

International competition of caricature and cartoon "Freedom" 2017, Poland

International competition of caricature and cartoon "Freedom"
Terms of competition
Professional cartoonists from around the world.
FREEDOM (individual, political, creative, no bondage, responsibility to freedom, price of freedom, the limits of freedom)
The procedure and deadlines for submission of entries:
Step I:
Entrants send in copies of the work by electronic mail to:
Size of work: the long side approx. 2,000 pixels, jpg or tiff, 300 dpi, a maximum of 5 works.
Works will be accepted in the period 30.05 - 30.06.2017 r. Each entry should be accompanied by a number.
Excluded from the competition and award-winning works in other competitions.
Step II:
The panel will select works for the exhibition and for the evaluation of the jury within 15.07.2017 r. The authors of selected works will receive e-mails asking for sending the originals of selected works, with an indication of the work that comes within 07.20.2017 r.
Works must be sent to the following address:
Association of Polish Cartoonists, ul. Helenowska 16, 05-807 Podkowa Leśna, Poland, with a note: "FREEDOM"
within 08.20.2017 r. - DEADLINE 20/08/2017
Format works:
Min 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4), max 297 x 420 mm (DIN A3) Entries must include on the back the following information: author's name, postal address, telephone number, email address, or work title. The works should be accompanied by a short biographical note and photo.
Technical conditions:
The works must be original, made in any flat plastic technology. Prints work done in digital technology must be signed with a handwritten note "Print 1". Copies and photocopies will not be accepted.
Prizes and jury:
Jury appointed by the organizers will award among the original works the following prizes:
I - 1500 Euro, II - 1000 Euro, III - 750 Euro and 3 mentions of 200 Euro each.
The jury reserves the right to distribute the awards differently, provided that the full jackpot prizes provided will be used. It is also envisaged prizes funded. Prizes will be awarded in the period to 09.20.2017 r. Authors of the works awarded and receive a written notice. All work is rewarded and commended become the property of the organizers.
The opening of the final exhibition and awards ceremony will be held in Warsaw in December 2017.
The ceremony will be invited to all the winners and participants of the exhibition. Conditions for participation winners will be agreed at a later date. It is also anticipated presentation of the exhibition in other places and times.
The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive catalog, which receives each participant exhibitions.
Final Provisions:
The organizers reserve the right to free use of selected works for promotional theme of "Freedom" on posters, in the catalog and other materials related to the competition. Out of competition by authors retain their copyright (copyrights). Return of original works, at the request and expense of the author, will take place after a series of exhibitions in 2019.
Any questions relating to the competition should be addressed by email to:
Curator of the competition - Witold Mysyrowicz - .

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