

Prize winners Euro-Kartoenale 2015 'Soil pollution and sanitation'

The Polish cartoonist Pawel Kuczynski did win the 20th edition of the Euro-kartoenale.
The international jury selected the work of Kuczynski out of 1815 cartoons of 532 cartoonists of 71 countries.
The Italian Marco D’Agostino and Paolo Dalponte did win the second and third prize.
All prize-winning cartoons on source: ecc-kruishoutem.

The regulation for the 7th Salão Medplan de Humor 2015, Brazil

1 - PARTICIPATION: 07 April to 14 June 2015.
The 7th Salão Medplan de Humor is open to all graphic artists, in charge and / or cartoon modalities.
The opening of the Exhibition will be July 19, with the announcement of winners.
Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five (5) unpublished works in the format 30x40 cm and using any technique. On the back of each drawing, or in registration/e-mail must include the author's full name, address, email, phone number, ID number, social security number and bank account.
The artist can participate by sending their work through the website (with maximum size of 3 megabytes), sending to or sending the originals to:
7º Salão Medplan de Humor
Rua Coelho Rodrigues, 1921
Centro CEP: 64000-080
Teresina-PI BRAZIL
The theme of the 6th Salão Medplan de Humor will ENVY.
First prize: R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais)
Second Place: R$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais)
Internet Award: R$ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais).
Medplan Award Caricature: R$ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). Theme free.
The Internet Award will be chosen by Internet users, 9-13 June at the site:
The best works will be part of the traveling exhibition of the 7th Salão Medplan de Humor. The awarded works will be considered acquisitive and will become part of the acquis Medplan.
The works will not be returned.
May not participate in this hall officials Medplan, their relatives and anyone involved in your organization.
The simple inscription configure automatic participant's agreement to all such terms.
Other information: +55 (86) 9975 2514.


1st International Cartoon Exhibition Sisak 2015, Croatia

The organizer of the 1st International Cartoon Exibition Sisak 2015 is the City of Sisak, Croatian Cartoonist Association and Museum of the City of Sisak.
The project leader and the president of the Organizing Committee Mr. Nenad Ostojić.
The festival is open to everyone, regardless nationality, age, sex, or profession.
Jazz & Blues“ (gag or caricature portrait to the set topic).
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artworks is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of the cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have bee previously awarded on festival.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format (300 dpi).
Entry deadline is the 25th of june 2015.
For: „1st International Cartoon Exibition Sisak 2015 (MIKS2015)“
Gradski muzej u Sisku,
Ulica kralja Tomislava 10,
44000 Sisak, HRVATSKA
First Prize - 400 EUR,
Second Prize – 250 EUR,
Third Prize – 150 EUR,
Five Special mentions.
The exhibitons will be staged in the Gallery of the City Mussem in Sisak from 30.06.2015 to 30.07.2015.
As this is the first international exhibiton of caricatures in Sisak, all the authors are kindly asked to leave their works (at least one) to the property of the organizers.
Only at explicit request will the remaining (original) works be returned to the owners at the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2016).
Authors of the works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy od the exhibition cataloque.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Sisak 2015, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to the author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become the property of the organizer.
Nenad Ostojić
Tel: +385/98-339-405
1. Damir Novak – (cartoonist)
2. Nik Titanik (Nikola Plečko) – (cartoonist),
3. Darijana Gotal Sokolović – (cartoonist)
4. Damir Kukuruzović – (musician).


Theme in the 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015: The Victory

Syria Cartoon website present
The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015
T h e m e :
Cartoon: The Victory
Caricature section: Free
• 3 cartoons max, A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 25 / 4 / 2015
Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants
(They will participate only in exhibition,
Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
along with
Artist’s recent C.V, address (doc format), and personal photo.
Syria Cartoon website:
(Updated on 08.04.2015)

2015 Golden Hat: Jury statement

2015 Golden Hat: Point of view of the jury
On Saturday 24 January the jury announced the winners of the Golden Hat of Knokke-Heist's Cartoon Festival.
The announcement of the winners sparked a discussion on social media regarding the originality of the works. Is it plagiarism or not?
Point of view of the jury
The jury of the Cartoon Festival followed the discussion with considerable admiration. It is an interesting discussion for which no clear-cut answer can be given.
The jury is of the opinion that the works are not copies and therefore do not constitute plagiarism.
The jury emphasises there are essential differences in the drawings. We therefore consider every winning cartoon to be an authentic cartoon.
The organisation of the Cartoon Festival will have the description of plagiarism studied in more detail and possibly adopt measures to prevent similar discussions in the future.
On behalf of the jury of the Cartoon Festival
Walter Baele


Results 21st International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer, The Golden Keg 2015

Results of the 21st International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer "The Golden Keg 2015"
At its session in the Šariš Gallery in Prešov on 10.3.2015, the Jury of the competition, consisting of:
Mgr. Janette Langová, Councillor of the Prešov City Council and Jury Chairman
Dušan Pončák, Academic Sculptor
Rasťo Visokai, Cartoonist
Ľubica Kotalová, Šariš Gallery in Prešov
Fedor Vico, Cartoonist, Representative of the Beer Gallery and Competition Officer
in line with the rules of the competition, the Jury came to the following decision:
Grand Prix: Gabriel Rusu, Romania
1st Prize: Henryk Cebula, Poland
2nd Prize: Roman Kubec, Czech Republic
3rd Prize: Sergey Semendyaev, Ukraine
Special Prizes:
Czech Union of Cartoonists Prize: Radek Steska, Czech Republic
Bulgarian Cultural Institute Prize: Valentín Georgiev, Bulgaria
Igor Ševčík Prize: Bobo Pernecký, Slovakia
Beer Gallery Prešov Prize : Slawomir Makal, Poland
Honorable Mentions:
Peter Kvanka and Milan Mihaľko, Slovakia
Pei Dong Iou, China
Nikolaj Kapusta, Ukraine
Zhao Yun Sheng Hi, China
Stephen Mumberson, England
Cornel-Martin Chiorean, Romania
Olexy Kustovsky, Ukraine
Jordan Pop-Iliev, Macedonia
Alexander Zudin, Russia
Jan Pillvein, Czech Republic
Vjekoslav Bojat, Montenegro
Severin Šikanja, Serbia
R. C. Rodriguez, Cuba
Konstantin Kazanchev, Ukraine
Vitaly Bondar, Belarus.
(Source: Ivan Hanousek).

Selected cartoonists in the V International competition "Totalitarianism" 2015, Ukraine

The list of authors which cartoons/caricatures will be included into the final catalog V of the International competition of caricatures/cartoons "Totalitarianism". The big /30cm х40cm/ request to send cartoons/caricatures till April 1, 2015 to the address: Kherson, Ukraine, 73034, p.o. box 16, Kruhov Valerii.
1.Lоuís PauL
2.Pavel Dorokhin
3.Nikolay Arnaudov
4.Valentin Georgiev
5.Ishtvan Kelemen
6.Pavel Taussig
7.Marina Bondarenko
8.Sergey Tunin
9.Valery Tarasenko
10.Boboc Mihai
11. Douro Alicante
12.Mihai Boguch
14.Sergey Sichenko
15.Yaser Delfan
16.Carlo Maino
17.Juli Sanchez Avado
18.Henryk Cebula
19.Schepan Sadursky
20.Zbignev Neveglovski
21.Emil Strnisha
22.Roberto Costillo
23.Pluis Praat
24.Jordan Pop Iliyev
25.Oguz Gurel
26.Alexander Dubovsky
27.Vladimir Kazanevsky
28.Alexander Kostenko
29.Alexey Kustovsky
30.Victor Golub
31.Mikhail Shlafer
32.Mikhail Mayevsky
33.Nikolay Kapusta
34. Zinoviev Aleksandr.


Winners in the 1st International Cartoon Competition of Nilüfer Municipality 2015, Turkey

Results 1st International Cartoon Competition of Nilüfer Municipality 2015, Bursa - Turkey
Concept (Theme): “War and Peace” (Who’ll go a waltzing Matilda with me). The concept refers to Eric Bogle’s song (And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda) which is dedicated to Gallipoli War in WW1.
Contest Details:
18 March is the memorial date of Gallipoli Martyrs of World War 1. The cooperation of Nilüfer Municipality and Anatolian Cartoonists Association organized a cartoon contest for that special day. The concept points out Scottish Singer Eric Bogle’s song, “And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda” which refers to Gallipoli War where more than 500 thousands soldiers lost their life. After war, antiwar movements substantially raised.
2015 is the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli. This is why Nilüfer Municipality organized this contest under the concept of “War and Peace.”
Jury members: Ahmet Aykanat, Mehmet Kahraman, Cüneyt Şenyavaş, Kemal Akkoç, Halit Kurtulmuş, Pelin Sevgi (Nilüfer Municipality Representative), Elvan Atay (Nilüfer Municipality Representative).
Jury meeting: 9 March 2015
1st prize: Krysztof Grzondziel, Poland (Top)
2nd prize: Doru Axinte, Romania
3rd prize: Irien Triendafilov, Bulgaria
Honorable mention: Hicabi Demirci, Turkey
Honorable mention: Ali Miraee, Iran
Honorable mention: Pavel Matuska, Czech Republic.


6th Cartoonale "De Geus" 2015 with theme: Social Media, use and abuse

RULES 2015
THEME: SOCIAL MEDIA, use and abuse
The cultural association ‘De Geus’ (Belgium) holds every two years a cartoon competition.
The competition is open to anyone aged over 16.
The cartoons sent in must be original and not have been published before. All graphic techniques are allowed. Text is not allowed.
The cartoons are to be drawn on a solid paper of the following dimensions: 21 cm x 29,7 cm (DIN A4).
Each entrant can provide as many cartoons as he/she sees fit.
The cartoonist’s name and address will be mentioned on the back of each cartoon.
4. Deadline
The cartoons (without passe-partout) together with the entry form must be solidly packed and sent by 1 September 2015 at the latest to the following address:
Clement Vlassenroot
Cartoonale ‘De Geus’ 2015
Duivenkeetstraat 16
B-9280 Lebbeke BELGIUM
5. Publication rights
By entering the contest, the cartoonist agrees that his/her work will be exhibited as stated in these rules. The prize-winning cartoons will become property of the organiser.
The jury awards the prizes autonomously.
No correspondence on the decisions of the jury will be allowed.
The jury will award four prizes.
1st prize: 700 Euro
2nd prize: 350 Euro
3rd prize: 200 Euro
4th prize: 150 Euro.
The results of the competition will be announced on Friday 16 October at 7.30 pm in the gallery ‘De Fontein’.
An exhibition of the selected works will take place in the gallery ‘De Fontein’ in Lebbeke on 17, 18, 24 and 25 October.
The cartoons will only be returned when clearly specified on the entry form.
The organiser cannot be held responsible for loss or for damaged cartoons during the shipment.
10 By entering the contest, each entrant agrees to abide by these rules.
Rules and Entry Form in languages on source.


Theme in the 9th International Zagreb Car Cartoon Exhibition, Croatia: Love at the Wheel

Theme: Love at the Wheel
Each caricature must have the name of the
artist and the title, in pencil on the back-side.
Size: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) is preferred
( Min. A5 - Max. A3 ).
Deadline: 17 April 2015
Address: HUNA d.o.o. Srebrnjak 55,
10 000 Zagreb - Croatia / Hrvatska.
More info: Ivan Palatinuš
Telephone: 385(1)2430 302
Fax: 385(1)2430 217


Winners in the 6th International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2014, Turkey

6th International Tourism Cartoons Competition
Theme: All-inclusive holiday
Adults Category
The Grand Award: Pavel Gabriel Virgil, Romania (Top)
The Second Award: Oleksy Kustovsky, Ukraine
The Third Award: Trayko Popov, Bulgaria
Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award: Heibat Ahmadi, Iran
Mention: Farzane Vaziritabar, Iran
Mention: Marek Simon, Czech Republic
Mention: Afri Diyansyah, Indonesia
Mention: Alireza Pakdel, Iran
Mention: Hamed Mortazavi Alavi, Iran.
Youth Category
The Grand Award: Sıla Eroğul, Turkey
Mention: Ekim Sarraç, Turkey
Mention: Arda Yılmaz, Turkey
Mention: Melisa Demircan, Turkey
Mention: Nehir Ergüven, Turkey
Mention: Yasemin Güler, Turkey.
(Source: tourismcartoon).


VIII International Contest of SNAIL Graphic Humor 2015 in Lleida, Spain

VIII International Contest of SNAIL Graphic Humor 2015 in Lleida, Spain
1 Any professional artist or amateur can participate in this contest.
2 The subject of the contest is the SNAIL.
3 The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been awarded previously in another contest.
4 The works (only in frame, you can’t send strips or comics) can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
5 It will be only be accepted works without words, in Catalan, Spanish or English languages.
6 We only accept works sent to the following link: that redirect to an application in Facebook where you can upload up to 3 images which have to be A4 format or a similar one and with an acceptable resolution for printing . For any problem in the system, you can contact via e-mail with . We will not accept any work sent by mail.
7 The term of work admission finalizes the 13th April 2015 (EXTENDED) 18 APRIL 2015.
8 The works must go accompanied of a card that includes the name, surnames, address, telephone and photographs or cartoon of the author.
9 An only prize will be granted, to the winning work, of 1,008 euros; the trip to Lleida for two people and, if therefore it expressed the winner, two nights of lodging in the city with dates to establish by the organization to attend the collection of the prize that will give on 29 of May 2015. It is recommended not to vary the date of the trip since the expenses that any change of the arranged data generates are in charge of the winner.
10 The decision of the jury will be unquestionable.
11 The Jury will be composed by people representing the Fecoll, Iltrida Viatges and Humoralia.
12 The decision of the Jury will be notified to the winner during the last two weeks of April 2015 by electronic mail and it will later be published to the Web of Humoralia and the Fecoll
13 The author of the winning work will have to give the original work, in hand or by certified mail properly protected to the organization of the contest during the first fortnight of May. If the work is done by digital, a copy signed by hand by the artist will have to be sent. The address of the Federacio de Colles del l’Aplec del Caragol is: C/Obradors, 2, 25002 LLEIDA, SPAIN.
14 It is established a prize for the work with more votes, according to popular votes. The votes will be able to be made by anyone who enters the sponsor's Facebook: where a graphic album will be included and promotion with this end.
15 The winning drawing for popular votes will not have economical endowment, but it will receive a special recognition of the organization and it will be exhibited together with the rest of selected works. In order to encourage the participation, a draw on a weekend journey for two people to the Canary Islands will be celebrated among all the voters. This vote will finish on the 25th of April.
16 The 50 selected works, together with the winner of the popular voting, they will be exhibited in the Fecoll social place or, if necessary, in other enclosures.
17 The electronic version of works could be visited the virtual gallery that will be published after the websites of Humoralia and Fecoll.
18 The organizers reserve the right to spread and to reproduce the winning work and the other 49 selected, only during the promotion of the Aplec and this contest in future convocations, without express authorization of the author or author, and without that represents no obligation respect of the artist.
19 The participation in the contest supposes the complete acceptance and without reserve of these bases. Any doubt that can arise will be solved by the Jury.
Regulation in languages here.


Finalists in the International Cartoon Competition of Nilüfer Municipality 2015, Turkey

1062 pieces of cartoon from 439 artists and 60 countries were sent to International Cartoon Competition of Nilüfer Municipality.
162 of competitor works qualified to final round.
Till the date of 8th March at 6 p.m. all finalist cartoons are being published on this album.
This time of period is for contradiction of plagiarism. This kind of requests can be sent to .
Respectfully announced to public.
Cüneyt Şenyavaş
Anadolu Cartoonists Association


13th International Cartoon Contest "Karpik 2015", Poland

„KARPIK 2015”
The drawings must be sent in original, max.2 works.
The size of the works should not exceed A-3.
Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author’s full address.
Theme: fish, fishermen, fishing, etc.
The following prizes have been established:
Grand Prix: 2,500 PLN
Three equal prizes: 1,000 PLN
The organizer may award additional prizes.
The organizer shall not be liable for any damage sustained during shipment.
Submitted cartoons become the property of the organizers.
Entries must arrive by 30th September 2015 to:
Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlinie
49-100 Niemodlin


The Results of the Second Grand Award Down with USA Festival 2015, Iran

The Results of the Second Grand Award Down with USA Festival 2015, Iran
First Prize: Alireza Pakdel, Iran
Second Prize: Arash Foroughi, Iran
Third Prize: Julian Penapai, Romania (Top)
Honorable Mention: Alireza Zakeri, Iran
Honorable Mention: Carlos David Fuentes, Cuba
Honorable Mention: Galym Boranbayev, Kazakhstan
Honorable Mention: Hicabi Demirchi, Turkey
Honorable Mention: Mahmoud Nazari, Iran
Honorable Mention: Mansour Moghaddam, Iran
Honorable Mention: Mello, Brazil
Honorable Mention: Mohammadali Khalaji, Iran
Honorable Mention: Mohammadhosein Akbari, Iran
Honorable Mention: Shahin Kalantari, Iran.
All prize-winning cartoons on source: irancartoon.