

Theme in the International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2009: Theatre

March 3, 2009
The Town of Písek and the Czech Union of Cartoonists declare the 8th annual of the international open competition
The International Biennale Cartoon Písek 2009
Theme: Theatre.
Number of cartoons: Minimum 3, maximum 5.
Format: Minimum A4, maximum A3.
Cartoon colours: Coloured as well as monochrome.
Signature: Each cartoon must be signed with the name and address of the participant on the backside.
Application closing date: May 22, 2009
Please send your cartoons and the application form by post addressed to: BIENNALE, c/o Infocentrum, Heydukova 97, CZ-39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
or by e-mail to: (maximum JPG or PDF file size: 3MB).
For more information contact the Infocentrum Písek:
Tel./fax: +420 382 213 592, e-mail:

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