

Cartoon exhibit in Portugal commemorating Freedom of Expression Day

Freedom @ Risk: Commemorating Freedom of Expression Day.
FECO PORTUGAL (Cartoonist association) and Amnesty International (Portugal), are co-organizers, of a cartoon exhibition, which runs on May 3th, 2009. Beside other events, program includes a cartoon exhibit targeting trough humor, the supreme values of freedom of expression and speech.
1-Theme: “Freedom at risk”. Each artist is free to approach the concept of Expression Freedom in all.
2-The exibition is opened to all nationalities, professionals or amateurs.
3-All the proposed drawings must be originals, no matter of prior publication or exhibit.
4-Maximum of 3 works is allowed per artist, in any way such as the following: cartoon, caricatures and graphic story (the last one, not exceeding one page). Any technique is permitted including the computer generated.
5-Drawings containing text must be in Portuguese language.
6- Drawing size permitted are A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) and A3 (29,7 x 42 cm), originals (if send, by traditional mail), to:
FecoPortugal – Associação de Cartoonistas, Rua do Alto Vieiro, 544, 2400-441 LEIRIA
or by e-mail, using JPEG file at 300 dpi to:
7- Entry deadline is April 15 – 2009.
8- Drawings will be selected by a Jury composed by 5 elements. Afterwards all works will proceed to an open exhibit properly framed. A catalog is also available. Jury reserves the right to choose a set of works extra-catalog, to be exhibit as well. Non-selected works for the catalog will be mentioned at the same. Jury is composed by a FECOPORTUGAL member, Amnesty International member, one cartoonist, one cartoonist researcher and one writing author.
9- Every selected artist will be given one catalog copy.
10- Drawings sended by traditional mail, must contain the following information: artist´s name, complete address, telephone number and e-mail. If send by e-mail, same is applied as above in an attached file, such as Word.
11- Short curriculum must be included along with the proposed work in paper or computer file.
12- The exhibition will be inaugurated at the “Casa do Artista” (Lisbon) at May 3th, Freedom of Expression Day, complemented with other initiatives such as debates and retrospectives on Caricatures and Censorship. Exhibit is staying on place for about two weeks and after that, will go on an itinerancy, not exceeding eight months.
13- All originals will be returned as soon as itinerancy ends. The works send by e-mail, will not.
14 - Organization is not responsible for any damage caused to the works due to mishandle during transportation by mail.
15- Artist’s participation implies accepting the rules and surrender the works for advertising and promotional basis of the event and the catalog publishing as well as the exhibit itinerancy for the eight months as mentioned above. No payments will be made to the participants nor will either any profit result for the organization.
Source: regulamentoscartoon

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