
IX International Hall of Humor in Limeira 2013, Brazil

Deadline SEPTEMBER 02 of 2013
The IX Hall of Humor in Limeira, designed and promoted by the fanzine O PIU, open registrations for all artists around the world, which draw a free hand, with entries until SEPTEMBER 2 of 2013.
Entries are free. Participants can sign up with how many original works they like, of its proper authorship, UNKNOWN AND ORIGINALS, in the minimum size of A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm) and up to A3 (42 X 29.7 cm). The back of each work must be identify with the category and full name.
By mail:
Secretaria da Cultura de Limeira – Palacete Levy
Largo da Boa Morte 11 – Centro
Limeira – SP – CEP 13480 188 
By email to categories Interart and Digital:
To categories Digital and Interart must be send with 300 dpi to piuhumor@hotmail.com until 2 (two) of September 2013, and selected works will be printed to the exposition. The selection and award of works will be made by a selection committee given by the O PIU.
Suggested themes:
The 7 categories that follow will compete for awards:
CARTOON ­– Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
CARICATURE – Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
CHARGE – Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
COMICS – Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
DIGITAL – Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
INTERART (Digital manipulation) – Trophy PIU + R$ 500,00 in money
PIU – Trophy PIU + R$ 2.000,00 in money.
The awardees will be published on the O PIU in special edition of October 2013, and displayed of 13 of September until 27 of October, in the Mansion Levy on the Headquarters of Municipal Secretary of Culture, beyond the permanent exposition on the blog of O PIU.
All submissions are considered acquisitions of paper O PIU. The possession, use and other rights in such work will belong to the paper O PIU, which reserves the right to use them at its will.
The simple inscription of the participant fully and automatic means the agreement with this Regulation.
Source: jornalopiu.


13th International Cartoon Contest "Independence" 2013, Ukraine: The Knight's Move

Political games have a lot in common with chess - one of the oldest and most popular games on the planet. Quite a few of the terms of this game become a part of our life and have come to designate events and situations that, at first glance, are not related to chess. One of these expressions is “The Knight’s move”.
All manners of intrigues to protect their economic interests, lobbying, promotion to higher positions, the manipulation of public opinion, unfair methods of election campaigns, backroom agreements, corruption schemes and other multipass combinations in political games ...
The winner is the one who will make “the knight’s move”, who will take into account all the possible actions of the opponent and choose a plan that leads this person to victory. Unfortunately, these combinations are not always legitimate and honest.
Our contest is about the game of political chess. The field of this game are our countries and continents, and the figures are all of us. What is a game? Who are the players? What are the rules and techniques of the game? What drives this game: ambitions, passion, greed or lust for victory? What is the result of this game and does it have the winners? ...
Competition conditions:
1. Contest theme: “The Knight’s move”.
2. Are accepted:
- the originals;
- high-quality copies (on thick paper!);
- works done by a computer.
Works on electronic media and e-mail are not accepted!
3. Format: A4 (297 x 210 mm.).
4. Number of works is unlimited.
5. On the back of each work it is necessary to specify: name and surname, address, phone number, e-mail.
6. The deadline for submission of works: September 20, 2013.
7. Along with the work required to send a fully completed application form with a photograph.
8. The prize fund: $ 1,200.
9. Organizers are not responsible for damages incurred during the shipment. The submitted works are not reviewed, are not refundable and can be used by the organizers for promotional purposes in the publications associated with the Cartoon Contest “Independence”.
10. Winners will be informed separately. According to the results of the contest it will be published a catalog, which will be sent to all the artists whose works will be included in this catalog. The exhibition of the best works and the awards ceremony will take place in Kiev.
11. The results of the contest will be published on the website: www.cartoon.org.ua.
12. The jury’s decision is final and cannot be revised. Participation in the contest means that all applicants accept these terms.
13. The works sent to the address:
Асоциация карикатуристов
А/я 185,
e-mail: kazanchev@ukr.net
телефон: +38 063 578-0482.

Complete list of winners in XV International Open Cartoon Contest Zielona Góra 2013

XV International Open Cartoon Contest resolved!
All prizes have been awarded!
Theme: Social medi@
Zielona Góra 2013
The Winners:
Grand Prix - Jerzy Głuszek (Polska)
1st Prize - Jerzy Fedro (Polska)
2nd Prize - Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)
3rd Prize - Reyhane Karimian (Iran)
Special Awards:
Czesław Przęzak (Poland) – Special Award funded by Muzeum Karykatury im. E. Lipińskiego w Warszawie
Lubomir Lichý (Czech Republic) - Special Award funded by Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. C. Norwida w Zielonej Górze
Mirosław Hajnos (Poland) - Special Award funded by Elektrociepłownia "Zielona Góra” S.A.
David Evžen(Czech Republic) - Special Award funded by Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A.
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine) - Special Award funded by Zielonogórski Ośrodek Kultury
Maciej Trzepałka (Poland) - Special Award funded by Regionalne Centrum Animacji Kultury w Zielonej Górze
Luc Vernimmen (Belgium) - Special Award funded by Stowarzyszenie Polskich Artystów Karykatury w Warszawie
Henryk Cebula (Poland) - Special Award funded by Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych w Zielonej Górze.



Catalog Zagreb 2013 arrives from Croatia: The Funny Side of Horror

Received today the gray/silver catalog of the 18th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2013 of size 19x19 cm. Half of the 96 pages are color and half are b&w. They received 845 works of 380 authors from 61 countries. All the names of the participating authors are listed in the beginning and from Turkey the artist whose cartoon is included in the catalog is Omer Cam. You can visualize the complete catalog in PDF here.
Many thanks to the organisers for sending me this bloody humorous book of art.


Similarity Or Copy?!!

IranCartoon: The Meeting Of Considering The Similarity In The Results Of The 10th International Tehran Cartoon Biennial Was Organized By Members Of Selection And Jurors...
On Sunday July 7, 2013 the meeting of considering the similarity in the results of the 10th International Tehran Cartoon Biennial was organized by presence of the respected members of selection and jurors: Mr Kambiz Derambakhsh, Javad Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Niroumand, Ali Jahanshahi, Bahram Azimi, Bahram Arjmand nia, Jamal Rahmati and Mohammadreza Doust Mohammadi and receiving the ideas of foreign jurors: Mr Angel Boligan from Mexico and Eduardo Baptistao from Brazil by internet in Iranian House of Cartoon.
In this meeting after lots of consideration and debates the results were:
1- The first criticism was to the members of selection and jurors.
2- The other criticism was to the artist of the artwork that was not eligible enough for choosing the project.
3- In collection of all famous world artists similar artworks will be seen that’s the result of similarity and resemblance even in the works of Bosec and Chaval!
4- Its better that the selected artworks in the final section of the festival before their announcement show to public to prevent such mistakes. In all organized festivals in Iranian House of Cartoon one day before exhibition all the selected artworks show in the site of Iran Cartoon for public consideration.
5- Unfortunately it’s a few years that this debate is between people that they try to find similarity in the artworks of cartoonists and it’s more catching hand than positive criticism.
It’s obvious that none of the famous artists wants to copy an artwork by his own sign, because his profession will be ruined.
By attention to these cases at the end of meeting (9 jurors from 10) decided that Saeed Sadeghi's artwork is not copy and it just can be mentioned as similarity and he will take his prize.
Iran Cartoon hopes that the artists that are sensitive in similarity debate mention their criticism to the responsibles before announcing the results of the festivals, so we don’t see such cases in the future.


14th International Competition Spirito di Vino 2013, Italy

Spirito di Vino, now in its fourteenth edition, is one of the initiatives that Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia organises especially for young people. Since its fi rst edition, the competition has been very well received. It is an international competition for cartoonists who want to make an amusing, ironic comment on wine and wine culture. Cartoonists taking part to the competition are divided into groups: the first made of Italian and non-Italian artists from eighteen to thirty- five years old and the second of Italian and non-Italian artists older than thirty-six years.
The jury, made of leading figures from the world of satire and journalism, will select the 30 best cartoons delivered by 31st August 2013. The award ceremony will take place during the FriuliDOC festival in Udine, on 14th September 2013.
Art.1 Aim of the competition
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, hereby announces a public competition named Spirito di Vino-“Spirit of Wine”competition for prizes to be awarded to artists of satirical cartoons concerning the world and culture of wine.
Art.2 Eligibility
The participants to the competition will be divided into two groups.
The first will be made of Italian and non-Italian artists from eighteen to thirty-five years old (they have to turn from eighteen to thirty-five during the year 2013).
The second group will be made of Italian and non-Italian artists older than thirty-six years.
Art.3 Terms and procedures for delivery of artwork
During the period from 26th May to 31st August 2013, artists should send, at their own expense and with appropriate protection, their artwork to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7
33100 Udine- Italy.
Artists can also e-mail their works by 31st August 2013 to Movimento Turismo del Vino at the web-page www.mtvfriulivg.it.
The artworks arrived after the above deadline will be excluded from the competition.
Art. 4 Specifications for artwork
Cartoons should not exceed the dimensions of 30x40 cm in vertical (maximum three cartoons). The artwork can be in black and white or colour and can be drawn using any technique.
Art. 5 Composition of the jury
Movimento Turismo del Vino will appoint a judging committee, including leading figures from the world of satire and journalism. The judgement of the committee shall be final and irrevocable.
Art.6 Organisation and award ceremony
On Saturday 14th September, the authors of the works previously selected by the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan will be invited to Friuli Venezia Giulia.
During the Friuli DOCfestival, the jury will judge the works on display.
The first three artists in the rankings of both groups will be awarded a selection of fine wines from Friuli.
The prize-winning works shall be the property of Movimento Turismo del Vino FVG.
The prizes:
For each of the two groups, the prizes will be the following:
1st prize- 75 bottles; 2nd prize - 50 bottles; 3rd prize - 25 bottles
Movimento Turismo del Vino does not guarantee delivery abroad.
Art.7 Liability
The artists hereby hold all liabilities regarding the content and authenticity of the works presented and hereby authorize the organisers to publish and exhibit their works without any further notice. The authors of the works shall grant MovimentoTurismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia the free of charge publication and sole rights of the images. The artworks will not be given back to the artists. Otherwise, the works shall be considered as donated to Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia. The artists shall, however, retain the artworks copyright with regard to third parties who, upon authorisation, may apply to re-use the works. The competing artists hereby agree to the processing and communication of their personal detailas in the context of, and for the aims of, the competition.
Art.8 Acceptance of the regulations of the notice of competition
The participation to the competition implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of these regulations. Data submitted will be treated in full compliance with the provisions of Law 196/2003 (privacy).
Enrolment Form on source: http://mtvfriulivg.it/SDV2013/sdv_2013.pdf.


Results of the 10th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial 2013, Iran

The Results of the 10th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial 2013, Iran
Cartoon: Superstition
First Prize: Pawel Kuczynski - Poland
Second Prize: Bahram Arjomandnia - Iran
Third Prize: Saeed Sadeghi - Iran
Cartoon: Free
First Prize: Saeid Farhangian - Iran (Down below)
Second Prize: Ricciardi Leslie - Uruguay
Third Prize: Amir Hassan Sazvar - Iran
Comic Strip: Difficult Situation
First Prize: Mehdi Alibeigi - Iran (Above)
Second Prize: Vladim Konoplyansky - Russia
Third Prize: Ahmet Aykanat - Turkey
Character: Persian Cat
First Prize: Turcios - Spain
Second Prize: Abolfazl Bahrami - Iran
Third Prize: Saeid Farhangian - Iran (Top)
Caricature: Free
First Prize: Mehdi Alibeigi - Iran
Second Prize: Carlos Hierrezuelo - Cuba
Third Prize: Pablo Lopez - Uruguay.
Source: irancartoon.