

SICAF 2009 Digital Cartoon Competition with Free theme

SICAF 2009 Digital Cartoon Competition
Registration by internet
Deadline: April 15, 2009
Complete regulations


Results 2nd "Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan 2009" International Cartoon Contest

Dear friends and colleagues!
International Cartoon Contest “Mola Nasreddin – Azerbaijan -2009” is over.
The Cartoon Contest was devoted to the 140th anniversary of Jalil Mammedguluzadeh, the founder, publisher and editor of “Molla Nasreddin” satirical magazine, the first one in Azerbaijan and in all Moslem East.
475 cartoonists with 800 cartoons from 70 countries competed in the Contest.
First of all, I want to express my deep gratitude to Peter Nieuwendijk the Secretary General of FECO, Andrey Feldshteyn (USA) the head of the Cartunion International Cartoonists’ Club, dear Jury members of the Contest, my dear friends and colleagues, Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia), Atila Ozer (Turkey), Sergey Sichenko (Israel), Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Shahram Rezaei (Iran), Jordan Pop Iliyev (Macedonia), Julian Pena- Pai (Romania), Zoran Matic (Serbia), Jean-Marie Bertin (France) for their great help and support.
I am deeply thankful to all of them. On behalf of organizers and Jury members of the Contest I heartily congratulate winners and awardees and wish them new achievements in future.
Bayram Hajizadeh,
The President of jury.
The President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union.

Results of 2nd "Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan 2009" International Cartoon Contest
Gold Medal: Yuriy Manaev / Russia (See above), Josip Kovacevic / Croatia, Sun Shen Ying / China.
Silver Medal: Sevket Yalaz / Turkey (See below), Leszek Hermanowicz / Australia, Evgeni Osipov / Russia, Ikhsan Dwiono / Indonesia.
Bronze Medal: Vasiliy Alexandrov / Russia, Willem Rasing / Holland, Valery Momot / Ukraine, Ismail Kar / Turkey, Stanislav Ashmarin / Russia.
Special Prize: Andrey Popov / Russia, Sergei Tunin / Russia, Talel Nayer / Sudan, Gennady Litinsky / Israel, Viktor Bogorad / Russia, Ilya Katz / Israel, Huseyin Cakmak / North Cyprus, Tekinalp Gureken / Turkey, Adrian Anibal Palmas / Argentina, Shirin Gholipoor / Iran.
Special Prizes of Azerbaijan Artists Union: Gennady Chegodayev / Russia, Katz Grigori / Israel, George Licurici / Romania.
Special Prizes of Cartoonists Union of Azerbaijan: Boris Erenburg / Israel, Vladimir Stepanov / Russia, Andrey Rijov / Russia.
Honourable Mentions: Nazanin Tabatabaei / Iran, Bahram Bagırzadeh / Azerbaijan, Ivailo Tsvetkov / Bulgaria, Alexander Umyarov / Russia, Fan Lin Tao / China.

See all prize-winning cartoons at source


New website by NECRA, the graphic artist and cartoonist from Kosova

New website by NECRA, the graphic artist, cartoonist, animator, and illustrator, also the artistic director of KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival:


Cartoon exhibit in Portugal commemorating Freedom of Expression Day

Freedom @ Risk: Commemorating Freedom of Expression Day.
FECO PORTUGAL (Cartoonist association) and Amnesty International (Portugal), are co-organizers, of a cartoon exhibition, which runs on May 3th, 2009. Beside other events, program includes a cartoon exhibit targeting trough humor, the supreme values of freedom of expression and speech.
1-Theme: “Freedom at risk”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Expression Freedom in all.
2-The exibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3-All the proposed drawings must be originals, no matter of prior publication or exhibit.
4-Maximum of 3 works is allowed per artist, in any way such as the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is permitted including the computer generated.
5-Drawings containing text must be in Portuguese language.
6- Drawing size permitted are A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) and A3 (29,7 x 42 cm), originals (if send, by traditional mail), to:
FecoPortugal – Associação de Cartoonistas, Rua do Alto Vieiro, 544, 2400-441 LEIRIA
or by e-mail, using JPEG file at 300 dpi to:
7- Entry deadline is April 15 – 2009.
8- Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements. Afterwards all works will proceed to an open exhibit properly framed. A catalog is also available. Jury reserves the right to choose a set of works extra-catalog, to be exhibit as well. Non-selected works for the catalog will be mentioned at the same. Jury is composed by a FECOPORTUGAL member, Amnesty International member, one cartoonist, one cartoonist researcher and one writing author.
9- Every selected artist will be given one catalog copy.
10- Drawings sended by traditional mail, must contain the following information: artist´s name, complete address, telephone number and e-mail. If send by e-mail, same is applied as above in an attached file, such as Word.
11- Short curriculum must be included along with the proposed work in paper or computer file.
12- The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Casa do Artista” (Lisbon) at May 3th, Freedom of Expression Day, complemented with other initiatives such as debates and retrospectives on Caricatures and Censorship. Exhibit is staying on place for about two weeks and after that, will go on an itinerancy, not exceeding eight months.
13- All originals will be returned as soon as itinerancy ends. The works send by e-mail, will not.
14 - Organization is not responsible for any damage caused to the works due to mishandle during transportation by mail.
15- Artist’s participation implies accepting the rules and surrender the works for advertising and promotional basis of the event and the catalog publishing as well as the exhibit itinerancy for the eight months as mentioned above. No payments will be made to the participants nor will either any profit result for the organization.
Source: regulamentoscartoon


International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede ...2010"

International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede ...2010"
The subject of the competition is a woman, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but not also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman... Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her...
In the competition will take a part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in categories: DRAWING
2. Format of work - max A3, amount of work - up to 1 works
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later than 25.02.2010 /deadline/ Miroslaw Krzyskow, ul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1, 11-400 Ketrzyn - Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author's agreement for the regulations of the competition.
1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Krzysztof Toboła (2002), Dorota Chwałek(2003) Andreas Malecki - Niemcy (2003) Daniel Strzelczyk (2005) Sławomir Łuczyński (2006) Bretislav Kovarik - Czechy (2005, 2006) Anna Sokolska (2005, 2006) Stanislav Aszmarin - Rosja (2005), Małgorzata Gnyś - Polska (1998,2007), Dariusz Wójcik - Polska (2002, 2007), Mirosław Krzyków - (organizator)
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Jaka bede..." or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.
Privileges of the entrants
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 8 March 2010.
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact:


Basis 14th Diogenes Taborda Salon 2009 - Argentina

Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation Mercosur Art Showrooms Year 2009
Basis 14 the Diogenes Taborda Salon 2009
Open to artists of all countries in the world. Can participate: painters, photographers, sculptors, printers, humorists, etc.
Theme: free.
Categories: Graphic humor / illustration / painting / digital art / popular naïf art / drawing / photography (monochrome or color up to 6 per artist).
Format: 40 cm x 30 cm only on paper, cardboard, cloth.
Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.
Deliveries: the art will be personally presented or sent in a sealed envelope (no framing, not paspartu) to the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation, Caseros 2739, CP 1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina, until August the first 2009.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one mention will be awarded in the following - Works of art: paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings from great masters of painting from Mercosur.
Cost: 50 Us dollars will be changed to participant artist to pay edition of brochure, packing/transportation in returning works, send fee by Foundation Cultural Volpe Stessens, cuenta corriente Bank Frances Nº 012-009379-9 – CBU 0170012120000000937995 - Buenos Aires – Sucursal Parque Patricios /Jorge Volpe DNI 12087670, Caseros 2739, CP 1246. In case of not sending the money asked works will be considered a donation to the Volpe Stessens Foundation to become a part of the acerbity of the Itimuseum / Diògenes Taborda Museum / Paillet Museum or to be given away to some public welfare institution.
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation will care for good preserving of consignees works, but will not be responsible for theft, loss or breaking of them. When participating in these salons Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation is authorized to reproduce images of the exposing works on books, magazines, newspapers or any place where Jorge Volpe considers convenient for the best diffusion and promotion of the prizes.
Looking forward to counting with your participation and spreading of this information to achieve the best realization of these three salons, cordially greet you, Jorge Volpe, director of the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation.


Theme in the International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2009: Theatre

March 3, 2009
The Town of Písek and the Czech Union of Cartoonists declare the 8th annual of the international open competition
The International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2009
Theme: Theatre.
Number of cartoons: Minimum 3, maximum 5.
Format: Minimum A4, maximum A3.
Cartoon colours: Coloured as well as monochrome.
Signature: Each cartoon must be signed with the name and address of the participant on the backside.
Application closing date: May 22, 2009
Please send your cartoons and the application form by post addressed to: BIENNALE, c/o Infocentrum, Heydukova 97, CZ-39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
or by e-mail to: (maximum JPG or PDF file size: 3MB).
For more information contact the Infocentrum Písek:
Tel./fax: +420 382 213 592, e-mail:


10th Competition of Satirical Cartoons & Humorous Cartoon Strips named Spirito di Vino 2009

Art.1 Aim of the competition
The Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, hereby announces a public competition named Spirito di Vino - “Spirit of Wine” competition for prizes to be awarded to artists of satirical cartoons concerning the world and culture of wine.
Art.2 Eligibility
All Italian and non-Italian artists who are at least eighteen years old shall be eligible to take part in the competition.
Art.3 Terms and procedures for delivery of artwork
During the period from 19th February to 31th August 2009, the artists should send, at their own expense and with appropriate protection, their artwork to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7,
33100 Udine- Italy.
The artists can also e-mail their works within 31th August 2009 to the Movimento Turismo del Vino at the web-page Artwork arriving after the above date will be excluded from the competition.
Art. 4 Specifications for artwork
Cartoons should not exceed the dimensions of 30x40 cm in vertical (maximum three cartoons). The artwork may be in black and white or colour and may be drawn using any technique.
Art. 5 Composition of the jury
The Movimento Turismo del Vino will nominate a judging committee, including leading figures from the world of satire and journalism. The judgement of the committee shall be final and irrevocable.
Art.6 Organisation and award ceremony
On Saturday 19th September, the artists of the works previously selected at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan will be invited to, and offered hospitality in, Friuli Venezia Giulia. During the Friuli DOC event, the jury will judge the works on display at the exhibition. The works classified in the first three places will be awarded a selection of fine wines from Friuli.
The prize-winning works shall be the property of the Movimento Turismo del Vino FVG .
The prizes:
1st prize: 150 bottles - 2nd prize: 100 bottles - 3rd prize: 50 bottles
Movimento Turismo del Vino does not guarantee delivery abroad.
Art.7 Liability
The artists hereby assume all liabilities regarding the contents and authenticity of the works presented and hereby authorize the organisers to publish and exhibit said works without any further claim on the part of the artists. The authors of the works shall grant without charge to the Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia the publication rights and sole rights to the images, which will not be returned. Otherwise, the works shall be considered to have been donated to the Movimento Turismo del Vino - Friuli Venezia Giulia. The artists shall, however, retain the copyright to the works with regard to third parties who, subject to
authorisation, may apply to re-use the works. The competing artists hereby consent to the processing and communication of their personal data in the context of, and for the aims of, the competition.
Art.8 Acceptance of the regulations of the notice of competition
Participation in the competition implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of these regulations. Data submitted will be treated in full observance of the provisions of Law 196/2003 (privacy).


Exhibition in Buenos Aires with theme: Organic, healthy and natural life/food

Exhibition in Buenos Aires . Theme: "Organic, healthy and natural life/food"
Dear Everybody:
I invite you to take part in an exhibition of cartoons about organic natural life and organic and healthy food.
The City Hall of San Isidro, the town where I live, lends me the walls of an exhibition of organic grocers and natural foods and cosmetics.
There will be no catalogue, not awards, not diplomas. Only your presence in San Isidro, Buenos Aires through your works.
The place is a 300 years old house in a very touristic colonial town, in front of the Gothic Cathedral where my parents got married and I was baptized.
I only may send you a lot of thanks, press clipping and photos of the exhibition.
THE IMPORTANT THING ABOUT THIS IS that I presented a plan of making a Museum of Humor here.
I told the Culture Secretary´s people that I may donate thousand of catalogues, original cartoons and be in charge of a permanent and rotating international exhibition if they give me the place. And they want to see, in this weekend of organic foods, if that could be possible... and if that attracts the public! You don´t have to work extra: you may send old works, related with ecology or nature, by email to me.
The exhibition is on 18th April, please send them well before that date. And consider this is Argentina, where everybody promises and then it´s delayed, and later "it couldn´t be done because of lack of budget, lack of place, etc, etc"...
But I believe in miracles!
THANK YOU, let´s hope the Museum of Humor in San Isidro will come a reality.
Best regards,
Ana von Rebeur
Some photos of San Isidro:

Andrei Puchkaniou (1960-2009)

This report from:
Yesterday, 8 March, was killed tragically outstanding Belarusian artist Andrei Puchkaniou, the cartoonist.
Andrei Puchkaniou (1960-2009) was undoubtedly the most internationally well-known Belarusian cartoonist. He was the winner of, among other competitions, Aydin Dogan (Turkey), Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan), Satyrykon (Poland), Jaka Bede (Poland), Biennial Písek (Czech Republic), Biennial Tehran (Iran), and Kolasin (Montenegro).
Total outstanding work of his great originality and a unique technique of drawing a few dozen times to be awarded on all continents. With part of his creativity can see in the virtual museum of the Turkish Competition Aydin Dogan:
(Translation by Google)


2nd Pátio Brasil International Showroom on Environmental Humor

2nd Pátio Brasil International Showroom on Environmental Humor – Topic: Urban Pollution
Environmental preservation has now become one of the world’s greatest concerns. Urban pollution is the result of population agglomeration and incorrect human attitudes which have been progressively degrading planet Earth.
Millions of cars in the streets have contributed to air pollution through exhaust gas emissions which lead to an increase in global temperature, respiratory diseases and serious damage to our fauna and flora.
Waste generated in cities is not adequately collected, resulting in countless outdoor waste sites that emit gases, contaminate the soil and attract disease-transmitting animals. The lack of basic sanitation leads to tons of garbage being dumped in waterways, resulting in floods and landslides during rainy seasons.
Visual and noise pollution are also serious contributors to urban pollution. Signs, billboards, banners and different types of ads clutter the urban landscape and fail to respect common sense and government decrees. Noise pollution, which causes grief to some of the locals, is above tolerable noise levels as a result of the increasing number of sound cars, building construction sites and heavy traffic.
ECOCARTOON’s purpose, aside from raising awareness of environmental problems among the population, is to foster new ideas that may help and solve the issue of environmental preservation and shaping individuals so that they can make a difference.
This is a competitive exhibit consisting of humorous cartoons whose objective is to promote thought on this topic and other, more specific aspects. Allowed pieces are Charges (satirical illustrations), Cartoons, Caricatures and Humor Strips about the topic of Urban Pollution.
a) Participants can be graphic artists in general, amateurs or professionals, of Brazilian or foreign nationalities;
b) Each artist may contribute a total of 2 (two) original, unpublished pieces. The categories Charges (satirical illustrations), Cartoons, Caricatures and Humor Strips will compete with one another;
c) Any artist participating in this contest is aware that he or she is the sole person responsible for the genuine nature of the submission as his or her own work, and will be held legally and criminally responsible in cases the piece is proven to be false or someone else’s, either during or after the contest.
d) People directly involved with event processes are barred from participating in this campaign.
a) Enrollment forms are available at;
b) Enrollment can be done either at the event website or by regular (snail) mail.
c) Only 1 (one) enrollment form will be accepted from each participant.
d) The organizers are not responsible enrollment forms not received as a result of computer technical issues, net congestion, failure in communication lines, mishandled correspondence, Post Office strikes, as well as any other factor that may hinder a successful enrollment.
e) Enrollment will be made official through a confirmation e-mail.
f) By enrolling, participants agree to all the terms of this set of regulations, and agree to defer to the organizers the choice of winners and the destination and use of the artwork.
a) Pieces shall be sent in A3 format (297mm x 420mm), in landscape of portrait mode;
b) Cartoonists wishing to participate with 2 (two) pieces must send both attached at the same time;
c) The organizers are not responsible enrollment forms not received as a result of computer technical issues, net congestion, failure in communication lines, as well as any other factor that may hinder a successful enrollment via website.
a) Pieces shall be sent in A3 format (297mm x 420mm), in landscape of portrait mode;
b) The pieces must be sent together with the enrollment for filled out at the post office or handed directly to the Patio Brasil Shopping administration, between Monday and Saturday, 10am – 7pm, at the following address: SCS Qd. 07 Bl. A Administração - Bairro: Asa Sul; Zip Code: 70.307-902, Brasilia – DF. The outside of the envelope/package should prominently display the name of the event: ECOCARTOON;
c) The pieces must be sent in appropriate packaging – the organizers will not be responsible for any shipping-related damage.
d) The organizers are not responsible for enrollment forms not received as a result of post office error, post office strikes, as well as any other factor that may hinder a successful enrollment via website.
a) ALL submitted and sent works will become the definitive possession of Condomínio Pátio Brasil Shopping, which will hold unrestrictive and exclusive ownership rights to use the pieces as it wishes – without it generating any type of compensation to the authors under any hypothesis;
b) At the conclusion of selection process, selected pieces will the exposed at Pátio Brasil and shown at These pieces may also be shown at or taken to other locations;
c) The organizers will not be held responsible for any damages caused by third-parties during the exhibition to the public or any deterioration resulting from handling the piece during the event.
a) Pieces will be accepted until April 18, 2009.
b) Piece selection will take place on May 18, 2009.
c) The exhibit will take place between June 03 and 21, 2009.
a) The following criteria will be used when selecting winning pieces: creativity, originality and pertinence to the proposed topic. Pieces will be selected by the selection commission, whose decisions must be accepted by participants and cannot be appealed.
b) The selection commission will select, among all the pieces received, 100 (one hundred) pieces to be shown at Pátio Brasil Shopping.
c) Out of the 100 (one hundred) selected pieces, 4 (four) pieces will receive awards - 3 (three) will be selected by the organizing commission and 01 (one) piece (aside from the three
aforementioned winners) will be selected by popular vote, whose choice can also not be appealed.
d) Any omissions relating to this set of regulations will be duly settled by the selection commission, though a Pátio Brasil Shopping referendum;
a) The authors of the selected pieces will receive the following prizes:
1st Place......................................R$ 4,000.00
2nd Place.....................................R$ 2,000.00
3rd Place.....................................R$ 1,500.00
Popular Vote Winner......................R$ 750.00
b) The list of winners will be disclosed on 03/JUN/09, when the exhibit opens at 10am, and it will also be made available at the event website. Winners will be informed of the selections via telegram and/or phone/e-mail.
c) Prizes will be delivered in up to 30 days after they are disclosed at the shopping mall’s administration or via bank transfer in the case of winners residing
outside of Brasília/DF.


Results XXI International Competition on Drawing Jaka Bede 2009

273 artists participated in the International Competition on Drawing for Women: Jaka Bede 2009. They accept work from 1.03.2009 on editing "Jaka bede.. 2010".
Minutes of the meeting dated 07.03.2009 of Jury XXI edition of the International Exhibition Jaka Bede...2009
The jury composed of: Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Andreas Malecki - Germany (2003), Daniel Strzelczyk (2005), Sławomir Łuczyński (2006), Břetislav Kovarik - Czech Republic (2005, 2006), Anna Sokolska (2005, 2006), Stanislav Aszmarin - Russia (2005), Małgorzata Gnyś - Poland (1998, 2007), Dariusz Wójcik - Poland (2002, 2007), Mirosław Krzyków - (organizer-cartoonist) has granted the following awards:
In the category DRAWING:

I place - Oleksy Kustovsky - Ukraine
II place - Patrycja Półtorak - Poland
III place - Bayram Hajizadeh - Azerbaijan

and in the category SATIRE:
I place - Werner Rollow - Germany
II place - Valentin Georgiev - Bulgaria
III place - Saeed Sadeghi - Iran (See below).

Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest 2009 - China

2009 China Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest
1) Themes: A) Global Financial Crisis; B) Free Theme.
2) Hosts & Sponsors: Hosts: Guangxi City College; Sponsors: FreeCartoonsWeb.
3) Deadline: August 28th, 2009 (The arrival of the works)
4) Entries:
(1) Size: A3 (297 mm × 420 mm).
(2) Quantity: 6 pictures as the most for each person.
(3) Works must be the hand drawing original by cartoonists, the ways of representation are free. Pictures with color or homophony are both allowed, it would be better if the works are good for exhibition. Computer working pictures are not accepted in this contest.
(4) Works must be drawn independently. The pictures which were rewarded will not be rewarded in this contest.
(5) Please sign the themes, author’s names, address& postal code, E-mail address at the back of the pictures.
5) Mail to:
(1) Mail address: Liang Ming, Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Committee, Fusui Street, Fusui County, Guangxi Province, 532100 China.
(2) Please mail the original works, recommend to use the big envelope. Do not pucker the pictures! Any production which is broken during mailing would not participate in the exhibition.
(3) Please fill in the blank of personal data, mail together with the works.
6) Jury & Secretariat Members:
President of Judgment Committee: Huang Qigong (China)
Members: Xia Dachuan (China), Massoud Shojai Tabatabai (Iran), Yuriy Kosobukin(Ukraine), Askin Ayrancioglu(Turkey).
Secretary-general: Huang Qigong
Assistant Secretary-general: Jiang Lidong, Zhang Wei.
7) Choosing and Presenting works:
The contest organization committee will invite the domestic and foreign renowned cartoonists to form the appraisal committee, who will discuss and elect the excellent works, simultaneously, they will host the corresponding evaluation work on the line too.
After the election had ended, we will invite the cartoonists who got the prizes and the appraisal committee to come to the Guangxi City College or the Guangxi Museum to attend the contest presentation ceremony, please pay attention to the announcement of media by the organization committee.
8) Copyrights:
Guangxi City College has the following rights to the participative works:
(1) The works will be displayed permanently on the website of Guangxi City College;
(2) The works can be collected, published, and displayed or auctioned in public;
(3) The works can be published in other media and publications;
(4) The organization unit can authorize others’ legitimate applications.
All participative authors regarded as tacitly approve this contest rule.
9) Awards:
Gold Medal (1 person): Bonus 18800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Silver Medal (2 persons): Bonus 8800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Copper Medal (4 persons): Bonus 3800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Best Network Human Spirit Prize (1 person): Bonus 6800 Yuan and certificate, picture album
Excellent Prize (20 persons): Certificate, picture album
Being Selected (200 persons): Certificate, picture album
10) Contact:
Guangxi City College website:
Contest organization committee official website:
Cartoon Organization committee office emails: ;
Contest organization committee address: Guangxi City College International Cartoon Contest Organization Committee, Fusui road, Fusui, 532100 Guangxi, China (apart from Nanning international airport 28 kilometers).
Contact persons: Huang Qigong (telephone: 013878868045) (China); Liang Ming (telephone: 015977689300) (China).
The application form downloading website: 1) 2)
Source & entry-form


2nd International Snail's Graphical Humor Contest 2009

II International Aid of SNAIL’S Graphical Humor 2009 in Lleida, Spain
1 Any professional artist or amateur can participate in this aid.
2 The subject of the aid is the SNAIL.
3 The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been awarded previously in another contest.
4 The works (only in frame, you can’t send strips or comics) can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
5 Works without words will be only accepted, in Catalan, Spanish or English languages.
6 It is precise to send works, solely by electronic mail to, 300 points of resolution in format JPG or JPEG.
7 The term of work admission finalizes the 1 of April of 2009.
8 The works must go accompanied of a card that includes the name, last names, direction, telephone and photographs or cartoon of the author.
9 An only prize will be granted, to the winning work, of 1,002 euros; the trip in Lleida for two people and, if therefore it express the winner, two nights of lodging in the city with data in determining by the organization to attend the collection of the prize that will give day 22 of May of 2009. It is recommended not to vary the data of the trip since the expenses that any change of the arranged data generates are in charge of the winner.
Also, we will distinguish a work among 50 by popular votes. This distinction won’t offer economic reward but the organization will send a diploma to the artist.
10 The decision of the jury will be unquestionable.
11 The composition of the Jury will be compost by people tie to the Fecoll, Iltrica Viatges and Humoralia.
12 The decision of the Jury will be notified the winner during the last two weeks of April of 2009 by electronic mail and will later publish to the Web of Humoralia and the Fecoll
13 The author of the winning work will have to give original in hand or by mail certified properly protected to the organization of the contest during the first fortnight of May. If the work is done by digitals, it will have to send a firm copy by the artist. The direction of the Federation of Gangs of l’Aplec of the Caragol is: Obradors Street, 2. 25002 LLEIDA.
14 The first 50 selected works will be exposed to the seat of the Fecoll, and if it is placed diagonally in other enclosures.
15 The electronic version of works could be visited the virtual gallery that will be published after the vestibule of Humoralia and the Fecoll.
16 The organizers reserve the right to spread and to reproduce the winning work and the other 49 selected, only during made public l’Aplec and this aid in futures convocations, without express authorization of the author or author, and without that represents no obligation respect of the artist.
17 The participation in the aid supposes the complete acceptance and without reserve of these bases. Any doubt that can arise will solve the Jury.

6th Dinosaur Illustration International Contest, 2009

6th Dinosaur Illustration International Contest, 2009
1. Theme: Dinosaurs and other extinct animals. The illustrations may portray the animals as life-like appearance, including their natural habitat, or any found fossil remains.
2. Identification: The illustrations must have an accompanying document that clearly and unequivocally identifies the author and contains the author’s name, age, e-mail, phone number, postal address and country. The artwork’s title should include the names of the depicted species. 3. Participation: Any person over 15 years of age, of Portuguese or other nationality may participate.
4. Sizes and techniques: The minimum admissible size is 148 x 210 mm (5.83 x 8.27 inches). There is no maximum size. Framed works are preferred, although the frame is optional. All illustration techniques and materials are accepted. The submission, with the art work, of a CD with the digital version of the art work is a positive valuation factor.
5. Digital imagery: Digital images must have a minimum definition of 300 dpi, real size, uncompressed. In addition to the CD-ROM a printed copy should be supplied. These materials will not be returned.
6. Art work selection criteria: The art works will be selected based on their scientific accuracy and on the quality of the employed techniques. Art work that has been submitted to previous editions of the DIIC is not admissible.
The following are preference criteria:
* Illustrations of Portuguese species
* Animals depicted as life-like appearance, set in their natural habitat.
7. Calendar:
* Submission of art work: up to May 31, 2009.
* Exhibition and announcement of contest winners: up to July 31, 2009.
8. Prizes: The prizes are monetary, in the Euro currency.
1st prize 1000 €
2nd prize 500 €
3rd prize 250 €
5 honorable mentions 50 € each
Two of the prizes are reserved for illustrations of fossils.
9. Sending the artwork: The artwork may be sent, at the author’s expense, by mail, or delivered in person to the Museu da Lourinhã. Any artwork sent via e-mail will not be accepted.
Artwork can be sent to this postal address
CIID 2009 - Museu da Lourinhã, Rua João Luís de Moura, 95, 2530-158 Lourinhã PORTUGAL
1. GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss of materials sent to this contest. Contestants should take good notice that when sending artwork by mail good wrapping is essential. In previous editions of the contest many works sent by mail were received in damaged condition.
2. In order to avoid heavy import taxes, contestants are advised to declare the goods as “no commercial value” and “bequest” or “loan”. The contest’s organization does not pay for any import/export taxes.
10. Returning the artwork: The artworks will be returned starting in November 2009. Authors can retrieve them at Museu da Lourinhã or they can be sent by mail. The organization does not pay for any taxes or insurance nor for any return costs above €40,00 (Forty Euros).
11. Jury: The Jury members are Miguel Telles Antunes (paleontologist), Fernando Correia (biologist and scientific illustrator), Nuno Farinha (biologist and scientific illustrator), Octávio Mateus (paleontologist, organizing committee), José Projecto (painter) and Simão Mateus (illustrator, organizing committee). The jury’s decision is final and can not be appealed. The jury reserves the right to not awarding one or more of the prizes if the quality of the entries justifies it. The contest will only take place if there is a minimum of ten valid submissions.
12. Reproduction rights: When submitting artwork the author implicitly accepts the present Regulations and gives to GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã non-exclusive rights for reproducing the artwork and advertise the contest, including, but not exclusively, in books, through the Internet, on promotional materials, editions, publications, museum support and scientific studies, while GEAL agrees to always reference the author in any utilization it makes of the artwork.
Organization: GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã
Rua João Luís de Moura, 95
2530-158 Lourinhã PORTUGAL
Tel.: [+351] 261 413 995


Personal exhibition catalog by Agim Krasniqi - KRAGI

Yesterday I received the personal exhibition catalog by Agim Krasniqi from Kosova. Mr Krasniqi - KRAGI, as he signs his work – is exhibiting his cartoons in Prishtina nowadays and soon to display them in Tiran, Albania.
Kragi was born in Bitola (Macedonia) in 1951, started with primary school in Bjelovar (Croatia), and continued with civil engineering university and the school of art in Prishtina (Republic of Kosova). His first cartoons were published in 1965 and his work occasionally appeared in the humorous newspaper “Thumbi”, the daily “Rilindja”, the weekly “Tan” which was popular in Turkish literary circles for some decades I can remember, and as well in some international publications like “STEJ”, “ELECTRON”, “STADY”, “Predah”, “KOLO”, etc.

This informative catalog prepared for the exhibition is published in Prishtine in 2009. It is 145x200 mm in size and has 28 pages, cover included. There is a short CV of the artist and two commentaries on Kragi’s art by Mustafa Ferizi and Ramadan Zaplluzha, all in three languages. The 19 cartoons in the catalog are in colour and there are also miniature pictures from the rich portfolio of the artist set in a film-strip style next to or beneath the cartoons.
You can see Kragi’s artwork at or visit his website at
Many thanks to Mr Agim Krasniqi for sending me this catalog. I hope he exhibits his cartoons in Turkey too.

January 2009 Winners in NATURE & MAN International Cartoon Web Contest

January 2009 results of the monthly Man & Nature International Cartoon Web Contest with theme "Drought & Water" are announced at the competition website:


Burhanettin Ardagil – Turkey
Mileta Miloradovic – Serbia
Jia Rui Jun - China

"Noviye Izvestia" International Cartoon Competition 2009, Moscow - Russia

"Noviye Izvestia" International Cartoon Competition 2009, Moscow - Russia
THEME: "Laughter through Crisis"
The contest is open to all. The competition allowed both originals and copies of high quality works.
Size: no more than A3 (297X420 mm).
Equipment: Any, including computer graphics. Accepted as a new product, and have previously been involved in competitions or premirovannye work. But the jury in the awarding of prizes will be given preference for new products.
The works sent by e-mail, must be accompanied by title "The competition of cartoons" and text from the author.
Deadline: 1 September 2009.
Address: Russia, 107076, Moscow, Russia. Elektrozavodskaya, 33, "New Izvestia".
Prizes: Grand Prize - $ 1000, Three equal prizes for $ 500, Ten diplomas.
According to the laws of the Russian Federation, bonuses are subject to taxation.
As a result of the contest will be released catalog with 100 best works of prized and selected for the exhibition.
Opening of the exhibition - in November 2009 in the exhibition halls Editorial "New Izvestia", and the Central House of Artists.
Chairman of the jury - Michael Zlatkovsky, a political commentator-artist "New Izvestia". Contest organizers reserve the right to use sent in their sole discretion, without compensation to the authors.
Submitted to the contest works will not be returned.
Source: CNC

Theme in Bienale cartoons Písek 2009: Theater

ČUK / Bienále cartoons Písek 2009 bude!
Předběžná zpráva: Letošní mezinárodní bienále v Písku bude vyhlášeno 16. 3. t. r. a počítá s uzávěrkou 22. 5. 2009. Téma: Divadlo. Vernisáž výstavy soutěžních prací a předávání cen je plánována na 1. září 2009 do objektu Sladovna, kde proběhnou i rámcové akce. (ih)

ČUK / Bienale cartoons Písek 2009!
Preliminary Report: This year's international biennial in Písek will be published on the 16th 3. T. R., and provides for the deadline on the 22nd 5. 2009. Theme: Theater. Opening of the exhibition competition and transfer pricing work is planned for 1 September 2009 to the building Sladovna where a framework and action. (ih)
Source: Ivan Hanousek, GAG 09-10
Translation by Google Language Tools

3rd International Graphic Humor Biennial - Jose L. Martin Mena "MENA"

3rd International Graphic Humor Biennial - JOSE L. MARTIN MENA "MENA"
The Municipality of Toboso announces this international cartoon contest in accordance with the following rules:
1. They will be able to compete all the professional graphical humorists of any Country.
2. Only one entry will be admitted by participant, which should not being presented/displayed at another contest.
3. Theme is related to "Dulcinea" female character of the literary work "Don Quixote" written by Miguel de Cervantes.
4. The works, will have original and to be made in any pictorial technique, will have a format unique of 30x40 cms., without frame and included/understood their possible "passe partout". Digital photocopies, copies, engravings, nor photographies of the drawings will not be admitted.
5. The established prizes are:
1st Prize: 1.000 Euro
Honorable Mention
6. The deadline for submissions is 13 of June of 2009, 14 hours. Outside this term work will not be admitted some.
7. The works will appear, pointing out the name of the author, thus like the rest of personal data, such as: direction, telephone, photograph, email and brief resume.
8. The works will be sent to:
City council of Toboso,
Museum of Graphical Humor Dulcinea,
C. Dona Tolosa, 2,
45820 Toboso (Toledo) Spain
9. The decision of the jury, who will be unquestionable, will become public the 20 of June, 2009. This it will be made up of a member of the Municipal Commission of Culture, the professional Director of the Museum of Humor and outstanding.
10. The selected works will be exposed from the June 21 until September 1, 2009 in the dependencies that the City council decides the Toboso.
11. The awarded works will be in property of the City council of the Toboso. The authors of the same ones commit themselves to yield to he himself the rights of operation of the work in their modality of reproduction, public communication and distribution.
12. The awarded works will not be given back to their authors, whenever in the shipment it is pointed out specifically, although are excluded the works that do not adjust to the bases.
13. The delivery of prizes will be programmed by The Municipality of Toboso and it will take place in act witnessed by notary public.
14. The fact to compete supposes the total acceptance of these rules.
El Toboso, February 3, 2009
The Mayor,
Marciano Signed .- Ortega Molina
Source: ECC

3rd Cartoonale "De Geus" Lebbeke - Belgium

The cultural association ‘De Geus’, Belgium organises every two year a cartooncontest.
Every person older than 16 years may participate in this contest.
* The cartoons sent in should be original and not published before. All graphic technics are allowed. Text is not allowed.
* The themes treated are free.
* The cartoons should be drawed on solid paper of 21 cm x 29,7 cm (Din A4).
* There is no restriction of the number of sendings in.
* On the backside of each cartoon the name of the cartoonist must be mentioned with his address.
4. Deadline
The cartoons (without passe-partout) must be solidly packed and at latest the 20th of August 2009 sent tot the following address together with the entry form/
Cartoonale ‘De Geus’ 2009, Clement Vlassenroot, Duivenkeetstraat 16, B-9280 Lebbeke BELGIUM
5. Right of publication
Participating in the contest the cartoondrawer agrees that the cartoons sent in will be used for an exposition as mentioned in the rules. The awarded cartoons remain property of the organisers.
The jury acts autonomously on awarding prizes.
There is no correspondence allowed with the jury about his decisions.
By the jury four prizes are adjudged:
1st prize : 500 Euro
2nd prize : 250 Euro
3rd prize : 150 Euro
4th prize : 150 Euro for the best classified artist under 25 years old.
The results of the contest will be announced on Friday the 25th of September at 19.30 h in gallery ‘De Fontein’.
A selection of the cartoons will be exposed in art – gallery ‘De Fontein’ in Lebbeke on the 25th, 26th, 27th of September and the 3rd and 4th of October.
The cartoons will be sent back only if it is marked on the entry form.
The organisator is not responsible neither for lost nor for damaged cartoons during the sending in and sending back.
10 By his or her participation the artist agrees with these rules.


3rd International Exhibition CarCaricature - Zagreb 2009

3rd International Exhibition CarCaricature - Zagreb 2009
This year 3rd International Zagreb car caricature exhibition 2009 marks the 111th anniversary of the car's first appearance in Croatia. The car was driven by Count Marko Bombelles to his home in Vinica near Varazdin.
Since those early days, in all its guises, the car has become an essential part of everyday life. "His Majesty", the car, has become so necessary for work and play that it is difficult to imagine any activity which does not involve the use of an automobile. From basic functions such as travelling to and from work, to every other type economic, sport, cultural, political, recreational, tourist, health, military, police or "romantic" pursuit. It is omnipresent, ever desirable and IRREPLACEABLE! Life without a car is unimaginable. We ask ourselves how did we manage to live without the car for thousands of years.
What do we do with cars that are not in use anymore or are unusable - commonly known as car wrecks??? Those irresponsible throw them everywhere. They abandon all mighty cars in woods, rivers, lakes, seas, national parks and even on islands.
So our focus this year as well as a theme is going to be Car wrecks and Car waste.
With this theme we want to interest authors from around the world to warn public of a need to preserve nature and to change bad and unexpectable life style with the new one that respects basic principles of ecology. We are also joining the eco-action "Lets Clean Croatia from Car wrecks" - that was started by Zagreb's photograph Romeo Ibrisevic. So far as a result of his initiative there was over 11.000 old cars removed from parks, woods, rivers, and lakes in Croatia.
Opening of 3rd exhibition will take place in Zagreb in a lobby of City Government on 5th of June as a part of World Environment Day celebration.
The right to healthy and clean environment according to Croatian constitution is undeniable right to every man, woman or a child. Last year June 5th World Environment Day echoed a message from Marijana Petir, Croatian Parliament Environmental Protection Committee Chairman, who warned everybody with her explicit message that everyone has to accept responsibility for their actions and that we have to change our living habits so Earth can stay, as it has been for thousands of years so far, place where we can live in accordance with nature so future generations can have the same quality of life we have had, if not even better.
This is fantastic opportunity for caricaturists from all around the world to "speak up" through their drawings and show advantages and disadvantages of their majesty - the Car.

A Note from the Organizers
1. All cartoonists (and those wishing to be one) on the planet Earth have the right to participate.
2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of 2 cartoons.
3. All cartoons must be made on either A4 or A5 paper size (but not smaller than A5 or bigger than A3).
4. Cartoons must be submitted on paper, (either drawn or as a computer print) and signed by the artist. Photocopies and other forms of duplication will not be accepted.
5. Cartoons will be exhibited following selection by the judges appointed by the Organizers, Huna d.o.o. Zagreb.
6. The Organizers will present the following awards:
GRAND PRIZE…… 4,000 Eu or 30,000 Kn
1 PRIZE………….. 1,000 Eu or 7,500 Kn
2 PRIZE…………. 800 Eu or 5,500 Kn
3 PRIZE………..... 500 Eu or 3,500 Kn
Two special recognition prizes: each 300 or 2.200 Kn
In addition to monetary prizes, each winner will receive a certificate.
7. Each participant in the exhibition will be represented in the exhibition catalogue with one cartoon selected by the Organizers.
8. Every artist whose work is exhibited is entitled to a free copy of the exhibition catalogue.
9. The subject matter of the exhibition is: Our everyday car - Car waste and Car wreck.
10. Prizes will be awarded by a committee of at least seven persons, of whom five will be sponsor representatives and two will be experts appointed the Organizers.
11. Cartoons which are awarded prizes become the property of the sponsor awarding the prize to the artist or remain the property of the Organizers.
12. Cartoons which are not awarded prizes become the property of the Organizers or, at the explicit request of the artist, can be returned (on payment of shipping costs) or may be collected from Huna d.o.o. 30 days after the exhibition.
13. All exhibited artists give the right to the Organizers to use, publish and exhibit cartoons, without compensation or payment, for the promotion of future exhibitions and projects.
14. The Organizers reserve the right to utilize cartoons with third-parties to promote the artist and the exhibition.
15. By submitting cartoons to the 3rd International Car Caricature Exhibition Zagreb 2009 the artist agrees and accepts the terms of participation.
16. Cartoons will be accepted for inclusion in the exhibition until 24th of April 2009 at the Organizers address: HUNA d.o.o. Srebrnjak 55, 10000 Zagreb Croatia
17. The exhibition will take place in a lobby of City Government on 5th of June - World Environment Day.
Application form Source: ECC


9th International Contest of Pictorial Humour - Barakaldo 2009

"New technologies" 9th International Contest of Pictorial Humour - Barakaldo 2009
The city of Barakaldo organizes the "New technologies" nineth international contest of pictorial humour.
The cartoonists will send a work of illustrated humour in relation with new technologies which have a considerable impact on the day to day life (i.e. internet, biology, space, telecommunications, medicine, etc...). The idea is to help citizens to think about the new grounds for scientific progress.
The competition is open to everyone, especially with no regard of age. Each applicant can present a maximum of three piece of works. The works of the authors who won the Hermes prize the year before will not be taken in consideration.
The scenes and characters will have to be originals and of proper creation. The works can be drawn in black and white or in colour. The works will have a length of one page that will not exceed 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
Only two languages can be used: spanish and basque. Nonetheless the panel will take into consideration works of pictorial interest without text, proceeding from artists of places where these languages are not used.
Applicants will send a e-mail with their names, surnames, address, date of birth, passport number, telephone number. They will send this e-mail with the file of the picture in JPG format.
The piece of work with the reference of the artist will be sent exclusively through e-mail, to the following address: before 2009 Octobre 13th.
The city contemplates realizing a public diffusion of the works presented and lately selected by the panel. The virtual show of the works received during the contest will not be granted by any type of economic retribution.
The "Hermes de Barakaldo" prize amounts to 4.500 euros shared between five winners: 1st prize: 1.500 euros, 2nd prize: 1.000 euros, 3rd prize: 800 euros, 4th prize: 700 euros, 5th prize: 500 euros.
A qualified panel of judges will pick out the best works. Prizes will be handed on the first week of December 2009, in Barakaldo. The city leaves to the panel the possibility to declare no winners, according to quality criteria.
Taking part to the competition implies the acceptance of the conditions overhead.