration on-line:
Saturday 21 November 2020
05:00 PM