

The 19th Antiwar Cartoon Salon International Contest, Kragujevac 2017, Serbia

salon antiratne karikature
salon of antiwar cartoon
In memory of the severe crime that happened in Kragujevac in 1941, 76 years ago, when the German occupying forces executed almost three thousands of innocent civilians in just one day, also sincerely wishing that peace may prevail in the world, especially today when it is on the verge of ambysm of the world war, the Memorial Park “Kragujevacki otobar” a n n o u n c e s
The International jury will make a selection out of submitted cartoons which are to be exhibited and published in the Salon’s catalog. Besides, the following prices are to be awarded:
The Grand Prix «The Peace Messanger» and €1.500 prize is to be awarded by the International Association of Peace Messanger Cities
The Gold Plague and €1.000 prize
The Silver Plague and €800 prize
The Bronze Plague and €500 prize
The Mayor of Bydgoszcz (Poland) Award, amounts €750
The City of Ingolstadt (Germany) Award, amounts €500
The City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) Award, amounts €500
The City of Suresnes (France) Award, amounts €500
The City of Pitesti (Romania) Award, amounts €500
The City of Carrara (Italy) Award, amounts €500
The Jury might additionally award several diplomas to close contenders.
Cartoonists and fine artists from all over the world have the right to participate. They should submit at most three (3) cartoons, which have not been awarded by any other international competition, and on the subjects of antiwar as well as solidarity between people and nations. The artworks should be utmost A4-A3 formated, while art technique is at the artist’s choice, including electronic form, with the original signature. Also, there should be written data on the artist (such as: name, surname, year of birth, address, phone/fax, e-mail) on the back of the artwork or enclosed.
The submission deadline is September 05, 2017. The jury session is to be held on September 08-09, 2017.
The cartoons are to be sent to the following address:
SALON ANTIRATNE KARIKATURE, Spomen park “Kragujevacki oktobar”, Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija,
and on e-mail:
Submitted artworks are not to be returned, and the Salon keeps the right to use them without any restitution.
NOTE: The 16th International Antiwar Cartoon Salon «Kragujevac 2011» had great international promotion and acclamation. Following the premiere exhibition and the award ceremony in Kragujevac, the Salon was showcased in numerous cities and international organisations worldwide. Thus, it was on display at the United Nations Palace in New York, at the showroom of the European Commission headquaters Charlemagne building in Brussels, and at the Serbian Cultural Center in Paris. The selected works of the Salon were presented in Kragujevac, the Polish cities of Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Bydgoszcz, Plonsk, Wielun, Torun, Bielsko-Biala, than Pitesti (Romania), Ingolstadt, Berlin, Dresden (Germany), New Haven (USA), Belgrade, Nis, Aleksinac, Vrsac, Novi Pazar (Serbia), as well as in Suresnes (France) and Carrara (Italy). In past 36 years the Salon exhibitions were showcased to audience in 41 cities and 19 countries.

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