
NATURE & MAN International Cartoon Web Contest September 2008 results

NATURE & MAN International Cartoon Web Contest September 2008 results
September 2008 results of the monthly Nature & Man Cartoon Web Contest 2008 with theme "Drought & Water" are announced at the contest websites:


Yuriy Kosobukin - Ukraine

Oguz Gurel - Turkey

Mohammad Habibi

2nd International Manisa - Mesir Cartoon Contest - Turkey


The UNO has announced the year 2009 to be celebrated as the “World Children’s Year”. We also would like to contribute to this concept by organizing the 2nd International Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest.
Well, children are our future. What are we going to leave them? Super shoes that did not exist in our childhood, multifunctional cellular phones, giant colorful TVs, 3D cinema, Harry Potter tales, the whole computer technology and the Internet, space dreams… Those things are not few, but what about nutrition, shelter, security, health services, education? The negative or even horrible things in each of those fields are so many that they stick to my throat…
Some of these children are going to be tomorrow’s respected governors, great scientists, art geniuses and super sports people. Unfortunately the ones who do the wrong, bad and ugly things are going to be raised among them, as well. And we are the ones to show them the way. Let’s leave them confidence in future, high moral values and peaceful relationships with neighbors.
So come on dear cartoonists, for our hopeful future and happy children…
Bülent KAR, Mayor of Manisa

Tonguç Yaşar : Cartoonist from Turkey,
Natasa S. Kostovska : Cartoonist from Macedonia,
Grzegorz Szumowski : Cartoonist from Poland,
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai : Cartoonist from Iran,
Eray Özbek : Cartoonist from Turkey,
Cem Koç : Cartoonist from Turkey.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:
First Prize : 2500 €
Second Prize : 1750 €
Third Prize : 1000 €
* This contest is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
* The cartoons may not have been previously awarded and must be based on the original idea of the artist. Cartoons that are deemed by the jury to be the same or closely similar to that known to be the work of another cartoonist will not be judged. Discussions and probable claims according all sorts of plagiarism are at the expense of the participant.
* The participation will be only by internet. Consequently, digital artworks will be also accepted.
* The artists shall not present more than 2 (TWO) works. Otherwise, all of them will not be judged.
The properties of the works :
* Minimum A4 (210 X 297 mm), maximum A3 (297 X 420 mm), in JPEG format with 300 dpi resolution. Maximum: 3 MB.
* A separate e-mail for each work. The full name, address, telephone number of the artist is to be stated on the each mail with a brief CV (max. 350 characters).
* The artists will call these cartoons and CV files with their own names. For example: Semih Berker-1 (or 2).jpg and Semih Berker.doc
* The young domestic cartoonists under 18 years must add their ages also. For example: Semih Berker-1(17). For this category, there is a special “youth” prize.
* Address to send submissions in digital form: cartoon@manisa.bel.tr
* The deadline: Entries to reach the organizers by 02 February 2009, Monday,12.00 am midday.
* If the number of the participating cartoons will be very much; the members of the jury in Turkey will do a primary election before the meeting of the jury. If a foreign juror wants to see other works, he/she can look at them and can add his/her selections.
* Jury will meet on February 9th, 2009 and on the same day, the winner cartoons will be declared and will be published in internet. The results will become definite in the 20th of February 2008. Other contradictions to decisions of the jury are not allowed.
* Prize giving ceremony will take place and the exhibition of the selected works will open March 18th, 2009 in Manisa.
* Municipality of Manisa hold the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest in any form.
* A catalogue will be published and one copy will be supplied to each artist whose work has been selected for this catalogue.
* Artists submitting cartoons will automatically agree to abide by the above rules.


Regulations of Satyrykon-Legnica 2009 - Poland

1. The SATYRYKON 2009 International Exhibition is an open competition.
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2008-2009), and qualified by artists to:
A) HUMOR and SOCIAL SATIRE (drawing without captions preferred)
B) W O M E N mother, wife, lover, working woman, artist, feminist... (drawing without captions preferred)
3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition.
4. The format of the works - maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
5. Works should be sent or delivered by February 7, 2009, packed in a protective cover to:
International Exhibition SATYRYKON-LEGNICA 2009 AKADEMIA RYCERSKA Chojnowska 2, 59-220 Legnica POLAND
Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, the organiser reserve the right to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing (please use capitals).
7. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application card.
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the International Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes:
* GRAND PRIX SATYRYKON 2009 - pure gold key and purse amounting to 5.500 PLN
* 2 gold medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
* 2 silver medals and purses amounting to 4.500 PLN
* 2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 4.000 PLN
* 4 special prizes amounting to 3.500 PLN each
* the Legnica Culture Centre director's award and purse amounting to 3.500 PLN for photographic work.

The Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them or non-awarding the GRAND PRIX SATYRYKON. Jury's decisions are final. The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2009 at Satyrykon web site: http://www.satyrykon.com/.
N o t e !
Awards are subject to taxation according to the current regulations. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2009, or indicating a bank account the money should be transferred to.
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue and a free-of-charge place in the catalogue.
2. The organisers provide the competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2009 event on June 12-15, 2009.
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2010.
1. The organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
3. The exhibition organisers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agree to the publishing of the author's profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
5. Legnica Centre of Culture and Fundation Satyrykon are organisers of the SATYRYKON-LEGNICA 2009 International Exhibition (PL-59-220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2, tel. 0-048 76 852-23-44) e-mail: satyrykon@wp.pl.
* Deadline for works reception: February 7, 2009
* Jury meeting: February 20-22, 2009
* Post-competition exhibition: June 4 - August 30, 2009
* Return of works after the exhibition cycle: December 31, 2010.


Colombian cartoonist Freddy Pibaque still not received his prize WPC Sintra 2007

Colombian cartoonist Freddy Pibaque still not received his prize WPC Sintra 2007
From: Nacaro Caricaturas nacaro5@gmail.com
Date: 08 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi 18:40

Dear Colleague Editor of the humor web page:
Please, publish this article in your home page.
Thank you for your solidarity.
Freddy Pibaque (Nacaro).

In 2007 I participated in WORLD PRESS CARTOON contest and I won second prize in the Caricature section. But untill today (end of October 2008) I have not received my montary prize, nor the cartoon catalogue, neither the trophy they promise to the winners. Since April 2007 I sent messages to the director of wpc, Mr. Antonio Antunez, asking him to pay me my money, and nothing. When I denounced it by e-mail to colleagues (including you) Mr AA replied that it had paid. After he used a lawyer to amendrate: wpc's lawyer sent me a message threatening a criminal trial if I continued with my denunce of non-payment. (I attach you copy of the message). In addition, on this message says the lawyer: "The prize money can be withdrawn at the direction of .... wpc in Portugal."
With that message is verified that Mr. Antunez says one thing by e-mail to participants and says a different thing for me using his lawyer. It is also proved that wpc has not paid the prize, but AA says yes by e-mail.
But the case is even worse: nowhere in the regulation said that the winners should make a trip to Portugal to collect their prize. No contest in the world makes this absurd condition. Wpc does not respect its own rules.
It is all right that a organizer of cartoon contest threatens to a winner cartoonist?
Thank you for your attention.
Freddy Pibaqué.
PS: Please read the attached message sent by the lawyer of the wpc, also the winner cartoon who never received the prize and a cartoon about wpc.


British archive puts 120,000 cartoons online

British archive puts 120,000 cartoons online
by Alan Gardner
November 6, 2008
British Cartoon archive, based at the University of Kent, has created one of the largest online archives of cartoon art with over 120,000 British political and social cartoons from more than 250 cartoonists going back to the 18th century. The collection also includes present day cartoonists such as Carl Giles, Steve Bell, Ralph Steadman and Martin Rowson.
The BBC reports that the effort took two years to digitize all the cartoons.


Jubilee International Cartoon Contest - Germany

Jubilee International Cartoon Contest - Germany
Dear Mr. or Mrs,
In May 2009 the Federal Organization for Physical and Multiple Handicapped People will celebrate its 50th anniversary in Berlin. In 1959 it has been founded by parents of children with spastics. The group of people with cerebral palsy still forms the biggest part in our association.

We themed our 50th anniversary - also in allusion to one of the main characteristics of this disability - with following slogan:
"It doesn't matter how you move,
what really counts is what you move!"
It would be a great pleasure for us and all the people who get involved in our work, if you could paint a little caricature or what ever you like that adverts to our slogan. We will collect the drawings that we receive and want to publish them in a brochure. We would like to give these brochures to our members and guests on the anniversary celebration. Of course we will sign each drawing with the artist's name.
We would be very happy if you'd be interested in this campaign. - If you want to be part of it, send your drawing to the address stated below till December 15th 2008.
Kind regards.
Norbert Müller-Fehling, Secretary
Anne Ott, Press and publicity

Bundesverband für Körper-und Mehrfachbehinderte e.V.
Brehmstr. 5-7, D-40239 Dusseldorf DEUTSCHLAND
anne.ott@bvkm.de www.bvkm.de

Umoristi a Marostica Contest 2009 - Italy

C O N T E S T 2 0 0 9
:: 1969 - 2009 :: 41th edition
Contest: open to all cartoonists
Theme: LIES
Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original, without titles and accompanied by author's entry-form and biography
Size: free
Technique: free
Deadline: January 18, 2009
Prizes: "Scacchiera International Grand Prize" for each section
Opening and prize distribution: April 12, 2009
Exhibition: April 12 - May 25, 2009
Catalogue: each participating artist will receive a copy (by enclosing 7,00 €uro for the postage charges)
Remark: the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Umoristi a Marostica Museum"
The works should be sent to:
For further informations:
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150
Source & entry-form:

Deadline extended in the International Caricature Contest Godofredo Guedes’ Centenary

Brazilcartoon takes responsibility for the prizes of the Contest and extends the deadline
The portal Brazilcartoon supported the Godofredo Guedes’ Centennial International Fair of Cartoon / Brazil with the creation of graphic pieces for disclosure, but unfortunately the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Montes Claros of the current administration (2004-2008) did not fulfill the agreement of paying the valuo of the prizes. Due to the large number of works we have received and the importance of the event, the Brazilcartoon will realize the fair independent of the support from the Secretary of Culture. The deadline will be extended until August 01 of 2009, date of Godofredo’s birthday. So if you have not participated yet, now it’s a good opportunity to honor this great Brazilian artist.
International Caricature Contest Godofredo Guedes’ Centenary
Godofrendo, Godô, as he was kindly named, was born on August 15 in the city Riacho de Santana, Bahia, in 1908. In 1953 he moved to Montes Claros / MG. He began to dominate the brush before he was 15, in 1923. His first work was “Nosso Senhor Bom Jesus da Lapa”, made by oil. As the years went by he became a reference in painting portraits and beautiful landscapes, North of Minas’ hinterlands scenes.
Godofredo was also an influence to the beginning of advertising in Montes Claros, producing painted signs to local commerce. In music he had a most important role in compositions that are nationally known such as “CANTAR” which have already been recorded by Milton Nascimento and Paula Toler, as well as his own son, the singer and composer Beto Guedes.Godofredo went beyond the mounts, in Minas’ capital, where he collaborated in the creation of the art market in Belo Horizonte, in Liberdade Square.
The immortal Godofredo has always had painting and music in his blood, and contributed immensely with the cultural formation of Montes Claros. He left a valuable inheritance of compositions and paintings, and also created an instrument, pentacorde, that have and particular sound.
The City Montes Claros, Brazilcartoon’s home, opens the celebrations of Godofredo Guedes’ centenary with several festivities, in order to retribute to the great cultural collaboration of this talented artist: Godofredo Guedes.Montes Claros is located in the north portion of Minas Gerais. It is an important academic pole and the cultural crib that has already projected great artists in national and international scene such as the writer Darcy Ribeiro, the illustrator and cartoonist Marcelo Lélis, the singer and composer Beto Guedes, one of the integrants of MPB movement, Clube da Esquina; Konstantin Christoff, humor painter known internationally; Carlos Muniz, cartoonist, and Márcio Leite, Brazilcartoon’s director.

International Godofredo Guedes’ Centenary Contest’s Regulation
1 - Any person can participate the Contest, except Brazilcartoon’s workers and organization staff.
2 - Participants: The competition is open to all amateur cartoonists, professionals and students
3 - The unknown works shall be presented in vertical, format 30cm x 40 cm.
4 - Each contestant may participate with only 1 (one) work.
5 - Techinique is free.
6 - Only original works will be accepted. Digital works shall be signed by the artist’s hand. In the back of each work shall present the following information: Author’s full name, full address with zip-code, phone number, CIC, Identity, bank data and e-mail.
7- The works can be registrated personally or by mail. The final date for registration is August 01, 2009, counting the publishing date. Brazilcartoon’s site won’t be responsible by any damage occurred during the publishing.
OBS.: The under-age participants shall send, written down, the authorization of the parents of responsible.
8- Category: Caricature.
Caricature Concept – Graphic representation with funny anatomic distortions of known personalities.
9 – The participants shall fill the registration form and send the drawings, in the same envelope, to the following address:
Salão Internacional de Caricaturas, Centenário Godofredo Guedes, Rua São Francisco, 666, Centro Cep: 39400-048 Montes Claros / MG, BRAZIL
More info: (38) 3216-1109 info@brazilcartoon.com
Coordination: Walkiria Braga walkiriabraga@hotmail.com
10 – Registrations: until August 01, 2009
11 – The result will be published on August 15, 2009.
12 – Brazilcartoon will show on it’s site http://www.brazilcartoon.com/ a gallery with all the selected and awarded drawings.
13- Drawings sent to the competition won’t be returned.
14 – Prizes:
1st place: R$ 2.000 + trophy
2nd place: R$ 1.000 + trophy
3rd place: R$ 500 + trophy
New Talent’s Award: R$ 500 + trophy
(This category is dedicated to amateur artists untill 16 years old).
15 – Authorial rights:
The organization staff reserve the right to veto the participation of those whose work’s subject won’t fit the contest’s proposal. The organization may use the works sent to divulgate the event and in Brazilcartoon. The registration of the International Godofredo Guedes’ centenary Contest implicates in total and unrestricted acceptance of the conditions above described.
Godofredo Guedes’s photos and Registration Form
Dear friends cartoonists,
We want to warn you that the theme of the Hall of Cartoons Godofredo Guedes is the very own Godofredo Guedes. So it is a Hall of Cartoons honoring our great artist Godofredo Guedes. It’s not going to be accepted themes that go outside this.
Thank you for your attention and good luck!
Márcio Leite.

Croatian cartoonist Ismet Voljevica passed away (1922-2008)

Ismet Voljevica passed away (1922-2008)
Croatian cartoonist Ismet - Ico Voljevica, "Grge" (father) died 29.10.2008 in Zagreb after a long illness.
Ismet - Ico Voljevica was born on the 18th July 1922 in Mostar, finished high school in Sarajevo and studied at the Architecture Faculty in Zagreb. As a student began to cooperate in the comics magazine Kerempuh. Then he worked for Grgu, without interruption, full 39 years while publishing with other dailies and magazines.

Ismet - Ico Voljevica is one of the most prominent cartoonists from the area of former Yugoslavia. Among others, he was the winner of the Grand Prix at the World Festival of Caricatures in Montreal (1974), and three awards from Croatian Journalists Association (1950, 1965 and 1967) plus the “Otokar Keršovani” (life’s work) award in 1980.
In 2004 Voljevica received the award of Mladen Basic Bibi for his contribution to the creation and development of the Croatian Cartoonist Association (HDK) which he was a member of since 1985.
Ismet Voljevica is buried on Tuesday, 4 November at the Zagreb cemetery Mirogoj.

Info in Croatian.


Note by Florian Doru Crihana: THE RETURN TO THE MASTERS

Do we have a cartoon crisis? No. It is a Cartoon Competition Crisis. The big names of the world cartoon retired from competition because they are dominated by amateurs and beginners. Even the juries are often stupid. Yomiuri Shimbun is the first major competition which failed. It failed because of a very bad administration; years and years they rejected the works of the Europeans. I was never admited in the exhibition. I might be a stupid cartoonist. Dear friends, this is not a world cartoon crisis - it is the failing of the Yomiuri Shimbun Admninistration.
Florian Doru Crihana
Monday, November 3, 2008