
XXI. Biennial of Cartoon Humor and Satire, Novomestský osteň 2021, Slovakia

Novomestský osteň 2021
Radio and Television — on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Slovak Television and the 95th anniversary of Slovak Radio 
30. 06. 2021 
• Each author can participate in the competition with a maximum of three works that have not been awarded in other competitions. 
• The competition is open to everyone. The method of artistic execution is not limited. 
• The works should not exceed the A3 format. 
• The competition is non-anonymous. Each drawing must be marked on its back with the name and the full address of the author 
• The submitted drawings will not be returned to the authors but will become the property of the Municipal Cultural Centre in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Works are to be delivered by post to the address: 
Mestské kultúrne stredisko, Hviezdoslavova 4, 
915 01 Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia, 
or electronically: osten@galeriahumoru.sk . 
• The file name must match the following pattern: 
A4 horizontal or vertical, resolution 300 DPI, format JPG, TIFF. 
• If you have submitted your work electronically and it will be awarded a prize, you will be asked to send the original drawing to the organizer within one month of the announcement of the results of the competition to the address of the Municipal Cultural Centre (see above). 
1. prize Golden Novomestský osteň and 500 € 
2. prize Silver Novomestský osteň and 300 € 
3. prize Bronze Novomestský osteň and 200 € 
• Material and financial prizes are awarded at the ceremonial opening of the Novomestský osteň exhibition which will take place in September 2021 (the exact date will be published in time). In the case you will not be able to participate in person, the prizes will be sent to you. 
• The jury of the competition reserves the right not to award any of the above mentioned prizes, or to award 10 honorable mentions or other special prizes. The jury’s decision is final. 
• By participating in the competition, the participant confirms that he or she is the author of the works and agrees that the organizer of the competition has the right to publish the drawings on the Internet or in other media and also to use them in any other way without restriction. 
• By submitting the works, the author declares that the organizer of the competition has the right to reproduce copies free of charge for publication in electronic means, in printed media and other sources without further consent and rewards. 
• Entries may not infringe copyright or the rights of others, may not infringe confidentiality or contain defamation or insult to any company, community or person. 
• The author sends together with the work a completed participation form which he downloads from the website www.galeriahumoru.sk and fills it in Slovak, Czech or English. 
• By sending the completed form, the author or his legal representatives agree to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of organization of the competition. 
Mária Volárová, director of MsKS 
Vladimír Pavlík, director of the competition.


IV International Competition of Satirical Drawing «DZHMELYK», Dolyna 2021, Ukraine

IV International Competition of Satirical Drawing «DZHMELYK», Dolyna 2021, Ukraine
The founder: Dolyna City Council. 
Organizers: CI “Center of Culture and Arts” Department of Culture of Dolyna City Council “City House of Culture” of Dolyna, Ukraine Association of Cartoonist 
1. The Competition can be attended by citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons. 
Participation in the Competition is free. 
2. Competition is held in the following age categories: 
Category I (from 7 to 11 years old) 
Category II (12 to 17 years old) 
Category III (17 years and older) 
3. Theme of work: bumblebee, bee, wasp, bee products and others
4. The winners of the Competition will be awarded with prizes and monetary rewards. Prize fund of the Competition is 40 thousand hrn. The organizer may assign additional prizes in any form or quantity determined by him. 
5. To participate in the Competition, the competitioner fills in the Entry Form and sends the work. 
The works are accepted in two variants on a choice: 
• original versions of the handwritten drawing or qualitative copies on a dense paper at the address: 
CI “Center of Culture and Arts»,, 
Dolyna City House of Culture 
6 Prospect Nezalezhnosti, 
Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region, 
77504, Ukraine 
• by e-mail: 
Necessarily! For an electronic version the title of the file has to be next: 
surname → underline→ country → underline→ work number 
6. A competitioner can submit no more than 3 works, on a sheet of paper from A4 to A3. 
For the electronic version: A4 format, RGB color concept, 300 dpi resolution, maximum file size up to 3 MB. 
7. The deadline for submitting works is May 31, 2021
8. Each work (original or copy) must be described in reverse way as follows: surname, name and address of the author, year of birth, telephone or electronic contact, optional work title. 
Also, with the drawings, the participant's Entry Form MUST BE SENT in printed or electronic form (if the work was sent by e-mail). 
9. The submitted work must be authored. The participant accepting the terms of this Regulation confirms that he is the author of the work he sent and has the right to his unlimited copyright and related rights to use and dispose of the work submitted. 
10. Works submitted to the Competition that do not meet the conditions set forth in this Regulation will not be included in the Competition. Also, works that promote violence, religious and ethnic hatred are not allowed to the Competition. 
11. Submissions will be evaluated according to the following main criteria: 
- having a sense of humor; 
- interesting plot; 
- creative approach; 
- technique of execution; 
- conformity of works to the subject of the Competition. 
12. The quantitative and personal composition of the jury is determined by the organizer, approved by the mayor's decree. The jury selects works for the exhibition and defines the winners of the Competition in three age categories. The jury's decision is final and can not be appealed. 
13. The organizers of the contest provide catalog printing. Each participant of the Competition, whose work is included in the number of selected works of the winners, will receive a catalog of the Competition. 
14. The winners of the Competition will be announced and awarded during the Festival of Humor «Vesela Kopytcya» on July 7, 2021. The selected works will be exhibited in The Dolyna Regional Museum of Tetyana and Omelan Antonovych «Boykivschyna» (Dolyna, Chornovola St., 2a). 
15. This Regulation is the only document that determines the conditions of the Competition. Changes and additions to this Regulation are made in the order of its adoption. 
16. The organizers of the Competition reserve the right to use works in conducting further exhibitions, to prepare and publish informational materials, printed products (catalogs, calendars, booklets), publications on the competition, etc. in the media and on the Internet. The organizers are obliged to provide the corresponding reference to the author of the work in any public reproduction of the works of the participant. 
17. E-mail for help: centre_art@ukr.net Tel.: +38 (050) 6405330 - Galyna Kurus, Director of the Organizing Committee of the Competition. 
CI «Center of Culture and Arts ,, Department of Culture of Dolyna City Council, City House of Culture» of Dolyna,, Nezalezhnosti ave. 6, the city of Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. 77504, Ukraine. 


The 4th International Artoonist Cartoon Seasonal Festival \ Spring 2021

The 4th International Artoonist Cartoon Seasonal Festival \ Spring 2021
Perhaps the history of the world and the way people live with the onset of the coronavirus can be divided into two parts: the world before the coronavirus and the world after the coronavirus. 
The way businesses communicate with customers, buy and sell, communicate with offices, virtual classes, and more changed at the time of the coronavirus outbreak. 
What do you think will be the methods of study, education and training after the end of the coronavirus? 
Company conditions: 
To participate in the festival, must fill in the entry form (See below)
• Education after coronavirus 
• Free 
Number of works: 5 works 
Size of works: A4 & A3 \ 300 DPI \ JPEG 
1 - Mikhail Zlatkovsky \ Russia 
2 - Hilal Özcan \ Turkey 
3 - Hüseyin Çakmak \ Cyprus 
Awards: In each section, the first three to the third person will be awarded honorary diplomas. 
Deadline: June 21, 2021 
Email for sending cartoons: artoonist20@gmail.com 
Davoud Yarahmadi, President of Festival.


The 6th International Contest AnimalCartoon 2021, Serbia

• Portal ANIMALCARTOON, Belgrade
are organizing cartoon contest on theme "Lion". 
A. Participation 
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world, over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education. 
B. Cartoon theme: Lion 
C. Artworks - Send by e-mail on address: info@animalcartoon.net . 
Only the original artworks (up to 5) in digital form send by e-mail will be accepted. 
Digital works (A4, up to 300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF, the maximum length per one artworks 3 MB - Biggest artworks than 3 MB will not be opened niether accepted) with personal information - name, address, e-mail, photo and brief CV (.doc format) should be sent by e-mail. 
Condensed file zip, rar, etc... WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
The cartoons must not be previously awarded. 
Arrived submissions that passed the pre-selection will be immediately published on the portal Animalcartoon. 
D. Deadline 
Entry deadline is August 25, 2021
E. Prizes and awards 
First prize 500 € 
Second prize 300 € 
Third prize 200 €. 
Awards are subject to taxation according to the current Serbian regulations. 
It will be also awarded 10 diplomas. 
F. Exhibition 
The exhibition will be staged in Zoological Garden Belgrade (BEO ZOO VRT) from October 1st, 2021 to October 1st, 2022. 
The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad. 
G. Catalogue 
 All participants of the competition will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our portal. 
H. Other conditions 
The organizers reserve the right to use them for various purposes without any obligation to compensate for it. 
The works will be included in the permanent exhibition and archive portal Animal Cartoon. 
By submitting works is considered that the authors accept these rules. 
Arrived artworks remain the property of the organizers. 
Špiro RADULOVIĆ, cartoonist 
Manager of Portal Animalcartoon 


International Biennial for Caricature, ХI Masters of Caricature, Plovdiv 2021, Bulgaria

In Antiquity, the Musaeum was the Temple of the Muses – patrons of the arts. Since the very beginning of the creation of the museum, it became a center of the cultural and social life of the community, a place where different scientific researches and discoveries were presented. For more than two millennia, the museums have kept the knowledge and traditions, the tangible and intangible treasures, they educate and they are desirable destinations for cultural tourism… 
The museums' purpose is to preserve the cultural and historical heritage and successfully pass it forward. They manage to provide something for every taste – for some people, it is a source of knowledge; for others, it is a place for reflection and entertainment or a journey back in time. Over the years, they have become organizations that build up their universal character and language intelligible to everyone – no matter the sex, race, or religion. The museum is a specific communication tool for people from different epochs removing the barriers between them, shortening the distances, breaking and eradicating the stereotypes. 
How do caricaturists “see” the museum? Could this heritage treasury be “described” and “characterized” with pencil, pen, or ink? We are looking forward to your answers. 
Address for submission: 
Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv 2 Dr. Stoyan Chomakov str. 4000 Plovdiv BULGARIA 
1. The Biennial for Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world; 
2. Each participant should send up at least one piece of work 210/297 (A4 format); 
3. The caricatures may be colourful or black-and-white; 
4. Participants should send their caricatures by July 31, 2021; 
5. Caricatures, sent only via email can be included in the exhibition but will not participate in the competition and will not be awarded. 
6. It is advisable that together with their caricatures, participants also send a photograph or take-off and CV; 
7. An international jury will nominate five caricaturists who will be conferred the title Master of Caricature; 
8. Awarded caricatures are not sent back; 
9. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form; 
10. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue. 
Time and venue: October 1st, 2021, at 18:00 
 in the Regional Ethnographic Museum. 
Submission deadline: July 31, 2021 
The nominated works will be kept in Works of Fine Art Stock of Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv 
Phone: ++ 359 32 626339. 
Source: Tsocho Peev .


The 15th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics, Bukovina 2021, Romania

The National Museum of Bukovina invites you to participate at
the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics "Bukovina",
the XV-Edition, 2021.
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics theme: "Colors"
1. We address all professional and amateur cartoonists, regardless of  age, from around the world.
2. You can submit a maximum of five cartoons to the contest.
3. Please attach the participation form in .doc format with your name and surname, the exact address, and e-mail.
4. Exhibition awards:
- "Bukovina" Prize – 500 € + diploma - offered by the National Museum of Bukovina. 
- First Prize - 400 € + diploma - offered by S.C. EGGER Romania S.R.L. 
- Second prize - 300 € + diploma - offered by Restaurant Padrino. 
- Third prize - 100 € + diploma - offered by S.C. EGGER Romania S.R.L. 
- 10 Special Prizes - diploma.
5. The cartoons must be sent to the e-mail address: competition@muzeulbucovinei.ro, it is necessary to have a resolution of 300 dpi, and the maximum A3 format, made in any technique: black and white or color.
6. All events related to this exhibition will be published in the website of the National Museum of Bukovina. All artists selected for the exhibition will receive the printed catalogue of the jubilee exhibition.
7. If you want to participate in this event, please send your cartoons by 31 May 2021.
8. The results of the exhibition - contest will be announced at the beginning of June. Cartoonists who win the "Bukovina" Prize, the First Prize, the Second Prize, and the Third Prize must send the original works by 30 June 2021, the date of postage, at the following address:
National Museum of Bukovina, 
str. Stefan cel Mare, no. 33, 720003
Suceava, Romania 
International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics "Bukovina"
9. The exhibition will be open to the public at the National Museum of Bukovina in July 2021. 
10. The National Museum of Bucovina – muzeulbucovinei.ro reserves the right to use the works sent to the contest to promote the contest and its results. 
Jury Members: 
Mihai Panzaru PIM – cartoonist 
George Licurici – cartoonist www.licurici.eu 
Ovidiu Borta BOA – cartoonist www.artboa.ro boa-caricatura.eu . 
Source: muzeulbucovinei .


Kyrenia Municipality 10th International Cartoon Contest 2021, Cyprus

1 – The contest is open to all (over 18 years) amateur or professional cartoonists or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
A) Olive
Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
B) Free Subject
Any topic can be drawn.
3 – All submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words.
4 – All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5 – Submission of materials which have previously been submitted and/or presented and/or published elsewhere is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed, however previously any award-wining material cannot be submitted.
6 – All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the contest. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If plagiarism detected and or any previously award-wining material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7 – It is possible to participate in the contest with two works in both sections (2 + 2 = 4). However, one participant receives only one prize per episode. If any cartoonist has won the Grand Prize, he cannot receive another prize in that department.
8 – All submission must be received by JUNE 30, 2021 at the address provided below.
9 – All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10 – All prize-winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in an album. In addition, the 20th Olive Festival will be exhibited in 2021.
11 – The results of the contest will be published thru media and prize-winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
12 – The transportation and accommodation expenses of the winners of the Grand Prize and First Prize will be covered by Kyrenia Municipality. The prize–winning cartoonist must respond to the prize ceremony invitation within 10 days. The responses outside of 10 days are not considered.
13 – The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to exhibition, publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
14 – All persons entering the contest agree that the rules of the contest as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
Grand Prize: 1.500 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Diploma.
First Prize: 750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Municipality Prize (Diploma)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue + Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association Prize (Diploma)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue + Olive Festival Prize (Diploma)
50 Finalist Prizes.
First Prize: 750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Mayor Special Prize (Diploma)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue + Olive Humor Festival Prize (Diploma)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue + Ramiz Gökçe Special Prize (Diploma)
50 Finalist Prizes.
June 30, 2021
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
10. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 (Post Code: 99000)
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)


The 9th International Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts 2021, Romania

9th International Salon of Press Cartoons and Satirical Visual Arts 2021, Romania
1.The competition is open to any cartoonist. There is a free theme.
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition. 
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reponsibility will be assuemed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened. 
4. All cartoons must be 30x40 cm maximum
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope. 
6. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 15th August 2021
Street Virgil Oniţiu number 5, postal code 300238, Timişoara, Timiş România. 
Phone: 0040-(0)744 531 169. 
7. The results of the competition will be announced on the 15th of October 2021. 
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts'. 
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album. 
10. The reward ceremony will be held on the 15th of October 2021. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts' for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until the 30th of October 2021. 
11. For participants the travel, accommodation and meals are provided by the organizers. 
Judging will be made online in 6 capital cities of the world by great artists around the world. The honorary president of the International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts is ANTONIO CALDERÓN de JESÚS, International Association of Art Critics (AICA).
13. PRIZES: 
There will be 4 prizes of excellence of 1000 Euros each.


The 26th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2021, Croatia

The organizer of the 26th International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2021 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, sex, or profession, over 18 years of age. 
 COMIC STRIP, COMIC BOOK (comic book heroes and their authors in caricature) 
Many cartoonists have tried their hand at comics and vice versa, so we invite you all to express through caricature and humor yet another way of experiencing the ninth art, the famous comic book heroes (Superman, Spiderman, Corto Maltese, Alan Ford, Martin Mystery, Batman, Asterix, Snoopy, Lucky Luke, Zagor, Prince Valiant… ..) and the painstaking process but also the pleasure of its creation.
* DO NOT DRAW A COMIC BOOK. You need to draw cartoons (Theme: FREE) that include comic book characters. You need to draw cartoons, on various topics (ecology, flight, transport, poverty ...) and which involve known characters from the comic book.
Conditions of entry: 
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. 
In addition to the original works, works in electronic form, A4 size, 300 dpi, jpeg are also acceptable. 
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured. 
3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons. 
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals. 
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted. 
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format. 
Entry deadline is the 20th of May 2021
Send your cartoons to: 
or E-mail: 
(Format: JPEG; Size: A4; Resolution: 200 dpi-300 dpi). 
Maximum 3MB for a digital work. 
Name of digital work: name.surname.country.number (if the author is submitting more than one work) 
First Prize 1.000 EUR 
Second Prize 500 EUR 
Third Prize 300 EUR 
Five Special mentions 
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb. 
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque. 
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners. 
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2021, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. 
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer. 
More on www.hdk.hr.
Theme updated: 13.04.2021 11:30.