
“Humor i salut” 5th Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest 2011, Spain

“Humor i salut” 5th Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest 2011, Spain
The Faculty of Medicine of Lleida University , with the collaboration of the Cultural Association Humoràlia, organizes "Humor i salut", the international competition of graphic humor of sanitary subject.
1.Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this competition.
2.The topic of this contest will be on AIDS, understood as the physical and social disease and the impact that it has on developing countries, as well as sexual and condom promotion educational programs.
3.The participants may submit up to three (3) items to the contest, with the provision that these images have not previously recieved awards in other contests.
4.The works (only drawings) can be any graphic technique in single A-4 (210 mm x 297 mm) format or proportional size, in Catalan, Spanish or English.
5.All works must be submitted only via e-mail, to humorisalut@gmail.com, after being scanned at 300 point resolution in JPG (JPEG) format.
6.The submission deadline is March 31, 2011. According to FECO-SPAIN the deadline is 8 April 2011 (http://feco-spain.blogspot.com/2011/03/v-concurso-humor-grafico-y-salud-lleida.html).
7.Works must be accompanied by a file which includes first and last name, address, telephone number and a photograph or caricature of the artist.
8.A prize of 1000 € will be given to the winning application and a second prize of 500 € will also be awarded.
9.The jury panel of competition may declare that there is no winner. The decision of the jury panel is not subject to appeal.
10.The composition of the jury panel will be made public after the winner is announced.
11.The decision of the jury panel will be communicated to the winner during the month of April, by email, and will then be published on the website http://www.udl.cat/.
12.The first fifty (50) works selected will be exposed at the University of Lleida Medical School during the second half of May, furthermore, a catalogmagazine with these works will be published, as well as editions of the posters.
13.The electronic version of the works will be available in a virtual gallery on http://www.udl.cat/ after the competition.
14.The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and distribute the winning entry without express authorization from the author and without further compensation to the artist.
15.The fifty (50) entries published in the final catalog must also be presented on paper.
16.Participating in the competition constitutes acceptance of the contest rules in their entirety and without reservation. Any questions or conflicts will be resolved by the jury panel.
Source: http://www.udl.cat/serveis/oficina/Novetats/2011/humorisalut_en.html


International competition on drawing for women: Jaka bede 2012, Poland

XXIV International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede ...2012"
The topic of the is a woman in the satirical presentation, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but not also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman... Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her...
In the competition will take a part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in categories: DRAWING
2. Format of work - max A3, amount of work - up to 1 works
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later that 25.02.2012 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyśków
ul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1,
11-400 Ketrzyn
(with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author's agreement for the regulations of the competition.
10.They can participate in the competition above the person 16 of year of the life.

1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.(Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Krzysztof Toboła(2002), Dorota Chwałek(2003) Andreas Malecki - Niemcy (2003) Daniel Strzelczyk (2005) Sławomir Łuczyński (2006) Bretislav Kovarik - Czechy (2005, 2006) Anna Sokolska (2005, 2006) Stanislav Aszmarin - Rosja (2005), Małgorzata Gnyś - Polska (1998,2007), Dariusz Wójcik - Polska (2002, 2007), Valentin Georgieev - Bułgaria ( 2009), Oleksi Kustovskiy - Ukraina (2009), Sonia Churova BUŁGARIA (2010), Henryk Cebula - POLSKA(2010),Anatoli P. Radin - ROSJA(2010, Mirosław Krzyśków - (organizator).
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Jaka bede..." or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.
Privileges of the entrants
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact: mirek@krzyskow.pl
WEB: http://jaka.krzyskow.pl/

6th International Digital Cartoon Competition SICAF 2011, Korea

Entry deadline: 22 April 2011
Regulation in PDF


Results 1st “Vignettes for Human Rights” International Competition

(The image above could only be uploaded on March 5, 2011, a week after they started blocking the blogspot blogs in Turkey) 210 contestants from 47 countries submitted a total of 483 works accepted.
The three countries with more competitors are in this order: Spain (36), China (17), Turkey (16), and the rest of the countries represented, provided by number of participants: Ukraine, Argentina, Romania, Indonesia, Iran, Serbia, Poland, France, India, Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, South Korea, Colombia, United-States, Brazil, Uruguay, Montenegro, Cuba, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Armenia, Netherlands, Uzbekistan, Belgium, Singapore, Egypt, Australia, Thailand, Slovenia, Finland, Croatia, Cameroon, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Chile, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Mexico, Lithuania.
The jury convened in February 2011 and awarded five authors.
The winners of the 1st “Vignettes for Human Rights” International Graphic Humour Contest organised by Fernando Buesa Foundation:
Francisco Pérez Villanueva – Santiago de Compostela/Spain.
(Top above: finally was able to add an image on March 5, 2011)
2º David Vela – Zaragoza/Spain.
3º Olga Carmona Peral – Granada/Spain.
4º Jitet Kustana – Central Java/Indonesia.
5º Anne Derenne – Madrid/Spain.
It is possible to see these works in:
( Because of the blocking of blogspot blogs in my country, it is impossible to publish any images here for the time being; still I managed to publish a few at: http://caricaturque.wordpress.com/ )

No blogs today: Blogspot is blocked from February 25 in Turkey

Because of a legal problem originating from unauthorised showing of live football games on some blogs, all the blogspot blogs have been blocked in Turkey since Feb 25, 2011. That is the way they solve the problem, hope it is solved now!
This is a post from me through a leak or a tunnel which possibly won't work the next time or won't allow me publish any posts neither this one who knows. If they don't release the blocking on blogspot, I will go on at www.caricaturque.wordpress.com and if that doesn't work will be tumbling forth in Turkish at http://kozy55.tumblr.com/ with a notice or two in English. And in case internet fails throughout the country, please note my snail mail address in my profile.


Important message for cartoonists from Osten Gallery, Skopje

Dear Cartoonists and friends,
There was a technical problem with our email address.
If you have sent your cartoons until yesterday they probably did not arrive.
We apologize in advance for this inconvenience and we ask you to send the same email once again on our address: cartoons@osten.com.mk
We assure you that this email address is functional and this time we will receive your cartoons and participation forms.
Once again, thank you for being our friends and for participating on our manifestation.
Moreover, if you have recommended this contest to your friends, please forward this email or announcement to them so if they have sent some works, to send them again.
We remind you that our deadline for sending cartoons is 15th of March 2011.
Thank you very much, big apology to all our cartoonists.
Sincere regards
Mice Jankulovski


International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 Surgut, Russia

The International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 Surgut 2011-2012
The Competition Terms
I. generalities
1. The International Forum of Visual Humor KARIKATURUM 6 is held with the view of development and support of the humoristic visual arts, consolidation of creative and professional international contacts.
2. Nomination: caricature
3. Topics
The main topic: “Oh, what a lucky man!
Special topics:
Surgut is the town of Black Fox
Surgut was founded in 1594. A black dog-fox became its symbol that is depicted on the emblem of Surgut.
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum celebrates its 20th anniversary!
4. The organizers
Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of Surgut Administration;
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum
5. Time-frame
Competition starts on the 1st of February 2011.
Deadline – the 1st of June 2011.
Period of the jury work – 9-13 of June 2011.
Opening of the Exhibition and the Award Ceremony – 11-12 of June 2012.
The exhibition will be open till the 31st of August 2012.
6. The Jury
Andrei Popov (Russia),
Vladimir Stepanov (Russia),
Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria),
Svetlana Kruglova (Russia),
Iatsek Fratskevich (Poland).
7. Prizes
The main prizes:
Topic: “Oh, what a lucky man!”
The 1st Prize “Golden Ushanka” 120 000 rubles
The 2nd Prize “Silver Ushanka” 60 000 rubles
The 3rd Prize “Bronze Ushanka” 30 000 rubles
The special prizes:
Topic: “Surgut is the town of Black Fox”
The 1st Prize “Black Fox in the Golden Ushanka” 50 000 rubles
The 2nd Prize “Black Fox in the Silver Ushanka” 30 000 rubles
The 3rd Prize “Black Fox in Bronze Ushanka” 20 000 rubles
Topic: “The Surgut Fine Arts Museum celebrates its 20th anniversary!”
2 prizes each worth 20 000 rubles.
According to the legislation of Russian Federation the money prizes are taxable.
The competition is open, professional artists as well as amateurs can take part in it.
Only original works of authorship or printouts of high quality with the autograph (for computer works) are accepted to the competition. The works sent by e-mail as well as xerocopies are not to be considered.
Any techniques are available. The size of each work is from А4 (210х297) to А2 (420х590). The quantity of works is not limited.
The works must be carefully packed. The shipping cost is paid by the participants of the competition. The organizers do not bear responsibility for any damages caused during the shipping.
The works sent to the competition stay it the Museum collection. The Surgut Fine Arts Museum expresses big thanks for the presented works and pressingly requests a free expression from the authors for donation to the Museum collection which is declared in the Deed of Gift. Please, send the Deed of Gift with the works and the Form.
The participant’s Form must be filled in with block letters. The works without the filled Form are not to be considered.
At the back of the work there must be the topic (the main or the special topic), the name, surname, address, telephone, fax, e-mail of the author, material and techniques.
The works sent to the competition may be exhibited at the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, other museums, galleries and exhibition halls at the discretion of the Museum. Also the works can be displayed at the Museum site.
The organizers have the right to publish the works in mass communication media and replicate them for the publishing package of the Forum, with no royalties to the author.
Сopyright for the picture, title and the texts of the work belongs to the participant of the competition (the author of the picture), it’s inalienable. The author bears responsibility for his works as provided by the existing legislation of RF. The author reserves the prerogative right to the original work of art at alienation (transfer into the ownership, donation) if the author doesn’t transfer the right by the Deed of Gift.
Drawings awarded at other competitions can take part in our competition, but it must be stated where and when they were awarded. The jury reserves the right to introduce such works to the award list or not.
The money prizes may be divided among several winners by the jury’s decision.
The fact of the participation in the Forum means the participants submit to all the Terms of the Competition.
Special conditions
To the Winners of the Main and Special Prizes of the Forum the organizers pay the travel costs to the Award Ceremony by any type of transport from any city in Russia and back, and staying in a hotel in Surgut.
To the opening of the exhibition and the Award Ceremony all comers are welcome. They bear travel and living costs by themselves.
A catalogue will be issued as a result of the competition KARIKATURUM 6. All authors whose works will be included in the catalogue by the jury’s decision will take a free issue.
The organizers and sponsors of the Forum may institute more special prizes after having received all the works to the competition.
The International Forum of Visual Humor
The Surgut Fine Arts Museum,
30 Let Pobedy Str., 21/2,
Surgut, Tyumen region, Russia, 628403
Tel/fax: +7 (3462) 51-68-16, 51-68-12, 51-68-08,
e-mail: karikaturum@admsurgut.ru, scruglova@rambler.ru
web-site: http://www.karikaturum6.blogspot.com/
Please, pass information about the Forum to your friends – artists.


International cartoon contest Volunteering, Ruse - Bulgaria 2011

International cartoon contest: Volunteering
Ruse, Bulgaria 2011

· European Information Centre Europe Direct Ruse
7000 Ruse, 4 Svoboda sq.
· Ruse Art Gallery
7000 Ruse, 39 Borisova str.
Terms and conditions
The aim of the contest is to have a look at Europe’s 2011 theme Volunteering through the creative insight and interpretation of professional and amateur cartoon artists from all over the world. "If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever," Kofi Annan said. It is in this spirit that 100 million Europeans dedicate their time and expertise to help those in need and give back to their communities: A retired art teacher gives lectures on European masterpieces to foreign visitors at a museum. A high school student reads to sick children at a hospital. A former national football player coaches at a neighbourhood club. There are thousands of ways people make a difference. To highlight these efforts and encourage more citizens to join in, the European Commission kicked off the 2011 European Year of Volunteering.
І. Cartoon;
Terms for participation:
1. The contest is open for professional and amateur cartoon artists over 18 years;
2. Each participant could send up to 3 works /originals/ in A4 or A3 format;
3. Cartoons could be either color or black and white;
4. Deadline for receiving works 29.04.2011 on the following address:
European Information Centre Europe Direct Ruse
4 Svoboda sq., p.b. 209,
7000 Ruse Bulgaria

For Cartoon contest
5. Participants should send a short СV, as well as name and family name, titles of the works, postal address, e-mail address and telephone.
6. Jury:
· Rudy Gheysens – director of European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium;
· Paul De Ruyck - European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium
· Dominique Termote - European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem, Belgium
· Ivaylo Tsvetkov – chairperson of FECO for Bulgaria, cartoon artist for newspaper Monitor, newspaper Telegraph and magazine Tema.
· Valentin Georgiev, cartoon artist, illustrator, artist;
· Elena Velikova, director Ruse Art Gallery;
· Irina Jordanova, expert in EIC Europe Direct Ruse.
1. Prizes:
І prize of the contest – plaque and diploma;
2 special prizes and diplomas;
All awarded and selected works will be part of exhibition in Ruse Art Gallery and EIC Europe Direct. Cartoons will not be returned. All cartoons will be included in collection of Europe Direct and will be included in travelling exhibition among Europe Direct Centers in Bulgaria.
2. Postal costs for sending works are covered by participants. There is no fee for participation;
3. Selected and awarded authors will receive electronic catalogue - CD with exhibition.
4. Participation in this contest is considered as author’s agreement with present terms.
5. We wish success to all participants!
Opening of exhibition:
3rd June 2011, 17.30 EET.
Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borisova str.
For all questions referring organization and terms of the contest you can write to: info@europedirect-ruse.eu to the Europe Direct Ruse or to valyo1970art@yahoo.com Valentin Georgiev.