

7th International Cartoon / Caricature Contest, Magazine "Nosorog" ("Rhinocerus")

The organizer of 7th International cartoon/caricature contest is The International magazine for satire, humor and cartoons “Nosorog” ( “Rhinocervs”; ). The contest is opened for professional or amateur cartoonists, from any country, any nationality, age, sex, or profession.
THEME: BIG & BIGGEST PHILOSOPHERS In 19th and 20th Century
First Prize: 300 euros + Diploma
Second Prize: Diploma
Third Prize: Diploma
Five ( 5 ) Special Diplomas
Conditions of entry:
1. Technic: any Technic will be accepted
2. IMPORTANT: Write on each caricature which philosopher you present! (you may find photos of philosophers on Wikipedia, or somewhere other on net)
3. Entries: maximum 7 entries will be submitted
4. Size of entries: A4, A3 format
5. Send your name, surname, address and the E-mail
6. You may send by post or by E-mail
7. E-mail for sending art-work:
Note: 300 dpi resolution; JPG, JPEG format
8. If you send by post, address is:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back!
Entry deadline is the December 15th 2014.
10. Names of Philosophers:
1. Arthur Schopenhauer (Germany)
2. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard - (Denmark)
3. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - (Germany)
4. Auguste Comte – (France)
5. John Stuart Mill – (England)
6. Herbert Spencer – (England)
7. Alexander von Humboldt – (Germany)
8. Gustav Theodor Fechner – (Germany)
9. Rudolf Hermann Lotze - (Germany)
10. Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg – (Germany)
11. Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann – (Germany)
12. Ernst Kuno Berthold Fischer – (Germany)
13. Friedrich Albert Lange - (Germany)
14. Hermann Cohen - (Germany)
15. Paul Gerhard Natorp - (Germany)
16. Ernst Cassirer - (Germany)
17. Wilhelm Windelband - (Germany)
18. Heinrich John Rickert - (Germany)
19. Richard Kroner - (Germany)
20. Benedetto Croce - (Italy)
21. Giovanni Gentile - (Italy)
22. Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin - (Russia)
23. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin - (Russia)
24. Charles Sanders Peirce - (USA)
25. William James - (USA)
26. John Dewey - (USA)
27. Charles W. Morris - (USA)
28. Richard McKay Rorty - (USA)
29. Richard Heinrich Ludwig Avenarius - (Switzerland)
30. Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel Mach - (Austria)
31. Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known as: George Santayana - (Spain-USA)
32. Henri Bergson - (France)
33. Wilhelm Dilthey (Germany)
34. Georg Simmel - (Germany)
35. Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler - (Germany)
36. Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky - (Russia)
37. Semyon Lyudvigovich Frank - (Russia)
38. George Edward Moore - (England)
39. Bertrand Arthur William Russell - (England)
40. Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein - (Austria-England)
41. Bernhard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano - Bernard Bolzano - (Czech Kingdom, Bohemian Kingdom)
42. Franz Clemens Honoratus Hermann Brentano - Franz Brentano - (Germany)
43. Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl - Edmund Husserl - (Germany)
44. Max Ferdinand Scheler - (Germany)
45. Gustav Gustavovich Shpet - (Russia-SSSR)
46. Nicolai Hartmann - (Russia-Germany)
47. Martin Heidegger - (Germany)
48. Martin Buber - (Austria-Israel)
49. Emmanuel Levinas - (Russia-France)
50. Gabriel Honoré Marcel - (France)
51. Karl Theodor Jaspers - (Germany)
52. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev - (Russia-France)
53. Žan Pol Sartr (France) - Jean-Paul Sartre
54. Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo - (Spain)
55. José Ortega y Gasset - (Spain)
56. Max Horkheimer - (Germany)
57. Theodor W. Adorno - (Germany)
58. Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin - Walter Benjamin - (Germany)
59. Herbert Marcuse - (Germany-USA)
60. Erich Seligmann Fromm - (Germany-Mexico-Switzerland)
61. Jürgen Habermas - (Germany)
62. Niklas Luhmann - (Germany)
63. György Lukács - (Hungary)
64. Karl Korsch - (Germany)
65. Ernst Bloch - (Germany)
66. Gajo Petrović (Yugoslavia)
67. Étienne Gilson - (France)
68. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - (Russia)
69. Nikolay Alekseevich Umov - (Russia)
70. Nikolai Fyodorovich Fyodorov - (Russia)
71. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky - (Russia)
72. Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - (Russia)
73. Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky - (Russia)
74. Karl Raimund Popper - (Austria-England)
75. Thomas Samuel Kuhn - (USA)
76. Paul Karl Feyerabend - (Austria-USA)
77. Claude Lévi-Strauss - (France)
78. Michel Foucault - (France)
79. Jacques Marie Émile Lacan - (France)
80. Ferdinand de Saussure - (Switzerland-France)
81. Jacques Derrida - (France)
82. Hans-Georg Gadamer - (Germany)
83. Merab Mamardashvili - (SSSR)
84. Eugen Fink - (Germany)
… (also, you may draw some others)
Plus: Milan Uzelac (Serbia).
11. EXHIBITION: The exhibition will take place in the gallery of the National Library of Republika Srpska, city Banja Luka
12 - IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that the State, from which awarded is, under international sanctions, the organizer is not liable if it can not deliver the prize!
13. Note: Sender must be author of caricatures!
14. Jury members:
Mrs. Maria Claudia Re, cartoonist, illustrator, designer - Argentina
Mr. Aleksandar Blatnik, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Kosanovich, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Mihajlovich, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Vladica Milenkovich, writer, Editor in Chief, Serbia
Mr. Miladin Berich, writer, Editor, Republika Srpska/BA
Mr. Goran Kljajich, writer, Chief Editor of “Nosorog”, Republika Srpska/BA.
We wish you good art-work and successful participation to everyone.
International magazine for satire, cartoon and caricature “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”)
City Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
Balkan, Europe.
Source: facebook.

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