

6th Dinosaur Illustration International Contest, 2009

6th Dinosaur Illustration International Contest, 2009
1. Theme: Dinosaurs and other extinct animals. The illustrations may portray the animals as life-like appearance, including their natural habitat, or any found fossil remains.
2. Identification: The illustrations must have an accompanying document that clearly and unequivocally identifies the author and contains the author’s name, age, e-mail, phone number, postal address and country. The artwork’s title should include the names of the depicted species. 3. Participation: Any person over 15 years of age, of Portuguese or other nationality may participate.
4. Sizes and techniques: The minimum admissible size is 148 x 210 mm (5.83 x 8.27 inches). There is no maximum size. Framed works are preferred, although the frame is optional. All illustration techniques and materials are accepted. The submission, with the art work, of a CD with the digital version of the art work is a positive valuation factor.
5. Digital imagery: Digital images must have a minimum definition of 300 dpi, real size, uncompressed. In addition to the CD-ROM a printed copy should be supplied. These materials will not be returned.
6. Art work selection criteria: The art works will be selected based on their scientific accuracy and on the quality of the employed techniques. Art work that has been submitted to previous editions of the DIIC is not admissible.
The following are preference criteria:
* Illustrations of Portuguese species
* Animals depicted as life-like appearance, set in their natural habitat.
7. Calendar:
* Submission of art work: up to May 31, 2009.
* Exhibition and announcement of contest winners: up to July 31, 2009.
8. Prizes: The prizes are monetary, in the Euro currency.
1st prize 1000 €
2nd prize 500 €
3rd prize 250 €
5 honorable mentions 50 € each
Two of the prizes are reserved for illustrations of fossils.
9. Sending the artwork: The artwork may be sent, at the author’s expense, by mail, or delivered in person to the Museu da Lourinhã. Any artwork sent via e-mail will not be accepted.
Artwork can be sent to this postal address
CIID 2009 - Museu da Lourinhã, Rua João Luís de Moura, 95, 2530-158 Lourinhã PORTUGAL
1. GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss of materials sent to this contest. Contestants should take good notice that when sending artwork by mail good wrapping is essential. In previous editions of the contest many works sent by mail were received in damaged condition.
2. In order to avoid heavy import taxes, contestants are advised to declare the goods as “no commercial value” and “bequest” or “loan”. The contest’s organization does not pay for any import/export taxes.
10. Returning the artwork: The artworks will be returned starting in November 2009. Authors can retrieve them at Museu da Lourinhã or they can be sent by mail. The organization does not pay for any taxes or insurance nor for any return costs above €40,00 (Forty Euros).
11. Jury: The Jury members are Miguel Telles Antunes (paleontologist), Fernando Correia (biologist and scientific illustrator), Nuno Farinha (biologist and scientific illustrator), Octávio Mateus (paleontologist, organizing committee), José Projecto (painter) and Simão Mateus (illustrator, organizing committee). The jury’s decision is final and can not be appealed. The jury reserves the right to not awarding one or more of the prizes if the quality of the entries justifies it. The contest will only take place if there is a minimum of ten valid submissions.
12. Reproduction rights: When submitting artwork the author implicitly accepts the present Regulations and gives to GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã non-exclusive rights for reproducing the artwork and advertise the contest, including, but not exclusively, in books, through the Internet, on promotional materials, editions, publications, museum support and scientific studies, while GEAL agrees to always reference the author in any utilization it makes of the artwork.
Organization: GEAL - Museu da Lourinhã
Rua João Luís de Moura, 95
2530-158 Lourinhã PORTUGAL
Tel.: [+351] 261 413 995

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