
THE GOLDEN SMILE – Accompanying exhibition-contest – BELGRADE 2008

THE GOLDEN SMILE – Accompanying exhibition-contest – BELGRADE 2008
The 6th International Biennial of Caricature, December, 2008
Theme of the exhibition: TRADITION AND PROGRESS
Accompanying exhibition-contest: portrait caricature of Branislav Nušić (1864-1938), famous Serbian comedy writer in occasion of jubileum of writers death. The best caricature will be awarded by a Special prize and diploma.
Deadline: November, 10th, 2008.
ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«)
Terazije 26/II, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
(To avoid custom problems, please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope)
or by e-mail:
(JPG 300 dpi, max. A4)
For all the further information please contact
ULUPUDS, Tel/fax: +381 11 268 57 80
e-mail: http://us.mc656.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=ulupuds@beotel.rs or http://us.mc656.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=jugoslav@nin.co.yu
ULUPUDS web presentation: http://www.ulupuds.org.rs/


Results Second International City Complexities Cartoon Contest 2008

Results of the Second International City Complexities Cartoon Contest 2008 - Iran
The Jury:
Erdogan Karayel / Turkey, Julian Pena Pai / Romania, Mikhail Zlatkovsky / Russia, Cristobal Reinoso / Argentina, and Bozorgmehr Hosseinpour, Firouzeh Mozafari, Bahman Abdi from Iran.


First Prize: Angel Boligan - Mexico

Second Prize: Jitet Kustana - Indonesia

Third Prize: Mahmood Nazari - Iran

Honorable Mentions:
Dachuan Xia - China

Cau Gomez - Brazil
Navid Sharifi - Iran
Paulo Volmar Mattos - Brazil
Emre Ozdemir - Turkey
Agim Sulaj - Albania
Ares - Cuba
Carlos David - Cuba
Mohammad Amin Aghaei - Iran

Tawan Chuntra - Thailand.

Winning ceremonial Humorest 2008

Winning ceremonial Humorest - VII. cartoons biennale Hradec Kralove, Czech rep.; 16.10.2008

Photo: Winners (left to right): Lubomir Lichy (Czech rep.); Miroslav Bartak (Czech rep.); Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria); Ivan Popovic (Slovakia).

Humorest 2008 Hradec Králové - Czech rep. Thema – "2"
1. Prize: Miroslav Bartak (Czech rep.)

2. Prize: Valentin Georgiev (Bulgarien)
3. Prize: Lubomir Lichy (Czech rep.)
Jury Prize:
Gustav Gusttavo Olivera (Brazil)

Ivan Popovic (Slovakia)
Igor Sevcik Prize(Best graphic cartoon): Angel Boligan (Mexico).


Results 1st International Cartoon Festival on Retrofitting - Iran

The result of the 1st international cartoon festival on Retrofitting (Professional section):

The 1st prize winner: Volmar Mattos Vilanova (Brazil)

The 2nd prize winner: Hicabi Demirci (Turkey)

The 3rd prize winner: Omer Cam (Turkey)

The juries prize: Naser Moghadam (Iran)

Selected Works:
- Mohsen Asadi (Iran)
- Fardin Mirzaeyan (Iran) (Also the winner of the Tabriz cartoon museum's special prize)
- Jamal Rahmati (Iran)
- Valentin Druzhinin (Russia)
- Abas Ryazi (Iran)
- Dragostinov (Bulgaria)
- Vladimir Kazanevsky (Russia)
- Abas Naseri (Iran)
- Onder Onerbay (Turkey)
- Jaber Asadi (Iran) (Also the winner of the Iran cartoon house's special prize)

Honorable mentions :
- Oleg Loktyev (Russia)
- Shirin GholiPour (Iran)
- Zhu Cheng (China)
- Parisa HosseinZadeh (Iran)
- Atila Ozer (Turkey)
- Mohammad Ali Khaleji (Iran)
- Spiro Radulovic (Serbia)
- Mahdiyeh Sabaghkar (Iran)
- Umit Mufit (Turkey)
- Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
- Anneke Van Steijn (The Netherlands).
Source: http://www.rahimcartoon.com/en/index.php

FECO Website is renewed!

FECO Website is renewed!
New features are added to the website; such as contests blacklist, categorized cartoon contests, protected part to publish your articles and artworks, etc.:
And here is what they write about the renewed website in the summary report of their meeting in St Just le Martel, France on October 4th, 2008:
There will be no password anymore. The FECO site will be restyled by Alban & Bouton. Easily to read. FECO logo in blue. Flags & logo’s. Heads of chiefs. Links to members and all other known cartoon sites. We keep it simple. We do not have the money nor the people to build a spectacular site. The star rating system will be on the site, as well as information about festivals. The ‘moving’ page will be: “What happened this month?” (with up-to-date news, pictures and cartoons). More news will follow.


On-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2008 until 31st December

On-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2008 until 31st December

Dear Cartoonist,
We are very pleased to inform you that is open the on-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2008 .
The public can choose its favourite cartoon, independently of the choice of the jury of this festival. People all around the world can vote in the Cartoon Virtual Museum (http://www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org/f_portocartoon_2008_vote.htm).
42 artists are in contest, and each cartoon can be seen in detail.
The candidates are the awarded, the honourable mentions and the finalist ones of the 10th PortoCartoon-World Festival.
The voting is open on the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and on the Cartoon Virtual Museum until 31st December.
Your vote is very important for the better decision!
With my very best regards
Luís Humberto Marcos

(The author with more votes from the public will be invited for an individual exhibition in 2009)


8th International Contest of Ecological Graphic Humor - EcoCartoons PERU 2008

8th International Contest of Ecological Graphic Humor - EcoCartoons PERU 2008
The Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and the Grupo de Apoyo al Sector Rural convokes to the Eighth International Contest of Ecological Graphical Humor ECOCARTOONS 2008 with the subject Global Warming. Caricaturists, graphic artists in general, amateurs and professionals from all over the world can participate; also, there is no age limit for the contestants.
1.The works must reflect ideas related to the subject of Global Warming.
2.The artistic criteria that will be considered for the evaluation, is based on a representation of humor or aesthetically obtained satire, whose language can be direct or symbolic.
3.The technique is totally free.
4.Each participant can present an unlimited number of works that must be sent by any of this two ways:
Via mail: format A4 (21 X 30 cm). Send works to:
GRUPO PUCP - ECOCARTOONS Av. Universitaria 1801 LIMA 32 - PERU
Via e-mail: JPEG format with 300 DPI of resolution. Send to: ecocartoons@pucp.edu.pe
The winners that send their works by e-mail will be notified to resend by mail the original picture to the address
GRUPO PUCP - ECOCARTOONS Av. Universitaria 1801 LIMA 32 - PERU
5.The works must not contain textual elements. In the reverse of the work must be indicated the information about the author: name, local address, country, E-mail or Website.
6.With the delivery of their work, each participant confirms the acceptance of the bases of the contest. The works will become part of the exhibition that will be made on the day of the awards ceremony, as well as publications and part of itinerary exhibitions in cities of Peru and in different countries. All these works will become part of the museum of ecological graphic humor of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.
7.The jury will be integrated by members of the sponsor institutions and enterprises, event organizers and the best representative personalities of graphic humor in our country. The decisions of the jury cannot be appealable.
8.The deadline for sending works is October 30. The winners will be announced on November 13, in an official ceremony at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. The organizers of the event will inform the winners by telephone, e-mail or through their respective embassies or consulates.
9.The post delivery of the works must be in flat packages. Do not roll or bend your works. They must not be put in frames or glass. The organizers do not assume responsibility for the damage that can be caused by the delivery. Also, the delivery costs will be afforded by the sender. Local post register on the stamp will be considered in the deadline. After that date, works will be refused.
First Prize: US$ 1,000.00 and honor diploma
Second Prize: US$ 500.00 and honor diploma
Third Prize: US$ 250.00 and honor diploma.


Results of the 6th International Cartoon Contest KARPIK 2008, Poland

Grand Prix: Pol Leurs - Luxembourg (Above)
Three Equivalent Prizes:
Pawel Kuczynski - Poland
Bartlomiej Bielniak - Poland
Jacek Lanckoronski - Poland
Iwan Anchukov - Russia
Igor Nikitin - Russia
Jurij Kosobukin - Ukraine
Vladimir Kazanevsky - Ukraine
Marek Gliwa - Poland
Special Prize of "Ornament" Company:
Wiktor Goriaczko - Poland
Miroslaw Hajnos - Chairman
Jacek Frackiewicz
Michal Graczyk
Wojciech Kwiecinski
Malgorzat Biedron.


VIII Salon of Humour «Santa Clara 2008» - Cuba

VIII Salon de Humor y el 40 aniversario de MELAITO - Cuba
BASES EN INGLES: The humorous publication Melaito and the Cuban Writers and Artists Union (UNEAC) convoke to the VIII Humour Hall «Santa Clara 2008», this issue dedicated to the 40 years of Melaito, and for the first time with international range. BASIS
The themes should be: free theme and erotic theme. The dimensions of the works should be up to 25 x 35 cm as maximum, in any technique or mounting. Three dimensional works will not exceed 50 cm in any of its sides. The works will be received until November 30th 2008 at: Casa de la UNEAC, Máximo Gómez 107, entre Julio Jover y Martí, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, CP 50100 CUBA Foreign partakers and abroad Cuban residents can send their works by email, with a 300 dpi resolution to: 40melaito@gmail.com PRIZES Three prizes will be granted in each category and all the recognitions considered by the jury. 1st Prize: 2.000 Cuban pesos and diploma 2nd Prize: 1.300 Cuban pesos and diploma 3rd Prize: 800 Cuban pesos and diploma The jury will be formed by prestigious Cuban cartoonists and their pronouncement will be out of query. Laureate foreigners will receive a canvas by the award-winning artist Juan Ramón González (Yiki) and a diploma, these will be sent to them in a safe manner. A meeting of the outstanding Cuban cartoonists will take place between the days 18 and 20 of December, who will paint a collective mural against terrorism and dedicated to cartoonist Gerardo Hernández Nordelo and his comrades wrongfully imprisoned in the United States of America. The opening of the exhibition and awards will be on December 20th of 2008 at 3. 00 pm. in the UNEAC house in Villa Clara.
That same day a group of founders and specially the Cuban cartoonist of great trajectory René de la Nuez, Plastic Arts National Prize, who played an decisive roll in the beginning of Melaito, will be honoured by this publication and the UNEAC. For further information about this summons call 202661. Organizing committee.

10th RIDEP 2009 Carquefou - France

10th Encounter of International Drawing Press 16-18 January 2009 in Carquefou -France
We organized to commemorate the 10 years an exhibition with the participation of designers from around the world. Seen the success of the exhibition on China last year, we wish once more to integrate the designers FECO, the purpose of organizing the exhibition "10 years of news in the world."
The goal is to look back on the basic facts of these last 10 years in the world (political, economic, cultural, environmental, sports, human rights ...).
You can send your drawings in the quantity you want, whether it is possible to the date of completion and historical context, either by mail:
Mairie de Carquefou - Service Communication / Ridep BP 60139 44471 Carquefou Cedex France
Format of the drawings: A4 or A3, at 300 dpi resolution.
Deadline for submissions: December 10, 2008.
Thank you very much in advance for your participation!