

IX International Festival of Humor of the Amazon 2017- Ecology in the Trace

IX International Festival of Humor of the Amazon 2017- Ecology in the Trace
May 26 to June 4, 2017 Belém-Pará-Brazil
1. Nature and scope of the 9th International Festival of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace is intended to be included in the calendar of humor events in Brazil and the world, with the aim of stimulating and publicizing the production of graphic humorists. It is important that this humor room is a graphic gallery to show the talent and criticism of all the cartoonists concerned about the ecological problems that afflict our planet, particularly the Amazon.
2. Deadlines
The 9th International Humor Festival of the Amazon - Ecology in the trace will be held in the period from May 27 to June 4, 2017, in the Hangar - Convention Center of the Amazon, Belém-Pará-Brazil, within the programming of the XX Pan Amazon Book Fair).
Period of registration: March 23 to May 10, 2017;
Opening and Awards of the Salon: May 27, 2017;
Closing of the Festival (Belém-Pará): June 4, 2017;
3. Modalities and Selection
Theme A: Ecology (Required) - In this category all unpublished cartoons that deal with ecological problems and which have not been awarded in other events are considered. 50 papers will be selected.
Theme B: Free - In this category are considered all the cartoons unpublished on any theme and that have not been awarded in other events. 35 papers will be selected.
Theme C: Caricature - In this category are considered all the unpublished caricatures of any recognized personality that have not been awarded in other events. 40 papers will be selected.
4. To participate
A) Artists and directors of any nationality can participate;
B) Cartoons and caricatures:
Scanned or computerized works, 300 dpi, A3 or 30x40 cm format, RGB color mode, jpg (average) will be accepted, with a maximum limit of 1.0 MB, only unpublished works which have not been awarded in other halls or festivals;
C) Complete the registration form with all the data of the participant: full name, artistic name, complete address with zip code, headphones, email, RG, CPF, bank details, works titles, production year, attach together with the works and send to email:
D) Each participant may submit to the competition 02 (two) works by modalities: 1- Theme A: Ecology (mandatory); 2- Topic B: Free; 3- Topic C: Caricature;
E) It is forbidden to include cartoons and / or cartoons selected in previous editions of Humor Hall of the Amazon or in other Festivals and that are not unpublished;
5. The Judging Commission
A) The organization of the 9th International Humor Festival of Amazonia will constitute a Pre-selection Committee that will indicate the works that will integrate the exhibitions.
B) The Judging Committee shall be composed of five members of well-known competence;
C) The chairman of the Judging Committee will be an artist specially invited for this purpose;
D) The Judging Committee shall be responsible for awarding honorable prizes and mentions;
E) The decisions of the Judging Commission and the Pre-selection Commission shall be sovereign and unappealable;
6. Works and originals
A) The works sent for selection will not be returned and will become part of the collection of the Salon of Humor of the Amazon;
B) The Project Organizers reserve the right to use any work registered, at any time, for the purpose of disseminating the event and / or carrying out the project itinerary by Brazilian states and municipalities.
C) No work shall be offered for sale or used for commercial purposes;
D) When submitting your registration form and work(s) the participant accepts and agrees automatically with all the rules of the contest;
8. Copyright
A) The act of registering a work automatically implies the assignment of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes;
IX International Salon of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace
May 26 to June 4, 2017 Belém-Pará-Brazil
9. Awards
A) A total of three prizes will be awarded:
Theme A: Ecology: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value)
Theme B: Free: 1st place: R $ 1,500.00 (gross value)
Theme C : Caricature: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value)
subject to transfer fees to the accounts of the winners.
B) The value of the prizes is subject to the legal taxes and bank fees in force at the time of their attribution / transfer;
The 9th International Humor Fair of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace  will take place in the city of Belém, State of Pará, from May 26 to June 4, 2017, at the Hangar - Convention and Fair Center of the Amazon.
10. Organizers
Email to send the registration form and works:
Application form
Bank account:
Ecological Theme: (required)
(01) Title:
(02) Title:
(01) Title:
(02) Title
Free Cartoon:
(01) Title:
(02) Title:
Email to send:
Tranlated by Google.

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