

Similarity: Yuri Ochakovsky - Grigori Katz

Yuri Ochakovsky, 2005
Grigori Katz: Knokke-Heist 2014 Bronze Hat.


Results 2nd International Cartoon Competition "Living Streets" 2014, Estonia

Tallinn, Estonia
156 cartoonists from 46 countries around the world
participated, entering almost 600 works of art.
I Czesław Przęzak (Poland) (middle)
II Darko Drljevic (Montenegro) (top)
III Tarmo Vaarmets (Estonia) (below).
Source & E-catalog (PDF).


Regulations of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON 2015, Poland

International Exhibition SATYRYKON 2015, Poland
Participation conditions
1. SATYRYKON 2015 International Exhibition is an open competition.
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2014-2015), and qualified by artists to section:

(drawing without captions preferred)
3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition SATYRYKON.
4. The format of works -maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
5. Works should be sent or delivered by February 7, 2015 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to:
SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015
International Exhibition
Chojnowska 2, 59-220 Legnica, Poland
Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organisers reserve the right to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing.
7. Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS).
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
2. Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix SATYRYKON 2015 – pure gold key and purse amounting to 8,000 PLN
2 gold medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN
2 silver medals and purses amounting to 5.500 PLN
2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each
Director of Legnickie Centrum Kultury (Legnica Culture Centre) for a photography work in amount of 4,000 PLN award
Mayor of legnica award in amount of 4.000 PLN
Organisers plan to award the author of the best DEBUT and will organise her/his individual author’s exhibition at SATYRYKON Gallery included in Satyrykon 2015 programme as well.
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non – awarding them or non – awarding the Grand Prix SATYRYKON. Jury’s decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2015 at Satyrykon web site:
No t e !
AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT REGULATIONS. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2015, or it can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author.
Participants’ privileges
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue.
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2015 event on June 18-21, 2015.
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2016.
Final provisions
1. Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to publishing of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
5. Legnica Culture Centre (+4876 72-33-700; e-mail: and Satyrykon Foundation (+48 76 852-23-44; e-mail: – PL 59-220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2 – are organisers of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2015.
T i m e t a b l e:
Deadline for works reception February 7, 2015 (date of the postmark)
Jury meeting February 20-22, 2015
Post-competition exhibition June 5 – August 30, 2015
Return of works after the exhibition cycle December 31, 2016
Download Rules & Application Card here.


CORRUPTION is the Topic 2014 in Brain Sneezing, Slovakia

PRERAG , Nadácia ESET , Fresh solutions, s.r.o.
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2014 : CORRUPTION
Competition terms :
1. Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
2. The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
4. The competition is non-anonymous.
5. The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
6. The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
Deadline : 30th November 2014
The exhibition of the works and the announcement of the results will take place in December 2014 in Prešov. The most successful authors will be awarded by the international jury as follows:
1st prize 500.00 EUR
2nd prize 300.00 EUR
3rd prize 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address:
or the works that will be sent by regular mail to the address:
PRERAG, združenie
Mgr. Peter Rázus
Dubová 5
08001 PREŠOV
Please, sign the envelope with the motto: Brainsneezing
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
E-mail : .
Source: .

Some similarity in ideas

Boris Erenburg, Special Mention in Zagreb 2014
Catalog covers (France).

Polish cartoonist Małgorzata Tabaka has died

Today we received the sad news, Malgorzata Tabaka is dead. She was a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, an art historian, an outstanding illustrator, cartoonist, graphic artist and graphic columnist. She made her debut in the mid-70s in the weekly "Politika". For many years she also colaborated with such magazines as “Szpilki", "Karuzela", "Wprost", "Kobieta i Życie", "Kultura" and "Spotkania z Zabytkami”.
She took part in numerous exhibitions in the Museum of Caricature and received the highest awards and distinctions. Among others: „Cartoonists of ‘Polityka 1957-1997” (1997), „Review of Polish Caricature 1945-1998” (1998), „Cienkim piórkiem, grubą kreską. Warszawa w karykaturze” (2002), „Telemagia” (2005), „Chopin’s Smile” (2010), „The Ball is in the Play” (2012), Warsaw and Small Warsaw another words… (2013).
Małgorzata Tabaka died on the 13th of September 2014 after having lost the battle with cancer.


3rd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2014, México

3rd International Cartoon Contest Sinaloa 2014, México
The Contest is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and beyond.
2. THEME: Corruption.
Corruption is a social disease that has always been common to humanity: What produces it? It is inherent to humans? Is it possible to eradicate?
This year we are inviting you to express your personal opinion on this distressing problem found across the world.
1st Prize: $2000 US dollars.
2nd Prize: $1500 US dollars.
3rd Prize: $1000 US dollars.
Winners will be notified by e-mail after 12 December 2014.
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted by E-mail in any media, in black and white or colour, but they should not have received a prize in other contests.
Works should have a minimum resolution of 200 dpi and keep the proportions of a Letter size paper sheet (21.5cms x 27.9cms). They should be sent to any of the following:
5. DEADLINE: November 24, 2014
. Name
. Photograph
. Address
. E-mail
7. A catalogue with the winners and selected works will be available on the web page of the contest:
Copyright belongs to authors. The Contest will use some works, but only for promotional purposes, such as publicity, the catalogue and the press.
Entry Form in word and PDF on source.
(First blogged here on 31.08.2014).


7th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2014, Azerbaijan

7th International "Smiling Cat" Cartoon Web Contest 2014
Contest: Open to all cartoonists
Deadline: 20 December 2014
They should be cartoon, drawn in 2014..!
ENTRIES: Max. 2 cartoons
A4 size max. 100 dpi, format (JPEG).
Black & white or colored,
any style, any technique will be accepted.
Name, address, tel. and e-mail.
At the end of competition there will be an exhibition
on internet from the selected cartoons.
The participant must send their photo
along with their autobiography.
All cartoonists can participate through their own
e-mail by submitting your cartoons to:
First Smiling Cat prize: Medal
Second Smiling Cat prize: Medal
Third Smiling Cat prize: Medal
Honourable mentions: 5 (certificate).
The results will be on
on 30 December, 2014, right after the international juries' evaluation.
Address: Az 1000, Post BOX N0 1, Baku-Azerbaijan.


9th International Biennial of Caricature, The Golden Smile - Belgrade 2014, Serbia

The 9th International Biennial of Caricature
December 2014
• The ninth International Biennial of Caricature THE GOLDEN SMILE – BELGRADE 2014, organised by the ULUPUDS (Association of Fine and Applied Artists and Designers of Serbia) and The Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO, in colaboration with the Atelier winery Shapart, Novi Slankamen.
• The competition is open to artists from all over the world.
• Theme of the exhibition: VIVA WINE
• Each author is to submit original works (all fine or graphic arts techniques are accepted). Author may enter unlimited number of works. The maximum size of one caricature is 42 X 29.7 cm (format A3) and minimal size is A4 (29.7 X 21 cm). Digital prints signed by the author, will also be accepted, preferably accompanied with a CD (jpg, tif, psd, 300 dpi).
• The selection of works and the decision on awards will be made by an international Jury appointed by the Exhibition Council.
1st Prize: “The Golden Smile” gold medal and 500 EUR
2nd Prize: 300 EUR
2 X 3rd Prize: 100 EUR (in wine).
• The works with the author’s name and address, or with the sticker filled and pasted on the back (or the photocopy of the sticker) should arrive BY DECEMBER 1st, 2014 to the following address:
ULUPUDS (»The Golden Smile«) Terazije 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, SERBIA
or send by e-mail to or .
To avoid custom problems, please write DOCUMENT, NO VALUE on the envelope.
• The exhibits shall not be returned to the artists and will remain in the Association’s collection. All exibitors authorise the organiser to reproduce their works without reimbursement, for advertising purposes of the exhibition. The exhibition will be shown in other towns in Serbia and abroad.
• The organiser will publish an illustrated catalogue of the exhibition and all exhibitors will obtain it free of charge. By sending his works, each exhibitor accept the conditions mentioned above.
• These regulations are subject to interpretation of the Council of the Exhibition. President of the Exhibition Council and author of the exhibition is Prof. Jugoslav Vlahović, graphic artist and cartoonist.
• For all the further information please contact Ljubica Jelisavac Katić, curator ULUPUDS:
telephone/fax: +381 11 2685 780
e-mail: ; or
Source: .


Results of the Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival 2014, Iran

Results of the Forth International Productivity Cartoon Festival 2014, Iran
Main theme: Productivity in education system
First Prize: Hicabi Demirci (Top)
Second Prize: Atefe Yariyan
Third Prize: Valentin Druzhinin - Mahmood Azadniya.
Mansur Kuhi-Iran
Jamal Rahmati-Iran
Julian Pena-Pai
Makhmudjon Eshonkulov
Vladimir Semerenko
Sava Babic
Children's Part:
Ayda Afshari
Faranak Mohammad Hoseynzadeh
Edasu Albayrak
Shanay Rezayi
Ali Derakjshi
Oğuz Tuna Orak.
All winning-cartoons on rahimcartoon.


Results of the World Press Cartoon (WPC Sintra) 2014, Portugal

Indian artist Shankar Pamarthy, with a caricature of Nelson Mandela, is the winner of the World Press Cartoon 2014 Grand Prix. The cartoon was published in «Sakshi Daily» newspaper, from Hyderabad, the capital city of the Indian states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
«Mandela» | Shankar Pamarthy | India (Top)
1st Prize – «Mandela» | Shankar | India | «Sakshi», Hyderabad, India
2nd prize – «Hugo Chavez | Alfredo Sabat | Argentina | «La Nación», Buenos Aires, Argentina
3rd prize – «Barack Obama» | Yaser Khanbarai | Iran | «Etefaghyeb», Iran
Honourable mentions
«Franck Ribéry» | Carbajo | Spain | «El Jueves», Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
«Nelson Mandela» | Cau Gomez | Brazil | «A Tarde», Salvador, Brazil
«Patriarch Kirill» | Aivar Johanson | Estonia | «Eesti Ekspress», Tallinn, Estonia
«Captain Obama» | by Marco Spadari | Italy | «La Vita Cattolica», Cremona, Italy.
1st prize – «Untitled» | Zarko Luetic | Croatia | «Pikac», Prelog, Croatia
2nd prize – «The Scream in the Vatican» | Riber Hansson | Sweden | «Sydsvenskan», Malmo, Sweden
3rd prize – «Migration Reform» | Angel Boligan | Mexico | «Foreign Affairs Latin America», Mexico City
Honourable mentions
«Why China is not a superpower yet» | Ninja | Philippines | «Gulf News», Dubai, United Arab Emirates
«North versus South» | Kountouris | Greece | «Efimerida ton Syntakton», Athens, Greece
«Big Ears» | Joep Bertrams | The Netherlands | «De Groene Amsterdammer», Amsterdam, The Netherlands
«Pistolius» | Helio Flores | Mexico | «El Universal», Mexico City
«Europe after Austerity» | Tom Janssen, The Netherlands | «Trouw», Amsterdam, The Netherlands
«Boston Marathon» | Jarbas Domingos | Brazil | «Diario de Pernambuco», Recife, Brazil.
1st prize – «Coins in the Bread» | Agim Sulaj | Albania | «Romagna Corriere», Rimini, Italy
2nd prize – «Poker» | Leslie Ricciardi | Uruguay| «Búsqueda», Montevideo, Uruguay
3rd prize – «Picasso, Dalí, and the Egg» | David Vela | Spain | «Los Diletantes», Zaragoza, Spain
Honourable mentions
«Brain» | Dikan | Serbia | «Politika», Belgrade, Serbia
«Adam and Eve in Salafist Paradise» | Brito | France | «Feco News», Hillegom, The Netherlands
«Flood» | Valery Tarasenko | Russia | «Fontan», Odessa, Ukraine
«Ferris Wheel» | Kountouris | Greece | «Shedia», Athens, Greece
«The Intruder» | Angel Boligan | Mexico | «El Universal», Mexico City.
Feel free to comment on World Press Cartoon 2014 awards at the official WPC Facebook Page:
Source: worldpresscartoon.


Results of the 8th International Cartoon Biennial "Grafikatur 2014", Germany

Winners in the 8th International Cartoon Biennial "Grafikatur 2014"
Theme "Sport"
245 artists from 49 countries sent in 613 works.
First Prize: Olaf Bartoschek, Germany (Top)
Second Prize: Pawel Kuczynski, Poland
Third Prize: Miroslav Miro Georgijevski, Macedonia
Special Award: Dimitri Drozdov, Russia.
The award ceremony will take place at the exhibition opening
of "GRAFIKATUR" at City Hall on 04/11/2014 at 17:00.
Exhibition period: 04/11/2014 - 30/01/2015.
More on source.
Catalog in PDF.
Catalog p.15: Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu, Turkey.


1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival 2014, Greece

The 1st international cooperative cartoon festival is organized by the Halandri Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise.
The festival is open to everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession.
Cooperatives: What is a cooperative? Cooperative principles and social economy. How workers’ cooperatives, social cooperatives and other types of enterprises owned by their workers can foster new ways of acting and thinking? How can teamwork in general contribute to social transformation?
Free: Let your imagination run wild!
All works (cartoons or strips) must be without dialogue or text.
Entry Conditions
All entries must be original works. Framed works will not be accepted.
Entries can be either black & white or colored.
The name, surname and address of the participant should be indicated on the reverse side of cartoons.
Maximum 3 entries per participant.
Maximum entry format size is A3 (40x30 cm). Electronic entries must be in JPG or PDF format (200 dpi). Files must not exceed 5 MB.
Deadline for entries is 26 October 2014.
Halandri Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise
1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival
42 Aristotelous Street
15234 Halandri, Greece
Works can be sent via email to:
Alternatively, they can be sent via the following services:
WeTransfer (
DropBox (
Google Drive (
Accepting, short-listing, and final selection of works falls entirely upon the Jury nominated by the Artistic Direction of the International Cooperative Cartoon Festival. The final results will be communicated directly to all participants via email and published at The Jury’s decisions cannot be contested.
International Cooperative Cartoon Festival (single award)
Parents Social Cooperative Enterprise (single special award)
Traditional Cooperatives (single special award)
Other special awards or honorary mentions may be awarded.
Opening Ceremony, Award Ceremony, Exhibition
The opening ceremony and the prize awarding ceremony will be announced at at the end of November.
Authors of short-listed works will receive a free copy of the exhibition catalogue (dvd). Non-selected participants will have the possibility to request the catalogue by filling in the respective electronic form at
The works selected for the exhibition and the catalogue will not be returned and they will be included in the International Cooperative Cartoon Festival Museum collection.
Non-selected paper works will be returned only after request by the author (who will also bear the shipping cost) and no later than February 22, 2015. The organizer is not responsible for any damage that may occur during transport.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the 1st International Cooperative Cartoon Festival without paying any fee to the authors.
Source: cooplife.


Results 7th International Prize in Humour and Satire “Novello: A Gentleman of Good Family"

The competition for the 7th Edition of the International Prize in Humour and Satire “Novello:
A Gentleman of Good Family" accepted only unpublished drawings and in electronic format.
Theme : EXPO 2015 to address "food"
1st Prize: Maxim Smagin "Vitruvian Man" (Top)
2nd Prize: Eric Van Der Wal "Food Iniquity"
3rd Prize: Hicabi Demirci "Food".
Source: premionovello.


Too Much Waste – International Cartoon Contest 2014, Hungary

Too Much Waste – International Cartoon Contest
STKH Sopron és Térsége Környezetvédelmi és Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft.
Application begins 1. October, 2014.
Deadline for entries 10. November 2014.
The STKH Sopron és Térsége Kft. invites all professional and amateur cartoonists, satirical artists and graphic designers to an international cartoon contest with the theme „The prevention of the accumulation of waste
I. prize: 300 €
II. prize: 200 €
III. prize: 100 €
General rules
Entries can be sent via post or e-mail to the organiser of the contest.
Size of entries received by post should be A/3.
Cartoons sent by emails should be in JPEG format (300 dpi), sized at about 2500 pixels wide if in portrait format and 3500 pixels wide if in landscape format.
Competition details
• All participants must be 14 or older.
• Previously published cartoons are not allowed for submission.
• Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 cartoons.
• Postal address for entries: STKH Sopron és Térsége Kft, Sopron, Pf. 101, 9401, Hungary
Entries received by post will not be returned.
• Email address for entries:
• Cartoons sent by email should contain the surname of the participant and a two digit serial number. A txt, doc or docx format text is required with the same two digit serial number, which includes the data of the participant and the cartoon. (listed below)
• Attachment of works received either by post or by email should include:
o Title of the work
o Name,
o Address,
o Phone number,
o Email address of the applicant.
Works will be judged by a professional jury.
The jury will automatically disqualify any submission deemed offensive or inappropriate or any submission that violates copyright law or the rules of the competition.
A notification of the result of the competition will be sent to the provided email address by 14. November 2014.
The 50 best submissions to the competition will be displayed on STKH’s website in the „Programok / Too Much Waste” section from 22. November 2014.
The best submissions will be exclusively exhibited as a part of the European Week for Waste Reduction programme. The exhibition can be viewed at the Liszt Ferenc Conference an Cultural Center in Sopron from 22. November 2014.
Further information about the competition will be constantly posted on STKH’s homepage.
Special professional advice can be asked of the competition’s artistic director Szénási Ferenc at the following email address:
The competition organizer claims the rights for all submission.
By taking part in the competition, all participants agree to the conditions and regulations of the competition.
By entering the contest, the participants accept that any decision made by the jury is not negotiable.
We wish good luck to all participants!
STKH Sopron és Térsége Környezetvédelmi és Hulladékgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft.


Final Results of the 3rd International Olive Cartoon Contest 2014, Kyrenia - Cyprus




COUNTRY: 60; PARTICIPANT : 340; WORK: 554...


First Prize: 1.000 Euro + Gold Olive
Izabela Kowalska – Wieczorek (Poland) (Top)

Second Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive
Elrayah Abu Baker Ombaddi (Sudan)

Third Prize: 600 Euro + Bronz Olive
Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)

(*) Gold Prize: 14 carat, 15 gr.
Silver Prize: 925 carat, 20 gr.


Ba Bilig (China)

Saman Ahmadi (Iran)

Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)

Nicolae Lengher (Romania)

Sajad Rafeei (Iran)

Emrah Arıkan (Turkey)

Mayor of Kyrenia Nida Güngördü Special Prize
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)

Kyrenia Municipality Assembly Special Prize
Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)

Kyrenia Municipality Directorate of Special Prize
Ilya Katz (Israel)

Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonists' Association Special Prize
Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia)

Leymosun Foundation Special Prize
Aidarbek Gazizov (Kazakhstan)

International New Scorpion Humour and Cartoon Magazine Special Prize
Andrea Pecchia (Italy)

Olive Village Headman Special Prize
Louis Pol (Australia)


Kyrenia Municipality Square
10 – 14 October 2014


Olive Village
14 October 2014

(*) The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win
the first three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…

Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win
particular/distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…



Results of the XII International Cartoon Contest KARPIK 2014, Niemodlin - Poland

Results XII International Cartoon Contest KARPIK 2014, Niemodlin - Poland
Jury meeting on 3 October 2014 chaired by Henryk Cebula with members
Michał Graczyk, Jarosław Stojko, Małgorzata Biedroń, Małgorzata Bialik.
GRAND PRIX: Zbigniew Woźniak (Poland) (Top)
Three awards 1.000 zł each:
Award of Cegielni Niemodlin: Tomasz Rzeszutek (Poland)
Award of Banku Spółdzielczego w Namysłowie: Jiri Novak (Czech Rep)
Award of Nadleśnictwa Tułowice: Jacek Frąckiewicz (Poland)
Awards of Agencji Rynku Rolnego Oddziału Terenowego w Opolu:
I Prize: Paweł Nawrot (Poland)
II Prize: Maciej Trzepałka (Poland)
III Prize: Dariusz Pietrzak (Poland).
Award of Stowarzyszenia Ruchu Rozwoju Regionu w Nysie: Bartłomiej Belniak (Poland)
Prize sponsored by Antoniego Hasenbecka: Magdalena Wosik (Poland)
Award of Ornament z Nysy: Piotr Rychel (Poland)
Mayor of Niemodlin's Prize: Sławomir Lizoń (Poland)
Honor Prizes – diplomas:
Chiorean Cornel-Marin (Romania)
Musa Gumus (Turkey)
Krzysztof Grzondziel (Poland)
Luc Descheemaeker (Belgium)
Piotr Opałka (Poland)
Wiesław Lipecki (Poland).
Source: okniemodlin.

Results Festival du dessin d'humour et de la caricature de Brugairolles (11): Wine and Humor

Results of Cartoon Contest "Wine and Humor" 2014
Festival du dessin d'humour et de la caricature de Brugairolles (11)
More than 125 works from 20 countries participated in the event.
1. Recep Ozcan (Turkey) (Top)
2. V. Mohylny (Ukraine)
3. M. Eshonkulov ( Uzbekistan )
4. Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)
5. V. Kazanevsky (Ukraine).
All prize-winning cartoons on festival page.


7th International Cartoon / Caricature Contest, Magazine "Nosorog" ("Rhinocerus")

The organizer of 7th International cartoon/caricature contest is The International magazine for satire, humor and cartoons “Nosorog” ( “Rhinocervs”; ). The contest is opened for professional or amateur cartoonists, from any country, any nationality, age, sex, or profession.
THEME: BIG & BIGGEST PHILOSOPHERS In 19th and 20th Century
First Prize: 300 euros + Diploma
Second Prize: Diploma
Third Prize: Diploma
Five ( 5 ) Special Diplomas
Conditions of entry:
1. Technic: any Technic will be accepted
2. IMPORTANT: Write on each caricature which philosopher you present! (you may find photos of philosophers on Wikipedia, or somewhere other on net)
3. Entries: maximum 7 entries will be submitted
4. Size of entries: A4, A3 format
5. Send your name, surname, address and the E-mail
6. You may send by post or by E-mail
7. E-mail for sending art-work:
Note: 300 dpi resolution; JPG, JPEG format
8. If you send by post, address is:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back!
Entry deadline is the December 15th 2014.
10. Names of Philosophers:
1. Arthur Schopenhauer (Germany)
2. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard - (Denmark)
3. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - (Germany)
4. Auguste Comte – (France)
5. John Stuart Mill – (England)
6. Herbert Spencer – (England)
7. Alexander von Humboldt – (Germany)
8. Gustav Theodor Fechner – (Germany)
9. Rudolf Hermann Lotze - (Germany)
10. Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg – (Germany)
11. Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann – (Germany)
12. Ernst Kuno Berthold Fischer – (Germany)
13. Friedrich Albert Lange - (Germany)
14. Hermann Cohen - (Germany)
15. Paul Gerhard Natorp - (Germany)
16. Ernst Cassirer - (Germany)
17. Wilhelm Windelband - (Germany)
18. Heinrich John Rickert - (Germany)
19. Richard Kroner - (Germany)
20. Benedetto Croce - (Italy)
21. Giovanni Gentile - (Italy)
22. Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin - (Russia)
23. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin - (Russia)
24. Charles Sanders Peirce - (USA)
25. William James - (USA)
26. John Dewey - (USA)
27. Charles W. Morris - (USA)
28. Richard McKay Rorty - (USA)
29. Richard Heinrich Ludwig Avenarius - (Switzerland)
30. Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel Mach - (Austria)
31. Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known as: George Santayana - (Spain-USA)
32. Henri Bergson - (France)
33. Wilhelm Dilthey (Germany)
34. Georg Simmel - (Germany)
35. Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler - (Germany)
36. Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky - (Russia)
37. Semyon Lyudvigovich Frank - (Russia)
38. George Edward Moore - (England)
39. Bertrand Arthur William Russell - (England)
40. Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein - (Austria-England)
41. Bernhard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano - (Czech Kingdom, Bohemian Kingdom)
42. Franz Clemens Honoratus Hermann Brentano - Franz Brentano - (Germany)
43. Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl - Edmund Husserl - (Germany)
44. Max Ferdinand Scheler - (Germany)
45. Gustav Gustavovich Shpet - (Russia-SSSR)
46. Nicolai Hartmann - (Russia-Germany)
47. Martin Heidegger - (Germany)
48. Martin Buber - (Austria-Israel)
49. Emmanuel Levinas - (Russia-France)
50. Gabriel Honoré Marcel - (France)
51. Karl Theodor Jaspers - (Germany)
52. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - (Russia-France)
53. Žan Pol Sartr (France) - Jean-Paul Sartre
54. Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo - (Spain)
55. José Ortega y Gasset - (Spain)
56. Max Horkheimer - (Germany)
57. Theodor W. Adorno - (Germany)
58. Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin - Walter Benjamin - (Germany)
59. Herbert Marcuse - (Germany-USA)
60. Erich Seligmann Fromm - (Germany-Mexico-Switzerland)
61. Jürgen Habermas - (Germany)
62. Niklas Luhmann - (Germany)
63. György Lukács - (Hungary)
64. Karl Korsch - (Germany)
65. Ernst Bloch - (Germany)
66. Gajo Petrović (Yugoslavia)
67. Étienne Gilson - (France)
68. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - (Russia)
69. Nikolay Alekseevich Umov - (Russia)
70. Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov - (Russia)
71. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky - (Russia)
72. Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - (Russia)
73. Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky - (Russia)
74. Karl Raimund Popper - (Austria-England)
75. Thomas Samuel Kuhn - (USA)
76. Paul Karl Feyerabend - (Austria-USA)
77. Claude Lévi-Strauss - (France)
78. Michel Foucault - (France)
79. Jacques Marie Émile Lacan - (France)
80. Ferdinand de Saussure - (Switzerland-France)
81. Jacques Derrida - (France)
82. Hans-Georg Gadamer - (Germany)
83. Merab Mamardashvili - (SSSR)
84. Eugen Fink - (Germany)
… (also, you may draw some others)
Plus: Milan Uzelac (Serbia).
11. EXHIBITION: The exhibition will take place in the gallery of the National Library of Republika Srpska, city Banja Luka
12 - IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that the State, from which awarded is, under international sanctions, the organizer is not liable if it can not deliver the prize!
13. Note: Sender must be author of caricatures!
14. Jury members:
Mrs. Maria Claudia Re, cartoonist, illustrator, designer - Argentina
Mr. Aleksandar Blatnik, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Kosanovich, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Mihajlovich, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Vladica Milenkovich, writer, Editor in Chief, Serbia
Mr. Miladin Berich, writer, Editor, Republika Srpska/BA
Mr. Goran Kljajich, writer, Chief Editor of “Nosorog”, Republika Srpska/BA.
We wish you good art-work and successful participation to everyone.
International magazine for satire, cartoon and caricature “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”)
City Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
Balkan, Europe.
Source: facebook.

XIV International Salón Humor, Santa Clara 2014, Cuba

XIV International Salón Humor, Santa Clara 2014, Cuba
The humoristic monthly Melaíto and the Cuban Association of Authors and Artists (UNEAC) in Villa Clara, call for the XIV International Salón Humor Santa Clara 2014.
The invited country in this occasion will be Canada.
The themes for the salon will be "free" and "erotic".
The works must not exceed 25 x 35 cm in any technique including printed copies of digital images.
Three-dimensional works should not exceed 50 x 50 cm on any side.
Each participant can send a maximum of three works for each theme.
Entries should be posted no later than December 5th 2014 to the following address:
XIV Salón Internacional de Humor Santa Clara 2014
Casa de la Uneac
Máximo Gómez no. 107
entre Julio Jover y Martí,
Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
The Organizing Committee will award three prizes for each category and other discretionary prizes.
Prizes for international participants will consist of an original painting by a well-known local artist and a prize certificate, which will be posted by secured delivery.
A panel of prestigious cartoonist will decide the winners and its decision is final.
The awards will be given on December 20th at the UNEAC venue. Shortlisted cartoons and works will be part of an exhibition.
For more details about this announcement you can email:
Organizing Committee.
Source: cartoonblues.


Palestine Foundation witholds Naji Al-Ali Award due to winner's nationality

The International Palestine Foundation, headed by Dr. Asaad Abdulrahman, announced the Palestinian Cultural Awards in all categories except for Naji Al-Ali Award in caricature, which has been withheld due to the objection by the donor that the winner is Arab!
The terms of the award, which was announced earlier this year, stated that it is open to all who love Palestine from all over the world, and it has been announced this year through the Arab Cartoon House website which contributed for the first time in attracting the works through its Website, and collected the participating works, and organized a committee to sort the works, in addition to their participation in the jury, which consisted of caricature artists: Amjad Rasmy, Nasser Al-Jaafari and Nedal Hashim.
In this year's cycle, 111 cartoonists from 22 countries around the world have participated with 394 cartoons.
The jury selected the work of the Iranian cartoonist Bahman Jalali Nokandehi as the first place winner in addition to the work of the Bulgarian cartoonist Valentin Ivanov Georgiev in the second place, where the Committee proposed to grant the award equally between the two cartoonists. However, the award management asked the jury to change the results and not to grant the award to the Arab cartoonist because of the objection by the award donor on winner's Arabian nationality, but the jury headed by the cartoonist Amjad Rasmy refused to change the results and asked to grant the award to the winning cartoonist, provided that the terms shall be changed in the next year to limit the participations to the Arab cartoonists if the organizing committee and the donors do not want non-Arab winners.
However, the intransigence by the donor of the award valued at USD 5.000 led the organizing committee to cancel the caricature award for this year without clarifying the reasons nor mentioning the caricature category in its press release, as if it does not exist at all.
Dr. Asaad Abdulrahman pointed to the total number of participations, which reached more than 400 participants in all categories of the award, without mentioning that more than 100 participations by Palestine lovers have been omitted with no explanation or apology.
The Arab Cartoon House website, which contributed to the promotion of the award and raising the number of participations compared to about 30 participants in last year, apologizes to all the participants, cartoonists and all Palestine lovers who participated in the contest for this unjustified behavior, and considers itself irresponsible for monopolizing the award by the capitalism, and announces its apologies to all the participants for this misunderstanding of the culture in general, and its role in supporting the Palestinian issue and the resistance culture in particular, and announces the launching of opportunity to donate to collect the award value and send it the winning cartoonist.
It is worth mentioning that it the awards ceremony, which was scheduled on Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman, Jordan, was canceled because of the chaos caused by the massive attendants in the awards ceremony, which included a special part for the poet Murid Al Barghouthi and led a large number of attendants to attack the halls, jump over the fences and spread chaos upon the place was filled with the fans of the poet.
Award management denounced this misunderstanding of the culture without being able to review its attitude to the award which held a Palestinian cartoonist's name who was always fighting against the control of capitalism over culture and the Palestinian resistance.
Author: Nedal Hahem
More on source: arabcartoon.