

1st International Cartoon Contest, Morocco 2017 : Hello Africa

Anyone participating in the contest agrees with
the terms of the Decisions of the jury.
• Theme:
CARTOON: Africa seen by cartoonists
Conditions of participation
The number of works per participant is limited to 2 (two).
The Works can not Have been published, exhibited
or won prizes in Morocco or abroad.
Format: A4, 200 dpi, JPG / JPEG and Free Techniques
• Deadline: 15/6/2017
Works that do not comply with the conditions set out in
this regulation will not be considered for the competition.
The following prices are foreseen:
First-Prize: The Duck Award
Second-Prize: The Africa Prize
Third-Prize: The price of "coup de crayon".
• Due to his participation in the competitions,
the author lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions.
The works sent remain at the disposal of the organizers for two years.
• The members of the jury will be considered as participants
in the exhibition and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the list of participants
(They will participate only in the exhibition,
not in competition (just participation of honor).
• Works may be used for promotional purposes
(printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
Patrick Essono (Pache) (Gabon)
Damien Glez (Burkina Faso)
Belkhamsa Chedly (Tunisia)
Samuel Sam Lemaire (Belgium)
Fawzi Morsy (Egypt)
Farid Ouidder (Morocco)
Neda Tanhaei (Iran)
Raed Khalil (Syria)
Amorim (Brazil).


IX International Festival of Humor of the Amazon 2017- Ecology in the Trace

IX International Festival of Humor of the Amazon 2017- Ecology in the Trace
May 26 to June 4, 2017 Belém-Pará-Brazil
1. Nature and scope of the 9th International Festival of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace is intended to be included in the calendar of humor events in Brazil and the world, with the aim of stimulating and publicizing the production of graphic humorists. It is important that this humor room is a graphic gallery to show the talent and criticism of all the cartoonists concerned about the ecological problems that afflict our planet, particularly the Amazon.
2. Deadlines
The 9th International Humor Festival of the Amazon - Ecology in the trace will be held in the period from May 27 to June 4, 2017, in the Hangar - Convention Center of the Amazon, Belém-Pará-Brazil, within the programming of the XX Pan Amazon Book Fair).
Period of registration: March 23 to May 10, 2017;
Opening and Awards of the Salon: May 27, 2017;
Closing of the Festival (Belém-Pará): June 4, 2017;
3. Modalities and Selection
Theme A: Ecology (Required) - In this category all unpublished cartoons that deal with ecological problems and which have not been awarded in other events are considered. 50 papers will be selected.
Theme B: Free - In this category are considered all the cartoons unpublished on any theme and that have not been awarded in other events. 35 papers will be selected.
Theme C: Caricature - In this category are considered all the unpublished caricatures of any recognized personality that have not been awarded in other events. 40 papers will be selected.
4. To participate
A) Artists and directors of any nationality can participate;
B) Cartoons and caricatures:
Scanned or computerized works, 300 dpi, A3 or 30x40 cm format, RGB color mode, jpg (average) will be accepted, with a maximum limit of 1.0 MB, only unpublished works which have not been awarded in other halls or festivals;
C) Complete the registration form with all the data of the participant: full name, artistic name, complete address with zip code, headphones, email, RG, CPF, bank details, works titles, production year, attach together with the works and send to email:
D) Each participant may submit to the competition 02 (two) works by modalities: 1- Theme A: Ecology (mandatory); 2- Topic B: Free; 3- Topic C: Caricature;
E) It is forbidden to include cartoons and / or cartoons selected in previous editions of Humor Hall of the Amazon or in other Festivals and that are not unpublished;
5. The Judging Commission
A) The organization of the 9th International Humor Festival of Amazonia will constitute a Pre-selection Committee that will indicate the works that will integrate the exhibitions.
B) The Judging Committee shall be composed of five members of well-known competence;
C) The chairman of the Judging Committee will be an artist specially invited for this purpose;
D) The Judging Committee shall be responsible for awarding honorable prizes and mentions;
E) The decisions of the Judging Commission and the Pre-selection Commission shall be sovereign and unappealable;
6. Works and originals
A) The works sent for selection will not be returned and will become part of the collection of the Salon of Humor of the Amazon;
B) The Project Organizers reserve the right to use any work registered, at any time, for the purpose of disseminating the event and / or carrying out the project itinerary by Brazilian states and municipalities.
C) No work shall be offered for sale or used for commercial purposes;
D) When submitting your registration form and work(s) the participant accepts and agrees automatically with all the rules of the contest;
8. Copyright
A) The act of registering a work automatically implies the assignment of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes;
IX International Salon of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace
May 26 to June 4, 2017 Belém-Pará-Brazil
9. Awards
A) A total of three prizes will be awarded:
Theme A: Ecology: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value)
Theme B: Free: 1st place: R $ 1,500.00 (gross value)
Theme C : Caricature: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value)
subject to transfer fees to the accounts of the winners.
B) The value of the prizes is subject to the legal taxes and bank fees in force at the time of their attribution / transfer;
The 9th International Humor Fair of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace  will take place in the city of Belém, State of Pará, from May 26 to June 4, 2017, at the Hangar - Convention and Fair Center of the Amazon.
10. Organizers
Email to send the registration form and works:
Application form
Bank account:
Ecological Theme: (required)
(01) Title:
(02) Title:
(01) Title:
(02) Title
Free Cartoon:
(01) Title:
(02) Title:
Email to send:
Tranlated by Google.


2nd International Competition of satirical design about Kite 2017, Italy

Cartoo’n’Kite” 2017
International Competition of satirical design about Kite
"VOLOEVENTO”, presents the second edition of “Cartoo’n’Kite” - International competition of satirical design dedicated to Kite.
1 - The theme of the competition: “Kite and Wind”
The artwork must be developed on a single table in the maximum size UNI A4 (cm. 21 x 29.7 – 300 dpi).
Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artworks if the prints are signed and if they are print number one.
Participation is for free, open to artists of any nationality.
The artwork must be original, copies will be not accepted.
The artwork must not have been published in the past.
For minors a permission of a parent or his representative is required.
Each author may participate with one artwork. If sent more artworks the Guarantee Committee in its sole discretion, will choose the work that will participate in the contest.
A Guarantee Committee - composed of professionals and representatives of the cultural world, will select the thirty most significant artworks which will be exhibited at “Il Castagneto” of Toscolano.
The thirty finalist artworks will not be refunded and will remain property of the Organizing Committee.
 Entries must be sent by e-mail together with the registration form in full, duly completed and signed no later than May 10th 2017 at:
The thirty finalist artists undertake to send the original artwork at:
Nicola Bucci - “Cartoo’n’Kite“
Via Nino Taranto, 30 A2/A
00125 - Roma – Italia
The artworks must indicate on the back: name, surname and address of the author.
The artworks will not be refunded. The artworks will be published on the official web sites of the competition.
The thirty finalists artworks will be published on
The Committee will declare the winner of “Cartoo’n’Kite” and it shall have the right to assign any awards and special mentions.
The artworks which make it to the final stage of the competition will be exhibited at “Il Castagneto” of Toscolano during the "Voloevento" event.
Every artist must justify the content of their own artwork. The works that the Artistic Director receives could be chosen for publication, distribution and any type of use. Artworks will remain property of the organizing committee. All the competition participants understand and agree to the terms of the competition stated implicitly here, and accept, without any compensation, the exhibition of their artworks in or more shows in the art exhibition. They also agreed to its publication in books, posters, bookmarks, t-shirts or cute hats, calendars or agendas and on all the information services. It will be obligatory for the name of the artist and the country of origin and of the name of “Cartoo’n’Kite” and "Voloevento" to be included in every publication.
2 - Prizes
“Cartoo’n’Kite” - 500 euro
“VOLOEVENTO” - 300 euro
The jury shall have the right to assign any awards and special mentions.
3. Various
“Cartoo’n’Kite while remaining fully committed to the care and protection of the works exhibited , does not take any responsibility for any theft, damage or loss that might occur involving these works from the moment they arrive till the close of the exhibition.
Participation in the event which is completely free, implies total acceptance of these regulations. The Organising Committee has the right and the responsibility to give the final decision concerning controversial questions as well as on matters not explicitly provided for.
To partecipate download both the Regulation and the Application Form as in the sample hereunder clicking "I want to partecipate!", fill the Application Form and send both, attached to your work, at the mail address indicated in the Application Form itself.
For further information:
See the gallery of Cartoo'n'Kite 2016 > .


The 23rd International cartoon contest, Haifa 2017, Israel

The 23rd International cartoon contest, Haifa 2017, Israel
Main Category:
* Technological innovation, new Medical devices and technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence. Innovation in education and manufacturing
Second Topic
* Parties and celebration. Let's party!
Last Entry Dead Line is: July 18, 2017
Producer: Haifa Municipality, Division of Culture
Post mail: P.O.B. 4811, Haifa, 31047 Israel
Cartoons can be submitted to the competition as 300 dpi digital files.
Email: .
See the Regulation and the Entry Form in PDF here.


International competition of caricature and cartoon "Freedom" 2017, Poland

International competition of caricature and cartoon "Freedom"
Terms of competition
Professional cartoonists from around the world.
FREEDOM (individual, political, creative, no bondage, responsibility to freedom, price of freedom, the limits of freedom)
The procedure and deadlines for submission of entries:
Step I:
Entrants send in copies of the work by electronic mail to:
Size of work: the long side approx. 2,000 pixels, jpg or tiff, 300 dpi, a maximum of 5 works.
Works will be accepted in the period 30.05 - 30.06.2017 r. Each entry should be accompanied by a number.
Excluded from the competition and award-winning works in other competitions.
Step II:
The panel will select works for the exhibition and for the evaluation of the jury within 15.07.2017 r. The authors of selected works will receive e-mails asking for sending the originals of selected works, with an indication of the work that comes within 07.20.2017 r.
Works must be sent to the following address:
Association of Polish Cartoonists, ul. Helenowska 16, 05-807 Podkowa Leśna, Poland, with a note: "FREEDOM"
within 08.20.2017 r. - DEADLINE 20/08/2017
Format works:
Min 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4), max 297 x 420 mm (DIN A3) Entries must include on the back the following information: author's name, postal address, telephone number, email address, or work title. The works should be accompanied by a short biographical note and photo.
Technical conditions:
The works must be original, made in any flat plastic technology. Prints work done in digital technology must be signed with a handwritten note "Print 1". Copies and photocopies will not be accepted.
Prizes and jury:
Jury appointed by the organizers will award among the original works the following prizes:
I - 1500 Euro, II - 1000 Euro, III - 750 Euro and 3 mentions of 200 Euro each.
The jury reserves the right to distribute the awards differently, provided that the full jackpot prizes provided will be used. It is also envisaged prizes funded. Prizes will be awarded in the period to 09.20.2017 r. Authors of the works awarded and receive a written notice. All work is rewarded and commended become the property of the organizers.
The opening of the final exhibition and awards ceremony will be held in Warsaw in December 2017.
The ceremony will be invited to all the winners and participants of the exhibition. Conditions for participation winners will be agreed at a later date. It is also anticipated presentation of the exhibition in other places and times.
The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive catalog, which receives each participant exhibitions.
Final Provisions:
The organizers reserve the right to free use of selected works for promotional theme of "Freedom" on posters, in the catalog and other materials related to the competition. Out of competition by authors retain their copyright (copyrights). Return of original works, at the request and expense of the author, will take place after a series of exhibitions in 2019.
Any questions relating to the competition should be addressed by email to:
Curator of the competition - Witold Mysyrowicz - .


International Trumpism Cartoon & Caricature Contest 2017, Iran

International Trumpism Cartoon & Caricature Contest 2017
Sections And Subjects:
Cartoon: Trumpism
Trump & Racism
Trump & Immigration
Trump & The Wall
Trump & Mass Media (Reporters)
Trump & Humiliation Of Women
Trump & Tweet
Caricature: Donald Trump
- Each Participant Can Send Maximum 5 Artworks To Each Section
- Sent Artworks Should Not Have Won Any Prize Before
- Sent Artworks Should Not Be Published In The Catalogs Of This Biennial Before
- Artworks Must Be Emailed In Png Or Jpg Format,
300 Dpi Resolution And 2000 Pixel Width Or Length
- A Word File Containing Full Name, Postal Address, Email Address,
Phone Number, Photo And CV Is Kindly Needed.
- A Volume Of The Catalog Will Be Sent To The Artists
Whose Artworks Have Been Published In.
Cartoon Section:
First Prize: 1500 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 1000 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Third Prize:500 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Caricature Section:
First Prize: 1500 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 1000 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Third Prize: 500 $ With Trophy And Honorable Mention
Jury Members:
Luc Descheemaeker From Belgium
Silvano Mello From Brazil
Dr.Habib Sadeghi From Iran
Mohammadreza Doustmohammadi From Iran
Mahmood Azadnia From Iran.
5th May 2017
Email Address For Sending Artworks:
Tel:+98 21 88 911 214 , +98 21 88 911 215
Fax:+98 21 88 911 219


The fourth international competition of cartoons "Aleksandar Klas" 2017, Serbia

The fourth international competition of cartoons "Aleksandar Klas", 2017
After a few years break ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine again invites international cartoon contest under the name Alexandar KLAS, cartoonists who faithfully acted on the first issue of the ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine 1958. He drew cartoons under the motto ALEKSANDAR KLAS LINES TO YOU. As the most award-winning cartoonist in the world in 1990, entered the Guinness Book of Records.
So he went to a legend, especially ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine, which is now back on the world stage cartoons, where it has always belonged.
A. Participation
The competition is open to all cartoonists of the world regardless of nationality, religion, age, sex and education.
B. The theme of the competition
C. Sending cartoons
Accepting exclusively original works and signed digital prints. Papers should not have been previously awarded. Sends the maximum 5. cartoons A4. In addition to the works send a photo, Curriculum Vitae (CV), and on the back of the works basic information (name, surname, address, e-mail address and telephone number).
Works can be sent by post to the following address:
Cetinjska 1
11000 Beograd
D. Deadline
Cartoons will be accepted until 1 September 2017 (EXTENDED:) Monday, 25 September 2017.
E. Awards
The first financial prize money and diplomas.
The second financial prize money and diplomas.
The third financial prize money and diplomas.
The total prize money amounts to 2,000 (two thousand) euros.
Will be allocated and several special prizes and diplomas.
F. Exhibition
The award ceremony and exhibition will be held in Belgrade for a day ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine of November 11th 2017.
G. Catalog
All cartoonists whose cartoons are selected in the catalog and the exhibition will receive a free copy of the catalog.
H. Other Provisions
Arrived works remain the property of ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA magazine. The organizers reserve the right to use them without financial compensation to the authors. By entering the contest is considered that the authors accept the proposition as a whole.
Špiro Radulović
Editor of competition, cartoonist


GHIBLI Logistics Cartoon Contest 2017, Hungary

The GHIBLI Ltd. invites all professional and amateur caricaturists to the „GHIBLI Logistics Cartoon Contest” with the following theme:
Forwarding (on the road, water and air), Logistic, Wharehouse logistic.
1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.
2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not contain any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.
3. E.mail address:
4. Deadline: 30th April 2017
5. Awards:
I. 300 Euro
II. 200 Euro
III. 100 Euro
+ Everyone on the podium gets a diploma.
6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury - in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.
- on the Ghibli website
- on the XIth Congress of the Logistic Leaders in Balatonfüred, on 1-2 June, 2017.
- on exhibitions, or events supported by the Ghibli
- on the offline and online media of Ghibli
- as decoration.
Continuous information on the
If you have any question, contact us at!
We wish you good work and a successful participation!
Ghibli Ltd. (H-1211 Budapest, Petróleum u. 2.) .


The 19th Antiwar Cartoon Salon International Contest, Kragujevac 2017, Serbia

salon antiratne karikature
salon of antiwar cartoon
In memory of the severe crime that happened in Kragujevac in 1941, 76 years ago, when the German occupying forces executed almost three thousands of innocent civilians in just one day, also sincerely wishing that peace may prevail in the world, especially today when it is on the verge of ambysm of the world war, the Memorial Park “Kragujevacki otobar” a n n o u n c e s
The International jury will make a selection out of submitted cartoons which are to be exhibited and published in the Salon’s catalog. Besides, the following prices are to be awarded:
The Grand Prix «The Peace Messanger» and €1.500 prize is to be awarded by the International Association of Peace Messanger Cities
The Gold Plague and €1.000 prize
The Silver Plague and €800 prize
The Bronze Plague and €500 prize
The Mayor of Bydgoszcz (Poland) Award, amounts €750
The City of Ingolstadt (Germany) Award, amounts €500
The City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) Award, amounts €500
The City of Suresnes (France) Award, amounts €500
The City of Pitesti (Romania) Award, amounts €500
The City of Carrara (Italy) Award, amounts €500
The Jury might additionally award several diplomas to close contenders.
Cartoonists and fine artists from all over the world have the right to participate. They should submit at most three (3) cartoons, which have not been awarded by any other international competition, and on the subjects of antiwar as well as solidarity between people and nations. The artworks should be utmost A4-A3 formated, while art technique is at the artist’s choice, including electronic form, with the original signature. Also, there should be written data on the artist (such as: name, surname, year of birth, address, phone/fax, e-mail) on the back of the artwork or enclosed.
The submission deadline is September 05, 2017. The jury session is to be held on September 08-09, 2017.
The cartoons are to be sent to the following address:
SALON ANTIRATNE KARIKATURE, Spomen park “Kragujevacki oktobar”, Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija,
and on e-mail:
Submitted artworks are not to be returned, and the Salon keeps the right to use them without any restitution.
NOTE: The 16th International Antiwar Cartoon Salon «Kragujevac 2011» had great international promotion and acclamation. Following the premiere exhibition and the award ceremony in Kragujevac, the Salon was showcased in numerous cities and international organisations worldwide. Thus, it was on display at the United Nations Palace in New York, at the showroom of the European Commission headquaters Charlemagne building in Brussels, and at the Serbian Cultural Center in Paris. The selected works of the Salon were presented in Kragujevac, the Polish cities of Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Bydgoszcz, Plonsk, Wielun, Torun, Bielsko-Biala, than Pitesti (Romania), Ingolstadt, Berlin, Dresden (Germany), New Haven (USA), Belgrade, Nis, Aleksinac, Vrsac, Novi Pazar (Serbia), as well as in Suresnes (France) and Carrara (Italy). In past 36 years the Salon exhibitions were showcased to audience in 41 cities and 19 countries.


13th International Cartoon Festival Solin 2017, Croatia

The organizer of 13th International festival of cartoon Solin 2017 is the city Solin. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is format 40x30 cm.
Entry deadline is the 01 August 2017. Please write ; PRINTED MATTER - NO VALUE
Kralja Zvonimira 50,
21210 Solin, CROATIA
1. PLAQUE.................................................1013 EUR
2. PRIZE CITY SOLIN................................... PRIZE
3. TOURIST BOARD..................................... PRIZE
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 21.08.2017.
The works will be returned only on the special request of an author: The postage EUR5 will be paid by author. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2017, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------

FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------

PSEUDONYM --------------------------------------------

STREET ---------------------------------------------------

POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------

CITY -------------------------------------------------------

COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------

TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------

E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF ENTRIES -------------------------------

MALE-FEMALE ----------------------------------------.


44th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2017, Brazil

44th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2017, Brazil
The 44th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2017, realized by the Piracicaba City/Secretary of Cultural Action and Tourism/National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba will be held in accordance with the following scheduIe:
Registration: until July 17.
Selection Jury: July 29 and 30.
Awards Jury: August 19.
Opening Ceremony: August 26.
Closing: October 12.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. The works - all categories - can be sent by MAlL or ELECTRONIC.
The theme is free. The graphical technique is free. Digital copies signed by author and sculptures with humorous content will also be accepted. Maximum measures allowed: paper- 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,8 1inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: CARTOON (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), CHARGE (graphic humor with journalistic themes of nowadays), CARICATURE (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), COMIC STRIPS/COMIC STORIES (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work) and Theme CHILDREN (only for works that address the theme CHILDREN, proposed by the organizaon). The child who already exercises his cizenship; The child and their children to adults; Children's dreams; Children victims of war; The exploitation of child labor; The child as the joy of the world; The child and his toys and games - are some approaches to be explored.
Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. lt is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's data base.
2.1 - Sent by MAlL
44º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba - Av. Dr. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 Piracicaba SP Brasil.
The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author.
Registration on the official website of the event in JPEG format; resolution 200 DPI; saved in high quality and maximum of 3 MB (images attached at a single time):
Uploaded files should be named as follows: artist name_country_number. Example: paulosilva_brazil_01 - accompanied by the registration form duly completed and signed by the author.
The Awards are a totaI of R 55.000,00 (fifty five thousand reais) divided as follows:
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One award of R 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) One prize called Popular Jury "Alceu Marozi Righetto", in the value of R 5.000,00 (five thousand reais),chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening.
d) Also planned: a prize of R 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA award, exclusively for the caricature category;
e) a prize of R 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health
f) a prize of R 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called ÁGUAS DO MIRANTE AWARD, intended to work by Brazilian authors in any category.
Besides the monetary value, the winning authors will receive trophies (creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other prizes and mentions may be established, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee and Award Committee. There will be a selection committee and another award committee with recognized and trained professionals.
The result of the award may be challenged up to one week after the opening of the exhibition, with adequate proof of any irregularities committed without the knowledge of the juries. If fraud or plagiarism is found in any award-winning work, the prize awarded will be canceled.
The values corresponding to the cash prizes will only be deposited in the name of the winners obeying the legislation established by the Municipality of Piracicaba responsible for the realization of the International Salon of Humor of Piracicaba.
Authors of countries that face economic embargoes of any kind with Brazil and that make impossible the transfer of the monetary values of possible awards can only compete for nominations of honorary prizes.
The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event. The returning of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition must be formally requested early in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the NationaI Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as it finds interesting.
The organization of the 44th lnternational Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned.
The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitively (including mentions), in accordance with the Law n 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n 2249,1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n 2486-1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n 5194-2002.
Regulation(PDF) and Entry Form on source.

International Best Humor Artist Award 2017, FECO China / Red Man Art Center

We plan to build a world artist database.The purpose is to improve our understanding of the world humor artists (Picture book artist, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Printmaker and Painter). Mutual exchange learning. At the same time in order to avoid the similar works in the future competition. So we decided to hold the event. We hope the all artists to participate in support!
1. The Competition is open to all artist -- Picture book artist, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Organizer
FECO.CHINA / Red Man Art Center
3. Theme
Free theme
4. Entries: minimum number 100 works (pieces) .
5. The size of the works should be unbounded.
6. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. jpg format (on the shortest side minimum at 2480px, minimum resolution of 300 dpi)
7. Competition only accept digital works and publications (albums, catalogues, artists’books). Produced using any technique, including computer graphics.Please send electronic copy of your works to the following email address: / .
8. Works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
9. Author's resume and photo (entry-form and biography) should be submitted with entries together. Please down load the entry form on our web site:
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
10. Authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
11. Deadline: May 31, 2017
12. Prizes:
BEST HUMOR ARTIST AWARD (100 places): Certificate + Catalog
We will give the most excellent 5 catalogues to you if you give us 100 works.
If you give us 200 works, we will give you 10 books(or catalogue); If you give us 300 works , we will give you 15 books(or catalogue)......
The prizewinning works remain in the WORLD ARTISTS DATABASE of FECO.CHINA
13.Mail Address [publications (albums, catalogues, artists’books)]:
14. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition without additional information and cost.
15. All the copyrights are reserved by the authors. Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading competition and artists. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
16. We will print the catalogue of 2017 best humor artist at the end of the year. The catalogue for every selected entrant.
17. Web site:
Email: .

2nd International Cartoon Exhibition, Cakovec 2017, Croatia

2nd International Cartoon Exhibition, Cakovec 2017, Croatia
Everyone can participate regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession.
SUBURB Life in a suburb (culture, sport, water and gas supply...).
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. Entries must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
4. Entries can be sent via internet or by mail.
5. Each authour can send up to 3 works.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format (jpg 300 dpi).
Send them to this email:
7. Cartoon works will be reviewed by the international jury.
Entry deadline is 29 May 2017.
Send original works to:
First prize - 410 EUR
Second prize - 210 EUR
Third prize - 110 EUR
Five special mentions
The exhibition will take place in Culture Center in Čakovec on June 8th, 2017.
Authors of works that qualify for the exhibition will be given a copy of the cataloque.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Čakovec 2017, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to an author.
Original works are returned at the request and the expence of the author.