
New Year 2010 greeting card from Svitalsky brothers

merry christmas and successful new year
richard and slavomir svitalsky

New Year greetings from Fernando Ariel Garcia, Argentina

Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
Joyeux Noël et Bonne AnnéeBuon Natale e felice Anno Novo
Feliz Natal e próspero Ano Novo
Fernando Ariel Garcia
Sonaste Maneco

cartoon: copyright Landrú

New Year greeting card from Cristobal Reinoso - CRIST, Argentina


This greeting card is from Luis Ligarribay, Argentina

Mi tarjeta de amor, paz y esperanza para todos aquellos a quien Papá Noel nos trajo siempre lo que se le cantó...
Por que en estas fiestas consigamos lo que siempre anhelamos... cueste lo que cueste.
Felices Festicholas !!!
Les desea

New Year greeting card from Julio Carrión Cueva - KARRY, Peru

Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Buon Natale e felice Anno Novo
Feliz Natal e próspero Ano Novo
Julio Carrión Cueva
Humorista Grafico e Ilustrador
Telefono: (511) 393 1721 - Cel: 994828406


Cartoons / Winners of the International Cartoon Competition "Just Explain It Simply"

We are happy to be able to announce the winners of the International Cartoon Competition "JUST EXPLAIN IT SIMPLY - FINANCIAL CRISIS AND POVERTY".

1st prize: Masoud Ziaei Zardkhashoei, Iran

2nd prize: Wesam Khalil, Egypt

3rd prize: Roland Regge vom Schulzenhof, Germany
Appreciation: Horacio Petre, Argentina.
You can see the selected works at http://cartoons.talide.de/en/preistraeger.php5
If you are among the winners, please contact our office at TALIDE <talide@gmx.de>
The jury has also selected 72 works for the exhibition and the catalogue. The creators of these works have been informed already by e-mail.

ACA Christmas cartoon 2009

On behalf of the ACA’s Committee of Management, we’d like to wish you and your family a wonderful Festive Season and an awesome New Year!
After a year of political ups and downs, taxes and treachery, ongoing wars and the adventures of Tiger Woods, it’ll be great to finally take a break and relax listening to the latest news on climate change.
Enjoy your Festive Season in a generally safe fashion as we’d love to see you all again in 2010.
Happy Holidays from the ACA!
Jules Faber
ACA President

Results of the 9th Tehran Cartoon Biennial 2009

Results of the 9th Tehran Cartoon Biennial 2009 - Iran

Grand Prize: Ares – Cuba (Above)

First Prize: Yuriy Kosobukin - Ukraine
Second Prize: Mihai Ignat - Romania
Third Prize: Mohamad Akbari - Iran
Honorable Mention: Saeid Sadeghi - Iran


First Prize: Oktay Bingöl – Turkey
Second Prize: Mohammadreza Doust Mohammadi - Iran
Third Prize: Dalcio Machado - Brazil
Honorable Mention: Hadi Tabasi - Iran


First Prize: Mahmoud Mokhtari - Iran
Second Prize: Mojmir Mihatov - Croatia
Third Prize: Mahmoud Azadnia - Iran
Honorable Mention: Shahrokh Heydari - Iran


First Prize: Xiao Qiang Hou - China
Second Prize: Angel Boligan - Mexico
Third Prize: Patrick Vergueiro - Brazil
Honorable Mention: Amir Hasan Sazvar – Iran.

The competition bulletin in PDF


8th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2009

8th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2009 - China
1) Cartoon: A) City Life; B) Global Warming; C) Financial Crisis; D) Free Theme
2) Caricature: A) Famous President; B) Sports Star; C) Entertainment Star; D) Business Star.
2.Deadline: December 31, 2009 (postmark date)
1) Size: Min: A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), Max: A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)
2) Quantity: Unlimited
3) Please send original drawings to this Festival. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. Digital artworks (CD & Disk) and good quality photocopies will be accepted.
4) Please write the following information in the top left corner on the back side of cartoon: name, address, tel & fax, e-mail, title & theme, sections.
5) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at our website.
6) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese.
7) After sending original drawings, all cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoon to: freecartoons@126.com
Format: JPEG Size: max. 2000 k per cartoon Resolution ratio: 200 dpi - 300 dpi
(Each e-mail must be accompanied by the author's entry-form for the submitted cartoon.)
1) Cartoon:
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate + Catalogue + Gifts;
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate + Catalogue + Gifts;
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate + Catalogue;
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate + Catalogue.
2) Caricature:
Grand Prize (1 awards): Certificate + Catalogue + Gifts;
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate + Catalogue + Gifts;
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate + Catalogue;
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate + Catalogue.
Address: Jiang Lidong, FCW2009 Cartoonet Festival, No.01, Lane 703, Julu Road, Shanghai 200040, P.R.CHINA
URL: http://www.fcwfcw.net/ , http://www.fcw.cn/ , http://www.fcwfcw.com/
E-mail: freecartoons@126.com (Only for Festival)
Tel: 0086-21-62216801 , 0086-13818006180
Rules & Entry-form: http://www.fcwfcw.com/Diary.asp?ID=550 .


First HopCartoon International Cartoon Contest 2010 with theme: From Cry to Laughing

1-Theme: From Cry to Laughing
2-Technic: free
3-The number of sent cartoons is 3 and they must be of 300 dpi resolution, A4 size and JPG format. (Please do not send Zip or rar Format!).
4-The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: festival@hopcartoon.com . This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5-Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
First prize: golden medal of HOP CARTOON + Trophy + Honorable Mention + CD-Catalogue
Second prize: silver medal of HOP CARTOON + Trophy + Honorable Mention + CD-Catalogue
Third prize: bronze medal of HOP CARTOON + Trophy + Honorable Mention + CD-Catalogue
8 Honorable Mentions + CD-Catalogues.
7-The works will be displayed at HOP Cartoon website: http://www.hopcartoon.com/
8-Deadline: MARCH 10, 2010.
9-All profits from the festival benefit will spend for children orphans and children with canser.