
12th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2020, Turkey

12th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2020, Turkey
The theme of the competition in 2020 is:
1) Tourism in Coronavirus days,
2) Tourism after the Coronavirus,
3) Social distance in tourism.
Cartoons about these three themes can be sent to the competition.
Cartoons will be accepted in two sections:
Adult Category: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award, second award, third award, Professor Atila Özer recognition award and three mansions will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.
Young Category: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger. Category should be noted when cartoons are submitting. Grand award and two achievement awards will be given in this section. Finalist cartoons in this section will be published in the album.
First Announcement: July 2020
Deadline for Submission: 31 December 2020
Meeting of the pre-Selection Committee: 23 January 2021
Announcement of finalist cartoons (for possible objections): February 1 – 9, 2021
Notification of Winners: April 2021.
Category of Adult Cartoonists
The Grand Award: $1000
The Second Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pansiyon, (Four Points by Sheraton İzmir)
The Third Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pansiyon, Four Points by Sheraton İzmir)
Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award: $750.
Category of Young Cartoonists
The Grand Award: $750
The Second Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pansiyon, Four Points by Sheraton İzmir)
The Third Award: Holiday in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons, Full pansiyon, Four Points by Sheraton İzmir).
For further information and cartoon mailings:
Prof. Dr. Nazmi KOZAK
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Turizm Fakültesi
Yunus Emre Kampüsü
26470 Eskişehir/TURKEY
E-mail: tourismcartoon@gmail.com
For further information:


Anti-racism International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition 2021, Norway

Anti-racism International Cartoon Contest & Exhibition, Norway 2021
Theme: Anti-racism
Deadline: April 30, 2021 (EXTENDED:) May 30, 2021
Size: A3, JPG format, 300 DPI
Email: human@toonsmag.com
First prize: NOK 5 000, or 5 000 PTS.
Second prize: NOK 3 000, or 3 000 PTS.
Third prize: NOK 2 000, or 2 000 PTS.
Ten cartoonists will receive an honorable mention award.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalog and a digital certificate of participation.
Read more: https://www.toonsmag.com/anti-racism-international-cartoon-contest-norway/


Themes for the 12th International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2020 are evaluated

The theme proposal period for the 12th International Tourism Cartoon Competition has ended on 30 June 2020. 42 people from 13 different countries proposed 84 themes for the competition. The theme evaluation board accepted three of the reported themes as a competition theme. These are; 1) Tourism in Coronavirus days, 2) Tourism after the Coronavirus, 3) Social distance in tourism.
The propositions of the people whose names are written below were accepted as the theme of the competition.
Abdullah Sakar, Turkey
Cemalettin Güzeloglu, Turkey
Güher Yakar, Canada
Hakan Memis, Turkey
Hasan Kırmızı, Turkey
İrfan Mısırlı, Turkey
Kemal Ozyurt, Turkey
Louis Pol, Australia
Lutfu Cakin, Turkey
Mehmet Zeber, Turkey
Mihai Boboc, Romania
Munduru Sekhar Rao, India
Mustafa Yıldız, Turkey
Nurdan Özmen, Turkey
Özkan Tütüncü, Turkey
Özlem Altunöz, Turkey
Paolo Dalponte, Italy
Pol Leurs, Luxembourg
Rida Annisa Tazkhiya Wibawant, Indonesia
Salar Eshratkhah, Iran
Su Küfteoğlu, Turkey
Vedat Zorluer, Turkey
Yu Liang, China
Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz, Poland.
With the draw between those who proposed the accepted themes, Louis Pol (Australia) Final Evaluation Board and Vedat Zorluer (Turkey) will serve on the Preliminary Evaluation Board.
The album of the 12th International Tourism Caricature Contest will be sent to those who recommend the themes accepted in the contest.
Thank you to those who support the competition with their themes.
Source: Nazmi Kozak.


The 27th International Festival Calicomix 2020, Colombia

Humor increases defenses, decreases pain, and improves self-esteem.
1- Anyone enthusiastic about graphic humor can participate, regardless of age, nationality, or sex. The technique is free, it can be analog or digital.
2- The format is 21 x 28 cms (horizontal or vertical), 300 dpi * resolution JPG files and works that have already participated in other contests or exhibitions can be sent.
3- The prizes:
1 prize of 1,000,000.oo Colombian pesos for the first place
1 prize of 500,000.oo Colombian pesos for the second place
1 prize of 300,000.oo Colombian pesos for the third place.
3- The selected works will be on display at the 27th International Festival Calicomix 2020 and all the works of the participants will be published in a virtual publication.
4- The closing date is August 4, 2020
5- By participating, the contestant donates the publication rights of their works to the Calicomix Foundation and the Creative Party, sponsoring entities of the contest to use them in dissemination campaigns in different media where the name and nationality of each contestant will be disclosed.
6- To participate you can send up to three digital works with the following information:
name, age, email and nationality, without these data you will not be able to compete.
Once the winners have been selected, they will be asked for the details for the delivery of the prize to their bank account. If the winner is a person residing abroad, the money transfer expenses will be deducted from the prize.
We appreciate your participation.
6- Unique shipping address: calicomixeventos@gmail.com
Source: calicomix.
(By Google Translate).


The 8th International Cartoon Exhibition in Ymittos 2020, Greece

8th International Cartoon Exhibition in Ymittos 2020, Greece
Organized by the Municipality of Dafni - Ymittos & Ergastri
Subject: New technologies in our life
Terms of Participation
• The drawings should be in black and white or in color.
• Each participant may present up to 3 works printable in A3 size with margins around drawings. It is possible to print and exhibit drawings in A4 size.
• The resolution of the works should be at least 300 dpi.
• It is preferable that the drawings do not contain any text or comments. In case they do, an english or greek text should be definitely included.
• The use of collage is not permitted.
• The works should be sent via e-mail.
• Any drawings judged by the Jury Members to have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
• The works should not have been previously published or presented in other exhibitions.
• The works should not include any offensive material.
• Each participant should make available a brief CV, an e-mail address, a Skype account (if available) and a postal address.
• All drawings participating in the exhibition may be presented in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
• The works can only be used for non-profit purposes; in any case, with the name of the artist and the event explicitly mentioned.
• Any works not corresponding to the above requirements will not be accepted and the cartoonist will be informed accordingly by e-mail.
• Up to 100 drawings chosen by the Jury Members will be exhibited.
• The prizes will be decided by the Jury Members
• The Critical Committee consists of men of letters and artists of high repute.
• The works may be used as part of the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no
account should drawings or copies be sold. Moreover, any commercial exploitation of part or all of the exhibition is prohibited.
• The participating artists will not receive payment of any kind for their participation.
• The copyright of the Exhibition is owned jointly by the organizers, the Municipality of Dafni – Ymittos and Ergastiri.
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of the above.
• Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition via e-mail.
Submission Deadline: July 31st 2020
The drawings are to be sent to the following e-mail address:
The dates of the Exhibition will be determined on the basis of health conditions.
The exhibition will be of a competitive character and not purely demonstrative. The best works will be awarded.
1st Prize: 5 days of overnight accommodation at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) in Delphi, sponsored by Iniohos Kaltsis SA.
2nd Prize: 3 days of overnight accommodation at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) in Delphi, sponsored by Iniohos Kaltsis SA
3rd Prize: an album of the expressionist painter George Bouzianis’s works published by Benaki Museum (english or greek edition).
4th Prize: book or CD
5th Prize: book or CD
In addition, 10 merit awards will be given.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation.
                   On behalf of the Organizing Committee
                     Yannis Kaltsas                          Anastasios Biniskos
              Coordinator                                     Chairman
                           Ergastiri                              Mayor of Dafni - Ymittos


"Values of Kuşadası" International Cartoon Contest, Karikaturistik 2020, Turkey

"Values of Kuşadası" International Cartoon Contest
Karikaturistik 2020, Turkey
A) Kuşadası
B) Kuşadası portrait caricaturist Lütfü ÇAKIN Portrait Caricature
C) Kuşadası portrait caricaturist Musa KEKLİK Portrait Caricature.
* The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
* Each artist can submit unlimited cartoons for each theme.
* There is no limit on the techniques you can use.
* Artworks must not be larger than A3 paper.
* Artwork format must be JPG with 300 DPI resolution and the size of each artwork must not exceed more than 3 megabytes.
* The awards of the awarded artists will be sent to their addresses by mail.
Selected works of art will be exhibited in Kuşadası KUAKMER ART GALLERY in August and will be included in the PDF catalog (The participation sertificate and a copy of the PDF catalog will be sent to all participants).
* Along with the artworks you must also send this information: full name, mobile number, exact mailing address, biography and a photo of the artist.
* The cartoons will be kept in the archive of the institution and can be used in posters, handouts, calendars, magazines, and newspapers. The publication will be sent to the holder of that cartoon.
* By sending his/her works, and participating in the contest, the cartoonists agree to the mentioned rules and conditions.
* Click to get information about Kuşadası: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqgrPrmYucc
* Click to get photos of Lütfü ÇAKIN and Musa KEKLİK:
* The institution organising the competition: KARIKATURISTIK
* Competition organizers: Musa KEKLIK (Cartoonist-Teacher) - Lütfü ÇAKIN (Cartoonist).
Theme A
First Prize : First Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Second Prize : Second Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Third Prize : Third Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
3 Honor Prizes : Medal, Honorary Diploma, Selection for the exhibition.
Theme B
First Prize : First Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Second Prize : Second Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Third Prize : Third Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
3 Honor Prizes : Medal, Honorary Diploma, Selection for the exhibition.
Theme C
First Prize : First Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Second Prize : Second Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
Third Prize : Third Plaque, Honorary diploma, Selection for the exhibition
3 Honor Prizes : Medal, Honorary Diploma, Selection for the exhibition.
Jury Members:
Aşkın AYRANCIOĞLU – Turkey
Fahriye ÇITAKLI – Turkey
Marian AVRAMESCU – Romania
Luis Carlos FERNANDES – Brasil
Musa KEKLİK – Turkey
Halit KURTULMUŞ – Turkey
Oğuz GÜREL – Turkey
Lütfü ÇAKIN – Turkey.
*Deadline for submission: 10 August 2020 (EXTENDED:) 01 September 2020
Prize Announcement: 07 September 2020 
Exhibition: 11 September 2020 


International Satirical Picture Competition "Karpik", Niemodlin 2020, Poland

The Regulations concerning the International Satirical Picture Competition
„KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland

§ 1
These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) specify the terms and conditions of holding the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

§ 2
1. The Competition is organized by Agnieszka Osiecka Cultural Centre in Niemodlin.
2. The Participants of the Competition may be natural persons, of legal age, with full legal capacity regardless of their place of residence.
3. Participation in the Competition is free of charge.

§ 3
Application for participation in the Competition is equivalent to the participant's acceptance of the Regulations in their entirety. The Participant undertakes to comply with the rules set out therein, as well as confirms that he meets the conditions that entitle him to participate in the Competition.

§ 4
1. Submitting entry of participation in the competition consists of sending to the Organizer an original version of a freehand drawing on the subject of fish, fishermen, fishing in nets, etc., meeting the conditions set out in these Regulations.
2. Drawings in sizes not exceeding A3 format are taking part in the Competition.
3. Each participant of the Competition is entitled to present a maximum 2 works.
4. Each of the entries submitted should be described on the reverse in the following manner: the date of completing the work, the author's full name and address, contact details such as the telephone number or the e-mail address.
5. Providing personal data referred to in paragraph 4, is voluntary, but necessary to conduct the Competition. Their submission is tantamount to consenting to the processing of these data, and failure to provide the data in question will consequently exclude the participant and the works sent by him from the Competition.
6. The submitted work must be authored by the Participant. By accepting the Regulations, the Participant declares that he is the author of the work submitted to the Competition and that he has unlimited proprietary copyrights and dependent rights to use and dispose of the submitted work.
7. Works submitted for participation in the Competition which will not comply with the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations shall not be included in the Competition.

§ 5
1. The Competition is announced by the Organizer annually, not later than by January 15 of a given calendar year and lasts till November 30 of the same year.
2. The works must be sent in a package preventing their damage.
3. The Organizers shall not be responsible for any losses or damage caused during the transport of the works.
4. The Competition entries may be submitted from the day of announcement of the competition until September 30 of the same year. The deadline for submissions is September 30. The date of receipt by the organizer is what counts.
5. The Works with the note "Karpik" on the envelope should be sent to the following address:

Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlinie,
ul. M. Reja1,
49-100 Niemodlin, POLAND

§ 6
1. The selection of the award-winning works will be based on the following criteria:
1) the idea consistent with the theme of the competition,
2) the performance technique.
2. The winning entries are selected by the Jury, whose members will be made public after the completion of their work. The chairman of the Jury, if it is possible for organizational reasons, is the Grand Prix winner of the last edition of the Competition.
3. The winner of the competition in a given year shall be selected in the first half of October this year from among works that meet the criteria of these Regulations.
4. The final result of the Competition will be published on the Cultural Centre’s website:
www. okniemodlin.org.
5. The winners of the Competition shall receive the prizes specified in § 7.

§ 7
1. The prizes of the Competition are as follows:
1) Grand Prix – PLN 2,800 gross
2) three main prizes – PLN 1,150 gross each
2. The organizer may grant additional prizes or distinctions in any form or amount he chooses.
3. The competition prize will be issued only in the form specified in the Regulations, without the possibility of exchange for another prize in kind.
4. The main prize may be handed over at the Organizer's headquarters after prior notification of the competition winner during the prize giving gala or it may be sent by post to the winner's home address or bank account.
5. In case the Participant fails to collect the award in person, it shall be sent by post to the winner’s address.
6. In the case referred to in the paragraph 5 above, the winner of the competition shall pay the prize shipping cost. The shipping cost will be deducted from the prize received.

§ 8
1. The organizer has the exclusive right to choose the winner of the Competition based on the principles set out in these Regulations.
2. Pursuant to art. 30 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act on personal income tax (income) on winnings from competitions, games and betting or prizes related to bonus sales obtained in a Member State of the European Union or in another country of the European Economic Area, subject to art. 21 paragraph 1 points 6, 6a and 68 - a flat-rate income tax of 10% on the prize or prize is collected. The tax on winnings is collected without reducing the income by the costs of obtaining. The cost of the prize tax is covered by the prize winners.
3. The organizer shall pay the competition prize and also collect from the winner of the Competition an appropriate amount of flat-rate tax on winning the Competition and will pay it to the account of the relevant tax office, in accordance with applicable regulations.

§ 9
1. Upon the submission of the entry to the Organizer, the Organizer will obtain non-exclusive licence for an indeterminate period of time, which will authorise the Organizer to free use of proprietary copyrights to the entry in the following areas of exploitation:
a) using the work on the organizer’s website,
b) presenting the work during the post-contest exhibition,
c) placing reproductions of the work in catalogues presenting the entries which will be distributed by the Organizer for promotional purposes of the Competition.
2. On the issuing of the prize to the Participant, the Organizer gains free proprietary rights to the awarded entry of the Participant in the following areas of exploitation:
1) with regard to the right to record and multiply the work using printing and digital techniques;
2) with regard to distribution of the work – in form of public exposition and making the work available in such manner that everybody could have access to it at a time and place chosen by themselves, in particular by placing it in the Organizer’s advertising or promotional materials.
3. Upon delivery of the competition entry to the Organizer, ownership of the drawing shall be transferred to the Organizer.

§ 10
1. Participant's participation in the Competition does not constitute grounds for demanding any remuneration by him.
2. All materials promoting the Competition are solely of an advertising nature, while only the provisions of the Regulations are binding.

§ 11
1. The Organizer is not responsible for problems in the functioning of the Competition, if they occurred as a result of events that the Organizer, with due diligence, was not able to predict or which could not be prevented, in particular in the case of problems related to random events of force majeure, participating in the Competition contrary to the provisions of these Regulations and damages caused by them.
2. The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to collect the Prize for reasons beyond his control and on the part of the Competition Participant.
3. Winners of the Competition shall not be entitled to transfer the right to the Prize to third parties.
4. The winner of the Competition may waive the prize in writing, but in return he is not entitled to any other equivalent.

§ 12
The provisions of these Regulations of the Competition are the sole basis for conducting the Competition, and their interpretation belongs solely to the organizer of the Competition and is final.

§ 13
The Organizer of the Contest has the right to exclude the Contest Participant or his work in the event of the Participant's failure to comply with the law, decency, violation of these Regulations or other violation of the rights or interests of the Organizer.

§ 14
1. These Regulations constitute the sole binding document specifying the rules of the Competition.
2. The organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations in the event of a change in legal regulations or for another important reason, in particular if the change allows the Competition to be carried out efficiently and in accordance with the regulations, provided that it does not violate the participants' acquired rights.
3. The text and any amendments to these Regulations will be publicly announced on the Cultural Centre’s website www.okniemodlin.org.

§ 15
In connection with the requirements of the provisions on the protection of personal data, the organizer of the competition, being at the same time, the administrator of personal data, included in Annex 1 to these Regulations, information on the processing of personal data.

Annex 1 to the International Satirical Picture Competition "KARPIK"

Organizing and conducting cultural activities
Organization of the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK”
Niemodlin, Polska

1. The administrator of your personal data is Agnieszka Osiecka Cultural Centre in Niemodlin,
ul. Mikołaja Reja 1, 49-100 Niemodlin, phone/fax: (+48) 774 606 096, e-mail:
2. The data protection officer is Krzysztof Kranc, phone .: (+48) 509 947 925, e-mail:
3. Your personal data is processed in order to organize and conduct cultural activities within the scope of the organization of the International Satirical Competition "KARPIK".
Legal basis for processing your personal data:
a. consent to the processing of personal data of the data subject.
4. Recipients of personal data / categories of data recipients: public recipient informed through the administrator's publications and social media (Internet - including social media, radio press television) and the jury of the contest.

In addition, to ensure the accuracy and transparency of processing, we inform you that:
5. Your personal data will be stored for the period necessary to implement the abovementioned the purpose of processing, i.e. until the resolution of the contest in question, and in addition, in relation to the names, surnames and images of the contestants, for the period of publication of these data.
6. You have the right to request the administrator to access your personal data, the right to rectify it, delete or limit processing, the right to object to their processing, as well as the right to transfer your data, when and to the extent that it is permitted by applicable law and possible for the administrator.
7. In relation to processing, based on your consent, you have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
8. In the event of a breach of the provisions on the protection of personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body, i.e. to the Office for Personal Data Protection.
9. Providing your personal data:
a. is not a statutory requirement,
b. is a contractual requirement but is not a condition for concluding a contract.
Providing your personal data processed on the basis of consent is voluntary.
Failure to provide personal data, which is not mandatory, prevents participation in the contest.
10. Decisions regarding your person are not made in an automated manner.
11. Your personal data is not profiled.
Source: okniemodlin.


10th International Milas Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition extended until 1 September

The date of participation to the 2020 International Milas Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition has been extended. The participation period of the International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Contest, which will be held for the 10th time in Milas this year, has been extended until September 1, 2020 due to the current PANDEMIC that covers the world.
The competition is open to all cartoonists. The rules of the competition can be obtained from the website of Milas: (http://www.milas.bel.tr/index.php?modul=9_1&lang=en&ID=1990&pID=1).
Source: Milas Belediyesi.


Coast to Covid :(

Dear Drawers, dear Coaster
Unfortunately, as you all know, the coronavirus has upset our lives, stopped our walks, our paths but not our fantasy.
Many of you are locked in the house and all the initiatives that included gatherings are currently blocked and postponed until a later date.
So with extreme regret we have to announce that even our award ceremony scheduled for June 28 in Appignano will not be possible.
The prizes remain unchanged but with immense displeasure we will not be able to deliver them in person on that day of celebration as we had expected.
No longer having to organize the event, we, therefore, decided to give you some more time to receive your cartoons.
The deadline is therefore no longer 10 June but rather the: June 30, 2020
In the following days the jury will meet online and decide the winners who will be notified personally and the final ranking will be published on the website www.coastocomix.com and on the relevant Facebook page.
WE REPEAT: All cash and non-cash prizes specified in the announcement will be awarded and delivered.
Of course, the public prize for this first edition will unfortunately not be awarded.
Thanks, everyone for your understanding.
Coasto Comix coastocomix@gmail.com.