

VIII International Contest of SNAIL Graphic Humor 2015 in Lleida, Spain

VIII International Contest of SNAIL Graphic Humor 2015 in Lleida, Spain
1 Any professional artist or amateur can participate in this contest.
2 The subject of the contest is the SNAIL.
3 The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been awarded previously in another contest.
4 The works (only in frame, you can’t send strips or comics) can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
5 It will be only be accepted works without words, in Catalan, Spanish or English languages.
6 We only accept works sent to the following link: that redirect to an application in Facebook where you can upload up to 3 images which have to be A4 format or a similar one and with an acceptable resolution for printing . For any problem in the system, you can contact via e-mail with . We will not accept any work sent by mail.
7 The term of work admission finalizes the 13th April 2015 (EXTENDED) 18 APRIL 2015.
8 The works must go accompanied of a card that includes the name, surnames, address, telephone and photographs or cartoon of the author.
9 An only prize will be granted, to the winning work, of 1,008 euros; the trip to Lleida for two people and, if therefore it expressed the winner, two nights of lodging in the city with dates to establish by the organization to attend the collection of the prize that will give on 29 of May 2015. It is recommended not to vary the date of the trip since the expenses that any change of the arranged data generates are in charge of the winner.
10 The decision of the jury will be unquestionable.
11 The Jury will be composed by people representing the Fecoll, Iltrida Viatges and Humoralia.
12 The decision of the Jury will be notified to the winner during the last two weeks of April 2015 by electronic mail and it will later be published to the Web of Humoralia and the Fecoll
13 The author of the winning work will have to give the original work, in hand or by certified mail properly protected to the organization of the contest during the first fortnight of May. If the work is done by digital, a copy signed by hand by the artist will have to be sent. The address of the Federacio de Colles del l’Aplec del Caragol is: C/Obradors, 2, 25002 LLEIDA, SPAIN.
14 It is established a prize for the work with more votes, according to popular votes. The votes will be able to be made by anyone who enters the sponsor's Facebook: where a graphic album will be included and promotion with this end.
15 The winning drawing for popular votes will not have economical endowment, but it will receive a special recognition of the organization and it will be exhibited together with the rest of selected works. In order to encourage the participation, a draw on a weekend journey for two people to the Canary Islands will be celebrated among all the voters. This vote will finish on the 25th of April.
16 The 50 selected works, together with the winner of the popular voting, they will be exhibited in the Fecoll social place or, if necessary, in other enclosures.
17 The electronic version of works could be visited the virtual gallery that will be published after the websites of Humoralia and Fecoll.
18 The organizers reserve the right to spread and to reproduce the winning work and the other 49 selected, only during the promotion of the Aplec and this contest in future convocations, without express authorization of the author or author, and without that represents no obligation respect of the artist.
19 The participation in the contest supposes the complete acceptance and without reserve of these bases. Any doubt that can arise will be solved by the Jury.
Regulation in languages here.

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