
New Year 2009 greeting cards from Cortes, Mazos, and Kazanevsky

Ricardo Contreras "Cortes", Colombia
Vladimir Kazanevsky, Ukraine

15th International Cartoon Humour Competition on the Topic of BEER

15th International Cartoon Humour Competition on the Topic of BEER: GOLDEN KEG 2009 - Slovakia
On Wednesday, 1st April 2009, an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handing of prizes to the most successful authors of the 15th competition in accordance with the Jury’s decision will take place as follows:
GRAND PRIZE (Grand Prix) Golden Keg and 500 €
1st Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 200 €
2nd Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 150 €
3rd Prize Small Golden KEG and 100 €
The Competition Jury reserves the right not to grant any of the prizes or to grant other special prizes.
The organisers will accept for the competition all works that will be delivered at the address of the Šarišská gallery in Prešov by 23rd February 2009.
The organisers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition, while each competitor will receive a competition catalogue.
Competition rules:
1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques.
2. The competition is open to anybody and everybody, and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The formats of the works should not exceed the A4 dimensions.
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author's full address.
5. The rewarded works will become property of the BEER GALLERY in Prešov.
6. Send your works at the address:
Šarišská Galéria (p. Fedor VICO) ul. Hlavná 51, 08001 Prešov SLOVAKIA.
Please clearly mark the envelope with the word "PIVO".
E-mail: fedorvico@gmail.com


5th International 7-77 Cartoon Competition, Ankara - Turkey

The 15th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 17th to 20th, 2009 during the 80th Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year in on the 23rd April .
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 15th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.
The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2009. Cartoons should be sent to the following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 10th, 2009 in the local press and on the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 17th to 20th, 2009 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 15th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.

Results European Cartoon Contest 2008 with theme "Intercultural Dialogue"

Cartoonist from Turkey wins the European Cartoon Contest 2008, Portugal
Musa Gumus
, from Turkey, won the First Prize of the European Cartoon Contest 2008, with a work called EU (European Union) (See above). The second prize of this initiative of the Portuguese Printing Press Museum has been given to Alessandro Gatto, from Italy and the Third Prize was to Heino Partanen, from Finland.
The UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations Jorge Sampaio, the Minister of the Presidency Pedro Silva Pereira, the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers Jorge Lacão and the High Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue Rosário Farmhouse, appreciated the awarded works in the lobby of the Teatro Camões, on the evening of December 18, shortly before the official closing of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue."
The works were selected by an international jury presided by George Wolinski, and had the following members: the president of FECO, Marlene Pohle; Helena Gelpi, a representative of the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue; Xaquin Marin, director of the Museum of Humor of Fene (Spain ), Ronaldo, well-known Brazilian cartoonist and Luis Humberto Marcos, director of the Museum.
The high quality of works led the jury to give 8 Honourable Mentions to the artists from four countries: Luc Vernimmen - Belgium (1), David Vela - Spain (1), Ahmet Aykanat, Oguz Gurel, Musa Gumus - Turkey (3) and Mihai Ignat, Cristian Topan, Pavel Constantin - Romania (3). Special attention also needs the seven finalists cartoons, including one of the Portuguese painter and journalist Agostinho Santos.
This international competition began in 2007 with the theme "Inequality, Discrimination and Prejudice” and fits in the line of work this museum has developed within the framework of promoting the humour drawing, which the clearest expression is the PortoCartoon - World Festival.
In 2007, the book edited by the museum on the first edition of this European Cartoon Contest won the prize for best information of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, given by the European Union.

New Year greeting cartoon card from Rumen Dragostinov, Bulgaria

Results International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2008 "Freedom is not Free"

The 3rd Edition

The winners of 2008 Urziceni Cartoon Competition "Freedom is not Free"
First Prize: Slobodan Obradovic -Serbia
Second Prize: Run Tang Li - China
Third Prize: Osman Gural Suroglu - Turkey
One Special Prize for a portrait of a well known world personality: Alexander Moreira - Brazilia
Source: Dum-Dum

This New Year 2009 greeting card from GALO is to Amigos de Huemulin Comics

With your participation, this Christmas will be special.
Merry Christmas !

Milenko Kosanovic sends his greetings for the New Year 2009 from Serbia

Happy New Year !
Milenko Kosanovic, Serbia

New Year 2009 greeting message and card from Hule Hanusic, Austria

Ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
Hule Hanusic

New Year 2009 greetings and card from Czech Union of Cartoonists

Mili pratele, posilame Vam prani vseho nejlepsiho do N. R. 2009
Ceska unie karikaturistu
K tomu: autory figurek v Bethelemu CUKu jsou Marie Plotena, Milos Nesvadba a Miroslav Bartak. Montage: Jiri Kostyr. Logo CUK: Michal Hrdy (+).