

Results 21st International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer, The Golden Keg 2015

Results of the 21st International Cartoon Competition on the Topic of Beer "The Golden Keg 2015"
At its session in the Šariš Gallery in Prešov on 10.3.2015, the Jury of the competition, consisting of:
Mgr. Janette Langová, Councillor of the Prešov City Council and Jury Chairman
Dušan Pončák, Academic Sculptor
Rasťo Visokai, Cartoonist
Ľubica Kotalová, Šariš Gallery in Prešov
Fedor Vico, Cartoonist, Representative of the Beer Gallery and Competition Officer
in line with the rules of the competition, the Jury came to the following decision:
Grand Prix: Gabriel Rusu, Romania
1st Prize: Henryk Cebula, Poland
2nd Prize: Roman Kubec, Czech Republic
3rd Prize: Sergey Semendyaev, Ukraine
Special Prizes:
Czech Union of Cartoonists Prize: Radek Steska, Czech Republic
Bulgarian Cultural Institute Prize: Valentín Georgiev, Bulgaria
Igor Ševčík Prize: Bobo Pernecký, Slovakia
Beer Gallery Prešov Prize : Slawomir Makal, Poland
Honorable Mentions:
Peter Kvanka and Milan Mihaľko, Slovakia
Pei Dong Iou, China
Nikolaj Kapusta, Ukraine
Zhao Yun Sheng Hi, China
Stephen Mumberson, England
Cornel-Martin Chiorean, Romania
Olexy Kustovsky, Ukraine
Jordan Pop-Iliev, Macedonia
Alexander Zudin, Russia
Jan Pillvein, Czech Republic
Vjekoslav Bojat, Montenegro
Severin Šikanja, Serbia
R. C. Rodriguez, Cuba
Konstantin Kazanchev, Ukraine
Vitaly Bondar, Belarus.
(Source: Ivan Hanousek).

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